» Other » Love Leaps: A Short Story, Karen Jerabek [snow like ashes TXT] 📗

Book online «Love Leaps: A Short Story, Karen Jerabek [snow like ashes TXT] 📗». Author Karen Jerabek

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dinner, we move back to the bar whereit's getting crowded and a band has started playing. We have acouple more drinks while dancing to one of the hip, local bands. Bythe end of the night, we're ready to head home. I feel so muchbetter now that I've had a night out with my best friend.

I fall asleep easily and sleep through thenight, even getting a couple extra hours than I'd expected.Stretching, I pull the covers back, ready to get out of bed, when Isee my phone flashing. It's probably a text from Jess.

“Meet me for brunch today at Hibernian Pubat 11am. I'm not taking no for an answer.”

I smirk. It's not from Jessica after all.It's from Sam. He's been asking to see me again but I've beenputting him off while I see what happens with Gray. I can't handlehaving my heart pulled in two different directions. I'm amused he'sdemanding to see me now. But the more I've thought about Sam, themore I'm starting to think we're too much alike. Yes, we get eachother and yes, we have intense chemistry but we also push eachother's buttons because we can and we both seem to enjoy the powerstruggle that goes on between us. Is that the kind of relationshipthat I want for the rest of my life? Could it even last that long?Sam seems to think that the chemistry we share is enough of afoundation and everything else will work itself out. Maybe he'sright. I hop in the shower, not sure what I should do.

While I'm toweling off, my phone is showinganother message. Geez, Sam's persistent, I think as I check myphone.

“Can you please meet me at the Rose Gardenso we can talk?”

My heart stops and I feel faint. I'd finallystarted to get used to him not texting me and just as I started tocome to terms with it, here he is. I don't know how to feel. And, Idon't know what to do. I'm still so mad at Gray. How could he walkout on me? No, he didn't break up with me, but in a way, it's beenworse than a break up. I've just been living in limbo while he'sout trying to figure out who he is or some craziness like that. Andnow, I get this stupid text asking me to meet him in the RoseGarden. What does he mean by “talk”? Is he going to apologize? Oris he going to dump me for real this time? I feel sick to mystomach. Is the reason he's asking me to go to a public placebecause I won't make a scene there? And why couldn't he have justcome over? Why does he have to be so damn dramatic? All thesequestions and no answers. I really want to throw up. You know, Ishouldn't be expected to drop everything and run over there becausehe's good and ready to talk. Maybe I should make him wait...makehim see what I've been going through. I chuck my phone on thebed.

As I get dressed, my mind races. Should I gosee Gray and see if we can salvage our relationship, if that's evenwhat he wants? Or should I go see Sam and try to figure out whatkeeps bringing us back together? Or hell, maybe I should just goshopping and forget both of them! Taking a deep breath, I pictureboth guys standing next to each other and as my mind quiets down, Iknow which one I want a future with and which one I'm ready to letgo of.

I send only one text on my way out the door,“I'm on my way.” Smiling, I get in my car, with my hands shakingand my stomach feeling like a ball of nerves. But this is right. Iknow it. And I just hope he knows it too.

As I pull into a parking spot, I see himpacing, waiting for me. Standing there for a moment, watching him,I smile feeling confident and hopeful. My nerves are gone as I headdown to see him. Just as I reach the last step, he glances over tothe stairs and smiles broadly when he recognizes me. I smile backas he walks over.

“Hi,” he says quietly.

“Hi,” I say, smiling.

“I wasn't sure if you'd come,” he tellsme.

“I wasn't sure either,” I say honestly.

“But, you're here,” he says.

“Yes, I am.”

“I love you,” he blurts out and then grinssheepishly.

“I love you, too,” I tell him, meaning itwith all my heart. He takes my hand and has me sit down next tohim.

“Remember the first time we came here?” heasks.

“How could I forget?” I say smiling. “It wasour first date.”

“Yes, it was. And I knew that first time Imet you that you were the most amazing woman I'd ever known and I'dbe so lucky if I could spend my life with you,” he tells me. “Butthen I got scared. And I saw all of our friends getting engaged andmarried and I felt like everyone was on this conveyor belt movingalong and it was just what was expected and I didn't want to belike that. I didn't want to get engaged just because it wasexpected.”

I nod, but I wait for him to continue. Hesqueezes my hand and takes another deep breath.

“I'm sorry I've made you wait for me. I'msorry that I've hurt you,” he says sincerely.

“I know,” I whisper quietly.

“But, I want you to know that this timeapart has helped me to see things clearly. I know I love you. Iknow I want a life with you. We aren't living on some conveyorbelt. We're choosing each other or at least, I 'm choosing you withall that I am and all that I have. I'm yours, Em, if you'll haveme,” he says with such an intense amount of honesty that tears wellup in my eyes.

“Yes, I'll have you. And, I want you to knowthat I choose you too,” I say and kiss him.

“God, I was so scared you weren't going towant me anymore,” he says.

“I was scared I wasn't going to want youanymore either,” I say. “But I still do.”

“How did I ever get this lucky?” he musesand kisses

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