» Mystery & Crime » CHASING LIGHT IN DARKNESS, Shkumbin Gashi [free ereaders .txt] 📗

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academy his mother told him that his father has left them forever, this was a big shock for him, because even he had small hopes, deep inside always thought that one day his father would enter on the door and hug him.

 What had helped him to deal with this pain it was defensive mechanism that it’s   called information prejudgment that makes an individual to believe in a less painful version, by ignoring the facts that tell the opposite no matter how strong they were


In this case he always believed that his father has left them to search a job and come back but always,, he felt..Felt different deep inside him. Simple as that adaption for him has never happened, it was stuck like a shadow.


 When he read about Schopenhauer life has thought that he is the unluckiest person that him, but during life Bruce changed his opinion and put himself on the head of her list.

Chapter III


                                     Face the Demon



There have passed almost 22 years since the academy and the events that happened that time. Bruce still standing on his feet, even sometimes he feels like a dead man alive, covered from existentialist faults, and wrong actions of the past and the present.


 Morning of Monday 2013 will change everything and will grow the intensity of emotions even more. In fact this day will be only the beginning of new tormenting period for him.


 That day that looked like usual a new case came to his desk in the first look it looked like usual case of dark human part that will be followed with long investigations..


 It was 8 e 30 of morning and Bruce was on his office  filing his cup of coffee  not with coffee but with some alcohol from a small bottle from his jacket pocket, he needed that to fight with dark opinions on his head which were becoming more tormenting, and the worst was yet to come.


Mrs. Norris (she was a nice lady at her 50) who was his secretary knocked on the door .Mr. Bruce we received a call for a murder near Thelma River and commander said that you will be on charge of investigation.

 Okay I ll be there n a minute. Inform the forensics too.

I already did it. Let’s hope you will find who did the crime.

Let’s hope let’s hope Mrs. Norris (you could see the pain on Bruce s voice)


He took his jacked and went as fast as he could in the crime scene .In the place that was under the bridge there you could see few people there and two cars of police. 


  The reporting police officer came to him with an update before Bruce reaches the dead body.

 At 7 50 a police car has received a call for a dead body of a female gender, age 27.Body was all naked and deformed, still no clues for identity of victim because there was no id documents with her. Until now we have two witnesses that claim that they saw something that can lead to any lead for solving the case.


 After reading that Bruce continued further to examine crime scene, searching from a officer that was near him to move away people who were gathered there except two witnesses which who he will talk in few minutes.


 The location when the crime occurred was down  Thelma river bridge , a abandoned site when very often there is no movement, it’s just silence of death  the only movements there were of  individual who is drunk and has lost his way(speaking metaphorically and for real)


 As a matter of fact nobody dares to pass here because of the reputation of a place, but this is a rule for normal people not for psychotic killers who worship those places because it’s the perfect place when they can make their fantasy alive.


He wasn’t at the body yet but in base of the officer words and report he was feeling that this case is more serious than when murder happens from wrath of moment.


 Here it was a body that doesn’t look like that anymore. Before reveling her face Bruce looked one more time up and thought .Now I own to her family to find who killed her  like he always felt with the crime victims, always felt guilty, even why he was convinced that he couldn’t do nothing to prevent it but yet.


Live has treated him so bad and this was affecting his brain because this feel of guilt it looks that he was suffering what is known on forensically psychology like a negative greatness syndrome when a person in illusive way take guilt even for the victims of Auschwitz.

The body was half naked and in first look it appeared that could be related to sexual rape, the body was cut in hands the face was deformed from beatings and a part of her finger was missing.

 It looked like the work of a killer with sadistic features. What was weirder was a sign with an angel head in victim’s chest with the knife.

This was making the situation scarier and mysterious for Bruce and other cops in the crime scene.


After examination the body he told to police to send it on the department for future examinations with the hope to find other crime clues.

The investigation has just begun but there was no trace of a killer. Not a single one


Two witnesses were waiting and staying on the corner with a police officer, they will appear on the station to make a full statement but Bruce wanted to know if they can give anything to help solve the crime.


 Ronny the police officer who was staying with them was a young man who just entered on the academy and he( was trying to hide it but Bruce saw that he was scared) ,presented the witnesses,

 The first one was a 75 years old person called David who was on this street, even he knew that this neighborhood was so dangerous(sometimes you have to ask yourself where some people leave their emotions)

 The second one was a much younger man called Pitter.  Bruce told to Pitter to wait until he takes the declaration from the old David.


Bruce: Can you tell us what were you doing on this place?

 David: I am man that don’t have a home, you mention a city I tell you that I have slept there, apparently today this bridge was my shelter.

 Bruce: Can you tell us what have you seen (I hope he gives me something useful, some clue some hope)

 David: I was sleeping under bridge right there (showed the location with finger) it was quiet, all the sudden I hear a scream of a girl and I saw a man cutting a girl with knife, but i didn’t dare to go out of packets because I was afraid for my live, seeing that girl in that condition dying slovenly brocket my heart but god damn it I’m a coward I always was.

 Bruce: Can you tell me for the identity of killer?

 David: Devil,he was wearing a black leather coat, it was so violent his heart was missing, Seeing him cutting that girl I noticed that he was a monster, I didn’t see his face but his body he was powerful and big. I hope I will never see him again. I don’t have family I’m all alone but i know what its pain, me too was a human once...far away from now but I was.

 Bruce: Thank you for the interview David (everything is so blur, we don’t have nothing concrete, despite the fact that we are dealing with a crazy man)

 Next thing to do was interview with Pitter in which Bruce was hoping to have something more clearly in order to have something to work with.

 Bruce: Pitter can you tell us why you were here on this time. You don’t seem like a guy who would hang out on this time here.

 Pitter: Yes you are right I don’t come on this kind of places but I have a  confession to make, few weeks ago I had an important test for my scholarship on university and I have broke on my professor office to steal it, somebody has made a photo of me and started to blackmail me..o my god how did I come on this. That person told me to come here with 5000 dollars in this time if I want to take negatives of photos

 I’m sorry I don’t really do this stuff, I have seen this only on movies. I don’t even cheat on exams I have great grades, but this one was so important, and was getting me on a lot of trouble if I would fail it my future and everything I have sacrificed will be worthless didn’t expect to find something like this here...I’m horrified

 Bruce: Are you aware that what have you done is a crime, but even blackmail for it it’s to a crime.

 Pitter: I know, believe me I regret, it was a moment of weakness  when I stole the test,  it’s the fourth time that I’m failing this test, no matter how much I learn and I’m studying molecular biology this is my dream and mu parents pride. I didn’t want to disappoint them.. I’m really sorry.

 Bruce: Okay Pitter we talk another time for this we have to solve it anyway, but first tell me what have you seen here..

 Pitter: I can’t say much because I came on the end of crime, the person that was blackmailing me wasn’t here and I was surprised.

If I would arrive few minutes earlier I could stop that murder maybe to do something noble once in my live. When I saw the girl I went to her and saw her. the image  of her body chopped will be with me until I go to grave, I didn’t know what to do I started running to go at a police officer, I saw them patrolling and I noticed the rest you know yourself.

 Bruce: Pitter get on the police station to give your declaration on written form , we will see what we will do for blackmailing issue , don’t worry we will figure out something.

 How crazy and inhuman is this murder. Bruce started to sweat and feeling that guilt again, his shadow wasn’t leaving him alone was putting his demons on game always.







Chapter IV

  Deprived Family                     



The view of that girl who was dismembered was rolling on Bruce s head until he left to sleep. It was all day long thinking about that she was somebody s daughter; she had a mother and

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