» Mystery & Crime » After Death, an ultimate truth., Harshavardhan C [e book reader for pc .TXT] 📗

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angry. Anyway I thank you beauty for your spontaneous reaction”

Another lady in uniform kicked below his lower abdomen. He felt severe pain as her kick directly hit his genitals.

“Good kick! It seems you have been closely concentrating on that only dear” Dr. Jinnah tried his best to with hold his pain and said smilingly.

“Don’t talk rubbish, shut your mouth idiot” The lady comrades’ tried to drag him towards the cabin, for physical test as ordered by their commander.

“No comrades, you please wait, and our brothers will do that and finish him” Said the commander.

Later the militants along with male comrades dragged him towards the cabin of the crew for physical check-up.


Chapter: 4


It is exactly1030 hrs GMT, in the state of Andhra Pradesh in India.

There is a 2rd grade Municipal city, called Tadepalligudem, in West Godavari District in the state of Navyya Andhra Pradesh.

In the Municipal town of Tadepalligudem, there was a Hindu crematorium.There was a huge Statue of Lord Shiva at the very entrance of the crematorium, which was having a compound wall all around and a gate with lock and key. The care taker of the crematorium was busy in arranging wooden logs for the cremation of the dead body of a popular political leader.

A funeral procession had just reached the burial ground. And the dead body was kept on the funeral prey and his son lit fire and soon the dead body was on flames”

“Will you please preserve some more ashes of my father?” The son of the dead requested the care taker and gave him one more pot.

He wanted to make his political entry in place of the dead, i.e. his father. Perhaps the caretaker understood his logic and his mellow drama in the presence of his supporters and high command for gaining political sympathy in the by election and looked at him seriously, but without any expression on his face. He tried to comfort him by asking him to sit in a small roofed shed, where one could hear the slokas from Bhagavath Geetha, which speaks about the philosophy of life in between birth, death and what happens after death.

If anybody minutely observes here, they can certainly find the world’s greatest philosopher in caretaker of the burial, as there is always an infinite question mark on his face, as

‘Who will be the next?

What is life after death?

Where all the dead bodies are going?

How long has he to keep the gates to open?’

And on the other side of the Hindu grave yard, there was a Christian burial ground, where the burial of a christen father, aged 80yrs was taking place.

And near to the Church there was an old Mosque situated, with its back side grave yard, and the Muslim brothers just buried the dead body of a poor Muslim boy who died in a road accident and later offered prayers.

At the Cathedral, the church father summoned all the kith and kin of the dead and offered prayers for the departed soul to live in peace.

After they buried the Muslim dead body, the Mullah of the Mosque asked all the kith and kin of the dead to congregate with their traditional caps, and later offered prayers to the almighty.

In the first half of the day one body each in all the three burials was disposed off. But it was uncertain whether the gates were to be kept open till sunset for another one to come.

Chapter: 5

In the air; and in the High jacked flight:

“Who are you?” The leader of the High jacks asked the next passenger to Jinnah.

The next to Dr. Jinnah was Miss. Sania, a Pakistani National and was a student of plus two. Now it was her turn to respond to their quarries.

She was virtually shivering. She tried her best to screen her feelings. She was silent for a while as she couldn’t open her mouth, fearing that her identity would be known to them.

“Hello! Are you deaf or Dum? Who are you? Why are you not answering me?” The commander asked her again in high tone.

She understood that she couldn’t escape unanswered.

“I --- I am Sania” She replied, but her voice was not clear.

“Say loudly”


“Are you a Shea or a Sunni?” The commander again questioned her seriously.

She could not tell him her details as she didn’t want to become a prey for their anger by disclosing her sect in Islam.

“You bloody bitch! Do you want to expose your erotic beauty to public? Are you posing yourself as Miss Universe?” He shouted her.

She couldn’t speak, but nodded her head as ‘no’

“Then, why haven’t you covered your face and body with the traditional black veil (Buraka)? Aren’t you a Muslim? Don’t you respect Holy Quran?”

She became silent spectator

“Bloody shame on your part. Your parents deserve to be shot dead for bringing you up quite untraditionally and against the customs and traditions of Islam” Said the commander seriously.

She had no answer.

“Where are you going?”

“I am just leaving Pakistan to learn Tennis”

“Don’t try to be over smart baby, tell your destination”

“I am going to India”

“Shut up, you dirty devil, India is a country, and be specific as to which place in India?”

“In Sania Mirza’s International Tennis Academy, Hyderabad” She just revealed.

“Bloody stupidity. Don’t you know that games and sports are forbidden for Muslim Women? Come on tell me, who are your parents? What are they doing?” He insisted her.

In the meanwhile Dr. Jinnah was brought back in half nude after physical check up.

They observed him so minutely.

“Shall I wear my trouser and upper please?”

“You son of a bitch” One of them gave him a powerful punch on his left shoulder.

He could not with stand his balance and fell on Sania, unable to balance himself.

“I am sorry” He said politely though he was suffering severe pain but tried to withhold his feelings.

Sania observed him. There was a severe fracture to his left collar bone as it was swelling. On seeing his condition, she became panicky and suffered terrible shock and fell unconscious.

“I am sorry to caution you gentleman that she is in severe shock and fainted, she needs immediate medical assistance or otherwise her heart function will stop” Dr. Jinnah explained her condition to them.

The other co passengers also appealed to them to save her. Then

the high jack’s freed the hands of Dr. Jinnah.

He started treating Sania.


Chapter: 6


In the world Scenario:


Now it was not the problem of India and Pakistan. But it engulfed the entire world. There were hot line talks between the heads of the nations.

Most of the people of 21st century were lucky and they were happy because they never saw the wrath of the two world wars. But, now they were all scared because they might stand as witness to the third World War as the conditions were forcing the super powers to take sides and it would spark the modern world with mounting pressure on the big powers to inject Religion into politics and thereby capture the situation to their favour.

The world had been divided into two major groups as pro- Islam with all the Muslim dominating states and anti- Islam constituting non- Islamic states and was responsible for provocation of the heads of the states into two groups to ignite another war, which would be the one and the only war, and perhaps the final war for end of the mankind, the third world war.

There had been changing equations. Military of almost all the countries were on the move. The countries, which were having potential threat, had put their forces on toes in the eventuality of happening of any worst thing.

The world had already experienced two world wars. Those dead in the two world wars only remain in heaps and mounds of burials, and known to history as destructions, devastations and war loses.

But now what happening was not a history. It remained as only heinous crime in the criminal history of the world. It had no page in the true history of the modern world since human civilization is at stake.

The international machinery miserably failed to hold back half a dozen of wanted terrorists and criminals. And one such a group was now trying to become heroes of the situation.

Nobody in the flight was an expert to find out or explore who they were? And what for the high jacking drama was? Were they really war heroes or gladiators?

Never and never as they couldn’t be even rated as sea pirates or dacoits who had at least guts to waylay and fight visa-vis.

But, they were the religious bigots and like Shakespeare’s Brutus with back stabbing character, who carried smuggled guns, tuned by the most wanted leaders who never came to public life at all or at any time.

They were half human and half animal, because half of their life they spent in jungles and the rest of their lives in jails and in hospitals and few will be middle dropped resting in unceremonial burials.

And the High jacks released their first bulletin.


Chapter: 7


In the air:


And in the executive class in the International Flight.


“Why have you lied that you are not a Muslim Dr. Jinnah?” The leader of the High jacks said seriously.

“I haven’t spoken lies to you gentlemen” He replied quite politely.

“Shut up, we have seen that you are circumcised” The leader confirmed again.

“Whosoever circumcised need not necessarily be a Muslim. In fact I have already told you before your people examine my genitals that I am circumcised, as now a day’s most of the people are going for circumcision as advised by doctors for keeping good health and also for hygiene purpose” He explained the cause for which he got operated.

They again fisted him mercilessly.

“Sorry, please don’t pressurize me to speak a lie gentleman“Mr. Jinnah again requested him.

“You bloody infidel” The commander slapped him.

“I said I am not a Muslim, it does not mean that I am a Hindu or I worship Idols”

“Bloody stupidity, are you a doctor? Or philosopher?” The commander said sarcastically.

“Why do you suspect my integrity? I am a doctor by profession. I said I have no faith and I would like to be an alien who has no religion I suppose”

“Wonderful! You better write stories to films”

“Sure, I will definitely write when you all make this high jack drama a happy end and when you all survive” He equally retaliated.

“Do you suspect our mission would fail” The commander reacted.

“Yes, it is going to happen and I could visualize it gentleman”

“Are you a tantric? Or a saint to forecast our future?”

“Whatsoever you call me, but my guess is always a right gentleman and you will certainly fail in your assignment”

“Shut up you bastard” This time, one of the militants who was carrying a gun hit him with the butt of the gun.

Blood was oozing out from his mouth, as there was an internal injury.

Sania felt pity over him and shed tears as he was her saver, but now he was losing his life.


Chapter: 8


On the Earth, and in the modern World:


The demands of the high jacks were not one or two to be fulfilled. Besides the release of the important hardcore militants who were in jails in most of the anti Islamic countries; they wanted compensation for the recently hanged hardcore militants and their leaders as head for head for those who are responsible for their death. This portion of the demand was rather impractical, ambiguous and there was no solution for this at this stage.

The heads of the states and the army and civil administration were working out seriously on the high jack of the international flight. In case if the disgruntled militants resorted to any suicidal attacks on any important and vulnerable places, there was no alternative except to bump off the flight, together with the passengers on board besides the cabin crew and the militants. But the world would never accept it and that all the citizens of the world had apathy for the innocent passengers on board. And at the same time the humanity was not ready

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