» Literary Collections » How to Study Architecture, Charles H. Caffin [best manga ereader .TXT] 📗

Book online «How to Study Architecture, Charles H. Caffin [best manga ereader .TXT] 📗». Author Charles H. Caffin

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Roman Tombs, of, 198
Polished Stone Age, 17, 18, 19, 95
Pope, Alexander, quoted, 427, 436
Porch, at Abydos, 42
Bank of England, 438
Chartres, at, 269
Cologne, City Hall, 395
Colonial, 431
Doric, 121
English Gothic, 290
Portals, see Doorways
Anglo-Palladian use, 424-426
Capitol, Washington, 446
Colonial use, 431-2
Darius’ Palace, 83, 85
Early Christian Churches, 193
Ecbatana, at, 80
Greek Theatre, of, 144
Hellenic use, 116, 120-2, 131, 141
Panthéon, Paris, 443
Pasargadæ, 82
Renaissance, 353, 365
Spanish, 400-1
Roman use, 169, 171, 181
S. George’s Hall, Liverpool, 439
Tiryns, at, 101
Treasury Building, Washington, 446
White House, 446
Xerxes Palace, in, 86
Post and beam or lintel (Gloss.), 8, 14, 16
Pot Metal (Gloss.), 292
Pottery, 218
Etruscan, 155
Mycenæan, 97
Presbytery, 289
Primitive Ornament, 18
Structures, 8, 12
Printing invented, 322
Projections (Gloss.), use of, 133, 179, 312, 365
Pro-naos, see Vestibule (Gloss.)
Proportion (Gloss.), 11, 134
Propylæa (Gloss.), 85, 101, 121, 131, 141
Proscenium, or proskenion (Gloss.), 144, 145, 176
Prostylar (Gloss.), 120
Provence, 235, 238, 241, 252, 331
Ptolemaic period, 53
Pulpits, Muhammedan, 217
Puritan influence, 336, 430
Pylons (Gloss.), Assyrian, 68
Byzantine, 208
Egyptian, 48, 50
Pyramidal Dome, 404
roof, 252, 414
Pyramids (Gloss.), 14
Cheops, 34, 39
Chephren, 34, 39
Gizeh, 34, 39, 40
Medun, 66, 67
Menkara, 34, 39
Nebo, 62, 67
Primitive, 14
Sakkarah, 34
Truncated, 48

Quadriga (Gloss.), 179
Quatrefoil (Gloss.), 316
Quattrocento (Gloss.), 338, 340
Queen post (Gloss.), 296
Quoins (Gloss.), 348

Ra, Egyptian deity, 30
Rabelais, 329
Racine, 439
Raleigh, Sir Walter, 336
Ramasseum, 46-50
Ramp (Gloss.), 66, 68, 85
Ravenna, 201
Baptistry, 201
Church of S. Apollinare-in-Classe, 201
S. Apollinare Nuovo, 201
S. Vitale, 202
Tomb of Galla Placidia, 201
Rawlinson, Henry, translator of cuneiform script, 57
Rayonnant Gothic (Gloss.), 271, 282, 285-6, 287
Rectangular Gothic, see Perpendicular
Refinements (Gloss.), 136, 140, see Assymmetries
Reformation, The, 328, 332, 335, 337
Regula (Gloss.), 126
Reja, see screen (Gloss.)
Religious Orders, growth of, 236
Renaissance, The (Gloss.):
America, influence of, in, 429
Anglo-classical style, 425
Architects, importance of, 339
Architecture derived from Rome, 183
Baroque style, 351
Beaux Arts training founded on, 463
Bohemia, in, 355
Châteaux, 377-88
Churrigueresque style, 393, 405
Classic influence, 340, 402
Counter Reformation, 329, 330
Elizabethan style, 410, 413
Flamboyant style, 285-6
Flemish, Renaissance, 405-9
Florence, architects of, 342-4
France, Renaissance in, 331
Germany, in, 327, 391-6
Giralda, Tower of, 225
Gothic, compared to, 366
Gothic despised by, 366
Great Britain, in, 410-28
Holland, in, 409
Incongruities in, 360-70
Interiors, 415
Italy, in, 333, 338
Jacobean style, 410, 412-13, 415
Paganism of, 326
Palazzo Vecchio, 315, 358
Plateresque style, 398
Point of view of artists, 357-9, 373-4
Queen Anne style, 424
Reaction from, 435
Reformation, the, 328
Reversion to, 444
Roman Architecture, basis of, 346, 351
Sky scrapers of Renaissance design, 473
Spain in, 329, 397-405
Tours, School of, 376
Tuscan Romanesque, compared to, 369
Venetian architects, 352
Retablos (Gloss.), 309
Retrochoir (Gloss.), 289, 295, 298
Revett and Stuart’s Classic exploration, 436
Revolution, French, 333
Rhenish Confederation, 331
Rhythm in architecture (Gloss.), 11, 134
In vaulting (Gloss.), 242
Diagonal, 250, 272, 294
Lierne, 294
Longitudinal, 294
Louvre, in pavilion of, 385
Tierceron, 294
Transverse rib, 294
S. Peter’s, in dome of, 373
Rococo style (Gloss.), 333, 389-90
French, 375, 389-90
German, 391, 393
Venetian, 366
Roman Augustine Age, 151
Attempt to revive Empire, 232
Barbarian invasions, 157
Christianity in, 157
Citizenship, 147-8
Civilisation, 147-162
Etruscans, 156
Exponents of order, 149
Great era of building, 152, 156
Holy Roman Empire, 321
Provinces, 148, 152
Renaissance, 323-7, 346-352
Roman Writers, 150
Sacked by Germans, 347, 354
Roman Architecture 163-183
Amphitheatres, 174
Aqueducts, 182
Arch, the, 166

Arch, Triumphal, 178
Basilicas, 177
Baths, 176
Bridges, 182
Circuses, 173
Colosseum, 174
Columns, 169, 170, 171, 178
Composite order, use of, 165
Concrete, use of, 153
Corinthian order, 164
Decoration of Walls, 168-9
Domestic buildings, 180
Influence on Byzantine, 202
Persian, 152
Romanesque, 170, 180, 183
Maison Carrée, Nîmes, 169
Masonry of, 153
Mosaics, 168
Nymphæum, 170
Orders, the, 163-166
Ornament, 169
Palaces, 179
Revival of influence, 437
Rotundas, 170, 171, 198
Temples, 169-173
Theatres, 175-6
Tombs, 198
Training in, at Écoles des Beaux Arts, 463
Vaulting, 167, 243
Villas, 180-1
Romanesque Architecture, 241-260
Arcading, 244-5, 307
Arch, the, 245
Chêvet, the, 241-2
Doors, 245, 254
England, in, 254
Exteriors, 245
France, in, 252
Influence in French Gothic, 282
Germany, 301
Italy, in, 313, 315
Central, 246-249
Northern, 249-251
Southern, 249
Origin of, 170, 180, 183, 212
Originates Gothic, 270, 271, 276
Period of, 232
Rhenish Provinces, in, 257, 307
Rib Vaulting, 243
Roman principles in, 241
Spain, in, 259-60
Tuscany, in, 367
Variations in, 240
Windows, 245, 251
Anio Novus Aqueduct, 183
Aqua Claudia, 183
Arch of Cæsar Augustus, 160
Constantine, 159, 178
Janus, 159
Septimus Severus, 161, 178
Titus, 159, 178
Basilicas, Æmilia, 160, 177
Fulvia, 177
Julia, 160, 177
Maxentius or Constantine, 177
Porcia, 177
Ulpia, 177
Baths, of Agrippa, 176
Caracalla, 176
Commodus, 176
Constantine, 176
Diocletian, 176
Domitian, 176
Nero, 176
Titus, 176
Bridges, 182
Capitoline Hill, 158
Circus, Maxentius, 173
Maximus, 173
Colosseum, 174-5
Columns of Victory, 178
Comitium, 158
Curia, 158
Etruscan Museum, 348
Forum Boarium, 170
Romanum, 157-8, 170
Il Gesu, 349
Milliarium, 158
Nymphæum, 170
Palaces of Augustus, 179
Cancellaria, 346
Capitol, 350, 363-5
Caprarola, 348
Farnese, 348
Massimi, 348
Pandolfini, 347
Pantheon, 122, 164,

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