» Pets » Wanted, Alexia Stargazer [animal farm read .txt] 📗

Book online «Wanted, Alexia Stargazer [animal farm read .txt] 📗». Author Alexia Stargazer

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came over to me. I knew I had upset him. He bowed his head and nudged me.
“Why couldn't I have come with you?” He asked. I felt Dawn get off me and I stood.
“I needed to talk to someone, you didn't need to talk to him so He didn't summon you.” I said. It was a lie because the wolf had been my other self that had tried and failed to stop the cycle. Will sighed and I smiled.
“I still can't believe it took so long.” I mumbled. Will chuckled.
“You were gone for a week Shadow how long does it take one to talk to another?” He asked. I realized then that time had passed me by without affecting me. I frowned.
“ It must have been all the traveling.” I said pausing to smile.
“I did travel a ways.” I finished. Will nudged me.
“Come on let go talk.” He said. I stood and nodded. We walked to the den and I stopped.
“I need to go.” I whispered as the wind swirled around me pulling me away.
“Why?” Will Asked. I turned around towards the west.
“We need to move and fast..” I said before launching myself into the woods. I heard Will growl irritated and follow me. I ran hard and fast with Will beside me. We got to the borders and I stopped and whined.
“You said we had to go but where are we going?” Will asked. I stood tall.
“To find ally's” I whispered before racing forward. Will and I went back the way we had come and tracked down every wolf we could find. Lone wolves, mates none who where in contact with Storm and told them to go to the mountains and meet with Dawn tell him Shadow sent them. They all agreed to our request and we found a good number away from where I had last encountered Storm. We were coming to the mother bears den when we ran into the last pack we would come across. The ones that I had shared a meal with. They were raged, hardly fed and could hardly stand. I couldn't see them but Will's reaction told me everything. I stepped up to one and nudged them.
“Where is the leader?” I asked. I heard a faint whine to my right and walked over to him.
“You are the one who helped us...” He said faintly. I nodded.
“ us....again?” He asked breathing in between each word. I nudged him.
“I will try my friends.” I said before Will and I turned and went hunting. We caught a big bull moose and dragged it back to the back to find that Storm was close by. I bristled.
“Will he is getting close we need to get these guys up and moving.” I said. Will nodded and we watched as this haggard pack ate. I could feel Storm coming closer.
“Will we can't let them be found they are to weak to fight.” I whispered. The leader stumbled over to me after he finished.
“The young ones are at the den,” He paused and nodded.
“We know what you are going to tell us.” He added. I nodded.
“We are to go to Dawns territory,” He said.
“We will met you their but by the sound of it you need to move now. We will go get the rest of our pack and start that way,” He paused.
“We wont breath a word to anyone if we aren't sure who's side they are on.” He said. I nodded.
“Thank you, Have a safe journey and I will see you in a couple of weeks.” I said before turning to Will and nodding.
“Lets go.” I whispered. We turned towards Dawns territory and started off trying to make it back but then I felt Storm following us I knew they would attack anyone that followed us.
“Will we have to fight them.” I said stopping a turning. Will snorted.
“Are you crazy?” He asked. I smirked.
“Yes, I guess I am.” I said before turning just as Storm half limped half walked in behind us. I smiled.
“What happened Storm? I know I didn't cause that wound.” I stated. He snarled. Will chuckled.
“Will found you just in time, coward.” Storm Snarled. I shook my head and laughed. I could feel that he had only a quarter of the pack with him this time. I listened hard and found out that they were all scared of us and him. I smiled.
“It seems I am not as big a coward as your pack” I said. He growled then lunged at me. I rolled to the side into an unsuspecting wolf knocking them down. I slashed their side open and jumped on Storm and ripping open his side. He howled and snapped at me. I had already moved and gotten another wolf down and out. I could feel Will taking on three and felt them all fall before Storm howled his furry. I lunged at him crippling him long enough that the others of my found friends could get by without much trouble. I was about to turn away when Storm growled.
“ Try as you might but you will not escape me next time, Next time The battle will be long and hard.” He snarled. I looked at him my sight coming back for a minuet.
“And I am sorry to say that we wont meet after that.” I said watching his face as it went from anger to fear before my sight went shadowy again. Will nudged me and we saw the scrawny pack coming. They came beside us and we all started out together.
Several weeks after we had left I found us at the edge of Dawn's territory. I breathed a sigh of relief and we stepped in. I waited at the edge inside of Dawn's territory and gave a friendly howl.
Dawn stepped out of the shadows.
“You know sister you are causing a lot of drama.” He started. I nodded and whined ducking my head.
“I am sorry brother I just have a lot on my mind and little time to do this all in.” I whimpered. I felt him come over to me and nudge me.
“Oh Shadow.” He whined. I knew he was worried about me because of my sight. I stood straight.
“Will was right Dawn, Its not a crippling its a strength.” I said. Dawn licked my cheek.
“Come it looks like we have a starving pack to feed.” Dawn said. I nodded and we all went hunting. Food was scarce but we found two bucks and took them down.
I was almost dead tired when we finished. The pack that we had found last followed me and we went to my den. I turned to them.
“Be careful when you go in, but make yourselves at home.” I said following Will in first. We headed to our favorite spot and I dropped in exhaustion. Will lay beside me and licked my cheek. I smiled and closed my eyes. I felt him lay his head over me before I fell asleep.

We all spent months training and perfecting our skills while I listened, waiting for what I knew would be the start of either another cycle or the end of it all. I was standing in a clearing waiting when I felt it. I froze as Will lunged at me. It was all practice but I was supposed to move. We fell together and I jumped up listening again.
“Whats wrong?” Will asked but his voice was far away. In the distance I heard the howl of Storm, challenging and strong. I snarled, bristling. I lifted my head and howled long, loud and challenging. I felt Will join me. We listened as our howl echoed through the valley. I looked to Will.
“Its time.” I said. Fate had given us time, now we needed to step up and take the lead. We smiled and howled together as one. The first to arrive were my pack and extended friends then Dawn and his pack. Every wolf we had found came. Dawn walked up to me.
“Our numbers are small but our skills are great.” He said. I nodded.
“Numbers never mattered only skill.” I said. I started forward to lead with Will beside me and Dawn as my right hand man. We started out working our way to the edge of Dawn's territory. Once there I stopped and gave that chilling, challenging howl. I listened as it echoed through the valley before hearing an answering challenge, closer then before. We stepped out of Dawn's Territory and started off faster.
“We need to make it to the pass before Storm.” I growled lengthining my stride. We all speed up. Will and I in front, moved together. We made it to the pass just in time to get high ground. Will and I stood on the hill while the others faned out behind us, Dawn just below us.
I watched as Storm stepped out. His leg was somewhat healed now. His stride said that much. Storm's pack filled in behind him. I could tell there where a lot but they all looked young. Storm came closer.
“So you decided to show after all.” He paused and smirked.
“I thought you where all howl and no bite.” He snickered. I stood straight and tall.
“This is your last chance Storm to go home.” I called to him loud enough that everyone could hear. He threw his head back and howled.
“Ha fat chance of that,” He paused and cocked his head.
“Don't you remember? You banished me and now I stand here to fight and win my home back.” He snarled. I shook my head.
“What you did and where you are now is all your fault.” I said. Storm snarled.
“Attack!” He yelled. Dawn jumped forward leading the group. Will and I came in behind. The wolves seemed all to busy to see a white wolf and his shadow racing through them. We were of course looking for Storm. We found him battling Dawn. I snarled.
“Dawn this is our fight now go!” I said angrily. Dawn looked to me and was about to back down when Storm slit his throat. I howled my furry and pain before lunging at Storm. My blindness was my strength in that I could tell how fearful Storm was of me by the beat of his heart. Will circled us as we fought but then I realized I wasn't supposed to kill him but take his banishment away. I stepped back and snarled stopping him.
“I hear by take your banishment away,” I said, my voice echoing, circling him with Will.
“You are to take your place as leader of Dawn's pack since you killed him, but know this,” I paused, my voice amplified by the echo, as the wind picked up creating a circle around us.
“We will be watching.” Will and I whispered. The wind blew Storm away and we disappeared.
To this day no one knows we are still alive and waiting....
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