» Pets » Wanted, Alexia Stargazer [animal farm read .txt] 📗

Book online «Wanted, Alexia Stargazer [animal farm read .txt] 📗». Author Alexia Stargazer

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and turned on me.
“Just two years and you can already outsmart us.” He said. I stood and nodded.
“I wasn't going to be pushed around or called week again Dawn.” I said before lowing my head in shame.
“I even went to the lengths of learning martial arts.” I whispered. He looked at me shocked.
“So even in your human form you can still kick our butts?” He asked. I nodded worried. He smiled and started laughing. I looked at him confused. He stepped forward.
“Come on and show me then.” He said his form shivering, changing from wolf to human. He was a muscular man with a thick jacket and dark pants. I growled before changing. I shivered at the wind, it was still chilly and my human body was still cold from the last time. I was wearing a tank top, jeans and sneakers. Not your average winter attire. Dawn laughed at me.
“Where were you last?” He asked. I smiled.
“I was in Texas.” I said shrugging. Dawn rolled his eyes.
“It was hot there I had to get some good clothes for the hot weather.” I added. Dawn smirked.
“Bring it.” He said. I watched him waiting before sticking like a snake. I caught him in the shoulder then did a follow up with a sweep of my leg. In less then five seconds he was down. He looked up at me surprised. He quickly jumped up and tried to pull a quick move. I caught the heel of his foot and flipped him on his back. He stayed down this time shocked. I smirked.
“I'm not that weak little girl you used to torture.” I said before getting into a stance. He stood slowly and shook his head.
“Two is enough for me.” He said changing. Will snorted.
“If I knew how to change I would challenge you Sandra but I don't so I can't.” Will said. I changed and looked at him.
“yea like you could take me on newbie.” I said smiling. He growled.
“As a human I could.” He said. I just shook my head and walked off.

It was weeks before I thought Will was ready. He was strong as Dawn yet smarter then most and could track, hunt, fight and feel the earth. Which was our secret because the earth was what told us what was happening and where things were. I was waiting outside the den when I felt him coming to sit beside me.
“So whats the plan to day?” He asked. I smiled.
“We are going to try and get to the mountains before the (put word here) so we can be there before Storm and pick the battle from which we will fight from.” I said. Will shook his head.
“I'm not ready.” He said. I stood and turned to him surprised.
“What?” I asked.
“I'm not ready.” He said slowly. I shook my head.
“Don't you trust me?” I asked.
“Don't.” Will growled, bristling. I snarled.
“I wouldn't be asking you if I wasn't sure Will.” I growled angrily. He shook his head.
“I can't” He said.
“I taught you everything and still you think you aren't ready!” I snarled. The pack came out then.
“Shadow please don't I know I'm not ready.” Will insisted. I snorted.
“So I'm second class and can't fight, track or hunt?” I asked him bristling. He shook his head.
“No..” He started.
“Then why aren't you ready?!” I growled. He stood and snarled at me.
“I am not ready because,” He paused and turned. I lunged at him. We fought for a minuet before he got the upper hand. I felt him catch me and felt the pain of his teeth in my shoulder. He let go immediately but I was done with his low self esteem. I turned to him.
“Good luck Will” I hissed.
“I hope you die before I get back other wise I'll kill you myself.” I snarled before turning and running away. I heard others following me but right now I wanted to be alone. I lunged forward with new energy, faster then the wind that whistled by me. Once out of Dawns territory I just ran not bothering with direction. I felt it before it hit me but I still got a heavy blow. I rolled and jumped up snarling.
“Such a temper Shadow.” A voice said as about twenty-five wolves surrounded me. Storm stepped forward and I snarled as a random wolf lunged at me. I slit his throat and felt someone rip open my hunches. I howled and turned to see Storm watching me with a grin. I lunged at him but another wolf got in the way and so the battle began. I fought and fought till I had killed five wolves and found out that none of them was going to hit me only Storm so I focused on him and ripped his shoulder open before he dealt me a heavy blow. I was out of breath but knew enough that I had to get out. I jumped over him and ran for it. I got halfway to Dawn's territory.

I thought hard before trotting a little ways.
“Will! I'm sorry. I love you.”

I whispered for the first time scared. I heard them behind me and ran as fast as I could. I looked back and saw them gaining.
“Will I can't make it..”

I panted before running into a clearing and collapsing.

------------------------Will's view after Shadow leaves
After the fight with Shadow I lost all thoughts. I ate and trained because it had become ritual Dawn hated me for letting her go alone but I knew I wasn't ready to face the on slaughter of battle. It had been three days since she left and no one could find her. I was sitting outside the den when Dawn came up to me.
“Why don't you care?” He snarled, bristling. I just looked up to the stars. I had become a very good listener with my paws, I could fell Dawn beside me and the pack in the den.
“Will what if she dies?” Dawn whispered. I looked down at him now shocked. He growled growing angry again.
“We aren't invincible we can die.” He growled. I shook my head and started into the den.
“If you here or have any suspicion on where she is call me.” He called after me. I slipped in and went to the back to Shadow's favorite spot and laid down.
I was fast asleep when I heard it.

It was Shadow but she sounded so far away. I stood listening.
“Will! I'm sorry. I love you.”

her voice whispered. I growled and ran out the tunnels calling for the pack and running in the direction the voice had pulled me. I stopped outside the den and howled loud and urgent. Dawn answered me. I lunged forward taking the lead and following my heart. I could soon feel a weak wolf getting closer with every bound.
“Will I can't make it..”

The voice of Shadow said. I growled just as I saw her falling into the newly fallen snow. I saw a dark wolf with a strange mark on his forehead lunging at her, going in for the kill. I lunged forward meeting him and threw him back he stumbled to stand and I stood over Shadow snarling and growling. I felt her breathing so I knew she was fine for now. Storm crouched and I saw the rest of his pack come out after me but my pack and Dawn's had gotten there and all where taking down the first wolves to come across. I growled and crouched. Storm laughed.
“You are a newbie you can't win this fight.” Storm said taking a step forward. I listened as his heart told me he was lying.
“You know it was fun to see her all alone that meant I was able to rip her to shreds, of course she ran.” He paused and chuckled.
“Just like the coward I knew she was” Storm finished. I watched him pace in front of me before I moved forward and quickly knocked his feet out from under him. I ripped his shoulder open and jumped back. He howled in anger and lunged at me. I ducked a little and grabbed his hind leg as it soared past me and bit down hard feeling the bone crunch. He yelped and limped back wards into the trees.
“This isn't over Will I will kill her and you for the wrong you did me.” He snarled before howling to his pack, half running and half limping he left. Dawn came over to me and I looked at Shadow. She was a mess there was blood all over and she looked really bad. I grabbed her paw and threw her up behind me. I looked over at Dawn.
“Hurry lets get within our borders before we nurse our wound and hers.” I said before starting out. We kept up a steady pace but I could feel Shadow slipping off. She fell about halfway away from home. I growled in irritation.
“Why can't I just be normal?!” I growled before feeling a pain so sharp it almost knocked me out. I stood and looked around I was dressed in my human cloths. Wait I was human? I looked down at Dawn.
“Well it was bound to happen sometime.” He grumbled.
“Will what you just experienced was the shape-shifting it happens only once when you first change back to your human form.” Dawn said. I picked Shadow up and started running. After about an hour we came to a stop. I changed back to a wolf and started to clean Shadows wounds. I only got about half of her wounds before I put her on my back and went to the den. I went to Her favorite spot and laid her down. I looked up to see Dawn.
“You watch her and I'll go hunt for you. Got it?” He said. I looked over Shadow and lay down beside her. My head on my paws I just lay there. Dawn growled and walked off. I scooted closer to Shadow before falling asleep.

--------------------Shadow's View.

I woke up in my favorite spot in the den. I could not move. I was locked in place. I sighed and relaxed trying to loosen my tight muscles. I was about to try to move when I felt someone move beside me. I almost jumped for joy when I saw who it was. Will. Will yawned and stretched. I wanted to stretch too but something was holding me down. I watched as Will stood and nudged me.
“Shadow are you okay?” He asked seeing that I was awake. I closed my eyes and whined trying to move. I felt myself twitch but that was it. I looked at Will in a panic and whined again. He started to lick my shoulder but stopped and lay over me. I felt his warmth spread through me, I lifted my head and licked his cheek. I was able to move a little which I was so grateful for. Will smiled.
“Shadow I should never have let you leave alone.” He said. I watched as a tear fell from his eyes. I licked the tears away and shook my head.
“I was foolish to think you where ready.” I whispered. He laid his head over my shoulder hiding his face. I shivered realizing now why I couldn't move earlier, I was almost frozen from the cold. I couldn't lie here while my Will, my shadow was hurting. I forced myself up and nudged him.
“Come on I need to warm myself up and it will take to long here lets go for a walk.” I said. He stood and followed me out. I

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