» Literary Collections » How to Study Architecture, Charles H. Caffin [best manga ereader .TXT] 📗

Book online «How to Study Architecture, Charles H. Caffin [best manga ereader .TXT] 📗». Author Charles H. Caffin

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Brussels, 408
Ghent, 307
Louvain, 307
Malines, 406
Mechlin, 307
Ypres, 307
Gilds, trades, 233, 235, 278, 342, 406
Giotto, 319
Bas-reliefs, by, 312
Campanile designed by, 312
Frescoes by, 311
Paintings by, 340
Giovannoni, Professor, Asymmetries discovered by, 139
Gizeh, Sphinx at, 38
Temple at, 41
Wall paintings at, 48
Goethe, 439
Goodyear, Professor William H., Discoveries of asymmetries, 131, 137, 139, 247-8, 278-9
“Grammar of the Lotus,” 131
Gothic Architecture (Gloss.), 49, 263, et seq.
Arches, 272, 290, 312
Asymmetries in, 139, 278-80
Buttresses, use of, 166, 272-3
Cathedrals, 269, 277, 279, 281-2, 284-5, 288, 289
Compared with Classic, 276
Cnossus, 96
Hellenic, 118
Persian, 85
Renaissance, 328, 364
Decay of, 364
Decorated Period, 271, 287, 291
Early English Period, 271
Flamboyant Period, 271
France, in, 281-287
Periods in, 285
Secular buildings, 286
Germany, in, 301
Use of brick in, 305
Great Britain, 287-301
Exteriors in, 297
Interiors in, 298
Ornament in, 290
Periods, 287
Italy, in, 310-316
Motives in architecture, 277
Netherlands, in, 306-7
Periods, 270-1, 285, 287
Perpendicular, or Tudor, 275, 287, 295, 410, 450
Rayonnant, 271, 282, 285-7
Revival of, 439, 452-3

Sculpture, 276
Spanish, 308, 398
Thrusts and counter-thrusts, 272-3
Transition period, 310, 346, 358
Vaulting, 284-5, 293-6, 310
West Fronts, 282
Windows, 274-5
Wooden roofs, 296
“Gothic Quest,” R. A. Cram, 366, 453
Government Buildings:
Capitol, Washington, 445-6
Custom House Boston, 448
Custom House, N. Y. C., 448
Doge’s Palace, 315
Horse Guards, London, 426
Houses of Parliament, 450
Law Courts, Manchester, 452
Mint, Philadelphia, 448
New Law Courts, London, 451
Pantheon, Paris, 388
Parliament House, Budapesth, 451
Parliament House, Vienna, 440
State Capitol, Conn., 452
Sub-Treasury, 448
Treasury, Washington, 446
White House, the, 445-6
Greece, Mycenæan art in, 88, 89.
See Hellenes.
Greek-Asiatic, 82, 84, 89
Griego-Romano, 405
Grille (Gloss.), Turkish, 228
Grotefind, George Frederick, discoveries by, 57
Mexican primitive, 21
Ornament, in, 165, 251, 255
Palais de Justice, Liège, in, 406
Style, 405
Guelphs and Ghibellines, 323
Guttae (Gloss.), 127

Hadrian, builder of Pantheon, 171
Villa of, 180
Half-timbered (Gloss.), 412
Central Hall, Houses of Parliament, 451
Châteaux, in, 378, 381, 382
Darius’s Palace, in, 85
Egyptian Temples, of, 34
German Knights, Hall of the Order of, 305
Hall Church, 304
Hundred Columns, Hall of a, 85
Hypostyle Hall, 49, 51
Karnak, at, 51
Median Palaces, of, 80
Mediæval Castles, of, 300, 378, 416
Middle Temple, of, 297
National Hall of Statuary, Washington, 447
Renaissance Palaces, in, 416
S. George’s, Liverpool, 438
Westminster, 297, 451
Whitehall, 418
Hamlin, Professor, quoted, 206, 282
Hanseatic League, 301, 407
Harmony, Principle of (Gloss.), 11, 134
Haroun-el-Raschid, 215
Haussman, Baron, 444
Hawkins, Admiral, 336
Height, in design, 474
Hellenic Architecture, 116-146
Asymmetries, 136-140
Beauty, feeling for, 112
Corinthian order, 131-2
Dionysian Festival, the, 107
Doric order, the 118, 126-7
Entablature, the, 126-7
Influence on Beaux Arts training, 463-5
Influence on Etruscans, 155
Influence on Germany, 439-40
Ionic Order, the, 128-30
Olympian Festival, 110
Orders, the, 116-7, 123, 131
Ornament, 132-4
Parthenon, the, 119, 137-8, 140
Projections, 133
Propylæa, 141
Temples, 116-124
Hellenic Civilisation, 105
Conflict with Persians, 76
Dorian supremacy, 106
Origin of, 105
Peloponnesian Wars, 109
Persian invasion, 108
Supplant Cretans, 91-2
The Great Age, 107
Hemong, the bell-founder, 408
“Heptameron, The,” 375
Herodes Atticus, 145
Hexastyle (Gloss.), 121
Hieroglyphic writings, 27, 90
Hip roof (Gloss.), 385, 432
“History of Art,” Winckelmann, 436-439
Hogarth’s Line of Beauty, 133, 380
City Halls in,
Alkmaar, 409
Bolsward, 409
Delft, 409
Dordrecht, 409
Enkhuisen, 409
Hague, 409
Hoorn, 409
Kampen, 409
Leuwarden, 409
Leyden, 409
Waaghuisen, 409
Zwolle, 409
Renaissance, 409
Influence on English Renaissance, 424
Homer, 91, 107
Chartres, 286
Gothic, 286, 299
Greenwich, 419
Ospedale degli Innocente, 344
Santa Cruz, Toledo, 399
Humanism, 320, 331, 334
Hut construction, 36
Hypœthral (Gloss.), 122
Hypostyle Halls (Gloss.), 49, 51, 54, 80, 85

Ideograph writing, ideograms, 57
Île de France, 271-2, 310
Impluvium (Gloss.), 181
Impost Block (Gloss.), 201-204
In Antis (Gloss.), 82, 83, 120
Incas, structures of the, 19
India, 229
Agra, 230
Ahmedabad, 229
Akbar, Mosque of, 230
Mahmud, Tomb of, 230
Indians, North American, 18
Insula, pl. Insulæ (Gloss.), 180, 182
Intercolumniation (Gloss.):
Dorian, 118, 125
Early Christian use, 195
Egyptian use, 86
Gothic use, 298
Hellenic, 134
Ionic, 129
Persian, 86
Interior, Designs of, 455
Houses of Parliament, 451
Office Buildings, 471
Ionic Islands, 89
Culture, 109
Luxury, 110, 128
Migrations, 105
Ionic Order (Gloss.), 128-30
Egypt, in, 128
Lycia, columns in, 99
Myra, columns in, 99
Parthenon, in, 140
Persian use of, 140
Renaissance, in, 349, 352, 389, 402-3
Roman use, 164, 165, 174
Romanesque, 245
Washington, 446
Iran, see Persian
Ironwork Gothic in Germany, 305
Italian Architecture:
Gesso work in, 97
Gothic in, 271, 312
Hellenic remains in, 89
Influence on England, 335
Ecclesiastical buildings, 366-74
Florentine, 342, 345, 358-60
France, 331, 376, 380
Germany, 327
Lombardy, 251, 258
Netherlands, 333
Renaissance, in, 323-337, 338-374
Roman, 346-352, 363-5
Spain, 329
Venetian, 352-356, 360-3, 365
Roman, see Rome.
Romanesque, 241, 313-315
Central Italy, 246-9
Northern Italy, 249-52
Southern Italy, 249
Italian Civilisation:
Byzantine, in, 194, 196-7, 209-10
Classic Influence, 340
Conflict with German Empire, 239
Counter Reformation, 329
Decline of culture, 331
Etruscan, 154
Power of the Dukes, 323-4
Renaissance, 323, 338
Rise of power of the Church, 189
Sack of Rome, 327
The Roman Empire, 147-157

Jambs (Gloss.), 245, 254, 283
Jars, clay, 93, 97
Jerusalem, 79, 223
Julius II, 346, 349, 367
Julius III, 348

Ka, 32, 33, 41
Kaaba, the (Gloss.), 214, 217, 221
Kahun, ruins at, 55
Karnak, 44, 50, 85, 86, 281
Keep, the Donjon, 378, 381
Keystones (Gloss.),

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