» Performing Arts » Stormfleet - New Land, Anthony King [sight word books TXT] 📗

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New Land

Cylar - Generals log stardate set at 2475/7543- Today we have set out to explore an anomaly which has disrupted communications across the galaxy. Scans indicate a massive power source emitting more than 78 billion kilowatts of power.
Magnus -General... sorry sir I’ll wait outside.

Cylar - That is not needed colonel. One moment please... End log .(Log ended) So colonel what’s this all about?

Magnus - Sir we have made contact with the scouts that entered the anomaly, they have reported that it leads to another universe which somehow managed to evade our primary and secondary scans. They managed to send us some images of this new system before we lost contact with them again {hands the General a data pad with the images on it} their systematic scans indicate that there are 9 initial centers of gravity not including the sun.
Cylar - Do we have jump coordinates?

Magnus - No sir. The system is out of jumping range . It appears that the only way to get there is threw the anomaly .

Cylar - I see... Colonel I want you and two legions of troops to enter that system locate and retrieve our scouts before beginning a planet to planet check. Find out if there is any intelligent life on any of these planets. Reestablish communications and report your findings in 14 days at precisely 0800 hours. The Dreadnaught and the Avenger will be at your disposal
Magnus - Do you have any specific legions in mind sir?

Cylar - Take Lieutenant Minos’s 89th Marine Legion and ... Captain Gree’s Dauntless
Legion . If possible use this unique opportunity to recruit troops for our junior regiments.
Magnus - As you wish sir

Cylar - Oh and Colonel when you leave send in 1st Lieutenant Minoso’ we need to have some words before your departure.
Magnus - Yes sir {He salutes then walks out}

Ten Minutes later

Lt. Minoso- Sir I was informed that you requested my attendance before my departure

Cylar - That is correct. Come now Lieutenant we’ve known each other for 8 years and I’ve told you a thousand times that you needn’t be so formal when you visit me.
Lt. Minoso- Sir please forgive my formalisms but I do believe that as long as I am on duty it is my obligation to abide by the rules of the fleet.
Cylar - That is an understandably noble notion but you are currently in the presence of the man who wrote the rules of the fleet so take a break and relax. I called you here to make sure that you were ok I mean it was only a year ago when he...
Lt. Minoso -SIR ALL DO RESP.... Sorry sir ….. I'm sorry, that’s still a touchy subject for me I mean he was my master and my mentor and he’s dead now and I couldn’t do anything to change that.{starts crying}
Cylar - Its ok John . Its ok. Let it out , just let it all out.

Lt. Minoso- Sorry sir I shouldn’t be acting like this before a mission and I just want you to know that it wont effect my abilities to lead my men.
Cylar - I know it wont... The other reason I called you here is for a favor. The system your about to go to is called the Milky Way. Before your time in the early days of the Rebellion before we broke away from the Empire I led a detachment of Stormfleet into this system and we found a planet called Earth. This planet was the only planet that could sustain human life. It’s the 3rd planet from the sun and the humans on the planet are fairly destructive but I want you to focus on one continent called North America. It was considered to be the worlds rising power but by now it should be the primer military force on the planet. I want Captain Gree’s Legion to engage their military forces in one massive campaign which should turn their attention away from their homeland long enough for you and your Legion to infiltrate their home and begin the recruitment process I don’t want full grown men I want teens ranging in ages between 15-19.
Lt. Minoso- What would you have us do if we are confronted by law enforcement?

Cylar - ....Execute with heavy prejudice. Anyone who stands against you must die.

Lt. Minoso- As you wish sir.

Cylar - Good luck Lieutenant
Lt. Minoso- Thank you sir. I will see you again upon my return.

Cylar -You are dismissed. Report to your men and prepare for departure.

Lt. Minoso- Yes sir.{He salutes then walks out}

Cylar - {on his communicator} Excuse me, Miss Grey could you contact my wife and tell her that I wont be home for another two weeks.
Miss Grey - Yes sir... What do you want me to tell her if she asks why?

Cylar - Give her my direct contact extension.

Miss Grey - Yes sir. Is there anything else?

Cylar - No I believe that will be all thank you and I just wanted to say you look beautiful today and happy Birthday.
Miss Grey -{she giggles} Well aren’t you the sweetest boss ever. Thank you and I cant believe you remembered.{he ends the communications}
Location : Earth; USA-Indianapolis ,Indiana Broad Ripple Magnet High School

Anthony - Hey Gaby, so how’s your day so far? I mean even tho you’re a foreigner and all I still remotely care about your feelings.
Gaby - I’m good I’m kinda tired but yea

Anthony -Really? Why is that, I mean besides you obviously being a foreigner and having to run away from Immigration.
Gaby - You Americans and your Immigration.

Anthony -Hey all GREAT countries have Immigration but America’s is the best so that just means that we’re the best {he smiles}
Gaby -No it just means that your even stupider.

Anthony -Hey you cant say that about Gods workers {they both laugh}

Gaby -{still laughing} 1 to 0 {they both continue laughing}

Anthony -Hey 1 to 0 is 10 if you just get rid of the to in between.

Gaby - NO its not. Stupid Americans and your not knowing how to count. {keeps laughing}
Anthony - Silly Foreigners and your having to run to America for a better life. {keeps laughing} So are you staying after school today?
Gaby -I don’t know maybe why?

Anthony - Because I am and I wanna hang out with you.

Gaby - I don’t wanna hang out.

Anthony - Ok.. So yea what if just happen to bump into you and Maria somewhere?

Gaby - What makes you think me and Maria would be together?

Anthony -Seriously. I mean you and Maria are basically sisters if I see one of you then I am bound to see the other one.
Gaby - Yea cause us foreigners got to stick together.

Anthony - Ok I get it... I guess I MIGHT run into you after school then we might be able to hang out.
Gaby - Ok

Ms. H. - Alright class get out your Springboard books and open them to page 351

Anthony - Gaby... You should share because sharing is caring {He doesn’t have his own book}
Gaby - Ok fine { She picks up her backpack off the floor and Anthony pulls her desk over to his so they can share her book.}
Later that day on board the Dreadnaught
Magnus - Alright Corporal give me an update

Corp. Ryan- Yes sir. We have successfully retrieved the scouts and have managed to scan the planets within our vicinity.
Magnus - And?

Corp. Ryan- There were no signs of life located on any of them.

Magnus -FRAC !! How long before we will enter the inner system?

Corp. Ryan -Systems indicate that the minimum time limit will be... 45 minutes but only if we reroute power from the initial dampeners to subspace engines.
Magnus - I see... Captain Richards you have Comm

Capt. Rich- Aye aye sir taking Comm.

Magnus - Private Bella.

Pvt. Bella- Yes sir, how may I be of assistance?

Magnus - Come with me to my quarters I need to speak with you in private.

Pvt. Bella- Yes sir {She salutes the Captain then exits the Bridge behind the Colonel}

Capt. Rich.- Reroute power from the initial dampeners to subspace engines.

In the Colonels Quarters
Magnus - Pvt. Anna what’s your first name?

Pvt. Bella-Anna... sir

Magnus - That’s a beautiful name and you are an officer correct?

Pvt. Bella- Yes sir this is my first assignment under Captain Richards.

Magnus - No I am changing your initial duties. You are now under my command.

Pvt. Bella- Yes sir.

Magnus - You are to act as my informant. I am placing you inside of Lt. Minoso’s 89th Marine Detachment. Your orders are to relay any information you can back to me do you understand your objective?
Pvt. Bella- Yes sir.
Magnus - Good go now and join his troops on board the Avenger . And make no mistake
Minoso will know I sent you and he will try to charm you into telling him your objective. Do not tell him. If you should do otherwise I will have you put on charges of Treason and Negligence in the line of duty.
Pvt. Bella- I understand sir {She salutes then exits}
On-board the Avenger
Capt. Railer- Lieutenant, we’ve got a vessel inbound from the Dreadnaught. What are your orders?
Lt. Minoso- Hold course steady as she goes Captain. Tell the vessel to enter at hanger bay 6.
Major Striker I want you and two of your Sergeants to accompany me to hanger bay 6. Captain, broadcast a ship wide communication informing everyone to prepare for a subspace jump threw the asteroid field.
Capt. Railer- Yes sir.

Lt. Minoso- We jump on my order. Communications, establish contact with the Dreadnaught and tell them to hold their course steady forward.
Comm Off. - Aye aye sir.

Lt. Minoso- Captain Railer you have Comm.

Capt. Railer- Aye aye taking Comm

Maj. Striker-Lieutenant we are ready. I’ve got two Sergeants heading to Hanger bay 6 as we speak they should meet us there.
Lt. Minoso -Alright. Captain Railer begin broadcasting .

Capt. Railer - Yes sir. This is Captain Railer unit number 564-97564 authorization number Delta-Delta 467-7685-4187(Authorization number confirmed. Welcome Captain Railer) {Minos and Major Striker Leave the Bridge} Begin ship wide broadcast
(Beginning) This is Captain Railer to all levels, report to your stations and prepare for subspace jump. We should be arriving at our next planet in 20 minutes, where we are expecting little or no resistance. Thank you for your time that is all.
In a hallway
Lt. Minos - Major Striker, the Colonel doesn’t trust the Generals decision to place me in charge of the recruitment process. I need to know that you’ll stand by me if things don’t go according to plans.
Maj. Striker - You know my answer sir

Lt. Minoso - I do but I need to hear it.

Maj. Striker - I will fight till my last breath under your command sir.

Lt. Minoso - Thank you. You’re a good friend and an even better commander.

Maj. Striker - Thank you sir the hanger should be just up ahead.{ two soldiers are standing outside the hanger}

Trooper1 - Sir we are here just as you requested.

Lt. Minoso - Thank you for volunteering for this assignment.

Trooper2 - It is our pleasure to serve you sir.

Lt. Minoso - let get this over with {they enter the hanger bay just as the transport lands)

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