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Book online «Star Rider and the Golden Threads, Heidi Skarie [read books for money TXT] 📗». Author Heidi Skarie

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an importantambassador.”

Erling ignored the administratoras he stared across the room at Koriann. She wore a floor-length,flowing cream-colored gown and bands of gold with jewels set in themencircled her light-brown hair. Entranced by her beauty, he was drawnlike a humming bird to flowers, oblivious of others in the room.

“Wait, Major Fenian! You can’tjust walk up to Her Majesty,” the court administrator said,hurrying to catch up to him. Several guards closed in on him.

The disturbance caught QueenKoriann’s attention and she spotted Erling.

“Erling!” she exclaimed. Toher men she added, “It’s all right. Let Major Fenian comeforward. I’ve been expecting him.”

Erling stopped in front of thethrone, suddenly aware he’d been presumptuous to interrupt herconversation with a foreign dignitary.

“You have to bow,” the courtadministrator said.

Erling glanced at him; he had nointention of bowing to a close friend.

“It’s not necessary,”Koriann said. She moved swiftly down the two steps that separatedthem and they embraced.

“Kori, love, it’s good to seeyou again.” Without thinking he lowered his head to kiss her. Shestiffened and moved out of his arms.

Flushing, she said to theambassador, “If you’ll please excuse me. Major Fenian is arepresentative from the Coalition and it’s imperative that I speakwith him.” She addressed the people waiting to speak with her.“Court is in recess for an hour. Major Fenian, come to the councilroom where we can talk privately.”

She led Erling across the large,crowded room to a small side chamber. Erling was uncomfortably awarethat everyone was staring at them.

Once in the room, Erling gatheredKoriann close to kiss her, but she pushed her hands against his chestsaying, “No, you mustn’t. I’m engaged to be married.”

“Engaged! I’ve only been gonea few weeks. How can you have fallen in love already?”

“It’s been six weeks and I’mnot marrying for love. I’m marrying King Zanton Duborginact, theruler of Haklute, for political reasons. He is a powerful ally.”Her small hands clutched onto his flight jacket. She was no longerpushing him away, but keeping him close.

“That’s not a good reason toget married.”

“I have more than myself tothink of.”

“What about us?”

Pink spots appeared on her cheeksand her eyes flashed. “What about us? I never expected to see youagain.” She let go of his jacket and stepped away from him.

“I sent you a message.”

“You mean that impersonalelectronic message about politics and how the war on Alandra wasgoing?”

“I didn’t know what else tosay now that you’re Queen.”

“You might have shown somewarmth as a caring friend.”

“I said I’d come back if youwere ever threatened by Samrat Condor.”

“You were fighting in themiddle of a war and I know your family is on Alandra. You weren’tin position to help Jaipar, so I was surprised when CommanderQuintary said he was sending you as a Coalition militaryrepresentative.”

“The war on Alandra is alreadylost.” Saying it to her made it real and he felt sick at heart,both for losing Alandra and Kori. He hadn’t expected to react sostrongly at seeing her again. He’d almost kissed her—twice. Heneeded to pull himself together. “When is the big day?”

“In three months; my fiancé ishere now. I’m sure you’ll have a chance to meet him soon.”

“Great.” His voice rang withsarcasm.

“What happened on Alandra thatyou lost so quickly? Jelmur was the seat of power for the Coalitionand thought to be a powerful force against Samrat Condor.” Shegazed at him with concern.

“The Raptor air fleet bombedJelmur in a surprise attack that wiped out many key militarylocations. During the attack, they repeatedly bombed CoalitionHeadquarters until they finally broke through its shield and razedit. Many personnel were killed as they tried to escape. Jelmur wasforced to surrender. If they hadn’t, Raptor Troops would havecontinued bombing Talmiria, our capital, until it was completeddestroyed.”

Erling paused and leaned backagainst the wall as the pain of what happened washed over him. “Nowthat Samrat Condor has control of Jelmur, he is in the process oftaking over the whole planet.”

“I’m sorry, Erling.”Koriann stepped close and slid her arms around him. “Is there anyhope to save Alandra?” she asked, her voice filled with sorrow.

“No, we don’t have themilitary power to defeat Samrat Condor’s space fleet. The planetdepended on the Coalition military.”

“What about your family?”

A lump formed in Erling’sthroat. “My family is still there. I couldn’t convince them toleave after the first attack. My sisters, Breezy and Suntaka, bothworked at the Coalition Headquarters in Talmiria and knew they wereneeded there. Once Jelmur became an occupied country, there was noway for my family to leave. I fear for their safety. If it’sdiscovered that Breezy and Suntaka work for the Coalition, my entirefamily will be executed.”

“I’m sorry.” Neither ofthem spoke for a few moments. It was comforting to feel her slenderbody pressed against his. He knew she understood what he was goingthrough. Her own family was killed when General Bhandar seizedcontrol of Jaipar ten years ago.

He cleared his throat and pickedup the narrative again. “Anyway, when Commander Quintary receivedyour holomessage, he ordered me here. Onolyn, Hendora and Red willarrive when they can be spared. There’s a lot of fighting stillgoing on and fighter pilots are badly needed. So, what’s thesituation here in Jaipar?”

“Not good. Samrat Condorcontacted me again. He said if we don’t surrender peacefully hewill wipe Jaipar off the map. Then he’ll proceed to destroy therest of the planet. I’m so afraid for my country. We fought so hardto regain our freedom at the cost of so many lives. When King Zantonproposed marriage to unite our countries, it seemed as if it wasJaipar’s only hope to stay free. His country has a large militaryand Zanton is well-respected. He’s a good man, Erling.” Shelooked up at him with dismay. “If I had known you were coming . ..”

“You did the right thing, Kori.Jaipar needs King Zanton’s military protection. I have nothing tooffer you.”

“That’s not true, but Isuppose it doesn’t matter now.”

“It does matter.” He pressedhis face into her hair and breathed in the lilac scent of herperfume. “Oh, Kori, you can’t belong to someone else,” hegroaned.

The door clicked open and theyjumped apart as a richly-dressed, black-haired man stalked in.Koriann’s breathing quickened. Erling guessed this was her fiancéKing Zanton and he looked over his rival. He assumed

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