» Performing Arts » Stormfleet - New Land, Anthony King [sight word books TXT] 📗

Book online «Stormfleet - New Land, Anthony King [sight word books TXT] 📗». Author Anthony King

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/> Pvt. Bella - Which one of you is Lieutenant Minoso?

Lt. Minoso - That would be me and who are you?

Pvt. Bella - My name is Private Anna Bella and you must be Major Striker.

Maj. Striker - That’s me... Well you sure are a forward little thing not even saluting two ranking officers
Pvt. Bella - It is not mandated for me to do so. (Trooper 1 draws his firearm)

Trooper1 -Under Imperial guidelines you are REQUIRED to salute any officer you come in contact with.
Lt. Minoso - Lower your weapon she’s a lady. Besides she cant be expected to know our guidelines because she wasn’t even done with her basic training. The Colonel sent her over here to act as an informant. Am I correct? And you should know that if you lie to me my troops will be forced to escort you to the brig.
Pvt. Bella -....You are correct sir.

Lt. Minoso - I hate when I’m right. Alright Private Anna Bella I will accept you into my ranks under two conditions. First you are never to be more than 3 yards away from me and you will refer to myself and my officers as sir until you are told otherwise. Do we have an understanding?
Pvt. Bella - Yes sir.

Lt. Minoso - Good now come with me {on his communicator} Captain Railer are we clear to jump? (Yes sir just waiting for your go) The Cargo has been retrieved you are clear to jump. (Aye aye sir)
On the Bridge
Capt. Railer - Bring us about

Pilot1 - Aye aye sir, coming about {the ship starts to turn}

Pilot2 -All levels report clear for jump.

Capt. Railer - Set in coordinates.

Pilot 1 - Coordinates set in

Capt. Railer -Set shields to full

Pilot 3 -Shields set to full Captain.

Capt. Railer -Send coordinates to Storm Command

Comm. Off. -Coordinates sent sir.

Capt. Railer -Bring us up one quarter burst

Pilot 1 -Aye aye sir... All objects clear.

Capt. Railer -Good... Full to subspace engines... Punch it.{ the engines burst to life right before the ship blasts into subspace}
Capt. Rich -Colonel the Avenger has jumped to unauthorized coordinates which we did not receive.
Magnus - Keep tracking their signal until they drop from subspace.

Capt. Rich -Aye aye sir

{the Dreadnaught shutters}


Capt. Rich. -A vessel must have followed us threw the anomaly and now its firing projectiles to bypass our shields.

Pilot 1 - Captain shields holding at 69 percent.

Pilot 4 - Sir we’ve got hull breaches along levels 1,5,6,7,9 and 12.

Magnus - Seal off those levels

Pilot 4 - But sir we’re still picking up vitals on those levels, moving to the emergency exits...
{Magnus draws his pistol and shoots the pilot in the back of the head}
Magnus - Seal off those levels... NOW!!!

Capt. Rich - Belay that order !!!.

Magnus - You will seal off those levels or I will hold you in contempt of command CAPTAIN Richards!!!.
Capt. Rich -.......Seal off those levels. {the pilot looks at the Captain} SEAL IT OFF!!!

Pilot 1 - Sealing off the compromised levels sir.

Capt. Rich. -How many vital signs are there?

Ship Engin. -154....140.... 127....99....80.....67....59.....38.....{the ship shutters again}....5.... all vitals have been neutralized... sir
Magnus -{Walking past Captain Richards} If you ever hesitate like that again I will kill you Captain.{the crew members on the bridge turn and face the captain as Magnus leaves the bridge.}
Back at Broad Ripple
Anthony -Sorry I’m out of chips right now, I just sold my last bag to her.

Girl 1 -Dang alright save me some tomorrow.

Anthony -I’ll do what I can.

Girl 1 -Thanks

Anthony -Sorry bout that Gaby

Gaby - Its ok, that’s your business.

Anthony -So Gaby I had a question I wanted to ask you.

Gaby -What is it?

Anthony - Well I wanted to ask you if you would be my

Maria -Hey Gaby, what are you still doing down here?

Gaby - The minute bell hasn’t rung yet has it?

Maria - Yea about 10 seconds ago.

Gaby - Dang, I gotta go. You can ask me what you wanted to ask me after school.

Anthony - But... Ok I’ll do that see you later Gaby.
{Gaby and Maria walk away as Anthony walks the other way, after he walks around he punches a locker to relieve his anger.}
On board the Avenger
Capt. Railer - Lieutenant we should be arriving at the planet in 15 seconds.

Lt. Minoso - Understood Major Striker could you prepare your troops for insertion and inform Captain Gree to prepare his troops for battle
Maj. Striker -Yes sir {Striker salutes then exits the bridge}

Capt. Railer - Arrival on
{the Avenger drops out of space behind the moon in order to hide its signal}
Capt. Railer -Jump successful the target planet is located on the other side of the moon.

Lt. Minoso - Roger that... Captain Railer is there anyway we can jam their communications from this vector?
Capt. Railer -I do not know I don’t believe so. Corporal Hanes can you jam there communications from this location?
Corp. Hanes -Sir I don’t believe so

Pvt. Bella - Pardon me sirs but I believe I might be of some assistance. On board the Dreadnaught I served as a chief Communications Officer. If I may?
Lt. Minoso - By all means, Private Bella you may relieve Corporal Hanes.

Pvt. Bella - Yes sir {Corporal Hanes stands up and Anna sits down}. Calculating for signal translation. Inputting code coordinates . Targeting..... Communication jammier is in position.
Lt. Minoso - Bravo. Captain fire when ready.

Capt. Railer - I do believe that this time we should give Private Bella that honor sir.

Lt. Minoso - I agree. Private Bella give the order when your ready.
{Anna is blushing because the look she’s receiving from Minoso its almost like their the only two people on the Bridge}
Pvt. Bella -Fire jammier

Pilot 4 - Aye aye firing.
{The Avenger fires a beam at a satellite}
Comm. Off. -Hit confirmed their communications are down.

Capt. Railer -{Noticing how Minoso was looking at Anna Railer walks by Minoso and whispers} Minoso you’ve got 15 minutes till we land on the planet. Make em count.
Lt. Minoso - I understand... Captain Railer you have Comm.

Capt. Railer - Taking Comm sir.
{Minoso exits the bridge and Anna follows him. After they go around a corner Minoso pins Anna against the wall.}
Pvt. Bella - Sir what are you doing

Lt. Minoso - I want you... And you want me too.

Pvt. Bella - Perhaps but its un-officer-like conduct

Lt. Minoso - Only if it compromises our work ethic.{Minoso starts kissing Anna’s neck and we can tell she likes it}
Pvt. Bella -But sir we must think about this where’s this gonna {Anna takes Minoso’s head and starts making out with him.} Can we go to your room...sir {keeps kissing }
In the Barracks
Maj. Striker -Captain Gree, the Lieutenant has given us the green light. He wants you to prepare your men for the primary land invasion
Capt. Gree -Roger that sir. Has he given us a location to attack?

Maj. Striker -He left that up to me. I want your first Battalion to land right here in Iraq it seems to be a location of interest. Your second Battalion should land here in Pakistan. Your third Battalion is landing here in this Forward Command Post. Your orders are to simple Search and Destroy until either the Lieutenant or I give you further orders.
Capt. Gree -Yes sir... But what if we come across civilians?

Maj. Striker -...the Lieutenant didn’t say. If at all possible capture them, if they try to resist execute with heavy prejudice and burn their home to the ground.
Capt. Gree - Aye aye sir {Captain Gree Salutes the exits the Majors quarters followed by his two guards.}
Maj. Striker -All units prepare for departure.

Lt. Minoso -Major Striker I am placing Pvt. Bella in the 89th Marine Detachment and I want you to merge your Raiders with them as well.
Maj. Striker -Yes sir, is there any thing else sir?

Lt. Minoso - Yes, tell Captain Gree that his fifth and sixth Battalions will be attacking U.S. Naval targets. His objectives will be to commandeer those vessels until further orders are given.
Maj. Striker -Aye aye sir.{Major Striker salutes then exits his quarters}

Capt. Railer -Lieutenant we are entering Earths atmosphere and should have land fall in 5 minutes.
Minoso -Roger that Captain. Tell the pilots to report to their vessels any prep for launch.

Capt. Railer -Aye aye sir (All pilots are to report to their vessels and prepare launch)

Minoso -Private Bella you should start getting dressed.

Pvt. Bella - Is that an order sir? :P

Minoso -If you don’t start getting dressed I’m gonna have to get you dressed...

Pvt. Bella -Well then you better get started.

Minoso - Oh this is gonna be fun...

Capt. Striker - Sir we... Sorry sir, miss...I {Striker cant stop looking at Private Anna Bella’s body}
Minoso -What do you need Captain.{Striker is still looking at Anna Bella and her face is blood red}
Capt. Striker sorry the Bridge.....Sorry but the general is on the comm for you sir.
Minoso -Ok Major thank you for informing me of that, you are dismissed.

Maj. Striker -Yes sir. {Striker salutes looks at Anna Bella again then exits}

Pvt. Bella -You think he got a good look. {they both stat to laugh}

Lt. Minoso - I hope he did cause that’s the last time its gonna happen {Minoso kisses her forehead}... Listen I have to take this and by the time I get back we’re gonna have to hit the planets surface can I trust you to get dressed and be ready when I get back?
Pvt. Bella -Anything you say sir {She goes and kisses him}. Just don’t be too long.
{Lieutenant Minoso puts on his shirt then kisses Anna one more time before leaving}.
On the Bridge
Lt .Minoso -Is the General still on comm?

Comm. Off -Yes sir patching you threw to Storm Command

Cylar -Hello Lieutenant Minoso, Captain Railer {they both salute the hologram} what can you tell me about your current mission status?
Capt. Railer -We have disabled their communications abilities and are preparing to establish a beachhead position sir.
Cylar -Outstanding work Captain Railer. Lieutenant Minoso I am eager to hear your report.
Lt. Minoso -Yes sir. I have authorized the deployment of Captain Gree's legion to the surface to act as a primary engagement force against the American Allied forces in what appears to be Pakistan, Afghanistan, and the Mediterranean Sea. I have given Captain Gree's fifth and sixth battalions exclusive permission to lead the attacks against the naval Assets located on the Eastern tip of Africa, one of his battalions has pledged itself to the primary Assault of Washington D.C.
Cylar -Magnificent work Lieutenant but I do believe that this assault will require more units... I will send the 505th legion to aid your efforts, and I too will be there shortly with extra reinforcements.
Lt. Minoso -All due respect to your command sir but you are the commanding officer of the entire armada... do you really believe that it would be wise for you to be engaged in such a minor assault?
Cylar - That is a valid point Lieutenant... I will not come there but I expect a full report upon your return to fleet.
Lt. Minoso -Yes sir

Maj. Striker -Pardon me sirs but we are ready for the invasion.

Lt. Minoso -Understood... Sir if you would excuse me.

Cylar -Of course your dismissed Lieutenant, Captain Railer would you keep me posted on the mission status?
Capt. Railer -Aye aye sir (Minoso and Railer salute the hologram and exit).
In the hanger bay
Lt. Minoso - Alright Major Striker I need you to assign two platoons to my exclusive command to serve
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