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Book online «Star Rider and the Golden Threads, Heidi Skarie [read books for money TXT] 📗». Author Heidi Skarie

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and it’s only a matterof time until the takeover is complete.”

Erling looked at Koriann, hiseyes holding hers. “General Bhandar’s reign was nothing comparedto what Condor plans now. He wants the whole planet, not just Jaipar.You can’t afford to delay any longer, Your Majesty.”

Koriann stood. “Major Fenian isright. King Zanton’s military support isn’t enough.”

“It is enough; the very threathas held Samrat Condor at bay!” Zanton exclaimed. “Major Fenianis emotionally biased from losing the war on his home planet.”

The Queen faced Zanton. “MajorFenian has spent his career in the military and is a representativeof the Coalition. His advice is sound. At worst, we’ll be overprepared.”

King Zanton’s face flushed red.“Major Fenian is a minor officer in a defeated, crumblingorganization. I am a king and the head of an entire army. I have beentrained in the art of war since I was a boy.”

There was a pregnant silence inthe room as everyone waited to see how Queen Koriann would respond.The tension in the room was thick enough to be cut by a sword.

“I know you are a powerfulmilitary leader, King Zanton,” Koriann said, “and I am countingon your country’s support when the time comes. But I have to agreewith Major Erling. We need to organize the whole planet and preparefor war.”

“It’s understandable that youwouldn’t know how to run the military, being young and a woman. Youshould defer to me. But if you insist on taking the advice of thislow-ranking officer instead, I will leave you to your own devices.”King Zanton strode out of the room with his advisors in tow.

Watching him depart, Erlingrealized he had to find a way to work with King Zanton. Koriann wasunder a lot of pressure and needed Zanton’s support, not thisdisharmony.

“Major Fenian, how do yousuggest we proceed?” Koriann’s voice was unsteady as she beganspeaking, but she quickly regained controlled of it.

“You can start by setting up aholoconference with all the world leaders. It will take too long toset up a face-to-face meeting and, if Samrat Condor found out, hecould wipe out all the world leaders in one stroke. At theholoconference, I’ll tell world leaders that Samrat Condor hasthreatened Jaipar and explain the need to unite the whole planet orrisk being taken over. I’ll also ask the Coalition to contactmembers on other planets, to explain the situation and the need for acooperative defense of free planets. Many will send financial ormilitary support.”

General Dursky opened up thediscussion to the Jaiparian generals. It quickly became apparent thatmost agreed with Erling and were glad to finally see some actiontaken to protect Jaipar. None thought King Zanton’s militarysupport was enough. During the discussion, Erling noticed that whilethe generals respected the Queen, most didn’t seem comfortablehaving an inexperienced, twenty-two-year-old woman at the head of themilitary.

Erling worked beside Koriann lateinto the night, making necessary arrangements for the holoconferencewith world leaders. Everyone else had retired by the time they weredone.

“I’m tired, but it was a daywell-spent,” Erling said, leaning back in his chair. He liked thatKoriann was smart and dedicated to her people.

“Leadership seems to comenaturally to you.”

“This just had to be done. Wecan’t let Samrat Condor take over Borko. I’ll leave for Jaipar’smilitary space station tomorrow to get things organized and be backin time for the meeting.”

“Will the Coalition comply andrequest their allies support us?” she asked, wrinkling her brow.

“I’m sure they will. Don’tworry, we’ll save Borko.”

“I feel so much better sinceyou arrived.”

“If I may speak frankly?” Hepaused. When she nodded her consent, he said, “I’m concernedabout King Zanton. He isn’t taking the threat from Samrat Condorseriously enough.”

Koriann rubbed her temple andsighed. “King Zanton is convinced that Samrat Condor won’t attackJaipar now that Haklute is our ally.”

“Haklute and Jaipar alonearen’t strong enough to defeat the Raptor air fleet.”

“King Zanton said if Haklutegoes to war, many other powerful countries will join the battle. Hehas many allies. I think he walked out of the meeting today becausehe’s used to being in command. He doesn’t like you taking overthe Jaiparian military, as if you’re the one in charge—not him.”

“Is that how you feel?”

“No. I asked for help from theCoalition because I was concerned King Zanton has underestimated thethreat from Samrat Condor. Commander Quintary must have sent youbecause he thought you were most qualified to save Jaipar. I trusthis decision and I trust you.”

Erling hesitated before sayinganything more about King Zanton. Koriann probably didn’t want hisopinion and would just think he was jealous. He plunged ahead anyway.“Kori, I have another concern. Zanton rules Haklute with absoluteauthority. In his country, women don’t have any power and can’tinherit the throne. I think he will try to run Jaipar as he does hisown country and I suspect he will try to dominate you as well. It canbe hard for a young woman, even if she is Queen, to stand up to anolder, strong-willed man who is used to being obeyed withoutquestion.”

“Erling, I know you mean well,but I’m capable of taking care of myself. King Zanton and I havediscussed the ruling of Jaipar. He and I will jointly rule and Jaiparwill continue to have an advisory council.”

“He may tell you that now, butafter he marries you, he may use his power to act otherwise. Havepapers drawn up concerning the governing of Jaipar and make him signthem before you marry.”

“You’re prejudiced. Youjust don’tlike him.” Koriann rose, giving him an irritated scowl.

He wondered if he’d oversteppedhis bounds as a friend. Most at court were always trying to pleasethe Queen to gain her favor. He stood. “Sure, I’m prejudiced.I’ll openly admit that. But not in a bad way. I just want you to behappy. I’m not competing with Zanton, just trying to warn you totake every precaution to ensure he doesn’t become the sole ruler ofJaipar.” As Erling gazed at her, taking in her beauty, he wasoverly aware that they were alone and he wished he had the right tohold her in his arms and kiss her.

He’d meant what he said aboutnot competing with Zanton. He’d known Koriann would marry a foreignruler. It had held him back before and it held him back now. Yet,

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