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Special Commando 11a: 202, 228

Eimann Special Guard Division

Special Commando 11b: 202, 228, 229

(Wachsturmbann Eimann) 138

Special Commando 12: 203

Einsatzgruppen (death squads) 204, 250–5

Elkes (chairman of Kaunas Jewish

Einsatzgruppe A: 193–4, 196–7, 230–9,

council) 385

240, 254

emigration 65, 101–2, 117, 172, 173

Einsatzgruppe B: 198–9, 208, 210–11, 213,

from Austria 99

219 –23, 240, 254, 519 n. 189

ban on 285

Einsatzgruppe C: 194, 195, 199–201, 208,

decline in 101

209, 210, 211, 223–7, 241, 242, 254,

emigration tax 120

315–16, 346, 519 n. 189

émigrés: internment on return 55

Einsatzgruppe D: 201–3, 209, 213, 227–30, Himmler on 102, 134–5, 158, 173, 285

241, 254

negotiations for international solution

Einsatzgruppe H: 419

through 125–6

Einsatzgruppe for Special Purposes 201

to Palestine 44, 67–8, 69

and extermination through

Tax Adjustment Law (October 1934)

labour 315–16

and 65–6

and gas vans 279

see also Central Office for Jewish

and ghettos 212–13




Emigration and Evacuation (Department

Jews and 264, 266

IV D 4) 133

prisoners of war 249

Enabling Act 34, 35

in Soviet Union 181–2

Erren, Gerhard 238, 347–8

forced labour 120–2, 134, 160, 211, 307, 308,

Essen: Gau Party rally (4 August,

315, 368

1935) 57–8

in General Government 167, 341

Estonia 237, 239, 254, 384–5

Poland 167, 341–2, 376–7, 380

Ethnic Germans’ Office 216

responsibility for 167

ethnicity research 78–9

Slovakian Jews 325

eugenics 50, 53, 58, 74–5: see also racial see also extermination through work;


labour gangs; road building

euthanasia programmes 132, 135–42, 277–8

Foreign Ministry: and alien half-breeds

extermination announcements 123–5,

(fremdvölkische Mischlinge) 93–4

289 –90

Forster, Albert 172

extermination camps 261, 262, 280, 282–3,

Forsthoff, Ernst 462 n. 41

284, 308, 309

Fort VI, Poznan 138

removal of traces of 410–13

Four-Year Plan 62–6

see also individual camps

Decree against Support for the

extermination policy

Disguising of Jewish Business

escalation of (spring/summer

Enterprises 100

1942) 356 – 60

raw materials allocation measures 99

in Poland (1942 on) 375–82

traffic group report 545 n. 37

in Soviet Union 382–5

Four-Year-Plan Organization 181

extermination through work 314–20, 324


denaturalization law 395–6

Faith Movement of German Christians 22

deportation of Jews 267, 271–4, 285, 308,

false identities 381, 561 n. 31

327–9, 360 –1, 363, 392–6

fashion industry: exclusion of Jewish

Gypsies in 419

influence on 84–5

radicalization of persecution 403–4

Filbert, Alfred 221, 252

resistance movement 273, 327

films: exclusion of Jewish influence

Frank, Hans 154, 158, 172, 264–5, 492 n.

on 83–4


Final Solution 2, 6–7, 176

on AB campaign 165

decision on implementation of 259–63

on annihilation of Jews 308

in Denmark 397–9

and definition of Jewishness 160

in Eastern Europe 330–56

on deportations from General

in France 329

Government 176, 293

in Galicia 292–6

on deportations to General

in General Government 334–5

Government 488 n. 104

in Poland 330–45

and Madagascar Plan 162–3

RSHA and 307–8

and Warsaw ghetto 175

in Serbia 300–1

Frankfurter, David 62

in Soviet Union 345–56

Frauendorfer, Max 333, 341

in Warsaw 335–7

fremdvölkische Mischlinge (alien half-

in Warthegau 290–1

breeds) 46, 93–4

Finance Ministry: and Haavara

Frick, Wilhelm 15, 57, 59

Agreement 44

and Reich Citizenship Law 58

Finland 368–9, 389, 390

and economic measures against

Fischböck, Hans 125

Jews 61

Flag Law 59

on forced labour 121

Fleischmann, Gisi 326

16 December 1938 Judenpolitik

Flossenbürg camp 417

meeting 116–17

folk history: racial hygiene in 78–9

Friedländer, Saul 2

food-supply policies

Fritsch, Werner von 96



Fundamental Decree Concerning

Generalplan Ost (Overall Eastern Plan)

Preventive Crime-Fighting by the


Police 91

Gens, Jacob 385

Genschel, Helmut 66

Galicia 208

Gerlach, Christian 209–10, 243, 249, 263,

deportations to extermination

542 n. 5 & 6, 552 n. 182, 568 n. 200

camps 331–2, 337–8

Final Solution 2

Final Solution in 292–6

gas vans 531 n. 11

forced labour projects 319

murder of mentally ill 531 n. 13

ghettos, dissolution of 378–9

German Academy 21

Jewish Councils in 296

German-Austrian Alpine Club 21

Jews in hiding 381

German Historians’ Congress (1934) 78–9

liquidation of labour camps 379

German League (Deutschbund) 14

mass murders (1943) 376

German League of Gymnasts 21

Ganzenmüller, Albert 334–5

German National Association of

gas chambers 139, 140, 276, 279–80, 297, 314

Commercial Employees (DHV) 20, 23

in Auschwitz 263, 280–2, 326, 334–5, 344,

German National People’s Party, see DNVP

345, 359, 408, 409, 420

German National Student Union 21

in Belzec 330, 334, 338

German People’s Defence and Offence

in Mauthausen 417

League (Deutschvölkischer Schutz- und

mobile 138: see also gas vans

Trutzbund) 13, 14

in Ravensbrück 416

German Self-Defence Corps (volksdeutscher

removal of traces of 410, 411

Selbstschutz) 145

in Stutthof 415

German University Circle (DHR) 21

in Treblinka 339, 340, 378, 411

German Völkisch Freedom Party

in Sobibor 322, 334

(DVFP) 13

gas vans 240–1, 278–9, 280, 531 n. 11

German Völkisch Yearbook 13

Chelmno 290, 380

Gestapo 465 n. 72

Warthegau 290

and Aryanization 66

Gau Party rally (4 August, 1935) 57–8

asocials, action against 92

Gellately, Robert 465 n. 72

and deportations 286

Gemeinnützigen Kranken-Transport GmbH

farmers, action against 65

(Public Patient Transport

and Jewish schools 134

Company) 139

Kurfürstendamm café raid 103

General Commissariat Ostland 297–300

and security police 90, 133

General Government 147, 153

and Russian campaign 185

and Aryanization 160

Ghetto Chronicle, Lodz 344

Department of Population and

ghettoization 117, 118, 157, 160–1, 211

Welfare 296

in General Government 161, 165–6

deportation from 176, 293, 309

ghettos 116, 214, 308, 338, 350–2

deportation of Gypsies into 488 n. 104

black market in 169

deportation of Jews into 156–7, 159, 165,

as concentration camps 384

172–3, 488 n. 104

death penalty for living outside 293

deportation of Poles into 159, 172–3, 488

dissolution of: in Galicia 378–8

n. 104

Einsatzgruppen and 212–13

extermination through labour 319

General Government 331

Final Solution in 292–6

Jewish Councils in 168–70, 171

forced labour 167, 341

life in 167–71, 321

ghettos 161, 165–6, 321, 331

liquidation of Polish 376–81

Gypsies in 157, 420

mass murders in 221, 222, 223, 224, 226, 230

Jewish Councils in 161

as part of Final Solution 213

and labelling of Jews 160

resistance movements in 170, 353–5, 376,

see also Aktion Reinhardt; Galicia;

378, 385

Madagascar Plan

smuggling in 169



ghettos (cont.)

Gramml, Hermann 436 n. 2

in Soviet Union 345, 346

Greece 368, 391, 402–3

Wehrmacht and 212

Green Folder 182

White Ruthenia 383

Greifelt, Ulrich 274

see also individual ghettos

Greiser, Artur 271, 291, 299, 380

Gienanth, Curt Ludwig Freiherr von 342

Grohé, Josef 55

Glebokie ghetto 383

Gross, Jan Tomasz 196

Globocnik, Odilo 154, 216, 264, 294–5, 333,

Gross, Walter 94


großdeutsch national identity 11–12

and Bialystok ghetto, liquidation of 381

Groß-Rosen concentration camp


and Final Solution 331

Gruner, Wolf 121

and General Government labour

Grynspan, Herschel 110

camps 379

Guidelines for the Bearing of Forenames 98

and Lublin ghetto, deportations from 330

Guidelines for the Conduct of Troops in

Ostindustrie 377

Russia 184, 241

Goebbels, Joseph 56, 104, 267, 562 n. 67

Guidelines for the Treatment of Political

and boycotts of Jewish businesses 36

Commissars 184, 241

on clearance of Lublin ghetto 331

Günther, Albrecht 23

on deportations 171, 175, 265–6, 268, 269,

Gunzenhauzen attacks 42


Gürtner, Franz 58

on euthanasia 278

Gustloff, Wilhelm 62

and exclusion of Jews from culture 82,

Gutman, Israel 335

83, 463 n. 54

Gymnasts’ Movement 14

on exclusion of Jews from everyday

Gypsies 46, 49–50, 73, 149, 418–21

life 114–15

Criminal Police, persecution by 92–3

on extermination of Jews 289

deportation of 152, 157, 158, 286, 288–9,

on Germany’s allies 400


identification of Jews by yellow star 284

Einsatzgruppen and 419

Jews in General Government 378

in ghettos 289

on mixed marriages 57–8

and marriage 50

and November 1938 pogrom 110–11

murder of 242

and segregation of Jews 103

in Poland 419

Goering, Hermann 19, 64, 116

shot in reprisals 300, 301

appointed Commissioner for Raw

in Soviet

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