» Mystery & Crime » After Death, an ultimate truth., Harshavardhan C [e book reader for pc .TXT] 📗

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coming calamity, please take the flight to India” Dr. Jinnah requested the Militants.

“Sorry Mr. Jinnah, it is just impossible and you can neither dream off nor step into Indian soil”

“Okay gentlemen, it means that you will never leave me, and that I can never reach India. Isn’t it?”

The militants laughed at him.

“But, I tell you honestly that I will go to India under any cost” Dr. Jinnah said with utmost confidence.

“Mr. Jinnah are you playing jokes with us? Do you know that we are flying more than fifty thousand feet above the sea level? And we have crossed mountains and now we are flying across the seas; then how can you reach India? Don’t try to live in dreams?” Said the commander.

“I pity you gentlemen, I may appear to you a joker, but if you really want to know the ultimate truth of life, after death, you just fly to India. I assure you though the fuel in the flight is being exhausted, the flight will reach and land safely in India; and all the passengers, crew, and your squad will be safe. And finally you can find out whether Mr. Rahman is dead or alive on the funeral prey” He said.

“Why do you feel for a bloody betrayer Mr. Jinnah?” The commander put to him.

There was no answer from Dr. Jinnah. He just sat in padamasana and closed his eyes, after taking a long breath.

“Please do something to save him sir” The co- passenger Miss. Sania pleaded them.

“Don’t be afraid off baby. There is neither sprit nor soul. What he spoke is all a cock and bull story only. He is just pretending. If you want to know it practically, you may examine him” Said the leader.

Miss. Sania was about to join in the course of sports medicine and she had some knowledge; and she examined both his pulse and respiration. But she could neither find in him pulse nor respiration.

“Sir he is no more” She raised a hue and cry unable to control herself.

“Shut up, you dirty girl, how do you come to a conclusion? You are neither an expert nor a doctor? You first keep your mouth shut and then answer our questions. What is your qualification?” The leader started interrogating her.

She didn’t reply him. In fact, she had a reasonable answer, but when once she declared her identity, she would be exposed to her parents, as she was roaming about for a Hindu at India, and henceforth her parents would make her house arrest.

“You are only ten plus two, and at the most you know that failure of respiration is the ultimate cause for death. But, you don’t know the fact that there is a technique to with hold respire in yoga” The leader of the squad warned her.

“Sir, he is dead. If you still nourish a doubt, you please check him personally or get him checked by a doctor” She said confidently.

“Even our commander explained also, you bloody chicken hearted girl, still you doubt us” One of the comrades shouted her.

“Why should we keep the passengers and the crew in puzzle, let us examine him and hit back their quarries if any comrades” The commander ordered them.

“Is there any doctor on board to confirm Dr. Jinnah’s condition please?” One of his comrades caused enquiry.

A grand old man, by name Dr. Sirajuddin, who was a retired medical officer from India, who was on a brief visit to Pakistan, as his son and daughter in law were staying in Pakistan, raised his hand.

“Thank you Doctor, examine him please” The commander received him politely.

Out of curiosity or may be due to professional ethics, the grand old man, Dr. Sirajuddin wanted to support them. He himself was also interested to satisfy the common man from his inquisitiveness to know what next after death?

Then after getting green signal, Dr. Sirajuddin rushed to Dr. Jinnah and examined him.

After he was satisfied with his thorough examinations, and before confirming Dr. Jinnah’s health status, he drew the attention of all of them in the high jacked flight.

Everybody was anxious and rather scared to know from the expert. “Ladies and gentlemen, I have put in my heart and soul only for understanding the human anatomy all through my life; except which is available in books I could understand nothing on the examination of the body of Dr. Jinnah. But today is a very special day for me as even after my retirement also I felt the need and necessity to learn the final lesson on human anatomy especially after I examined the body of Dr. Jinnah” Dr. Sirajuddin spoke in a state of confusion.

“Please tell us the facts and your findings Dr. Sirajuddin; we are eager to know from you” The leader asked him hurriedly.

“I am sorry commander; after all I am a retired doctor. After examining the body of Dr. Jinnah I could not speak anything about his condition, which is not in my scope or reach” He said quite humbly.

“Sorry Doctor, we couldn’t understand what you mean by that? And now we are forced to suspect your antecedents also” The leader was displeased with his statement and said seriously.

“Then may I request you commander to check him personally” Dr. Sirajuddin advised him in a quite humble way. Then the commander checked Mr. Jinnah in every inch of his body physically with his medical knowledge. To his utter dismay there was no pulse, no respiration, and no normal temperature in the body of Mr. Jinnah. The temperature of the body had gone down. It normally happens, only few minutes after the physical death of any person.

Not only the leader and his armed squad but also the crew, who were in the high jacked flight, also checked Dr. Jinnah physically at random for their conformation.

“Ladies and gentlemen, I declare that Dr. Jinnah is dead” The leader of the armed squad concluded and said firmly.

On confirmation of the death of Dr. Jinnah, all the inmates in the flight were taken aback.


Chapter: 14


Surprisingly there was shocking news to the world that the flight was again high jacked from the highjacks by another group.

But this time it was taken towards India.

Who high jacked the flight second time?

And who abducted the passengers on board?

They all remain mystery and were not known to anybody at once.

What was the insurgency or the terrorist organization, which high jacked the flight?

Neither any organization nor individual declared so far; nor did the high jacks come up with their demands.

This incident also disturbed the air passengers. But all the passengers in the high jacked flight were deeply concerned about the mystery behind the life and death of Dr. Jinnah. They were also curious to know as to what happened to Mr. Rahman? Whether Dr. Jinnah would bring back the life of Mr. Rahman as promised by him?

Prof. Gandhi’s Lap Top was still connected to a popular English channel and all the incidents had been live telecasted.

Now the entire world was anxious to know about the fate of the flight, which was twice hijacked; one in the very next minute of the flight took off from the runway; and second time in the air, but by whom it was high jacked second time was not declared so far.


Chapter: 15


The second high jacks’ demands are:

The Indian government had to make way for emergency landing of the international flight in almost all the domestic terminals situated in towns of all states in India.

This trick the high jacks used, may be because to escape themselves easily. To keep ready a convoy of vehicles, along with a pilot and an escort vehicle to clear traffic to reach their destination.

And their destination as of now was a hundred billion dollar question to the States and their Heads.


Chapter: 16


The most standard Hindu burial was situated at Tadepalligudem, a small Municipal town in West Godavari district in the state of Andhra Pradesh. The man, who designed the burial with its purity, chastity, besides, it’s picturesque was only the care taker of the burial, who had no name and identity and who had never opened his lip nor spoken single word, ever since he took up the profession. But people used to call him as corpse (The Dead Body) because he used to cremate the dead bodies without charging anything.

And there was a church nearby the Hindu burial. And behind the church there was a cemetery in its court yard and Bro. Francis was its apostle.

And at far off the Christian cathedral and to its right at a walk able distance the mosque of historical times was situated. And in the adjoining court yard there was the Christian burial ground. Sk. Dada was the caretaker of the burial ground. It was used for burying the dead bodies of the Muslims.

From times immemorial, people got adopted to keep their dead in pyramids; some buried in caves with stones; some buried in the graves and later fill them with mud; and few cremated their beloved dead with fire wood; and off late the modern man cremated the dead in electric crematoriums.

Before doing away with the dead almost all the kith and kin of the dead in all religions do believe life after death; and accordingly they leave the belongings of the dead either in the burials or in the cremations. And the care takers of the burials used to perform their duties irrespective of the sentiments and attachments of the next of the bereaved.


Chapter: 17


“We are in danger” There was an emergency call for all the passengers and crew on the board of the flight.

“We are in danger zone. The flight is flying over seas and it is at a height of 50,000 feet above sea level. The fuel in the air craft is being exhausted. It is uncertain whether we end ourselves like that of No. 370 Malaysian flight mystery. Please open the all emergency Exit doors. All of you should wear parachutes and use oxygen masks please. And finally say goodbye to the world, and God may save you all, and alternately may your souls rest in peace” A school going boy of twelve years old, who was also travelling in same flight bid farewell to all, besides cautioning them about the forthcoming calamity.

“How foolish it is! It is sheer nonsense. He is not clever, might be suffering from some phobia, nor might be suffering from neurological disorder. Ladies and gentlemen don’t be carried away by him. He is just a minor and insane and ignore him please” Another co passenger, who was a South African, intervened and advised all.

“Sorry young man, my son is not an insane. In fact he is a member of a flight club. Perhaps with his enriched knowledge, gained through his practical experience only he tried to enlighten the co passengers” The mother of the boy got hurt by the comment of the South African.

“I am sorry. I agree that really you are a great mum having trained your minor son in the most adventurous trade. But please don’t take it personal. In fact I am an aeronautical Engineer. I used to pilot domestic flights. And with that experience only I have assured the passengers” The South African tried to apologize her.

After knowing that he was an Aeronautical Engineer; and also an experienced pilot she didn’t raise her voice again.

“Thanks for enlightening us gentlemen. What you have said is correct in normal conditions. But, have you ever experienced this type of situation? And have you ever handled the international flights? Can you give us guarantee for our safety and security, besides our survival and safe landing? Can you handle the situation at once?” Dr. Sirajuddin put him in quandary by posing him a good numbers of questions.

“Sorry gentlemen I can’t”

“Then keep quiet and do chekkabhajana”


“What I mean to say is pray your God at once” Dr. Sirajuddin tried to hold his anger.

“I couldn’t understand what chekkabajana is?” The South African asked his co passenger.

“I too don’t know,

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