» Mystery & Crime » CHASING LIGHT IN DARKNESS, Shkumbin Gashi [free ereaders .txt] 📗

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duties from their commanding officers, you could see every kind of officers there. Corrupted who had sold their souls to the devil. Rookies who are living  their dream, and think how to impress during duty and finally you have those veterans some of which have lost everything to serve homeland and are thinking for their retirement and some silence on their last years of life.

Hey Bruce, commander is waiting on his office claimed Mrs. Norris with her lovely voice.

This interrupted the ordinary path toward his office, because Commander Steven office was in other side of the building.

Bruce: Hello sir you called me?

Steven: Yes take a seat son, we have to discuss about the case.

Bruce: yes in fact I’m worried about it, it’s much different that other cases is more brutal, and the fact that we can’t find anything for it I scares me.

Steven: Look Son I called you to talk about it , I know how hard you had it  in the years without your family and how involved you get  with the cases so I’m begging you please don’t turn this case in personal vendetta , I will have to take you out of the case.

Bruce: Sir.. I know that I wasn’t the best officer ever but I always try to do my duty in the best way possible, I really will try to do it even now without involving my anger.

Steven: I’m sorry that we had to do this conversation son you know how much I respect you

Bruce: I understand you sir, I have to go now to talk with them from forensic department to see if they have anything for me.

What if he hits again, working fast in those cases is crucial and Bruce went right to the forensics to see if they found anything useful. Their room was on the same floor with his office.

Bruce: Hello Dr. Hawkins please give me something useful, I’m desperate about clues.

Hawkins: Well let’s see..  I did the examinations and I found some things. The victim is killed by a cut on her neck, but before that she was tortured because the wounds were made before death.

Bruce: So she was witnessing all that

Hawkins: Unfortunately yes, she has 4 broken ribs, big cuts on her chest, she wasn’t raped sexually. The sign on his chest with angel head it was made from cutting of knife as you may see. But he was very careful with the cuts he made them in order not to kill the victim before that last hit.. He is probably doctor or someone who knows the anatomy excellent.

Bruce: So we have to do with someone with high education I guess..Thanks doc, please inform me if you find anything else.


He was going to his office and entered there to do some writings, it was desperate he couldn’t find nothing for the case.

In his desk there was a envelope writing for Bruce, weird he thought. Mrs. Norris who brought this envelope?

I didn’t see anything Mr. Bruce, nobody has given to me, and I’m surprised to see it.


Bruce started thinking about the envelope before opening he didn’t like surprises at all. What was written it will give a new meaning and scale to the events of a murder.

Earth is possessed by devils..

 They landed from hell to destroy us.

They getting inside us ..Taking our bodies,

 Eating our flesh and drinking our blood.

We have to fight them with the power of God that it’s given to us.

Fight or Perish

 This is for you Bruce you either with us angels or with them demons; it’s up to you to take sides. In your jacket you have got another letter with the clues where I’m going to hit next.

What the hell is this? We are dealing with a psychopath a twisted mind. And looked in his jacket with another letter on it

This is simple but things are going to get worse.

Somewhere in the place is an abandoned bird

He is guided by two friends

Two lions standing there frozen

Who take orders from the place of god


You can be the savior that you want for next lost soul. But lets make it interesting you have to unlock the puzzle by 3:45 or you will be the responsible for their death. If you decide not to save them I take that like a answer that you are united with us against the army of devil.

Bruce was horrified from this. He looked at clock it was 12:01 and he had only few hours left to solve the case.

Mrs. Norris call me the commander right away, tell him I have something important to tell him

I will call him right away.

Few minutes later Steven was in the office looking surprised. What has happened?

Bruce was also in shock state,they never had such case on their department. I entered on office and I received this letter with two parts, see it with your eyes.

Steven started to scan it with his eyes and you could see his eyes looking so surprised from what he saw there. This must be joke we have only few hours to unlock this words puzzle and we are starting to play his game… god damn it this is getting so dangerous.

Steven and Bruce started thinking about the meaning of puzzle but that wasn’t something they could really remember.

Bruce even decided to try their faith on technology by goggling it the poetry if they could find anything. The search was unlucky it doesn’t look like something written before.

Time has already gone 01:04 it was flying so fast. This is so unclear

I have to go now Bruce I have to be witness in a important process but I will come as fast as  I can.

Steven felt confused but for a moment he thought he had something. Maybe is a shelter for animals or pigeons place I don’t know .I was never good at this things. This is meaningless what about frozen lions and place of god.

They were testing their knowledge to the limits and it was 03:30 only 15 minutes before timeline when they started getting somewhere. Apparently Bruce found it the puzzle

I got it. Abandoned bird it’s the plane that crashed on Brisbane neighborhood and its left there the remains, and you know the square which has two statues of lions near the church .O god that it’s the place. Brisbane.. Let’s go fast call some unit to go there .we will not be able to go there on time.

Bruce started running to the car in order to go there as fast as they could. He called police patrol to go there. Bruce was flying from speed.

The clock was running fast when he entered on the street that sends to that square. It was 03:50 and they were seeing the crashed plane few months ago.

That plane crash was a tragedy that shocked London. It was one of random flights from London to Paris with 150 people on it who are going on Paris for different reasons.

5 minutes since they started flying a big noise from the first engine came. It was a big surprise for the crew and they didn’t know what hit them. What is this, check the engines said pilot to his assistant

Sir something is crashed with our both engines, I think some kind of flying birds.

What… this is impossible the plane is designed to survive to them. Call Mayday to the center. We are losing heights.

Back on the people who were flying there was a panic because the plane was all shaking. In this flight was even Sara student of art school on Paris who was only 18 years old and returning for second semester.

She was so happy for getting here and now this was something that could shatter her dream. She startedpraying and watching the window. She had one more issue, recently she was fighting with her mother and didn’t really told how much she loved it .

All the sudden a voice came from pilots’ cabin. Hello this is captain speaking, we are experiencing some difficulties and that’s why the plane is shaking.. we are trying to solve the problem.)Please don’t panic.

The passengers were together with Sara were released because the captain s voice was so calm it looked they had everything on control. (They actually train that in order not to make panic to passengers)

But 1 minute later.. The plane started going down side.. What a horror that was and crashed in park, everybody in Brisbane heard that explosion and saw the light .All passengers and crew died. That was a black day for London and all England.

The authorities started an investigation started in order to see what really happened. A new crew for USA came on help. Since the plane was American they had the obligation to join the investigation.



After 5 months reviewing two black boxes (that are red) the data recorder and voices recorder and plane was reconstructed and other proofs London investigation unit and the Americans came with a report which told how the accident had happened:

It was a press conference in which those data were reviled/: Family members were gathered there with their tears on eyes but at least they know why and how they beloved died.

In the crowd was even Lisa mother who was destroyed emotionally. The report claimed that all this happened because of 15 birds entered on planes engines that are on wings. Those accidents happen quite often but the plane’s engines have protection for those for birds who weight 1.4-3.5 kg. The problem this time was that those birds were migratory and they weight was 4.5 each. So the engine protection system couldn’t handle the pressure and this is how they damaged the engine.

All England was sad for this event London was cowered on shadows of death. But in memory of the death the mayor decided to leave the reconstruction plane there and make it like a memorial for them, it was a place covered with flowers and candles.

So this is a very emotional place for Bruce too and he was already late for minutes to prevent something else to happen in the same spot.

He saw the two lions frozen and church there in square. There they were seen by a police officer who reached the place earlier than them for, but not enough to save lives.

Hello officer.. What we got here?

Sir down the church we found two dead bodies of two females and they were hanged, I didn’t touch them because I was afraid I can make damage at any trace… It’s there better check it with your eyes.

Steven came in that moment in the crime scene Mrs. Nowak has told him for the place.

Bruce and Steven started running to the crime scene when they saw It was horrifying. Steven started to puke. 

Two woman aged 24-25 were hanged all naked in a tree on the same spot he described on the puzzle. Bruce couldn’t see them like that; hanged for a tree this was so painful

.He started taking photos of them and then with the help of officer he cut the ropes and landed the victims on land carefully in order not to make damage on evidences.

The first woman was black hair probably European woman aged24.It was a prostitute like the first victim of this monster. She was cut with very sharp knife on her hands, and beaten with a strong object. The final cut was on the neck to finish it.

On her left hand she was missing a part of her finger. It was bizarre. And finally he left his mark an angels hand made by knife in victims’ chest. This is getting something like in movies, I never seen something like this thought Bruce and continued to the second victim to investigate it.

She was left opened eyed. Her eyes showed what she was experiencing during the moments of torture.

He closed her eyes because couldn’t stand seeing her like that,, his heart was beating so hard. It was apparently a 25 years old woman red hair probably from Ireland or Wales.

The cuts of knife were identical

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