» Other » Love Leaps: A Short Story, Karen Jerabek [snow like ashes TXT] 📗

Book online «Love Leaps: A Short Story, Karen Jerabek [snow like ashes TXT] 📗». Author Karen Jerabek

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trade politeconversation for a few minutes, talking about work and mutualfriends, before we dare venture to the questions we're dying to askeach other. We fall easily right back into a comfortable rhythmwith each other as if no time has passed when it's really been over6 months. Anyone would think we just saw each other yesterday withhow easily we laugh and finish each other's sentences. And it's inthat comfort, that I relax for the first time in a days. Sam takesa sip of his beer and watches my face intently.

“What?” I ask him with a smile.

“Nothing,” he shrugs. “You just seemed alittle stressed out when you got here but now that's gone.”

“Must be good beer,” I laugh.

“Perhaps good company too,” he says andwinks at me.

“Perhaps,” I say, smiling. Oh that wink. Andthat handsome smile. My clothes are starting to feel as if they'remelting off my body. Damn Jessica for being right. I struggle toregain my composure when all I can think about is how his lipswould taste.

“Perhaps,” he murmurs as he moves closertoward me. His hand reaches out and gently tucks a strand of myhair behind my ear. His fingers linger slightly as they move slowlythrough the rest of my hair. He squeezes the back of my neck beforeletting his hand slide free. Goosebumps creep up where his hand hadjust been.

“I've missed you,” he says sincerely. “Ididn't know how much, until right now.”

“I've missed you too,” I find myself sayingback to him. And it's true. I have missed him. Things with Sam werealways fun and carefree and we just seemed to “get” each other.With Gray, they've always been more serious and intense. While Ifelt more secure with Gray and content with where things were inour relationship, all of that's been stripped away. Which one can Itrust more, I wonder..the man that started creating the life I'vealways dreamed about but then takes it away or the man that hadpotential but wasn't in the right place in his life to even attemptto create anything with me?

“You know,” I say. “It's too bad that youweren't ready for a relationship when we were together. I think wecould have been good together.”

“I know. I was stupid to let you go,” hesays wistfully.

I reach across the table and squeeze hishand. Remorse, I know it all too well.

“So,” he says and takes another drink of hisbeer. “How are things going with that crayon guy?”

“His name is Gray. You know that,” I sayannoyed by his grammar school joke.

“I know. Can't I express a little humorabout the guy that stole you away from me?” he asks.

“He didn't steal me away,” I remind him.“You never really wanted me.”

“I did want you, very much so. I just didn'tknow how,” he says, staring intently into my eyes. After a longpause, he adds, “So, how are things with Gray?”

“Well,” I say, not sure how much I want toshare. “We're kind of in a rough patch right now.”

“I'm sorry,” he says.

“No you aren't!” I exclaim with a laugh.

“I don't like to see you hurt,” he offers.“And if things aren't working out, perhaps you'd be willing to giveme a second chance?”

He's saying everything I'd hoped he'd say ayear ago. And now, he's saying it at the worst time in the world. Ilove Gray. I may be really mad at him, but I'm not sure if I'mwilling to let go just yet. I just don't know what to think.

“Let me see how things work out with Grayfirst,” I say.

“Sure,” he says. “I can wait.”

We each take a sip of our beers, thinkingover what was just said. Sensing the seriousness of ourconversation, Sam switches gears and starts telling me hilariousstories about his idiotic brother, Pete, who lives with him. He'sone of those happy-go-lucky guys who for whatever reason, alwaysseems to attract disaster, like the time he got chased by analligator on a golf course or the time he sneezed and ran his carinto a police officer's car. It's always something. I kind of feelbad for laughing about his misfortunes, but they're funny and withthe way Sam tells them, I can't breathe, I'm laughing so hard. And,it's really good to laugh.

I glance at my watch, calculating how muchsleep I'll be able to get tonight before I have to be up and readyfor work in the morning. Sam notices and raises his eyebrows atme.

“Are you going to turn into a pumpkin?” heasks with a smile.

“It's past pumpkin time,” I say ruefully. “Ineed to get going so I'm not looking like the walking dead tomorrowat work.”

“Ah, but you wear the zombie look so well,”he teases.

“Only you think so,” I say with a wink.“It's been fun. I'm glad we had a chance to catch up.”

“Me too,” he says and hugs me. Again, helingers just slightly too long. He sighs into my hair and I feelhis breath against my neck. He pulls back slightly, kissing me onmy cheek. This is exactly what Jessica warned me about. He reallyis one of those men that make your clothes fall off. My cheektingles from the touch of his lips against my skin. I let go of himand step back, knowing this is my only chance to not get caught upin our chemistry.

“I'd better get going,” I stammer.

“Okay,” he says, staring deep into myeyes.

“Seriously, I've got to go,” I say and breakeye contact.

“I know,” he says. “I'll talk to yousoon.”

“Night,” I say. He grabs my hand andsqueezes it before letting go.

I smile and then turn to head toward my car.It would be so easy to go home with him, have crazy sex and forgetabout everything that's been going on with Gray. But, I knowtomorrow morning, I would feel worse than I already do, so I needto I feel his eyes follow me as I cross the street.Straightening my top, I take a deep breath. So many thoughts areracing through my head. He's incredibly gorgeous and we have thiselectric chemistry but does he really want a relationship with me?And, more importantly, do I want one with him? And what aboutGray?

When I get home, I'm feeling quitedepressed. I

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