» Other » Holocaust: The Nazi Persecution and Murder of the Jews, Peter Longerich [essential books to read TXT] 📗

Book online «Holocaust: The Nazi Persecution and Murder of the Jews, Peter Longerich [essential books to read TXT] 📗». Author Peter Longerich

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Union in 242, 245, 419

Materials and Currency 63

sterilization of 49, 50, 420–1

on Aryanization 109, 114, 116

on attacks on Jewish businesses 33–4

Haavara Agreement 44

and Central Office for Jewish

Hadamar gas chamber 139, 140

Emigration 126

Hagen, Herbert 68, 69, 106–7

Daily Express interview 19

Halder, Franz 183

on emigration of Jews 158

Harzburg Front 20

and Final Solution 175–6

Haushofer, Albrecht 155

Green Folder 182

Headquarters of Criminal Genealogy 91

at Judenpolitik 12 November 1938

health system: exclusion of Jews 74 –5,

meeting 114


Order concerning the Verification of

Heilpraktiker 75

Entjudung deals 120

Helldorf, Count 103

on reduction of Soviet population 181

Helm, Hans 389

and theatre 39

Herberer, Patricia 530 n. 9

Goering, Matthias Heinrich 460 n. 32

Herbert, Ulrich 440 n. 20

Gottberg, Curt von 383

hereditary diseases 46–7

Gottong, Heinrich 488 n. 104

Hereditary Illnesses Tribunal 48

Grafeneck Mental Hospital,

Herrmann, Günther 500 n. 71

Württemberg 139, 140

Hess, Rudolf 55



Hesse: riots in 110

Jews as partisans 198

Heydebrand von der Lasa, Ernst von 19

and killing methods 279

Heydrich, Reinhard 63, 64, 65, 105, 182, 190

liquidation of Polish forced labour

appointment of Eichmann 156

camps 380

and Central Office for Jewish

in Lublin 330–1

Emigration 126

and newly occupied eastern areas 214–18

and deportation of Jews 175, 275, 307, 327, order to cease killing Jews 416

323, 363

on Pinsk ghetto 351

and Einsatzkommando 9: 199

and pogroms in Lithuania 197

and emigration policy 102, 115

Posen (Poznan) speech 382

and Final Solution 175–6, 260, 261, 308,

Reichskommissar for the Strengthening

310, 328

of the German Nation

and Himmler, meetings with 359

(Reichskommissar für die Festigung

liquidation of Poles 143–4

deutschen Volkstum) 155

and Madagascar Plan 163

repatriation of Germans 150

on Mischlinge 310

on Riga ghetto: massacre of Jews in 299

plans for Jewish reservation in

on Romania 370

Poland 148–9

on Sobibor 379

and pogroms in Lithuania 197

and SS Death’s Head Formations 186–7

Poles as workforce 157

Ukraine: inspection tour in 229

on prisoners of war 247

widening of measures against

on Reichskristallnacht 114

Jews 219–20

on resettlement of Jews 173

Hindenburg, Paul von 38

reprisals for death of 322

Hinkel, Hans 39, 87, 171

and Upper Silesia 343

Hitler, Adolf 15, 17, 306, 320, 405

at Wannsee Conference 307

and Arabs 289–90

Hilberg, Raul 2, 167, 202

on armaments industry 369

Himmler, Heinrich 55, 59, 68–9, 413

and Asocial Operation 104

on ‘Asiatic’ people 241

on attacks on Jewish businesses 34, 183

on asocials 324

on Bolshevism 180

at Auschwitz 335

on culture 81, 463 n. 48

concentration camp in Warsaw

and Denmark 398

ghetto 376

deportation of Jews 172, 265–7, 274, 324

on concentration camp prisoners’

eradication of Jews 289–90

performance rates 316

and euthanasia programmes 136–7

concentration camps in Soviet

on executions 207, 214

Union 383–4

and extermination

on conquest of Soviet Union 184, 185

announcements 123–4

and Croatian Jews 389

on Horthy 407–8

deportation of Jews 98, 153, 267, 274, 367,

Jewish reservation plans 150

409, 483 n. 12

and Judenpolitik 115–16

and Einsatzkommando 9: 199

liquidation of Poles 143

on emigration 102, 134–5, 158, 173, 285

and Madagascar Plan 162, 163

exemptions from deportations 318

Reichstatthalter conference speech 40

on extinction of concept ‘Jew’ 162

resettlement in General Government 172

and Final Solution 176, 329, 334–5

Sportpalast speech 320

and forced labour 316, 380

Times interview 17

on General Government 333, 334–5, 378

on Warthegau 291

and Gestapo action against asocials 92

Hitler-Papen government 38

on Gypsies 420

Hitler Putsch (November 1923) 14

and Heydrich: meetings with 359

Hitler Youth

and homosexuals, persecution of 93

and boycotts of Jewish businesses 36

Jewish armaments workers 342

demonstrations outside Jewish

Jewish prisoners as hostages 411–12

businesses and restaurants 55–6



Hitler Youth (cont.)

Jedwabne pogrom 196

and education 76

Jeglava, Latvia 196, 240

Höfle, Hans 262, 322, 340, 405

Jersak, Tobias 261

Hofmann, Otto 294

Jewish Affairs and Evacuation Matters

holiday resorts 24–5

(Department IV B 4) 133

Holz, Karl 108

Jewish Aid and Rescue Committee

homosexuality 46, 48, 50–1

(Vaada) 408, 412


Jewish Assets Tax 119–20

castration of 48

Jewish Bolshevism 180–1, 182, 183, 300

in concentration camps 93

Jewish combat organization (Zydowska

Hoppe, Günther 415

Organizacja Bojowa, ZOB) 377

Höppner, Rolf 264

Jewish Councils

Horthy, Miklós

405, 406, 408–9

and clearing of ghettos 339, 341

Höß, Rudolf 261–2, 281

and ghetto resistance 353

hostages 35, 97, 116, 125, 130, 269, 273, 303,

in ghettos 168–70, 171, 353


in Hungary 407

Odessa: massacre in 229

in Poland 161, 291, 296, 336

shot in reprisals 202, 270, 276, 300–1, 319,

in Slovakia 326

327, 328

Jewish Cultural Association 128

see also Madagascar Plan

Jewish half-breeds (Mischlinge) 310

housing 210, 233

definition of 61–2

deportations and 269–70

Jewish Military Association (Zydowski

for Jews 117, 118, 134, 160

Zwiazek Wojskowy, ZZW) 377

evacuated by Jews, allocation of 288

Jewish National Committee for Physical

eviction of Jews from 269–70

Education in Germany 46

see also ghettoization

Jewish police 336, 339, 344, 353

Hugenberg, Alfred 20

Jewish Reich National Association 67

Hummel, Herbert 333

Jewish reservation 148, 149–50, 156, 158–9

Hungary 209, 364–5, 370, 371, 405–10

Jewish Veterans’ Organization 37

deportation of Jews from 367

Jewish Winter Aid scheme 88

Gypsies in 419

Jodl, Alfred 182

Jewish Councils in 407

Johnson, Erik Arthur 465 n. 72

massacre of Jews from 224

journalism 129

Judenpolitik 4–9, 30, 35–6, 70, 129–30,

identification, see labelling

374 –5, 399, 400, 413

Immigration Law 58

6 December 1938 meeting 115–16

intelligentsia 144, 156, 162, 167, 200, 207,

12 November 1938 meeting 114 –15


16 December 1938 meeting 116 –17

intelligentsia campaign 145, 165

Hitler and 115–16

Jewish-Bolshevist 182, 183

Jüdische Rundschau 66

Intergovernmental Committee on Political

Jung, Carl Gustav 460 n. 32

Refugees 105

Jungdeutscher Orden (Young German

International Conference on Refugees

Order) 13–14

(1938) 105

Jünger, Ernst 23

Italy 364, 368, 369–70, 372, 396, 400, 401–2

Jungfernhof camp 297, 300, 346

jurisprudence: racial hygiene in 79

Jäger, Karl 197, 230, 236

Janovska concentration camp,

Kaiserwald concentration camp 297, 298,

Lemberg 382

383, 384, 414

Jansen, Hans 487 n. 101

Kállay, Miklos 371, 406

Jasenovac camp 419

Kamenetsk-Podolsk 351

Jeckeln, Friedrich 188, 199, 218, 223–5, 226,

Kamenetsk-Podolsk massacre 224, 253

236 –7

Kammler, Hans 316

and massacre of Jews 251, 299–300

Kastner, Rudolf 412–13



Katowice, Poland 151–2


Katzmann, Fritz 294, 319, 337, 338, 551 n.

of Jews 16, 65, 103, 116, 118, 160, 284, 371


of Jews: by means of Star of David 160,

dissolution of Galician ghettos 378–9

222, 232, 284, 361, 386, 408

and Lemberg massacre 376

opposition to 288

Kaufmann brochure 266

psychiatric labels 47

Kaunas (Kovno) concentration

labour camps 161, 167, 296

camp 414–15

as concentration camps 379

Kaunas (Kovno) ghetto 213, 235–6, 297,

liquidation of 379


Radom 376

as concentration camp 384

labour gangs 160, 212, 229, 232

resistance movement 385

LAF (Lithuanian Activist Front) 193

Kaunas (Kovno) pogrom 193–4, 197

Lammers, Hans-Heinrich 173, 216

Keitel, Wilhelm 146, 184, 342, 528 n. 72

Lange, Herbert 138, 279, 290, 297

Kersten, Felix 416

Latvia 233–4, 252, 346, 383–4

Kherson massacre 228–9

local voluntary troops 239

Kiev 349

mass murders in 254

Killinger, Manfred 366

murders of mentally ill 240

Klee, Ernst 477 n. 44

Laval, Pierre 360, 361, 393, 395–6

kleindeutsch national identity 11–12

law: racial hygiene in 79

Klemperer, Victor 474 n. 9, 475 n. 19

Law against Dangerous Habitual


heim Conference ( 17–18 April, 1943) 405

Criminals 48

Kley, Stefan 473 n. 4

Law against the Overcrowding of German

Knoblauch, Kurt 187

Schools and Universities 39

Knochen, Helmut 327, 393, 394–5, 403

Law for the Protection of German Blood

Kocborowo (Conradstein) Mental

and German Honour 60

Hospital 138, 477 n. 44

Law for the Protection of the Genetic

Koch, Erich 172, 350, 352

Health of the German

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