» Literary Collections » How to Study Architecture, Charles H. Caffin [best manga ereader .TXT] 📗

Book online «How to Study Architecture, Charles H. Caffin [best manga ereader .TXT] 📗». Author Charles H. Caffin

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Cathedral, on, 269
Cheops, of, 40
Coloured, 136
Dome of Capitol, Washington, on, 447
Giralda, S. Faith, 225
Gothic Cathedrals, on, 276-8
German, 304
Italy, 312, 314
Netherlands, 307
Spain, 309
Hermes of Praxiteles, 118
Louvre, on, 385
Marseillaise, La, 443
Michelangelo, by, 350, 364
Palace of Rezzonico, in, 356
Renaissance, English, 411
German, 392, 396
S. John, by Michelangelo, 344
S. Maria della Salute, of, 356
S. Peter’s in, 372
Temple of Diana, Nîmes, 170
Trajan’s Column, on, 179
Tympanum, in Hellenic, 135
Zeus, of, 111
Steel Construction, 461, 470, 471, 473, 478
Steeples (Gloss.), 423
Stele (Gloss.), 14, 132
Stone, use of:
Arches, single stone, 199
Crosses, 18
Cut stone of Persia, 81
Egyptian use of large, 41
Italy, in, 154
Mediæval, in, 241
Obelisks, 43
Polished stone, 18, 19
Primitive use of large, 8, 13, 14, 15, 20
Pyramids, in, 40
Rough Stone age, 18
Sacrificial, 16, 20
Steel construction, in, 473
Stonehenge, 8, 16, 100
Stories, division into:
Arcades, in, 229
Byzantine use, 208, 209
Casa Lonja, in, 402
Escoriál, in, 404
Gothic, German, 306
Italian, 312
Netherlands, 307
Michelangelo’s treatment of, 350
Renaissance, English, 414, 418 421
French, 354, 360, 363, 364
Renaissance use, Netherlands, 407
Sky scrapers, in, 474
Temple of Nippur, in, 66
Wren’s Steeples, in, 423
Strains, 15
Carried by columns, 124
Gothic, 271-2, 285
Hellenic recognition of, 135
Vaulting, in, 166, 270
Stretchers and headers (Gloss.), 424
String course:
Gothic, Italian, 312, 314
Netherlands, 306
Palazzo Vecchio, 360
Queen Anne style, 424
Renaissance, Venetian, 361
Stuart and Revett, discoveries by 436
Stucco, use of (Gloss.):
Doric Temples, in, 121
Egypt, use in, 55
Greek use of, 122
Renaissance, 352
English, 417
German, 393
Venetian, 361
Rococo use of, 389
Tiryns, in, 102
Anglo-Classical, 410, 424
Chinese, 428
Churrigueresque, 393, 405
Colonial, 430
Elizabethan, 410
Georgian, 427, 430
Jacobean, 410
Palladian, 368, 370, 402, 418, 424
Plateresque, 398-9, 400
Portico, 424
Queen Anne, 424, 427, 430
Queen Anne Revival, 458
Stylobate (Gloss.):
Asymmetries in, 137
Doric, 122
Ionic, 128
Panthéon, Paris, 443
Parthenon, 138
S. George’s Hall, Liverpool, 438
S. Paul’s, 421
Stylus, use of, 57
Subjective point of view, 4
Symonds, John Addington, 329
Syria, 199
Architectural remains in, 199
Cathedral of Borah, 200
Churches, Kalb-Lauzeh, 200
S. George, Esrah, 200
Turmanin, 200
S. Simeon Stylites, 200
Conquered by Muhammedans, 215
Influence on Byzantine, 202
Dome of the Rock, or, Mosque of Omar, 223
El-Aksah, 223
El-Walid, Damascus, 223

Tabernacles (Gloss.), German Gothic, 305
Spanish Renaissance, 398
Tabernæ, in Rome, 159
Taconia, 126
Tampa Tocco, ruins at, 19
Tel-el-Amarna, Ruins at, 55
Abydos, at, 53
Agrigentum, 119
Ammon, 51
Aphrodisias, Caria, 193
Apollo at Bassæ, 123
at Miletus, 122
at Naucratis, 128
Assos, at, 126
Athene, at Ægina, 119
Athene Nike, 119, 141-2
Cæsar, 160
Castor and Pollux, 160, 164
Chons, 51
Concord, of, 161
Corinth, at, 118
Costa Rica, ruins at, 20
Deir-el-Bahri, 44
Delos, in, 119
Delphi, at, 119
Diana, 170
Diocletian’s Palace, in, 180
Edfou, at, 54
Egyptian, plans of, 46-50
Erechtheion, The, 121, 129, 131, 136, 141, 165, 193, 436, 438
Etruscan, 155
Hellenic, plans of, Early, 119
Later, 121-123
Hera, of, 111, 117
Hyperboreans, of the, 17
Jerusalem, at, 79, 223
Jupiter, Capitoline, 156, 158
Karnak, at, 44, 50
Luxor, at, 51, 53
Madeleine, The, modelled on, 443
Maison Carrée, 169
Mater Matuta, 170, 171
Medinct Abou, at, 139
Mexico, in, 20
Michelangelo’s adaptations of, 364-5
Minerva Medica, 207
Minoan, no temples, 92
Nebo, at, 62, 67
Nineveh, at, 60
Nippur, at, 66
Olympia, of, 119
Pantheon, Rome, 122, 164, 167-8, 170-1, 348, 372
Parthenon, the, 8, 119, 125, 127, 137, 138, 140, 436
Pasargadæ, at, 75
Philæ, at, 53
Phœbus Apollo, of, 118
Poseidon, of, 118, 119, 125
Rameses II, of, 45
Saturn, 160, 164
Seti II, of, 51
Sippar, at, 57
Sphinx, The Great, 38, 41
Tampu Tocco, 19
Theseum, 119, 193
Tholos, Epidauros, 121, 131
Uri, at, 139
Vesta, Rome, 160, 170
Vesta, Tivoli, 170, 171
Zeus, 111, 122
at Agrigentum, 118, 119
Olympian, 119, 120, 122
Selinas, 119
Tænia (Gloss.), 126
Terraces (Gloss.):
Babylon, Gardens of, 61
Châteaux, of, 379
Machu Picchu, of, 20
Nippur, of, 66
Pasargadæ, of, 81
Persepolis, of, 85
Renaissance examples, 374
S. George’s Hall, Liverpool, 438
Sargon’s Castle, of, 68
Tampu Tocco, 19
Tenochtitlan, of, 20
Versailles, of, 387
Xerxes’ Palace, of, 85
Terracotta (Gloss.):
Etruscans, use by, 155
Renaissance, in, 411
Romans, use by, 168, 182
Roof construction, use in, 122
Steel construction, use in, 473
Tertiary Style, see Flamboyant
Tessera (Gloss.), 168
Tetrastyle (Gloss.), 121
Thatched roofs, 155
Dionysos, of, 143
Ducal theatre, Weimar, 439
Epidauros in Argolis, 143
Federal Street Theatre, Boston, 448
Hellenic Theatres, 142, 145, 173, 175
Marcellus, of, 164
Orange, at, 176
Roman, 173
Royal Theatre, Berlin, 440
Sheldonian, Oxford, 419
Teatro Olympico, 352
Vitruvius’ description of, 144
Thermæ, see Baths
Thessaly, remains at, 89
Thirteenth Century Gothic, see Gothic, Primary
Thrust (Gloss.), 15
Basilicas, in, 178
Gothic, in, 273
Mansard roof, in, 385
Muhammedan arches, 221
Roman arches, in, 166, 170
Vaulting, in, 242, 244, 253
Tiglath-Pileser, Assyrian kings, 59, 60
Tiles (Gloss.):
Alhambra, use in, 227
Assyria, in, 68, 72, 97
Chaldæan, 68
Domes, in, 207
Doric Temples, in, 121, 122, 123
Early Christian churches, in, 201
Greek use, 122
Muhammedan use of, 222
Persian use of, 86, 97, 218, 229
Renaissance, English, 414

Roman use of, 168
Temple of Hera, roof of, 118
Turkish use of, 228
Tiryns, Prehistoric civilisation of, 88
Architecture, 98, 100-2
Resemblance to Etruscan, 155
Tivoli, Temple of Vesta, in, 170-1
Villa of Hadrian, 180-1
Abydos, at, 42
Agamemnon, of, 100
Altun Obu, at, 14
Amenopheum, the, 45
Artaxerxes, of, 76, 82
Atreus, of, 124
Barrows, 13, 14

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