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pogroms in first weeks of war 196,

203– 4

racial defilement

Police Battalion 45: 226

denunciations of 465 n. 72

Police Battalion 314: 226–7

ban on 59: see also marriage: mixed

Police Battalion 316: 222, 223

see also racial hygiene; racial

Police Battalion 320: 224


Police Battalion 322: 221

Racial Hygiene Research Institute 91

Reserve Police Battalion 11: 237–8, 240,

racial hygiene 46–7, 48–50

252, 383

in culture 81–5

Police Leaders 214

health system and 74–5, 128

police reservists: and Russian campaign 186

in intellectual issues 77–81

Polish Jews 132

psychiatry and 135

expulsion from Reich 98

see also eugenics

fate of 264–5

racial miscegenation 15–16, 22, 52, 57, 74

German occupying forces and 145

racial policies 30–2, 70–2

Pomerania: euthanasia programmes 138

Rademacher, Franz 162, 275, 365, 491 n. 143,

Ponary mass execution 384–5

526 n. 54

Popoff (Bulgarian Foreign Minister) 364

and Madagascar Plan 163, 164

Prague: deportation of Jews from 271

Radom 337, 376

Prast, Otto-Ernst 228

Rangell, Johan 368–9

press: autonomous Jewish sector and 87

Rasch, Otto 188, 199, 224, 227, 252

preventive crime-fighting 91

Rath, Ernst vom 110



Rathenau, Walther 14

Reich Health Office: Racial Hygiene

rationing 134, 166, 168

Research Institute 91

Ravensbrück concentration camp 416, 417

Reich Insurance Group 113

Rear Areas of the Army Groups 184–5, 212

Reich Interior Ministry 94

Regulation for the Deployment of the

Reich Labour Exchange 121

Security Police and the SD within

Reich Office for Area Planning (Reichsstelle

Army Formations 182–3

für Raumordnung) 163

Regulation of the Deployment of the

Reich Office to Combat the Gypsy Plague 92

Security Police and the SD for the war

Reich Ring for National Socialist

to be fought in the Balkans 183

Propaganda 266

Reich Association of Jewish Cultural

Reich Security Head Office (RSHA) 133,

Societies 87

134, 135, 144, 145

Reich Association of the Jews in Germany

deportation of Jews 152–3

(Reichsvereinigung der Juden in

and exemptions from special measures/

Deutschland) 45, 126, 127–8, 133

deportations 318

Reich Board of Deputies of German Jews

and Final Solution 307–8

(Reichsvertretung) 44–5, 126

and Madagascar Plan 163–4

Reich Central Office for Combating

Special Department for Jewish Matters

Homosexuality and Abortion 93

and Evacuation Affairs 286

Reich Chamber of Culture 40, 82, 87, 463

transfer of Jewish property 287

n. 54

and Wannsee Conference 306–7

Reich Chamber of Letters

Reich Working Group of Sanatoria and

(Reichsschrifttumskammer) 82

Nursing Homes

Reich Citizens Rights

(Reichsarbeitsgemeinschaft Heil- und

(Reichsbürgerrecht) 53

Pflegeanstalten) 139

Reich Citizenship Law

Reichenau, Walther von 242

(Reichsbürgergesetz) 40, 58, 59, 60

Reichsarbeitsgemeinschaft Heil- und

First Decree 61

Pflegeanstalten (Reich Working Group

Third Decree 100

of Sanatoria and Nursing Homes) 139

Tenth Decree 126–7

Reichsausschuss zur wissenschaftlichen

Eleventh Decree 285, 287

Erfassung von erb- und

Reich Commission for Marriage

anlagebedingten schweren Leiden

Permits 62

(Reich Committee for the Scientific

Reich Commission for the Protection of

Registration of Severe Illnesses with

German Blood 62

Hereditary or Predisposed

Reich Committee for the Scientific

Causes) 136

Registration of Severe Illnesses with

Reichsbank 65

Hereditary or Predisposed Causes

Reichsbürgerrecht (Reich Citizens

(Reichsausschuss zur

Rights) 53

wissenschaftlichen Erfassung von erb-

Reichskommissariat Ostland 379, 382,

und anlagebedingten schweren

383– 4

Leiden) 136

Reichskriminalpolizeiamt (Reich Criminal

Reich Criminal Investigation Department

Investigation Department) 137, 152

(Reichskriminalpolizeiamt) 137, 152

Reichskristallnacht 109–13

Reich Criminal Police Office

Reichslandbund (RLB, National Rural

action against Gypsies 92–3

League) 20

Headquarters of Criminal Genealogy 91

Reichsluftschutzbund (National Air-Raid

Reich Deputation of German Jews 87

Protection League) 134

education guidelines 88

Reichsschrifttumskammer (Reich Chamber

Reich Deputation of the Jews in Germany

of Letters) 82

(originally Reich Deputation of

Reichsstelle für Raumordnung (Reich Office

German Jews) 87

for Area Planning) 163

Reich Health Authority: Racial Hygiene

Reichsvertretung, see Reich Board of

Research Centre 92

Deputies of German Jews



Reichsvereinigung der Juden in Deutschland,

Riga pogrom 194

see Reich Association of the Jews in



Berlin 56, 102–5

Reinhardt Actions, see Aktion Reinhardt

in Hesse 110

Reitlinger, Gerald 487 n. 101

spring/summer 1935: 112


spring/summer 1938: 102–5, 112

Communists shot in 300

Ritter, Robert 92

and deportation 273–4

RLB (Reichslandbund, National Rural

for French resistance movement

League) 20

attacks 273, 327

road building 121, 309, 319, 370, 371, 544 n. 20

Gypsies shot in 300, 301

Röhm, Ernst 51

hostages shot in 202, 270, 276, 300–1, 319,

Romania 201, 209, 285, 364–5, 370–1, 400,

327, 328


Minsk 383

deportation of Jews from 366

for sheltering Jews 382

Gypsies in 419

Soviet Union 383

Roosevelt, Franklin D. 268

Wehrmacht and 246

Roques, Karl von 218

Requirement to Report Newborn Children

Rosenbauer (Police Battalion

with any form of Handicap

Commander) 226

(Meldepflicht über missgestaltete usw.

Rosenberg, Alfred 176, 212, 214–15, 216, 217,

Neugeborene) 136

293, 541 n. 4

resettlement programme 155–6, 161–5

on deportation of Central European

resistance movements 270

Jews 267

in Belgium 362, 388, 389

on emigration to East 293

in France 273, 327

on extermination of Jews 289, 298

in ghettos 170, 341, 353–5, 376, 377–9, 385

Röthke, Heinz 394–5

in Kaunas (Kovno) ghetto 385

Rublee, George 125, 126

in Poland 341, 377–9, 381

Rumkowski, Chaim 291, 343, 489 n. 126

in Polish ghettos 341, 377–9

Russian campaign 184, 185–6, 187–91

in Riga 385

Rust, Bernhard 76, 77

in Serbia 300

in Soviet ghettos 353–5

SA (Stürmabteilung) 33, 53

in Vilnius 385

and boycotts of Jewish businesses 36

in Warsaw ghetto 377–8

action in Creglingen 34

restaurants 24, 155–6

Sabac concentration camp 300

Reventlow, Count Ernst 15, 16

Sachsenhausen concentration camp 279,

Rhine Province: ban on movement of


Jews 475 n. 20

deportation of Jews from Slovakia to 405

Rhineland Bastards 51, 93

Sambor pogrom 195

Ribbentrop, Joachim von 366–7

Sandberger (Head of Central Immigration

and Denmark 398

Office) 477 n. 44

on deportation of Jews 368, 369–70, 372

Sarny ghetto 351

and Italians 396

Schacht, Hjalmar 58, 96, 126

on Jews in Hungary 405–6

and economic measures against Jews 61

and Madagascar Plan 162

on emigration 125

Richter, Gustav 366, 370–1

Scheffler, Wolfgang 550 n. 147


Schirach, Baldur von 172

murders of mentally ill 240

Schmauser, Heinrich 415

resistance movement 385

Schmelt, Albrecht 167, 292

Riga concentration camp, see Kaiserwald

Schöngarth, Eberhard 185

concentration camp

Schultz-Oldendorf, Wilhelm 14

Riga extermination camp 282

Schulz, Erwin 188, 225, 252

Riga ghetto 233, 271, 299, 346, 384

Schutzmannschaften (local voluntary

Bloody Sunday 236–7

troops) 239–40



Schutzpolizei (Paramilitary Police) 145

sociology: racial hygiene in 78

Schutzstaffel, see SS

Sommer, Walter 64

Schwarze Korps 123

Soviet People’s Commissariat for Internal

Schwede, Franz 138, 477 n. 44

Affairs (NKVD) 194

SD (Sicherheitsdienst, Security Service)

Soviet Union

deportation policy 68–9

concentration camps in 383–4

Jewish Affairs Department 101–2, 103,

conquest of 179–80, 181, 183, 184, 185–6,

105– 6, 108–9, 156


reports on riots 58, 107

Criminal Police and 185

Secret Field Police 346

extermination policy (late 1942

Security Police (Sicherheitspolizei) 294

on) 382–5

Gestapo and 90, 133

Final Solution in 345–56

and persecution of minorities 90–4

food-supply policies 181–2

and Russian campaign 184, 185

ghettos 345, 346

Security Service, see SD

Gypsies in 242, 245, 419

Seetzen (leader of Special Commando

mass murders by Wehrmacht 242–7

10a) 228

murder of ‘Asiatic’-looking people 241

segregation policies 71, 85–6

Special Department III ES (immigration

and development of autonomous Jewish

and settlement) 155–6

sector 85–9

Specialist Advisory Board for Population

of Jewish minority 52, 53–4

and Race Policy 93

Self-Defence Corps 146

Spector, Shmuel 354

Sembin ghetto 221

Speer, Albert 475 n. 21, 527 n. 66


Sportbund Schild des Reichbundes jüdischer

Final Solution in 300–1

Frontsoldaten (Sporting Association

Gypsies in 419

Shield of the National Association of

Serbs: in Croatia 365

Jewish Front-Line Soldiers) 451 n. 86

707th Division 237, 238, 244, 245– 6, 252

sports associations 46

sex offenders: castration of 48

Sprenger, Jakob 55

Sicherheitsdienst, see SD

SS (Schutzstaffel)

Six, Professor Franz 105

Death’s Head Formations 186–7

Sklarek (involved in corruption scandal)

and Jewish forced labour 341–2


need for manpower 315–16

Slonim, Belarus 348

and pogroms 214

Slonim ghetto 238

Waffen-SS 145, 184, 185

liquidation of

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