» Mystery & Crime » After Death, an ultimate truth., Harshavardhan C [e book reader for pc .TXT] 📗

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definitely oblige you, but only after saving them from the death prey”

“Sorry Mr. Jinnah we will not accept your proposal and you better say now or never. And there is no alternative for you Mr. Jinnah” The leader said firmly.

“Please oblige me gentlemen. And for you in return, certainly I will accept whatever might be you order? And at the same time I remind you once again gentlemen that all religions are true; and the essence of all religions is being good and do well, and please question yourself once as are we?”

There is absolute serenity in the flight. There is only one unanimous feeling among all travelling in the flight that let Mr. & .Mrs. Rahman be reunited at least on the edge of death.

“Oh God please save them” Instead of praying for themselves, which was supposed to be their first priority, but all the co passengers were praying for Mr. & Mrs. Rahman.

“Mr. Commander even a sparrow will drop a leaf in the flooded waters to save an ant. Please note that it is a small bird in the world doing it for a small creature. And we are great human beings; can’t we do that much to our fellow beings? Anyway what I want to convey, I conveyed you gentlemen. And it is up to you to decide. Now my immediate priority is that I must rush to Mr. Rahman under any cost” Dr. Jinnah was very firm in his stand.

“But, we will never leave you; nor permit you to go to India, Mr. Jinnah” Said the leader firmly.

“It doesn’t matter for me at all, and so also I never care anybody. Anyhow, men have even befriended the most ferocious lions and tigers my dear gentlemen, and you are after all my fellow beings, can’t I mould you?”

“No, it is impossible. You haven’t understood our ideology, determination and commitment. You are not aware of our sacrifices. May be the lioness, and tigers sometimes change from their basic instinct qualities, when they are confined in cages in circus, but we are always ready for jihad only for Islam” The leader said point blank.

“Doesn’t matter. If you are committed to your ideology I am also equally strong to keep up my word and deed; and remember that I am going to India under any cost?” Dr. Jinnah said confidently.

“How can you go Mr. Jinnah? Are you mad are what? We shall never allow the flight to leave for India”

“No one can fight against nature. I believe that the nature is only our guide, philosopher, and mentor. When the five forces of the nature are guiding me, no one can stop me gentlemen”

“Are you challenging us Mr. Jinnah?”

“May be, and please don’t forget the fact that the soul travels much faster than any object in the Universe”

“That is only a myth Mr. Jinnah”

“You are wrong gentlemen. Perhaps you don’t understand the nature and its infinity”

“Mr. Jinnah may be you are speaking from the age old Hindu philosophy”

“Philosophy of life as revealed by any religion is one and the same gentlemen. Everything created by the universe may become old and you and I may become old but the nature will never be”

“Okay. And now we have decided your fate Mr. Jinnah. You being a true Musalman turned to be more fanatic than a born Hindu. We couldn’t understand whether you are tutored or you yourself have developed hatred towards Islam. Anyway goodbye and just close your eyes and pray your God and we want to finish you” The leader concluded.

The leader pressed the trigger of the pistol, which is just in lip to lip position at the temple region of Mr. Jinnah.

All the nine bullets in the 9mm pistol miss fired. And Dr. Jinnah simply smiled. For those who don’t believe may say it is sheer luck.

The leader threw the 9mm pistol on the carpet in the flight. Surprisingly, the last bullet in the pistol fired.

“You may definitely feel sorry for your accusations against the Nature’s dharma gentlemen. Dharma in any faith means the truth. Due to my appearance, you may look down me and I don’t mind for that. But don’t forget the saying love thy neighbour, which is the essence of all religions” Dr. Jinnah said finally.

“Mr. Jinnah please don’t over pose and you might have just escaped death narrowly. But sometimes it may rarely happen in some cases. It is just by sheer luck you are saved, but nothing great in it” Said the leader under humiliation.

“I do admit what you say gentlemen. But will you please answer me only one question?”

“Okay, why should we disappoint a dying man, you may carry on Mr. Jinnah”

“I thank you all gentlemen. My first question to you is that why am I saved? By whom I am saved? Who is benefitted out of my survival? Can any of you answer these questions please?” Dr. Jinnah said calmly.

“Mr. Jinnah we only spared you because of one and the only reason that you are born in our land, named after our country’s great leader, and finally we have confirmed that you are a born Muslim. Please try to keep up the honour of our cult, the name of our leader, and support our cause, or simply shut your mouth” The leader advised him finally.

“Sorry gentlemen, you are using religion for creating boarders and barriers among the people. I am sorry to remind you that even to high jack the flight also you have worn the uniform of Dubai cops and taken shelter under their guise. The flight, which you and your comrades have high jacked belongs to India; and now I straight put it to you that can you truly mark the areas and borders of spreading of Islam from where to where? Can you at least show the borders of your Home land now?” He simply asked him.

“Mr. Jinnah, we find you that you are quite arrogant; and in spite of our counselling also you are not moulded; still you have got the edacity to speak against Pakistan; and more particularly against Islam. Don’t forget that you have hurt our sentiments, and belittling our religion” The Commander was roaring like a lion.

“Perhaps you might have understood that I am speaking against Islam, but I put it to you gentlemen do you at least know that with how many faiths you have been antagonising?

Is Jihad a holy thing? Is it truly advocated by Islam? I don’t think the word jihad is used for killing of innocent people. According to the Quran jihad means only to protect the honour of one’s own family and children, and it never means to destroy the other’s gentlemen” Dr. Jinnah explained him the meaning of jihad.

“Then undoubtedly you have no knowledge about Quran Mr. Jinnah” The Commander said.

“No gentleman, the creator of this universe is the almighty. And the Satans only created borders and barriers, and that Satans are no other than religious fanatics” Dr. Jinnah replied him.

“Mr. Jinnah you are diverting the issue; and we have understood that you have not read the Quran”

“No gentlemen, I have read not only Quran, but all religions, including humanism, which perhaps you do not know” Dr. Jinnah said.

“Mr. Jinnah we are not kids to hear you anymore” The commander said ironically.

“Then, can you say the age of the universe gentlemen? Who is the Almighty? Who are his children? What happens to them after death? When you speak about religion, don’t restrict it to Islam only; please don’t forget the humanity as a whole. Anyway, you could not convince me, but at the same time I have tried my best to convince you by my word and deed gentlemen” Said Dr. Jinnah.

“You are spoiled on reading the texts on other sects Mr. Jinnah”

“Okay, as you said I am spoiled because I read other sects. But I still do mean what I said? And I let you know that all your doubts will be cleared. You said it is only my luck that saved me and that the nature has no play in it. Then why the misfired bullet fired again gentlemen?” Dr. Jinnah put him an embraced question.

“Because of its contact with the hard surface” The leader of the armed squad answered.

“But do you know the upcoming danger to the flight gentlemen” Dr. Jinnah cautioned him.

“Are you cursing us Mr. Jinnah?”

“No, I am not, you can better confirm with the pilots, whether what I said is correct or not?”

“Comrades please check up and disprove it” The commander ordered.

One of the militants went to the cabin, where the two pilots were held as hostages by the armed persons at gun point; and they were giving directions to the pilots; and they were dictating them their destination and alternative route slightly deviating from the route suggested by the DGCA. The militant caused enquiry with the pilots.

“Mr. Commander we are in danger”

The pilots revealed the fact that the fired bullet straight went through the air craft’s bottom, which normally never happen, and consequently it caused an air crack to the fuel tank of the air craft” The militants informed the commander after causing detailed enquiry with the pilots.

“My God! Just unbelievable and it is really a miracle. Unilaterally, we all request you Dr. Jinnah sir please save us all” All the passengers prayed him.

“Shut up you mad or what? He is only a human being and down to the earth man; and perhaps a hypnotist but not a Divine” The commander shouted the passengers.

“I am sorry to disappoint you my dear friends; what he said is right and I am not a divine to save you all; and for that matter no human being can become forever a God. If it is so there will be more number of Gods, than the human devils on the Earth. Hence I can only advice you to trust yourself; have belief and faith in nature. Nature never harms you, unless you try to override it due to your ignorance and innocence” Dr. Jinnah assured them.

With Dr. Jinnah’s’ verdict everybody was shocked, rather curious to know what was going to happen to the flight and to themselves?

There were people of different religions and sects in the high jacked flight. It was a perennial human history, in which humanity was divided into number of faiths and sects depending on their ancestry, domain, and finally belief and faith.

All the earthly emotions, inner feelings, debates and discussions, and reactions of the passengers on board, and the apparent challenges of the militancy and the fearless and confident answers of Dr. Jinnah, were kept on live, connected to a popular English channel by Prof. Gandhi, being a professor of Mass Communication and freelance journalist.

The entire world, had been witnessing what was going on in the flight?

Everybody was eager to know what had happened both in Pakistan and in India; and finally the fate of the flight and the lives of the passengers, crew and the high jacks.

The only thing the entire humanity was curious about what happened to the life after death. Which question was not only pertinent to one person or the other; or one country or the other, but also it was universal one.

A poor doctor who challenged to prove that the soul would travel much faster than any object in this universe meant something uncommon to the common man. So also the educated, who totally depended on science couldn’t believe it.

Whereas the traditional and orthodox people all over the world could believe in life after death.

If there was really life after death, and if it was proved beyond any reasonable doubt, it would create a revolution in the human beliefs, traditions and customs.

But on the contrary if it was not proved as believed by the atheists; time and again there will be another renaissance and religious unrest in the history of the modern world, just like what happened in 6th century B.C.


Chapter: 13


In the high jacked flight:


“I finally appeal to you gentlemen, at least on knowing the forth

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