Holocaust: The Nazi Persecution and Murder of the Jews, Peter Longerich [essential books to read TXT] 📗

- Author: Peter Longerich
Book online «Holocaust: The Nazi Persecution and Murder of the Jews, Peter Longerich [essential books to read TXT] 📗». Author Peter Longerich
284, 294, 295, 296, 309, 321, 330, 411
Brauchitsch, Walther von 146
closure of 338
Braune (leader of Einsatzkommando 11)
deportations to 331, 337
518 n. 181
extension of gas chambers 334
Brechtken, Magnus 487 n. 101
removal of traces 410
Breitman, Richard 487 n. 101, 521 n. 1
Bene, Otto 361
Final Solution 261, 436 n. 2
Benz, Wolfgang 436 n. 2
Brest-Litovsk ghetto: Gypsies in 289
Bergen-Belsen 387, 412, 417
Brest-Litovsk massacre 352
Jews from Greece 391
Breuer, Stefan 441 n. 5
Jews from Hungary 408
Browning, Christopher 166, 233, 487 n. 101
Jews from Italy 402
deportations 275
Berger, Gottlob 405
Final Solution 2, 260, 262, 268, 436 n. 3,
Berlin Operation 102–5
523 n. 16, 524 n. 31
Bernadotte, Count Folke 416
Broszat, Martin 551 n. 169
Bernburg gas chamber 139, 140
Brunner, Alois 391, 395, 403
Brzeziny ghetto 160
complaints about discrimination against
Buchenwald 92, 104, 113, 416–17
Jews 24
Budget and Buildings Main Office 316
and emigration 44
Bühler, Josef 309, 341
records of boycotts of Jewish
Bukarester Tageblatt 557 n. 298
businesses 65
Bulgaria 364–5, 370, 400
tourist office 24–5
deportations from 367–8, 392
Certificates of Reich Citizenship 60
Bülow-Schwandte (Foreign Office
Certificates of Suitability for Marriage 48
representative) 42
Chelmno extermination camp 282, 284,
Bürckel, Josef 99, 172, 482 n. 8
290 –1, 343, 344, 411
Burckhardt, Carl Jacob 570 n. 261
gas vans 290, 380
Burgenland 99
removal of traces 410
Burkhardt, Carl J. 493 n. 162
Chernigov, Ukraine: murders of mentally
Burrin, Philippe 436 n. 3
ill 240
Business and Administration Main Office,
child support grants 48
see WVHA
Cholawsky, Shalom 354
businesses 64
Cholm campaign 159
Aryanization of 65–6, 99–101
Choroskow pogrom 195
attacks on 33–4, 54, 56, 183
citizenship rights
boycotts of 18, 24, 25, 33–4, 35–7, 41–2,
exclusion from 19–21, 23, 25, 58, 98
62, 65
see also Reich Citizenship Law
civil servants: action against 38
cafés 24
Class, Heinrich 12
Canaris, Wilhelm 146
Combat League of Small Business 33
Carl, Heinrich 237–8, 383
Committee of Experts on Population and
castration 48
Racial Policy 51
Catholic Church 26, 360
Communism 183, 270
attack on 53
Communists shot in reprisals 300
campaigns against 59
Jewish Bolshevism 180–1, 182, 300
in Slovakia 326
concentration camps 91, 209, 264, 324, 379
and völkisch movement 23
and Aktion T4 organization 278
cemeteries: attacks on 18, 41, 56
clearance of 414–16
Central Committee for Support and
ghettos as 384
Development 45
homosexuals and 93
Central German National Office
labour camps as 379
(Deutschvölkische Hauptstelle) 14
liberation of 417
Central Office for Jewish Emigration
prisoners’ performance rates 316–17
(Zentralstelle für jüdische
Upper Silesia 318–19
Auswanderung) 64, 105–6, 126–7, 361–2
in Warsaw ghetto 376
Central Office for Patriotic Associations 14
see also individual camps
Central Office for the Investigation of Nazi
Conti, Leonardo 137, 139
Crimes (Zentrale Stelle der
Corps for the Protection of the State 186
Landesjustizverwaltungen zur
Council of Municipalities (Deutscher
Aufklärung nationalsozialistischer
Gemeindetag) 73
Verbrechen) 8
Cracow: expulsion of Jews 161
Central Office of Jewish Economic
Cracow ghetto 161, 376
Assistance 45
resistance movement in 378
Central Welfare Office of the German
Creglingen: SA action in 34
Jews 45
creeping Aryanization 66
Centrala Evreilor din Romania 366
Criminal Biology Service 91
Centralverein deutscher Staatsbürger
Criminal Police (Kriminalpolizei,
jüdischen Glaubens (Central
Kripo) 91
Association of German Citizens of the
persecution of Gypsies 92–3
Jewish Faith) 8, 37–8, 43
persecution of homosexuals 93
Criminal Police (cont.)
Final Solution in 397–9
and security police 90
Department IV B 4 (Jewish Affairs and
and Soviet Union, conquest of 185
Evacuation Matters) 133
Criminal Technical Institute 279
Department IV D 4 (Emigration and
Croatia 285, 364–5, 403
Evacuation) 133
anti-Jewish policy 365–6
deportations 132, 265–71, 286–9, 386–7
anti-Serbian policy 365
administrative preparations for 284–5
deportation of Jews 366, 368, 369–70, 389
and aerial war 269
Gypsies in 419
from allied states 389–90
Cultural Association of German Jews
autumn 1939 to spring 1940: 155–61
(Kulturbund Deutscher Juden) 45–6
efforts to intensify (autumn
culture 12, 129
1942) 369 –73
Jewish 46, 87
exemptions from deportations 318, 320
exclusion of Jews from 81–5, 117
Germany’s allies and 363–9
curfews 160
logistics 286–7
Currency Investigation Office
Nisko Project 151–5
(Devisenfahndungsamt) 63, 65
propaganda and 288
Customs Investigations Centres 65
see also Madagascar Plan
CV-Zeitung 17, 18
see also under individual countries
Czenstochowa ghetto: resistance movement
design industry: exclusion of Jewish
in 378
influence on 85
Czerniakow, Adam 163, 336
Deutschbund (German League) 14
Deutschvölkische Hauptstelle (Central
Dachau 99, 414–15, 417
German National Office) 14
Daily Express: Goering interview 19
Deutschvölkischer Schutz- und Trutzbund
Daluege, Kurt 203, 239
(German People’s Defence and
Dannecker, Theodor 68, 174, 327–8, 329,
Offence League) 13, 14
392, 401
DHR (German University Circle) 21
Danzig: anti-Semitic riots 95
DHV (German National Association of
Danzig-West-Prussia 145–6
Commercial Employees) 20, 23
euthanasia programmes 138
Dnepropetrovsk massacre 224–5
Darnand, Joseph 403
DNVP (German National People’s
Darquier de Pellepoix, Louis 395
Party) 13, 20, 25
death marches 414, 415, 417
and Aryan clause 445 n. 94
death squads, see Einsatzgruppen
doctors: action against 39, 101
Death’s Head Formations 186–7
Dora-Mittelbau camp 416
Decree against Support for the Disguising
Dorpheide (district physician in Galicia) 296
of Jewish Business Enterprises 100
Drexel (commando leader) 252
Decree for the Registration of Jewish
Dubossary massacre 227–8, 253
Assets 100
Duesterberg, Theodor 20
Decree on Securing and Policing the Newly
DVFP (German Völkisch Freedom
Occupied Eastern Areas 214–15
Party) 13
Decree on the Administration of the Newly
Dwork, Deborah 281–2
Occupied Eastern Areas 214
Decree on the Exercise of the Law and on
East German Observer 16
special Measures by the Troops 183
Eastern Europe: Final Solution in 330–56
Decree regarding the Special Police
Eastern Ministry 260, 297–8
Department for Foreign
Eberl, Irmfried 340
Nationals 109–10
Economic Group Retail 119
Decree to Restore the Appearance of the
economic issues
Streets as affecting Jewish
currency hoarding 63
Businesses 117
transfer of currency abroad 64
‘Degenerate Art’ exhibition 83
Economic Organization for the East 181
Denmark 372
economy: exclusion of Jews 99, 129
Economy and Armament Office,
and Gypsies 242, 419
OKW 284–5
murders of mentally ill 240–1
education 32, 39, 47, 117, 128–9
and pogroms 192–203, 208, 212, 213
anti-Jewish bias 75–7
in Poland 144–5
autonomous Jewish sector and 87, 88
and prisoners of war 247–8
Hitler Youth and 76
and Russian campaign 184, 185–6, 187–91
Jewish schools 45, 77, 133–4
Einsatzkommandos 188, 204
racial hygiene in humanities and
Einsatzkommando 1a: 196
sciences 77–81
Einsatzkommando 1b: 237
Reich Deputation of German Jews’
Einsatzkommando 2: 230, 231, 252
guidelines 88
Einsatzkommando 3: 197, 230–1, 237, 242, universities 21, 22, 39, 76, 117, 128–9
251–2, 298–9
Editorial Law 40
Einsatzkommando 5: 199–200, 225, 241,
Education Committee of the Reich
Association 45
Einsatzkommando 6: 199–200, 208, 211,
Ehegesundheitsgesetz (Marriage Health
225, 237, 241
Law) 48, 50, 58
Einsatzkommando 8: 198, 221–2, 223, 242,
Ehler (commando leader) 189
246, 252, 345
Ehrhardt, Hermann 14
Einsatzkommando 9: 198–9, 221, 223, 251,
Ehrlinger, Erich 500 n. 71
Eichmann, Adolf 68, 69, 280
Einsatzkommando 12: 227, 228, 252
appointment of, by Heydrich 156
Einsatzkommando Tilsit 197, 230, 231, 251
deportation of Jews 151–2, 153, 174–5, 265, murder of Gypsies 242
320 –1, 329, 360
and pogroms 196–7, 198–200, 212
deportation of Jews: from France 327,
and Russian campaign 184, 185, 188–9
363, 393, 394 –5
Special Commando 4: 346
deportation of Jews: from Greece 391
Special Commando 4a: 200, 224, 226,
deportation of Jews: from Hungary 367
227, 241, 251
deportation of Jews: into General
Special Commando 4b: 200
Government 156–7
Special Commando 5: 346
expulsion of Jews 105–6
Special Commando 7: 198
on Final Solution 262–3, 331
Special Commando 7a: 221, 252
and Hungary 409–10
Special Commando 7b: 252
and reprisals 300–1
Special Commando 10a: 202, 228
on resettlement/emigration 173
Special Commando 10b: 202, 228, 229, 252
and Wannsee Conference
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