» Psychology » Grammar of Life, Poetry of Living, Santosh Jha [best finance books of all time txt] 📗

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in conscious state to live out the holism of reality accepts that health and its conscious upkeep is primary and true wellness. Hospitals and subconscious dependence on it for beefing up the personal sense of safety-security is partial, flawed and scammed cognition. There sure seems a definitive element of hypocritical madness that many people buy costly health insurances and stay in and with such milieus and lifestyle choices, which make them diseased and unwell. Those, who understand wellness and health in its holism, accept that medicine and medical processes are not remedies of the deeper and lasting sense of vitality and safety. Moreover, aware people understand that there are so many aspects of healthy and right living, which must not be ‘delegated’ to doctors and hospitals as everyone should assign this task to himself or herself. The knowledge of science, which lends every aware individual right and true information about body-brain mechanisms and technologies, which provide personal access to self-diagnostic tools, has facilitated the regime for natural wellness. Aware people pay premium to these self-regulatory practices than paying on insurances and hospitals. It is such a relief that modern day technologies in the field of internet and artificial intelligence have facilitated deliveries of goods and services at home, beyond the crowding of big cities. The simple idea is; new and alternative realities are there for anyone to venture into and enjoy novel experiences. They need to be journeyed as contemporary milieus, where we are living is growingly becoming unsuitable for sanity. As we said earlier, Intellect is in journeying novel experiences of alternative realities, unlearning subconscious fears and insecurities. This is crucial for emergence of poetry of living.

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It is of primary importance to understand and accept that an individual simply cannot change anything in an ecosystem of depravity, stupidity and hypocrisy. An individual however can opt out of the ecosystem; move away and un-align, detach and disconnect from such a vitiated ecosystem, which is killing the prospects of peace, sanity and poise. As we talked earlier; self is the only platform, where changes can take shape and that alone is the possible way to effect any change in collective spaces. It is as simple as; if you are unhappy with growing inflation and higher prices; Don’t Buy. As growing number of individuals keep themselves away from vitiation of a situation, it shall fall back to normalcy. Mechanisms change only through processes, which are part and parcel of the mechanism itself. You cannot make a computer work by yelling at it. You simply need to press a button on the keyboard. It is the same with people too. In contemporary cultures, it has become a popular habit to expect everything from polity and governments. People yell at governments for not doing this and that. It is akin to yelling at computer to perform a task. You need to press the button on the keyboard of personal and individual domain. It is also pertinent to accept that mass majority of people only ape ‘societal success’, benchmarked by a handful of people, who are considered successful. Therefore, if sufficient numbers of people begin to dump the populist success and align with novel and alternative life-living, which paves the way for poetry of living, a new ‘success-benchmark’ may well be established for the mass majority to follow in decades from now. Somehow, it may seem tough to dump the contemporary ecosystem and align with a novel and alternative one but this difficulty may only be largely perceptional. This world is big enough and alternative ways have always been there. This contemporary madness and scammed world of depravity is not what humanity had always lived in. It is a creation of only last 100 years or so and have accentuated primarily in the last three-four decades. An aware and knowledgeable person can see and understand how and where humanity digressed to depravity and self-harmful ways. Novelty takes no major changes but mostly cognitive reorientations. As individuals, we need to understand how we can effect changes in our ambient ecosystems of society, cultures, polity and economy. We just need to press the right buttons and understand that the only button, which can trigger changes, is inside your own consciousness and cognition. The society and polity cannot change by we trying to change them. It automatically changes as we effect and install changes within us and with our choices. We need to understand and accept that in the last few decades, in almost most parts of the world, where liberal democracies work; we have been overbuying the political and economic goods and services. This has made the polity and commerce to ‘Inflate’ and acquire a monopolistic attitude. We as individuals can ‘deflate’ them to their sanity-sanctity buy changing our alignment with them. They change as we effect changes within ourselves. This is the prudent arrangement of ‘alignment’ of individuality with externalities. This shall facilitate harmony and rhythm. This in turn shall lead to poetry of living.

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As we have been saying all along, poetry of living is all about process of emergence. Emergence process involves myriads of elements in assimilative, integrative and harmoniously cooperative ways. Emergence blends and rearranges the Field or Landscape of Consciousness in a harmonious loop, engendering something novel and beyond what elements can individually make possible. Society, cultures and families et al were designed to facilitate this emergence process. However, contemporary collective spaces have become so vitiated and depraved that an individual can very rarely find any harmonious process possible, having alignment with society, cultures, faith systems, politics et al. An individual may earn billions, may become powerful and influential, may earn fame and recognition, may acquire and grow huge wealth, et al. These are considered worthy ‘purposes’ in anyone’s life-living. However, the fact remains that all these so-called golden purposes and worthy attainments have ‘value and utility’ only contextual to society and other collective spaces. Your attainments, external to you; like money-wealth-fame-power etc are worthless, if you are no more part and parcel of society and culture and move to a jungle. However, all these attainments and possessions, having values and worth, only contextual to external milieus of collective spaces, shall not automatically create poetry of living for you. It is simply because the collective spaces are no more what they were created for. The coins and currencies of shamelessness and deceitfulness simply cannot buy peace, sanity and poise of consciousness. They are wealth only in societal-cultural-political domains. This ‘wealth’ does not automatically translate into wellness and worthiness in personal domain. They shall only be available as means. No doubt, money, fame, power et al are also important elements for overall well-being of a person but they at best work as platform or launch-pad for larger and deeper wellness. As we have been insisting; only money, only meditation, only awareness or only will power, etc are not the right recipe for emergence of poetry of living. They are all only ‘part’ and alone they cannot create the magic and munificence of holism. There has to be a golden balance of all ‘parts’ and all elements. What we are however trying to work out is a probability of creating alternative and novel means of all these ‘parts’. The contemporary collective spaces are killers of processes of emergence. The attainments of money, fame, power shall always happen only in these milieus of collectivity and they shall kill harmony. There is a need for alternative and novel means and ideas of true and real money, fame and power, which is largely, if not wholly, available at and aligned with internal resources of body-brain plexuses. This shall help in arriving at the holism and harmony without having to encounter the cacophony and chaos of externalities of collectivity. The poetry simply cannot happen exclusively in externalities. They are too depraved now for this to happen. This results in a situation, which is common in contemporary human world of glitter and glam. The poverty inside; the penury of sanity-poise-wellness of individualistic self, in his or her personal-private space coexists with money-fame-power of the same person in external milieus. Poverty and opulence remain side by side, associated with the identity and persona of the same person. This creates a conflict, which is very tough to handle. This contemporary human world and popular cultures are full of such conflicted persons, who seek peace and true happiness by asking for solutions from external agencies like spiritualism, religion, psychology and even psychedelic substances. They can’t accept that the solution cannot be provided by these layers, as the problem itself has been created by person contextualizing his or her individualism vis-à-vis these externalities. If they could look within, accept the root of trouble and embark on personal enterprise to reorient their sense of reality of true successes and wellness; they can have solutions in minutes. The alternative ways and novelty has to resort to dumping these cacophonous collective spaces and externalities. Individuality simply cannot breathe easy in massively polluted collective spaces. Naturally, alternative and novel living shall require redefining loneliness and success. This shall help in reorienting the contextuality and alignment of individuality with collective spaces. In fact, when individualism shall seek novel and alternative experiences; almost all current and contemporary realities will have to be redefined and reoriented. Individuality cannot thrive as its process of emergence is cancelled out in collective spaces. The poetry of living requires individuality to seek harmony and holism. Contemporary living is killer of harmony and holism. No harmony, no emergence; no poetry of living. Globally, there is an emergent trend of some people accepting that primary wealth is health and true attainment is poise, peace and sanity of consciousness. This somehow helps in accepting a novel and alternative perception of Loneliness and Success, as against the populist perceptions. There is simple cognitive change in perception about loneliness. Many people are beginning to accept that society is not only about humans. There are lives outside the reality of humanity. There are animals, birds and millions of living organisms, which also form the basis of family and society. Loneliness is essentially cognitive. If people need companionship and reciprocation from others; these others may not be humans only as there are millions more than humans in the vast world of living beings. It is essentially cognitive. All needs are expressions of desires of consciousness, deep within self and that is why; anything external only happens to be a media to present the required utility. This media may be anything. It is a choice depending upon individuality of a person; not the entity at externalities.

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Modern contemporary neuroscience has unraveled so many aspects of our brain function, especially the neural networks. The artificial intelligence breakthroughs have been brilliant in simulating how our neural networks react and interact with stimuli from external milieus. It has been established that human brain states and neural networks work optimally, coherently and in poise when neural communication happens in a certain level of poised and harmonious activation. It has been established that when neural activation is very high and also processing precarious stimuli; which happens when an individual is exposed to unsettled and ominous situations in milieus, the mind consciousness reacts aggressively and is in offence mode. More activation results in some form of disorientation and delusional consciousness, causing an individual to act and behave weird. Further neural activation may result in fits or seizures. There have been brain researches with Tibetan monks and it has shown how brain states, which are in prolonged and continuous poise, peace and harmony within self as well as external world, create marvelous cognitive feel and experiences. It is about brain waves. It is about how your neurons fire and align with each other at what frequency. As we said earlier; we are field of information. It is about how the field and its properties and attributes engender

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