» Pets » Wanted, Alexia Stargazer [animal farm read .txt] 📗

Book online «Wanted, Alexia Stargazer [animal farm read .txt] 📗». Author Alexia Stargazer

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leg. I was about a good distance away when I lunged. I caught his
throat and his leg gave out giving me the upper hand. He struggled but then slowly faded. I let go and looked back at Will.
“Come on.” I said. He slipped out of the forest to stand beside me. I leaned in to the kill and ripped the shoulder open. From the corner of my eye I saw him flinch. I grabbed a piece of meat and swallowed before turning to him.
“Have you eaten meat before?” I asked him. He nodded.
“Then why are you so grossed out by it now?” I asked. He shook his head.
“I'm not but seeing you like this, well I just didn't think you where that ferocious.” He said before ripping at the flank. I smirked.
“What do I drop in your expectations?” I asked. He didn't answer. I ripped into the shoulder taking another piece of meat and chewing on it. I stopped after that and just watched out for any dangers.
“Are you done?” Will asked. I looked over to him and nodded.
“Eating was never a big thing for me I can take down a rabbit and be more then happy.” I said. I turned and saw something moving in the shadows. I bristled.
“Into the trees” I whispered to Will. I lunged forward almost in when I felt something hit me. I rolled and jumped up snarling. I saw Will at the edge surrounded by wolves and another in front of me. I snarled and ran over to Will dodging their fangs.
“Now your second lesson, Fighting.” I said snarling. They circled us then the leader or alpha came forward.
“You have crossed with us one to many time Shadow now we are done with you ruining our hunts.” He said before crouching. I snarled and lunged for his throat we rolled over the ground. I threw him off to the side, I turned to see Will getting torn. I snarled and jumped into the middle of the fray and was throwing them off to give him some room and help him. Will shook himself then we both started in on the pack. I saw the Alpha circling us waiting. I scrunched my nose and finally caught ones throat and threw his dead body off to the side. I took one that had gotten Will down and ripped his side open, the wolf yelped and stayed down. There where about four left including the Alpha. I grabbed another and threw her before charging the Alpha. He met me in the air. I dodged his paw swipe and shoved him. He was thrown of balance and I was able to get to his throat. He struggled but slowly faded. I waited till he was cold before letting go. I turned to see that everyone had frozen. I went over to Will and started to lick his wounds clean. He was sitting, panting and shaking. I finished and looked to the remaining wolves. Three remained and one was on the ground. I went over to him and cleaned his side. He growled at me and I backed off and snarled back. He whimpered and ducked his head. I looked to the other two.
“Help him and then we will go.” I said. They ducked their heads and went to their comrade. I went back over to Will who was now laying down. I nudged him.
“Are you okay?” I asked. He looked up at me almost begging me to make the pain stop. I whined and lay down beside him.
“I'm sorry but I can't do anything to make the pain stop.” I whispered watching him as his eyes slowly closed, soon he was asleep. I looked to the others sleeping and decided to stay up and watch. I looked up to see the moon, it was bright, a full moon. I stood slowly and went off deep into the woods. When I was far enough away I lifted my head and howled to the moon. My voice sang out letting any know that I was here and I was coming. I listened as it echoed before starting back to the pack and laying back beside Will. I stayed up all night watching before the sun finally started to rise on another day. I stood and nudged Will.
“Will come on we need to get going.” I said before waking the others. The one who's side had been torn slowly got up while the rest sat and waited. I turned and started off with Will beside me.
“Wait where are you going?” One asked trotting up to me. She sounded young. I kept going.
“We are going to Where the moon touches the mountains.” I said. She stopped and I turned to look at her.
“Are you coming?” I asked. They looked at each other. The one that had spoken to me stepped forward.
“I'll come.” She said. I nodded and looked to the rest. They both stepped in behind her.
“We to will follow you.” said an old one. I nodded and looked to the one who's side was torn.
“Let me know when you need to rest.” I told him. He nodded his head. I started off again. We traveled for a while before I felt ones energy drop considerably so I stopped and saw that the old one and the one with his side split open laid down. I stopped and sat to wait. The old one looked over at me.
“What is your name?” She asked. My ear twitched and I sighed.
“You can call me Shadow for now,” I paused and cocked my head.
“What are your names?” I asked. The young one rolled onto her back and looked over at me.
“Mines Amy” She said her tong lolling out of her mouth. I smiled and nodded before looking to the old one.
“You may call me Kira” She said. I nodded and looked to the last. He growled and Kira nudged him.
“Mine is Merro” He mumbled. I looked to Will.
“This is my companion, Tinnda.” I said. Will looked at me then nodded. I looked to Merro.
“Are you ready?” I asked. He tried to stand and fell. I went over to him and checked the wound. It wasn't deep but it did look bad and it was slowing us down. I sighed healing was something we shape-shifters shouldn't do. One it was hard and two it took a lot of energy. I growled and nudged Merro.
“Stay still don't move and stay silent I need to concentrate.” I said. He looked at me worried. I closed my eyes and put my nose to the start of the scar. With healing you needed to imagine the muscle threading back together and the wound closing so there was nothing wrong or you could kill the one you are healing. I took a deep breath and started. It took a while but finally the muscles started to knit back together and the skin closed. I pulled away when it was done to see I had done it. I took a wobble step back before sinking to the ground. Merro looked at his side then stood stretching. My eyes were half closed when I felt Will nudge me and whine.
“Are you okay?” He asked. I stumbled up, shaking and nodded.
“I'm fine.” I said my body ached and I could feel myself shaking. I turned and started forward trying to stay up but after a couple feet I sank down again this time panting.
“Lets rest for a minuet then we can start again.” Will said with all the authority that an alpha should have. I growled I was leader I would say what went on. I stood and snapped at him my anger giving me the strength to do so. He didn't move but looked at me. I could tell the change was also in his mind which would mean he would fight for this. I didn't have the strength to fight but I growled and stood straight and tall.
“I am the Apha here and I will say what we will or will not do,” I paused my lips lifting to show sharp teeth.
“No one else.” I snarled. He watched me like one would watch a misbehaving pup. I snarled and lunged. Then everything disappeared. My head swiveled looking for him when I heard a voice through the mist.
“My dear you can't let him fall to his own doom you must work with him, become close so that instead of two you are one..”

I howled my furry and confusion.
“I can't I don't have the teaching skills or patience to do this.” I cried. I felt something nudge me.
“You can and will..”

The voice said before I heard someone talking to me.
“Sandra, Sandra wake up we need to move there are humans coming.” Someone was yelling at me I shook my head and looked at him confused then my eyes widened.
“Lets go.” I said looking around and hearing the hell hounds. I saw my pack follow me. Will to my right and Amy to my left. I lunged in the opposite direction then the hounds of hell and we ran through the night to the morning. I slowed and looked to Merro.
“How are you?” I asked. He came beside me taking Amy's place.
“I am fine, Thanks to you.” He said. I nodded and we continued. We traveled for about another day before the others needed rest. I turned to them.
“You must go ahead if you enter into Black Dawns Land tell him Shadow sent you and you need a place to stay until I return you got that?” I said. They nodded all except Will. I looked to him.
“You must go with them and lead them it is not just my job but yours too but don't get cocky we are equal.” I told him before nudging him.
“I will always find you, now remember,” I paused hearing the hell hounds and turned to the old one.
“I know you know where to find him so help lead.” I said before turning to the sounds of the hounds. I growled and launched myself into the woods running into the hounds. They circled me and one stood in front of me. He growled.
“You have killed many and ran from us but now we have you shape-shifter.” He snarled before lunging at me. I ducked and rolled before catching another and ripping him apart. There were about fifteen dogs left and I started picking them off one by one until only eight were left. I snarled at the leader and he chuckled. I then knew why there where so many. It was to keep me busy until the men came and one was here. I turned to that man and lunged at him. He screamed once before I was knocked away by the leader. I rolled before turning to him and snarling. I turned and ran. The hounds waited about five minuets before I heard them again. I knew I would have to change to through them off but it was cold and I wasn't dressed for that weather in my human form. I sighed and stopped in a river before changing. I felt my bones shift before I stood. I wobbled on my legs and shivered as the freezing cold water seeped through my shoes. I shivered again and looked for a close tree. I saw one in the water and went over to it then climbed up to the top as far as I could go. I saw the hounds come up to the river and whine my scent was gone lost in the water. I had not pulled this before so it was gratifying to know it worked.

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