» Mystery & Crime » After Death, an ultimate truth., Harshavardhan C [e book reader for pc .TXT] 📗

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of the passengers didn’t switch off their mobiles.

Fortunately Dr. Jinnah’s mobile was in vibration mode. There was an important message to his mobile. He read out the message. No human down to earth man was above passions and feelings. Generally, doctors are considered to be the best councillors to their patients. But, who could council the doctors, if the latter suffer like any other common man or patient? And exactly Dr. Jinnah was facing such situation.

Miss. Sania could observe Dr. Jinnah from close proximity and she noticed that he was in disturbed state.

“Is anything serious at home sir?” She asked him curiously.

He just said “Yes”

“Sir, why don’t you demand them to return the flight to Dubai or force land at nearest air port to your Home town sir?”

“They are hard core militants and are above passions Sania”

She was feeling that he even didn’t make an effort at least.

He understood that she was quite an innocent girl as she underestimated them and their ideology. In fact they were suicidal squad.

He again observed his mobile for further messages if any.

“What is that?” one of the militants questioned him.

“It’s my mobile” Dr. Jinnah replied frankly.

“Haven’t you switched off your mobile?”

“Yes, I haven’t”

“You Stupid” The leader lost his temper and slapped him.

Now Sania could understand the fate of truth rather than a lie practically.

“Idiot don’t you know the rules and regulations of boarding the flight? And don’t you think that we are militants?” The Commander tried to cut him to size.

“I know gentleman, but it is an emergency” Said Mr. Jinnah.

“What bloody emergency? Since how long you have been passing our conversation?”

“Sorry, I haven’t operated my mobile ever since I have boarded the flight. I have kept it in vibration mode as I don’t want to disturb the co- passengers; and just now I received a message” “Do you have net facility to your mobile?”


“So it is confirmed. You are a bloody secret agent to India” The leader blamed him.

While Dr. Jinnah was under interrogation, one of the militants gave him a boxing punch on his face. His tooth was broken and upper lip was cut and blood was oozing out.

The co- passengers including Miss. Sania felt pity over his plight.

“Hey man give your instrument” one of them tried to snatch it.

“No, sorry” He raised his voice.

It drew the attention of not only the high jack’s but also the entire passengers and crew in the flight.

“You bastard” Another militant fisted him on his right shoulder.

Though it was paining, he did not care both the physical pain and also mental stress.

“I am sorry; I can’t forgo it as it is the one and only link between me and my patients”

“You son of a bitch! This is neither a hospital nor ICU and you better hand over it to us at once” The leader threatened him.

“Even during the two world wars also, the generals and the soldiers never denied the doctors and the sisters from treating the injured, but you are obstructing me to treat the patients’ gentleman” Dr. Jinnah tried to convince him.

“Hang with your bloody logic. In fact every covert try to take shelter under some pretext or the other” The leader shouted him.

“Sorry I don’t take any guise nor do I need it? And further I assure you that I may not come in your way please” Dr. Jinnah assured him.

“Okay, show the last message and call list; and prove your integrity”

Dr. Jinnah opened his mobile and showed the message to him.

“Mr. Rahman is on funeral prey; please attend to him at once. It is my last wish” That was all the essence of the message.

“Another Cock and bull story” As usual the leader commented.

“Gentleman it is not my creation. It is really a great love story of one world, between two Nations, and among three cults. And if you still don’t believe them means they are quite unfortunate; and it is purely their bad luck”

“Shut up, don’t exaggerate the incidents and go on speaking high of them”

“But, I am sorry to say that no woman in the world would welcome widow hood, nor claim that she has witnessed her husband on the funeral prey, unless she has a definite information gentleman” He said, but reserved his feelings in his heart.

They just listen to him as spectators, and so also the co passengers.

He then received another SMS message to his mobile. This time the leader of the high jacks snatched it and read the message.

“What is the message? Will you please read it out comrade?” He requested him quite humbly.

The leader didn’t care him and nor responded to him.

“Do any of the passengers carry Lap Top having net connection please?” The commander caused enquiry.

“Yes, I have” Prof. Gandhi raised his hand.

The leader took the Lap Top from him.

“Mr. Jinnah do you have lap top with net facility?”

“Yes I have”

“Then, you also open your Lap Top”

Dr. Jinnah opened his laptop, but he didn’t reveal his password.

“Mr. Jinnah if it is truly urgency you may please reveal your pass ward”

“Yes I will” Dr. Jinnah revealed his password.

“We don’t mind if any of the passengers have instruments can open and see it. But don’t try to be over smart by connecting other than Mrs. Rahman, and such people will have to reap the consequences”

“Mr. Jinnah please get connected Mrs. Rahman through Skype in your lap top” Said the commander.

The flight was crossing mountains and seas, but nobody could certainly say or demarcate the human created barriers and boarders between India and Pakistan in the air and in the high seas.


Chapter: 11


In India, while the results of the general election were so alarming on onside and the people were scared about what happened to them and about the fate of the country in the hands of the opposition party henceforth.

So also not only the people of India, but also the people all over world feared about the people in the high jacked flight.

On the other hand, the Hindu fanatics were seriously hurt with the actions of Mr. Rahman. And there was serious hunt after Mr. Rahman alias Ram Mohan to do away with him as he spoiled the purity of Hinduism and Hindu Dharma by converting himself into Islam and fled to Pakistan only to marry an orthodox Muslim girl by leaving his cult, country, kith and kin to dogs, and ultimately returned to India stealthily, thirty years since he had been converted to Islam.

But at the same time they didn’t know the fact that the Muslim fanatics were also wanted to eliminate him, if they had a chance to trace Mr. Rahaman.

And military in both the countries were kept standby. In case of any emergency, they should get ready to face the situation.

While the matters stood thus, the other countries in the world took sides and divided among themselves into two groups, one pro- Islamic World and another anti- Islamic world. Chapter: 12

In the air and in the high jacked flight:

Now everybody’s concern was regarding the lives of the passengers in the hijacked flight.

Now the aero plane was flying under the command of the high jacks.

The world had not forgotten the ghastly tragedy of the flight crash on the world trade centre, in the USA. But, now the more pathetic thing than any other tragedies in the world was the ongoing funeral of Mr. Rahman on the funeral prey at Hindu cremation.

It was a shock to the entire Muslim community in the Islamic countries in the world.

“Is it a film sir?” one of the co- passengers asked him out of his curiosity.

“I am sorry, it is neither a film nor fiction, but a live” Said Dr. Jinnah in a feeble voice.

Now it was the turn of the militants, who for the first time in their life could see through their heart and soul about what the human relations, attachments, sentiments rather than religion and politics.

A Hindu marrying a Muslim was not a new thing to the world.

But a Hindu converted to Islam disowning his religion, culture, kith and kin, and finally leaving his motherland to marry a Muslim girl of a foe country was certainly something new to the modern world.

The Fathers of Indian and Pakistan Mr. M. K. Gandhi and Mr. M.A. Jinnah, respectively fought united against the British only for achieving the freedom for Akhanda Bharat i.e. for peninsular India.

And history was not silent over facts and figures. There were no separate territories like Indian and Pakistan during pre- Independence.

It was only the divide and rule policy of the British brought the two nation theory. In fact there were meaningful slogans by both Muslims and Hindus, as ‘Hindus and Muslims were bhai- bhai’, and ‘India and Pakistan were two eyes of a Nation i.e. India’

But the post Independence era saw blood bath, and against which the father of the Nation Mr. M.K. Gandhi went fast on to death to bring harmony between the two step brothers. He even sacrificed his life only because he didn’t find any difference between the Hindus and Muslims. Even his death also could not bring harmony between the two countries.

Again the emergence of Bangladesh also had strained the relations; besides the already existing burning Kashmir issue.

“Mr. Jinnah why don’t you get her connected on phone?”

“Sorry gentlemen I am sincerely trying, but she is not responding. I think she might have known that the flight is high jacked, and I doubt she may not come into contact with me henceforth”

“Have you honestly tried Mr. Jinnah?”

“Are you suspecting me commander? When the situation is serious and it is the question of life and death how can I betray you gentleman?”

“Then it’s Okay Mr. Jinnah and we will seek another alternative. And Prof. Gandhi please take back your lap top and try to get her”

“Sure” Prof. Gandhi took his lap top and tried his best to get Mrs. Amrin Rahman, but in van.

“Okay leave it Prof. Gandhi, we know how to get her” The leader now targeted Dr. Jinnah.

In the meanwhile, Prof. Gandhi as a freelance journalist planned and executed his professional expertise.

“Mr. Jinnah is Mr. Rahman a Hindu?” The leader suddenly asked Dr. Jinnah.

“Please wait for some time to know about his religion gentlemen”

“What the hell is this? Why is his cremation taking place in Hindu burial?” The leader was upset and asked him seriously.

Dr. Jinnah was searching in his laptop and finally found the scanned diary of Mr. Rahman and showed it to them in his lap top.

“You madcap, how dare are you to show us his diary?”

“You are very much right gentlemen, Where there are no expressions, no feelings, no attachments, no sentiments, no human values, no true justice; and where there are only questions but not answers, I feel that the personal diary is the one and the only thing to speak out naked truth. Please see it once”

“Are you trying to make us fools Mr. Jinnah?”

“Gentlemen by reading good novels and books on general knowledge, one will be enlightened, but not become fools. And it is not a sin to know about an innocent man, whom the world has forgotten since about thirty years” He said.

Now everybody started reading the diary of Mr. Rahman.

It was about thirty years back diary, the oldest perhaps in the history of the greatest lovers in the world.

“Who Am I? Am I a Muslim? Am I a Hindu? Am I a Christian? But before judging me, you must know my history first.

I am born to a Christian woman, while my father being a Hindu got himself converted to Christianity, because he loved my mother more than anything else in the world, and then he married her as per Christian customs and traditions.

When I was doing my doctorate in theology, I fell in love with my colleague. As she was the only daughter to her parent’s she could not hurt their feelings. I understood her sensitivity and her parents and the Mullahs did

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