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Book online «Star Rider and the Golden Threads, Heidi Skarie [read books for money TXT] 📗». Author Heidi Skarie

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Coalition Starship,Lieutenant Erling Fenian walked into Commander Quintary’s officeand stood at attention.

Commander Quintary finished whathe was reading, a deep frown wrinkling his brow. His shouldersslumped and he looked exhausted. The war was hard on all of them.They were fighting a losing battle, but no one wanted to admitdefeat.

Finally, the commander looked up,his eyes scrutinizing Erling.

“At ease, Lieutenant. Sitdown.”

Once Erling was seated, Quintarypushed a button on the computer. “I want you to see a holomessage Ireceived a few days ago from Queen Koriann Van Marsindi.”

Erling’s chest tightened,realizing Koriann’s country must be in grave danger for her tocontact the Coalition.

A holographic image of Koriannappeared in the air just to the right of the desk. She wore avelveteen gray, high-collared jacket and black slacks. Warm feelingsfor her swept through him. He tried not to think of her after leavingJaipar, but here she was—captivating, vivacious and needing help.

“CommanderQuintary, you have come to our aid in the past, so it is with highhopes that I turn to you again. Samrat Condor has threatened toattack and completely annihilate Jaipar unless we surrender.”

Koriann lifted her chin andclenched her hands into fists, showing resolve and courage. It was astance Erling had seen many times before.

“Hisair fleet is the most powerful in the galaxy and we have littlechance against it. Furthermore, we are weakened from the war we justfought when we overthrew General Bhandar.

“Whatwould you advise based on your current knowledge of Samrat Condor’smilitary strength and strategy? I know your situation is perilous andI know I’m contacting you at a difficult time. However, whateveraid you can give us would be deeply appreciated. Best Regards.

She bowed her head and theholographic image disappeared.

“What’s your reply?” Erlingasked.

“I told her not to surrenderand that we would send some agents as soon as possible. Samrat Condoris trying to intimidate her, but he is not in position to attackJaipar right now with the war going on in Alandra. His threat isn’tsurprising. We knew he wouldn’t give up control of Jaipar without afight.”

“Someone should goimmediately.”

The commander handed him papers.“I agree. Here are your orders, Lieutenant.”

Erling read the order with asinking feeling. He was commissioned to go to Jaipar on planet Borkoas a military advisor. But how could he leave Alandra when his familywas still in Jelmur?

“I realize this isn’t easyfor you, but Alandra is already lost. All we can do at this point istry to delay the takeover whereas Jaipar has a chance. Queen Koriannneeds your help and since you aided Jaipar on your most recentmission, you’re the best qualified person to represent theCoalition on Borko.”

“Send Hendora Radmeer or OnolynLarcomb. They were there as well.”

“You were leader of the Jaiparmission. Hendora and Onolyn don’t have your expertise.”

Erling wondered if he couldrefuse. Not likely, it was a direct order. He wasn’t sure he wantedto anyway since he’d promised Koriann he’d return to Jaipar ifshe needed him. But how could he desert his family?

“As soon as they can be spared,I’ll send Onolyn Larcomb, Hendora Radmeer and Zachary Kwao to joinyou,” the commander said.

“But Zac is a new recruit,”Erling said.

“He’ll want to go to Jaiparwhen he finds out about this new threat. Jaipar’s his home.”

“He’s a little reckless. Areyou sure he’s ready for a field assignment?”

“He’ll be under yourauthority. Your orders are to leave tomorrow.”

Erling rose. “Can you get wordto my family?”

The Commander leaned back in hischair. “I’m sorry; communication with Jelmur has been cut off. Iknow you want to keep fighting for Alandra, but you’re of morevalue as a military adviser to Queen Koriann than a fighter pilot.With your strong leadership qualities, it’s time for you to move toa position with more responsibility. I’m promoting you to major.”

Erling lifted his eyebrows.“Major? What happened to being a captain first?”

“In war, men move up in rankfaster.”

“A higher rank won’t make thejob any easier. What can one man do to save a whole country?”

“You can’t do anything alone,but if you work with the Queen and her generals, as you did before,it’s possible to save Jaipar.”

Erling’s ship came out of aspace jump near Borko. The planet reminded him of his home planet,Alandra. Both were prized for their climate, vast landmasses,oxygen-rich air, natural resources and prime location in the galaxy.

Erling flew over the country ofJaipar to the City of Silver Light. A feeling of nostalgia engulfedhim as he flew near the coastal city. It was beautiful despite havingbeen occupied for the last ten years by General Bhandar. He realizedif he ever wanted to settle down, this would be a perfect place. Notthat he was ready to settle down; he was dedicated to the Coalitionand defeating Samrat Condor.

The magnificent, white-stonepalace with its numerous towers and balconies appeared. Erlingradioed the military air control tower, requesting permission to landon the royal airfield. After an uneventful landing, he left his shipand entered the Marsindi Palace grounds. Gardens lined the sidewalkleading to the palace. Erling breathed in the scent of flowers as hethought of seeing Koriann again. She now reigned over this powerfulcountry. When they’d fought together for Jaipar’s freedom, hethought she was the rebel leader’s daughter, not royalty-in-hiding.At first, they hadn’t gotten along, but the dangers of their sharedgoal drew them together until they’d grown close. It wasn’t untilthe overthrow of General Bhandar when control of Jaipar was regainedthat her true identify was revealed.

He’d taken the news hard. Beingroyalty meant she was expected to marry someone of her station. Therewas no future in a fledgling relationship with a Coalition agent.When he was ordered to return to Coalition Headquarters, he wasn’tcertain he’d ever see her again.

Erling climbed up the expansivestaircase to the palace entrance where guards were posted. He showeda guard his Coalition papers and the man led him through the palaceto the throne room. The throne room was spacious with high ceilingsand large windows overlooking the ocean.

Erling walked across the marblefloor under magnificent crystal chandeliers. Servants and guardsstood at attention while people stood in line, waiting for anaudience with the Queen.

A court administrator, smartlydressed in a navy-colored uniform, studied Erling’s papers, thensaid, “Wait in line. You will have to be announced. The Queen istalking to

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