CHASING LIGHT IN DARKNESS, Shkumbin Gashi [free ereaders .txt] 📗

- Author: Shkumbin Gashi
Book online «CHASING LIGHT IN DARKNESS, Shkumbin Gashi [free ereaders .txt] 📗». Author Shkumbin Gashi
It was so hard case because it looked like an accident in the beginning but two things changed the course of investigation. The first one was a conversation with the doctor that took care for the boy. Hello detective can we go in my office I think I have something you may want to know said the doctor that it looked like a grandfather who tells good stories. That impression he gives to you
Yes sure, I was coming to talk with you in few minutes.
Doctor: Look I know that you came to investigate this accident, but I don’t think it was accident.
Bruce: What you mean to say with this?
Doctor: I saw the analyses and there is something disturbing me look here(showed a letter to Bruce)you see he came to hospital 5 times only last 3 months. We treated him with the therapy but anytime he went to home his condition came and become worst. Someone was throwing poison on his food I think.
Bruce: He lived only with his mother. She wouldn’t do that. It looked to me when I saw that she would prefer to die than live without her son.
Doctor: I don’t know I just thought that it will be better to talk with you for my doubts.
Bruce: No its okay you did well actually. I have to go to her home and take an interview of her.
The address where she was living was only 10 minutes far from hospital. It will be hard to talk with her for this thing. Her son died only two days ago. But it was something to be done especially after the words of the doctor.
He knocked on that door. From it came a lovely blond woman but who was wearing black clothes. May I help you?
Bruce: We talked last day I’m the leading detective on the case involving your son death.
Woman: Oh yes I remember you Come in Inside. Do you want anything to drink?
Bruce: No thank you I’m fine, I would love to make you some questions.
The interview continued for almost 25 minutes and Bruce couldn’t notice anything suspicious until he saw something. A bottle of rat poison was under the sofa. From this his doubts were even bigger and the case took another lead.
The interrogation on Birmingham police department made her confess that she has poisoned with purpose her son. A psychologist Seth Robins helped Bruce with the investigation.
Bruce: How is this possible, a mother to kill her son.
Seth: The divorce has affected her so much, she tried to get back to her husband so much but he refused to get back to her. So she started to poison her son with rats poison because anytime he went to hospital she could see the husband.
Bruce: This looks impossible.
Seth: It is actually and in Psychology is defined like Munchausen Syndrome. Someone pretends to be sick or makes someone relative sick in order to gain attention from someone.
Bruce gets back to the scene crime from his memory of the case that illustrated the fear that a parent could kill his son/daughter.
Tom the neighbor was an honest citizen who wanted to help the police because he saw something. He was feeling uncomfortable speaking about it but he had to do it in order to help the police investigate the murder.
Bruce: Hello Tom thank you that you agreed to talk with us, you are helping so much.
Tom: It’s so sad, how could this happen, I will try to tell you everything I saw on details.
It was 05:20 the time when all were sleeping my wife; children even trees looked that have fallen to sleep. I wake up because I couldn’t sleep. I’m an architect and now I’m working with important project. I have been assigned from Crouch Brothers to work with their new building, quite an achievement for me. I was standing on the balcony watching the sky and dreaming for the day when ill become famous. All the sudden I saw something that drew my attention to Mrs. Tina s house. A person with mask came running from her house and entered in a car waiting before house. Then they escaped in big speed with their car.
Bruce: Thank you for the interview Tom. (I didn’t get anything that would help me to identify the murder except the fact that two people were involved on it)
The motive was unclear even why there were some leads, some jewelry and money missing from woman’s room, this was concluded because the locker when she kept them was opened and all the way how the room looked gives indications that this was a robbery gone bad.
In the end the scene crime started to get empty. Everyone was leaving even two victims but those two without hope for a new morning. The bodies were being sent on police station for autopsy.
This is the way how this horrifying scene ended on that day that even with sun, no one was seeing it.
The biggest mystery was which shadow has taken those two innocent lives.
There was no other development until two days after the crime when detectives have located and found the husband that was missing on his family photos, and apparently even on their lives. Bruce was told that he was on the room of interrogation.
Bruce was standing on his office when someone opened the door. We have located the husband, who is waiting for you in the interrogation room.
I will be there right away. Going on the room of interrogation in his head rotated different thoughts about what he is going to say to the man.
There he was a devastated man waiting on the room. He was crying it looks that his heart is dying from the pain. The alcohol smell was obvious on it but he still was aware that he has lost absolutely everything valuable he had. His son and wife have passed away.
Interrogation was a quite disturbing emotional process, but Bruce was getting released because what he feared that the man killed his family was getting out of equation because his alibi was proved when he was spotted on a casino from camera. The conversation between Bruce and James was very emotional.
Bruce: I’m sorry for your family, believe me I know the feeling of losing the most valuable people on life and remain alone.
James: It’s my fault; I should be there to protect them, facing those monsters that killed them (than a moment of silence followed with tears on his face)
Bruce: I know it’s hard for you, but I promise that we will catch and punish whoever did this, you have my word.
James: Will that return them to me?
Bruce: No but at least you will be released a little bit, and they will not have the chance to hurt other people.
The interview continued few more moments with big tension and emotions. Bruce advised James to go for a while at one of his relative, in away to have some comfort from his relatives.
Mr. Hawkins forensically expert gives to Bruce the final report of autopsy, and he had some good news. The finger print that we found on crime scene it belongs to one young boy who has been arrested several times for robbery. Also the cigarette has his DNA. The commander also told me that a new witness is waiting to give his testimony for the case,
This is great (finally some light thought Bruce)I will go and talk to him right away to see if he gives the same person of DNA prints found on the scene.
The interrogation room was getting quite helpful for the investigation. Witness was a person age 45 Hispanic male Sanchez
Bruce: I have been told from other officers that you saw something that could help us solve the case.
Sanchez: Well I hope I got what you are looking for.
Bruce: Tell me what you saw please take your time.
Sanchez: Well that day I stayed out until morning because I and my colleagues were celebrating for a done deal. I wanted to walk because my home was near the restaurant where we were celebrating.
Bruce: you were celebrating, so you drunk some glasses of alcohol I guess.
Witness: No no nothing like that I don’t drink alcohol, my father died from it and I promised I will never ever drink so for me Cola is enough.
Bruce: I see please continue.
Sanchez: Where was I .. Oh yes I was walking when I saw two males going out from a car very worried. I saw them but didn’t cause importance, but latter when I saw news and police announcement that they were suspecting two male s with Black Sedan car I noticed that I saw them and decided to come here.
Bruce: You did well. In that moment Mr. Hawkins entered the room telling that the finger print belonged to Dru 18 years old. He also gives a photo of him and his big uncle Michael.
Bruce showed the photo to the witness. Yes they are those two I saw that early morning.
The criminals were Dru 18 and his Uncle Michael 24.They came from a poor neighborhood of London. This case was really serious because of the people involved on it.
The planed scenario was for Michael to wait on car and Dru to enter on house rob and escape fast. But things didn’t go according to plan.
What is happening with this world? Bruce was feeling sorry for Dru even why he committed a horrible crime,
Michael the older guy has pushed Dru to destruction, and left to him the seal of criminal as long as he lived.
Crime never stops, and never stopped even on Bruce jurisdiction but this event was on his head more than others putting on his heart a curtain of wrath, and negative view for the world.
Somehow he felt guilty why he couldn’t stop that crime and save the lives of that woman and her son. He started thinking that this world was so black, that it’s not worth it to try do good things eventually you fall on hands of dark.
Now he started to have doubts for who he really was, felt alienated because everything that he believed was crashing down, life looked like a lie, illusion, production of his mind. All what he believed that were human attributes now things that are invented from him and others to give meaning to existence,
Very often with black humor he said to himself (he only talked to himself for those things) that he was going on Nietzsche road looking for answers that looked abstract and hard to answer leading to complete madness.
To have a better understanding of Bruce’s pain lets travel back to time... the time of big holes on heart.
Bruce is working on London police station since he was 20 because that is the time that he started the police academy.
The big moment came. It was morning of hot summer when young Bruce was in front of police academy doors.
The academy building was white and big it looked like smiled to new comers. In the hall there were a lot of cadets expecting to begin their most important journey.
They were surrounded from crowds of people who came to see their beloved ones... But one person was all alone and he was who else except young Bruce.
He was carrying a little bag with personal stuff (those were his only companion on his journey) and he was sad because that feeling that he wasn’t like others hit him again this time those emotional punches had more power.
He saw other cadets followed by their family members and not only, a blond guy eyes were shining because all his neighborhood came to follow him, and tell him how proud they were that he was going to serve homeland.
Bruce in other side... he wasn’t seeing not even his mother that he loved more than his life, this could be justifiable because Ms Loan had to work like a maid in a hotel in city center. She didn’t have the luxury to follow Bruce on
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