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a woman mightfind Zanton attractive, although his features were too large and hisblack eyebrows too bushy for him to be considered handsome. He lookedto be in his mid-thirties, which was a dozen years older than Kori.An aura of power surrounded him. He was a man accustomed toauthority.

Zanton’s square jaw tightenedas he scrutinized Erling.

“Your Highness, I didn’texpect to see you,” Koriann said. “This is an old friend of mine,Major Erling Fenian. He’s a Coalition military advisor, sent to aidJaipar’s defense against Samrat Condor.”

The King snorted. “TheCoalition is all but destroyed. They couldn’t even save their ownheadquarters. What help do you hope to gain from one of theirmajors?”

Erling narrowed his eyes. “SamratCondor launched a full-scale attack using air fleets from all overthe galaxy. No single military force could stand up to that.”

“I’m sure King Zanton didn’tmean any offense,” Koriann said. “Erling, I’d like you to meetmy fiancé, King Zanton Duborginact. I know you’re going to befriends.”

Erling shot her an annoyed look.Why would he want to be friendswith Zanton? He’d taken an immediate dislike to the man. He staredcoldly at Zanton, wondering if he was good enough for Kori.

“Just how close of friends areyou and Koriann?” the king asked, staring at Erling with steel-grayeyes.

“Very close.” Erling smiled,pleased when he saw Zanton’s swarthy face darken.

Koriann kicked him in the shin.Erling knew she was irritated by his remark, but wasn’t inspired tobehave any better.

“Erling was leader of theCoalition team that helped overthrow General Bhandar and put the VanMarsindi reign back in power,” Koriann said.

“How noble of him,” Zantonsaid, in a tone that was anything but complimentary.

Koriann turned to Erling. “Youmust be tired and hungry after your long trip. Do you want to getsomething to eat?”

“I never turn down a freemeal.” He took her arm and led her out of the room. “But, I’mhardly tired,” he added in a hushed whisper, leaning close so onlyshe could hear. “Things are just starting to get interesting.”

“What’s that supposed tomean?”

“What are you two whisperingabout?” Zanton demanded.

“Nothing important,” Koriannreplied.

As they walked toward the diningroom, Erling wondered if coming to Jaipar was a mistake. It wouldn’tbe easy to be around Koriann, since she was engaged. Yet, theattraction between them was as strong as ever and he wanted to helpher and her country in any way he could.

Somehow, he’d have toemotionally distance himself from her, so he could do his job.



Planet Borko

The next day Erling requested ameeting. Queen Koriann, Jaiparian military leaders and King Zantonand his Haklute advisors gathered in the council room. GeneralDursky, the head commander, stepped up to the podium. “We arehonored to have Major Erling Fenian with us today as an officialrepresentative of the Coalition. Many of you know him for he and hisCoalition team were instrumental in overthrowing General Bhandar. Herequested this meeting to discuss Jaipar’s defense against SamratCondor.”

Queen Koriann and her militarypersonnel stood and clapped as Erling stepped onstage while KingZanton and his men noticeably remained seated. Erling scanned theJaiparian military leaders assembled. He’d worked with many of themwhen they fought for Jaipar’s freedom. They were tough men andwomen whom he could rely on. He knew little about Zanton except thatin Haklute the king ruled with absolute power and was the head of themilitary.

Erling smiled at Koriann who satin the first row. Zanton sat beside her with his arms folded acrosshis chest. Earlier in the day he’d said the meeting was unnecessaryand that hispresence in Jaipar was enough to keep Samrat Condor from attacking.

Erling glanced down at hiscarefully prepared notes, feeling his stomach tighten, then began animpassioned speech without using them. “The only chance we haveagainst Samrat Condor is if we can unite all the major countries onBorko. On Alandra, the other countries depended on the Coalition forthe planet’s defense and didn’t maintain a large military oftheir own. Their leaders didn’t realize that the Coalition alonewasn’t enough to defend the entire planet from a full-scale attacklaunched by Samrat Condor’s air fleet.

“After Coalition headquartersfell, it was too late for the nations to build up their military forwar. Condor took over the country of Jelmur where CoalitionHeadquarters was located. Condor’s military is now in the processof taking over the whole planet.”

Erling looked from person toperson as he spoke. When he realized he had their full attention, hebecame more confident. “We still have time to build planet Borko’smilitary defenses. We must prepare for a major war. Borko’sresources and manpower should focus on making spacecraft and trainingmilitary personnel.

“Jaipar has only been free frommilitary occupation for a short time and there’s much to do. Ivisited the military space station and it’s greatly depleted. Therearen’t enough ships, weapons or manpower, and Jaipar doesn’t havethe resources to bring it up to full operational capacity. We need toorganize the entire planet, obtaining resources and military supportfrom every major country on Borko.

“We also need to hire pilotsand soldiers and buy warships from our allies on other planets.Coalition allies will lend support to this effort. They saw whathappened to planet Alandra and want to stop Samrat Condor. He may beable to destroy us one at a time, but not united.”

The Jaiparian military personnelcheered. When they quieted, Erling said, “Thank you for giving methis chance to speak to you today.”

“We appreciate your advice,Major Fenian. I think it is wise counsel,” General Dursky said,coming over to the podium. “Queen Van Marsindi, what Major Feniansaid is true; our military space station is vastly depleted. We needa united planetary opposition and Jaipar needs military aid fromother countries.”

“Major Fenian is overreacting,”King Zanton said, rising to his feet. “Since my country joinedforces with Jaipar, Samrat Condor hasn’t made any further threats.Haklute has a powerful military. We didn’t just fight a war asJaipar did.”

“Where are your ships and men?”Erling challenged. “I see little evidence of support. A fewgenerals, a handful of guards and the ship you came in on is nothing!You should have half your military here. If Samrat Condor attacks,the war will be over before your ships even reach Jaipar. The onlyreason Condor hasn’t attacked is because he’s still fighting inAlandra, but the war is already lost there

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