» Performing Arts » Stormfleet - New Land, Anthony King [sight word books TXT] 📗

Book online «Stormfleet - New Land, Anthony King [sight word books TXT] 📗». Author Anthony King

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Anthony King do hear by swear my life and my allegiance to Stormfleet, my brothers in arms and the Storm cause.
Anthony -AHHH!!! I Anthony King do hear by swear my life and my allegiance to Stormfleet, my brothers in arms and the Storm cause.{Anthony is in excruciating pain}
Lt. Minoso -I swear to uphold justice and protect the people I put in harms way.

Anthony -{Grinding his teeth}I swear to uphold justice and protect the people I put in harms way. AGH!!
Lt. Minoso -I swear to protect, fight, and if need be kill in the name of freedom and justice until there is no enemy and all are free. This I swear on my life.
Anthony -AHHH!!!

Lt. Minoso -SPEAK THE WORDS!!!

Anthony -AHH!!!! I swear to protect, fight, and if need be kill in the name of freedom and justice until there is no enemy and all are free. This I swear on my life.{Anthony falls to the ground in pain}
In the Lunchroom
Gaby -Why would he do it? I mean his life wasn't that bad.

Maria -I guess different people have different reasons.

Christian -I hope he knows what he's doing.
In the Main Office

(Machine -Metamorphosis complete transformation successful.)

Lt. Minoso -Rise my brother. {Anthony stands up in front of Lieutenant Minoso, he's taller, more muscular, with a lighter skin tone and a flawless face} Welcome to Stormfleet.... Corporal King. Here put this on {Minoso tosses Anthony his new body armor} Its time to test your loyalty.
Corp. King -Yes sir. {He puts on the body armor.}
On board the Dreadnaught
Pilot 3 -Sir we have received a message from a source identified as IIA

Capt. Rich. -.....IIA???

Magnus -I will take the message in my quarters

Comm. Off. 1 -All due respect you may be a ranking officer but Colonel not even you are above the rules of Stormfleet. In accordance with Storm Protocol 14.64/55, any message sent to a Storm vessel is to be heard by the commanding officer AKA the Captain, the receiver and 2 trusted officers to guard against infiltration and deception.
Magnus -A valid point Officer Rhion, but what you people fail to understand is the fact that I and I alone have FULL command of this vessel and your so called Captain is under my command.{the crew looks at Captain Richards waiting for a response} Now transfer the message to my quarters
Pilot 3 -Yes sir.{start typing on his console}

Comm. Off. 1 -BALLAY THAT ORDER HELMSMAN MCROY!!!{the Pilot stops}

Magnus -{Draws his pistol and points it a the communications officer} Your mouth is really starting to get on my nerves.
Comm. Off. 1 -In accordance with Imperial Regulation Delta 426 you have no right to draw your sidearm against a officer.
Magnus -Your not at fleet academy any more and its time you learn your place{Magnus is about to pull the trigger}
Capt. Rich. -Drop it.{Captain Richards has drawn his pistol and is pointing it at the back of Magnus's head.}. I will not allow you to kill another one of my troops in cold- blood.{Magnus draws his other sidearm and points it at Captain Richards}
Magnus -So this is a mutiny then Captain??

Capt. Rich. -No this is simply a difference of command

Trooper 1 -And we take his side{All of the troops on the Bridge have their guns on the Colonel}
Magnus -As ranking officer of this vessel I hereby order you all to lower your weapons.

Capt. Rich. -I think that you should lower your weapons and as for you being the commanding officer, I can fix that. Under the Storm Treaty of Nappa Article 5 section 9 sub-section 24, I Captain Micheal Richards do hereby strip you of your command.
Magnus -Is that so Captain? Well how about this?{Magnus shoots Captain Richards in the chest} Now I am the Commander and Captain of this vessel and as such I order you all to lower your weapons.{The troops hesitantly lower their weapons}Get this filthy body off my Bridge {2 soldiers come to take Captain Richards body off the Bridge}Transmit the message.
Pilot 3 -.....Yes sir initializing message...{The message starts playing over the intercom.}
(Colonel Magnus this is Admiral Thero of the Imperial Loyalist Armada, we have received confirmation on your tracking beacon and will be there shortly)
Magnus -Understood Admiral I will be awaiting. your arrival.{the message ends, all of the troops have their hands on their weapons wondering if they had heard the message correctly.}
Trooper 1 -Your a traitor......

Magnus -No not a traitor, a loyalist, you people are the traitors... You have all turned your backs on the Empire, and your duties.
Trooper 2 -Your actions will not go unpunished {He draws his assault rifle and aims it at Magnus's head.} Die traitor.{Just before he fires the Colonel is beamed off the Bridge onto a Imperial Super Star Destroyer passing by.}
SSD Bridge
Adm. Thero -Colonel Magnus what a pleasure to finally meet you in person.

Magnus -Like wise my lord{Magnus kneels in front of the Admiral.}

Adm. Thero -It would appear that we arrived at the perfect time to save your skin

Magnus -Yes my lord

Adm. Thero -Captain, destroy that ship leave no survivors.
Capt. Leager -Yes my lord (All personnel report to battle stations, all batteries converge fire on that vessel full power){The Super Star Destroyer open fires on the Dreadnaught, there are massive explosions happening all across the ship.}
On Board the Dreadnaught
Pilot 1 -All personnel report to emergency battle stations, SOMEBODY FIRE!!!!{The Dreadnaught starts firing on the Super Star Destroyer}
Capt. Rich -{Coughing up blood} Don't worry about that ship...Jump to the Avenger that's an order.
Pilot 1 -....Yes sir all units brace yourself{the Dreadnaught jumps into hyperspace}
On Board the Super Star Destroyer
Adm. Thero -How many troops do they have at their disposal??

Magnus -Not many they should have no more then 16,000 troops with the Avenger and about 12,000 troops on board the Dreadnaught my lord.
Adm. Thero -Alright...Captain Leager contact the rest of the Armada tell them I need 12 legions of troops.
Magnus -All due respect my lord but that's 72,000 troops don't you think that's a bit much?

Adm. Thero -Don't underestimate Lt. Minoso and his troops as my predecessor did. Numbers mean nothing when your fighting an experienced opponent... 4 years ago I sent 4 legions after Lt. Minoso and his detachment, out of all those men 20,000 of them died 2,000 of them were critically wounded and the other 2,000 were never found.
Magnus -I understand my lord.

Capt. Leager -My lord the Armada is sending our troops threw right now{8 imperial Star Destroyers fly threw the anomaly}

Adm. Thero -Outstanding...Now Colonel where did they go?

Magnus -........ I don't know my lord

Adm. Thero -What did you say....Colonel?

Magnus -They didn't tell me where the rendezvous point was.

Adm. Thero -{Smirks then grabs Magnus by the throat and lifts him off the floor.}What do you mean they didn't tell you, you confirmed the transmission.{Magnus is gasping for air} Where are they???
Magnus -I{gasp}don't know.{Admiral Thero releases Magnus and as Magnus hits the floor Thero kicks him in the gut then kneels down next to Magnus}
Adm. Thero -I swear on the lives of you family if your the reason Lieutenant Minoso completes his mission I will kill you and your entire frakin family.{Magnus faints}Remove him from my sight until he has something useful to tell me{two of Thero's guards come and drag Magnus's body of the floor}I hate incompetence.
Capt. Leager -I know sir... if you would permit me my lord I could send out recon parties to see what we can find.
Adm. Thero -Do it Captain.

Capt. Leager -With pleasure my lord.(eject the recon parties){9 ships are jettisoned into space)
Back at Broad Ripple
Lt. Minoso -How does it fit?

Corp. King -Perfectly sir.{Anthony is now in his battle armor and its starch white finish glares in the light} I am ready to do my duty sir.
Lt. Minoso -I'm sure you are... lets go.{Minoso and Anthony head back to the Lunchroom.}
In the Lunchroom
Gaby -Anthony's been gone for a while I hope he's ok.

Christian -You sound pretty worried Gaby.

Gaby -Aren't you?

Christian -Yea but Anthony a Army man he's pretty tough.{Anthony walks in behind Lieutenant Minoso}Is that? Nah it can't be.
Lt. Minoso -BROTHERS, I AM PROUD TO INTRODUCE OUR NEW BROTHER....CORPORAL ANTHONY KING!!!{The men in the lunch room let out a massive cheer to welcome their new brother.} Corporal, pick your target. {Anthony points at Mrs. Wollinski}
Corp. King -I choose her sir.

Lt. Minoso -Good, now draw your firearm and kill her.

Corp. King -Yes sir.{Corporal King draws his pistol and shoots the teacher in the head}

Lt. Minoso -Welcome, my brother.

Gaby -Anthony!!!

Lt. Minoso -Who gave you permission to speak?

Corp. King -Sir, we have the school the least we could do is allow them to speak.

Lt. Minoso -....Alright, they may speak...Captain Crosser I am leaving you in charge until I return.
Capt. Crosser -Yes sir{Captain Crosser salutes Lieutenant Minoso as he exits the Lunchroom, Anthony walks over to Gaby.}
Corp. King Not bad right.

Gaby -You almost look good.

Christian -You got taller.

Corp. King -Yeah that's part of the process that and the initiation ritual of executing my first target.
Gaby -How does it feel?
Corp. King -Pretty good. I mean it hurts like hell at first but after the transformation process its pretty easy, it also gives you a bit of a confidence boost.
Trooper 1 -Hey Corporal King, that your girl?

Corp. King -No just one of my best civilian friends

Trooper 2 -What a shame, you two would have made a great pair.

Corp. King -Thanks.

Capt. Crosser -Corporal King, allow me to introduce myself I am Captain William Crosser, CO of the 89th Elite Marine Detachment. If your lucky you'll get assigned to my detail and get to see how to be all you can be. Oh and another thing I need to have a private word with you real quick.
Corp. King -Yes sir, I'll be right back Gaby.{Corporal King walks over to Captain Crosser}
Capt. Crosser -Why is it that you and Gaby was it?

Corp. King -Yes sir.

Capt. Crosser -Why is it that you and her aren't together?

Corp. King -Well sir she has feelings for someone else and I don't want to be the reason she can't have him.
Capt. Crosser -I see...That’s the biggest load of crap I've ever heard.{they both laugh} But seriously why?
Corp. King -The truth is I think I freakin love her but she likes someone else and I don't wanna jeopardize our friendship.
Capt. Crosser -Ah I see. You've got yourself stuck between a rock and a hard place and you've got two options... Option 1 you tell her and you accept her answer or option 2 you hold it inside and always regret not telling her. A soldier of Stormfleet never runs away... but only you can make the choice.
Corp. King -Yes sir...Thank you sir.

Capt. Crosser - No problem Corporal. You are dismissed.{Corporal King salutes Captain Crosser and walks back over to Gaby}
Gaby -What was that all about?

Corp. King -We just had to talk real quick.

Christian -About what?

Corp. King -We cant return home until out tour is over or unless we have people waiting for us back home.
Gaby -So when is your tour over?

Corp. King -......After I die

Gaby -...So you have to die in order to come back?

Corp. King -That's the cost for what has been done

Gaby -.....

Corp. King -Gaby...{Anthony takes a deep breath}... I love you with all my heart and... I want you to be mine...
Gaby -...You know why I can't

Corp. King -Listen to me...I love you and that won't change, if you want to be with Brian just tell me and I won't ever bother you with it again.
Gaby -... I don't know... I need some time to think.

Corp. King -Ok... I understand.

Capt. Crosser -All Delta's converge on the roof in 5 minutes, you too Corporal
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