» Mystery & Crime » After Death, an ultimate truth., Harshavardhan C [e book reader for pc .TXT] 📗

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and fight for establishing Islamic state in the world?”

“You are totally under misconception my dear children. Neither Islam nor Prophet Mohammed ever spoke for Islamic state. In fact, according to the Holy Quran there will be life after death, because the moral consciousness of mankind demands it. Surely God will raise all those who have died, but only when he chooses to do so. A day will come when the whole universe will be destroyed and then the dead will be resurrected to stand before God. That day will be the beginning of life that will never end, and on that auspicious day every person will be rewarded by God according to his/her good or evil deeds. That day is called the Day of Judgment.

And I honestly tell you gentleman that you cannot escape; and please get ready to face the judgment day” The Mullah lost his temper and cautioned them seriously.

But he didn’t know that he had to pay a heavy penalty for his holy speech delivered before the hard core militants.

“Hang with your bloody judgment, but my judgement is your death” The leader become furious and shot him dead point blank. It was not only a sudden and drastic, but also a hysterical act of the high jacks. With the gun shot there was a sudden uproar among the air passengers in the flight and they raised hue and cry.

“You bloody cowards, keep silence” The militants warned them.

Then there was pin drop silence. It was not just because they were threatened, but two of the high jacks took out AK 47 rifles and pointed out the barrels towards them.

All the passengers robotically sat in their seats just like Kindergarten children.

The crew was already coffined to the cabin. There was an ocean deep silence in the flight.

“Ladies and gentlemen, we thank you all; and for your information the flight is quite smoothly high jacked by us without bloodshed except the idiotic mullah was only responsible for digging his own grave for his headstrong behaviour. And we expect that you should all behave genteelly and don’t try to be over smart. Now you are all freed for praying God of your choice. But your countdown starts now and get ready to face your doomsday if the world governments would not yield to our demands” The leader addressed them quite arrogantly.

Few of his lieutenants were clad in the uniform of the Dubai Cops, and two of them were carrying AK 47 rifles. Two of his comrades were clad in the uniform of the flight crew. Two of the women militants, wearing the dress of airhostess and they took out 9mm pistols.

“My God, we are going to die by a hit against another trade centre, perhaps this time Dubai world trade centre” One of the boys among the air lamented.

All the passengers broke down. So also all the crew other air passengers were terribly afraid of the jihadists.

But there was one monk, clad in saffron colour single piece cloth, sat in the executive class. He didn’t care for what was going on in the flight, and was busy in reading a book on ‘Bodhi Dharma’

“Hey man!” One of the high jacks tried to draw his attention.

“Sorry gentleman, don’t you know me by appearance, and call me for curtsey as monk?”

“What? Is it yourself- centered protocol?” The leader became furious.

“I have addressed you all as ‘gentleman’ and so do I expect you to respect me”

“Who cares you old man? After all you are just a bagger looking for asylums” One of the comrades ridiculed him.

“It is quite unbecoming of you gentleman to disrespect my asceticism” The monk retaliated.

“Okay we accept that you are a Buddhist monk”

“Sorry my dear children, there won’t be Buddhist monk, Hindu monk, and so on and so forth”

“Oh you are hurt, okay we call you simply a monk; and by the way where are you going? What are you doing in the high jacked flight?” This time the leader asked him politely.



“Yes young man most of the times I beg for knowledge; and now and then I turn round with folded hands for alms for feeding myself; and rest of the time I keep on reading Bodhi Dharma. I am sorry to say that I have been disturbed by you my children, when I am busy in reading an important topic” He was little irritated and said.

“Hey man, you are getting angry, that means you are also not above passions. That is why you are quite adamant in talking to our leader; and you are after all an old monk?” One of the militants slapped him.

Except the victim, everyone in the flight felt sorry for his rude behaviour.

Instead of losing his temper, the Buddhist monk simply smiled.

“Sorry gentleman it is not only a great insult to one of the greatest international religions but also you have undermined his age, as he is a pretty grand old man” Said another monk, who was a Hindu.

“Shut up you mad fellow; it is none of your business; though the old monk is silent but why do you unnecessarily poking in other’s matters? You better mind your business” In reply the leader of the militants warned the Monk.

“Oh! Are you referring my insensivity gentleman?” The Buddhist monk questioned him rather politely.

“Yes of course, and you are not a VIP? You are just reading a book. What great is there in it? And how can you say that we have disturbed you?” The leader fixed him.

“Yes of course it may not be that important for you, but for me it is as I am reading the philosophy of life, death, after death, the soul, its existence, and rebirth” Said the monk.

“Wonderful! Are you sure what you said is there in Buddhism? Nor is it propagated by your monk God?” The leader put him in embarrassed questions.

“Sorry gentleman, please don’t belittle any religion or individuals. For your information Lord Buddha never said that he was the incarnation of God. He said that he was only a teacher; and he only preached good things to be practiced by humanity; and he taught the eight noble paths to be followed for the good of the people in the whole world” Instead of the Buddhist monk, the other one who was a perfect Hindu tried to enlighten them.

“Shut up you bastard, when I am asking him, why do you interfere? You are not clear about you religion and God; but how dare are you speaking about Buddhism, bloody idiot”

“Your assessment is absolutely wrong gentleman; I have sufficient knowledge about Hinduism, its message and incarnation of God; besides other religions as well. But you are not envisaging any interest to know about the truth, and essence of all religions gentleman”

“Okay Mister Monk, does Hinduism teaches anything about life, death and after death? Can you assess what will be your fate in the next few seconds in this flight?” The leader put the barrel of the gun to his forehead.

“It’s okay gentleman, I never take your harsh words to my heart; and so also neither emotions nor feelings, consequent on your comments or compliments. In fact, truly I am not for them. I never fear death. I am sure it certainly comes to everybody, some day or the other as no living being is immortal including you gentlemen.

As you have asked me about the mysteries of life, death, in between and after, I try my best to answer”

“Okay we welcome it, but before you spell out you must be cautious about the fact that you will have to lose your life if you fail to convince us”

“Okay dear and I take your challenge to my heart. From ancient times there have been atheistic and agnostic thinkers in the world who have been denying the existence of the soul after the death. One such group is Charvakas, who believe that the body itself is the soul and that the soul doesn’t exist outside of the body; and when the body dies, the soul is also dead and gone” The monk, who was a Hindu explained him the Buddhist philosophy in simple language.

“You bloody idiot! Why are you diverting the issue? When I have asked about your religion and God, why are you beating round the bush by naming another useless sect?”

“Sorry gentleman. You have ignored the fact that all religions are true. It was Lord Buddha, who spoke to his disciples that even without the Buddha, the sub line teacher; they should understand whatever doctrine and discipline taught and made known by him would be their teacher, when he is gone. And the last advice to all his disciples by Lord Buddha was that all component things in the world are changeable. They are not ever lasting. Only through hard work, one can attain salvation.

Then the Lord lapsed into the Janna stages, going from level to level, ever deeper and deeper. Then he came out of meditative absorption for the last time and passed into nirvana(death), leaving nothing whatever behind that can cause rebirth again in this or any other world” The monk though he was a Hindu, felt sad to declare the final stages of Lord Buddha.

“Fine, a wonderfully story; and a beautiful narration of Lord Buddha and his Doctrine by a useless person, I mean a Hindu buffoon” The leader laughed at him.

“Well I may be a buffoon, but it doesn’t mean that I should not know about other religions like Islam, Christianity and so on and so forth gentleman” He felt pity over the narrow minded militants.

“Hey Mister it is very clear that Charvakas and the Buddhists do not believe in the existence of the soul as separate from the gross body, then why do you threaten him?” An old man sitting in the executive class cut him to size.

He was another interesting character in the high jacked flight.

“Who are you man? Why do you intervene unnecessarily?” One of the militants pointed out the gun against him.

“Shut up you mad fellows, you have only interfered and taken away our precious time. When everybody is busy in thinking about their future; and when I am doing my work you have disturbed me, and on the contrary you are questioning me?” His metallic voice was so high that everybody in the flight became panicky.

Earlier they couldn’t hear such a thunder voice; and consequently they shivered among themselves and became speechless.

The air passengers in the hostage of the militants were terribly shocked to see the wordy battle between the militants and the high jacks for their unholy acts and about their abnormal behaviour and attitudes.

They could neither understand nor predict to what extent those debates and challenges go; and finally they lost hope of survival from the high jacked flight.

Unmindful about what was going in the high jacked flight, the grand old man as usual continued to do his work on the lap top.

“The world has already experienced the wrath of destruction and devastation in the last two world wars. It is all the past history of the world. There are necessary causes and consequent curses for both the unholy and unhealthy wars. The war heroes are not the martyrs, and gladiators, but they remain as dead in the mounds.

But now, what is happening inside the flight is neither the true history of the modern man nor the holy war against the unholy things. They are the most heinous crimes and barbarous acts committed by the inhuman and unethical populace, who are only the select few.

There is apparently nobody ready to fight against the jihadists for the cause of the innocent people. Nor there is a noble character to fight for a noble cause. It is nothing but a curse of the mankind against the mankind.

The international machinery, with most efficient and experienced officers of both uniformed, plain clothes, and intelligence branches have failed miserably to hold back a half a dozen of disgruntled and desperados, who are just handling

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