» Performing Arts » Stormfleet - New Land, Anthony King [sight word books TXT] 📗

Book online «Stormfleet - New Land, Anthony King [sight word books TXT] 📗». Author Anthony King

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King it might be good for you to see some action.
Corp. King -Yes sir... I'll see you later Gaby{Anthony hugs her before following Captain Crosser out of the lunchroom.
Trooper 1 -Man those Delta's get to have all the fun.

Trooper 2 -You can say that again

Trooper 3 -When do you think we'll get to see some action?

Trooper 2 -The only way we'll see any action is if we get overrun.

Officer 1 -Hey our mission is just as important as theirs, the only difference is the fact that they have to do more leg work.
Trooper 1 -All due respect sir but their still having more fun then us.

Officer 1 -Good point

On the Roof
Fives -Sir we've got a multiple roadblocks roughly 7 blocks away in all directions

Capt. Crosser -How many people are we talking about?

Fives -I think roughly about 34-45 people at each block sir.

Capt. Crosser -Really?

Rancor -I think we can take them....sir
Capt. Crosser -I agree, Corporal King I want you Rancor, Fives, Axion and Rachet to take out the Eastern Roadblock
Corp. King -Yes sir.

Fives -Do you think its a good idea to attack them before they prove to be a threat sir?

Capt. Crosser -Listen Fives we cannot afford to lose this position to them so in this case the best defense is a good offense.
Fives -Yes sir. Well Corporal King if your going with us your gonna need a better gun {Fives throws a Assault Rifle to Anthony}. Watch out for the recoil and keep your safely on till your ready to fire.
Corp. King - Yes sir

Fives -Oh yea and by the way, we're brothers now you can call me Fives

Corp. King -You got it, Fives

Fives -Lets go.(Fives, Rancor,Axion,Rachet and King jump over the edge of the building and fall three stories before landing on the ground)
Fives -Alright Axion, Rachet and Rancor take the Western roadblock me and King will handle the Eastern Roadblock.
Axion -You got it.(Rachet, Rancor and Axion run towards the western roadblock)

Fives -Alright King you and I are gonna take this nice and easy. This is gonna be the first time you've ever taken fire wearing the armor so be careful and don't get hit too many times one of their shots might actually penetrate your armor.
Corp. King -Alright, is the safety off?

Fives -Yea but your good, our blasters are armed with biometric scanners to ensure that no one else except one of us can use them.
Corp. King -That’s actually kinda smart, so the recoil is bad?

Fives -Yea that's why we advise all new recruits to take steady single shots to avoid dislocating their shoulders and to avoid any unneeded injuries.
Corp. King -Ok... So how long you been an officer?

Fives -I've been an officer going on 5 years and I've spent 3 of those years under Captain Crosser's command and 2 under General King's command.
Corp. King -General King? Who's he?

Fives -General Cylar King, the commanding officer of imperial fleet 34-9014-367 otherwise known as Stormfleet. He is a 14 star general and at one time he was given the opportunity to take command of the Imperial Armada but he declined because of what he was ordered to do.
Corp. King -What was he ordered to do?

Fives -The Grand Admiral ordered him to lead a retaliation attack across the galaxy and he had orders to execute anyone who seemed like they would ally themselves with the Rebellion.
Corp. King -And he declined the order?

Fives -Yea, and after he did the Admiral stripped him of his rank and had him sent to the brig but General King's officers wouldn't have it... so they rebelled against the Admiral and rescued the General from the guards. Afterwords there was a massive space battle between Stormfleet and the Armada. I remember because I was just a recruit fresh outta boot. Well anyways during the battle Stormfleet managed to destroy 12 Imperial Star Destroyers, critically damaged 19 Star Destroyers and destroyed 79 other vessels and the Armada didn't even manage to breach the hulls of their ships. Well after that needlessly to say the Empire disbanded Stormfleet from Imperial service but General King wouldn’t have that so he found a secret cloning facility and used it to rebuild his forces and ever since then he's been the CO of Stormfleet, which is by-far the most advanced and experienced fleet the Empire ever created.
Corp. King -I see. Wait if you were an Imperial why are you serving him now?

Fives -Because he saved my life.

Corp. King -Oh and now your indebted to him?

Fives -By choice yes

Corp King -Ok(Fives and King are just arriving at the Eastern Roadblock)

Fives -Alright keep your head down and your finger on the trigger. I'll draw their fire and when you get a clean shot take em out and please try not to shoot me.

Corp. King -You got it Fives(Fives cocks his rifle then runs out into the open and the police officers start shooting at him. King Cocks his rifle then aims at an officer) Ok one shot one kill(Takes a deep breath) easy as she goes(King pulls the trigger and hits the officer threw the chest)One down. (King shoots again and hits another officer then he looks over and sees Fives jumping over a patrol car and shooting multiple officers with ease). Fives I got some.
Fives -Good job kid but don't get cocky(Fives hits and officer in the face with the butt of his rifle then pulls out his pistol and shoots another officer in the head) We've got 16 officers coming if from the North.
Corp. King - I got em.(King runs out from his cover and runs straight threw the firefight , he's running and firing off a few shots at the upcoming officers. He takes a hit threw the shoulder then he pulls out a grenade and throws it towards the officers, once it lands it detonates killing all 16 of the officers)Easy as pie(Fives is just now killing the last officer, he draws his blade cuts off the officers trigger hand, stabs his in the chest then spins around and stabs the officer in the head.
Fives -Damn I'm good.(they both laugh)
Corp. King -Only sometimes.

Fives -What you want a piece of me?

Corp. King -I think I'll pass (laughs again) Hey you think the others need our help? ( Axion, Rancor and Rachet jump down from the trees and laugh)
Axion -Funny, that's the same thing I said.

Fives -It wasn't too hard for you was it?

Rachet -It was a piece of cake Fives, I'm starting to think that your trying to give us the easy assignments.
Fives -(laughs a little) That's not the case at all I just don't want you to have all the fun

Rancor -So you wanna hog all the fun?

Corp. King -No of course not.... just dont wanna share it.(They all start laughing)

Fives -Nice one King (He slaps King on the back) Your first joke, this deserves a drink...After we get back to the school or fleet, and all the drinks are Axion. (Everyone agrees)
Axion -Yea....Wait... What??? (Everyone laughs again)

Fives -Alright everyone (Reloads his gun and cocks his rifle) we've gotta get back to the school.
Axion -(finishes laughing) Alright I'll take point, Rancor you can take Port, Rachet you can take Starboard.
Rancor -Works for me (cocks his gun)

Rachet -Me too.(reloads his shotgun and cocks it). King where you wanna be?

King -I'll take the center.

Fives -In that case I guess I'll take the rear.

Rancor -Ready to go?(everyone says their ready then they move out.)

On board the Dreadnaught

Pilot 1 -This is Helmsman McRoy to all personnel report to emergency stations and await further orders, that is all.
Pilot 3 -We've gotta make contact the Avenger before the Armada gets here.

Comm Off. -The Communication relay center was destroyed during the engagement. The only way that they could identify us is if we come up along side them and let them see our insignia.

Pilot 1 -That won't work... The General gave us strict orders to fire on any vessel that came within firing range unless they identify themselves using communications code Delta-Omega 34-5443-98.
Pilot 3 -If our shields can hold long enough for us to come about then we might be able to give them a visual of our port side insignia.
Pilot 4 -That might work but when that Super Star Destroyer attacked us we lost 67% of our shield power and the Avenger has the ability to destroy our ship with their heavy suppressive fire...Our shields won't be able to hold that long unless we can manage to reroute power from life support, and the auto-defense mainframe which will leave us completely defenseless if another ship attacks.
Pilot 1 -That's a risk we're gonna have to take, Captain Richards sir, how are you doing?

Capt. Rich -I've better(laid back in his command chair) We've gotta get to Captain Railer and the Avenger and warn them of the upcoming matter the risk. Punch it Helmsman McRoy.
Pilot 1 -Aye aye Captain, punching it!!!(The Dreadnaught speeds up drastically)
On board the Avenger
Pilot 1 -Captain, Captain Gree needs Orbital bombardment to sector 240-432

Pilot 2 -Captain, 150th is taking heavy enemy fire from the north west and the south.

Comm Off. -Sir, the 89th need a emergency transport for their wounded.

Comm Off 2 -Alpha command needs a bombing run at 237-864.

Capt. Railer -Alright, Helmsman Myers redirect that Bombardment request to fire control.

Pilot 1 -Yes Sir

Capt. Railer -Helmsman Yarus contact the 134th recon Marine Division and tell them to move out to the 150ths location... tell em to give em hell.
Pilot 2 With pleasure sir.

Capt. Railer -Communications Officer Iago, send Rello and two fighters to the Emergency LZ to pick up the 89th's wounded units.
Comm Off. -Yes sir, setting arrival time at 15 minutes.

Capt. Railer -Communications Officer Laver I want the 58th Bombers to head to the coordinates indicated by Alpha Command.
Comm Off. -Aye Aye Captain, all 58th Bombers are to attack the coordinates which have just uploaded to your view screens.
Radar Off. -Sir... I'm picking up on a vessel which appears to be approaching this system

Capt. Railer - Bring us out of orbit take us to code red Delta 2206

Pilot 1 -Aye aye sir. Coming about.(the Avenger turn around and heads into the out outer atmosphere.)
Capt. Railer -All units report to battle stations

Comm. Off. -All stations report green.

Radar. Off -Ship arriving in 5....4....3....2....1....(The Dreadnaught jumps out of hyperspace)

Capt. Railer -All batteries open fire. (all of the cannons on board the Avenger open fire on the Dreadnaught)
On Board the Dreadnaught
(There are explosions occurring all over the bridge)
Pilot 1 -SHIELDS AT 18%


Capt. Rich -SEAL EM OFF!!!



On board the Avenger
Pilot -Sir they have yet to return fire.

Capt. Railer -Have we established contact with them yet?

Comm. Off. 1 -No sir nothing on comm.

Radar Off. -Sir the ships current course puts it at extreme proximity to this ship.

Capt. Railer -...........Hold fire.

Pilot 1 -Yes sir (the batteries on board the Avenger stop firing right after a concussion missile turrets fires, the missile hits the Dreadnaught right under the bridge.)
On board the Dreadnaught
(there are massive fires on the bridge)
Pilot 1 -(cough, cough) Sir are you ok?

Capt. Rich -(now coughing up blood, there is a pole going right threw his stomach) Never better helmsman McRoy,
Pilot 1 -SIR(McRoy runs over to Captain Richards) sir you've gotta be ok?

Capt. Rich - (cough) I'm not gonna make it McRoy...I'm putting you in command in my absents, make me proud McRoy....(Captain Richards dies)
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