» Psychology » Grammar of Life, Poetry of Living, Santosh Jha [best finance books of all time txt] 📗

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an emergent consciousness. The frequency of neural activations and how neural networks handle information from external milieus have been studied in detail and it shows how modern and contemporary milieus are affecting the poise and stability of mind consciousness. Average person in constant struggle with milieus and in perpetual battle with shamelessness and deceitfulness of people are in perpetuity of stressful aggression and offence for ‘survival-success’. The body-brain is designed to fall back to a homeostatic poise, after a period of disturbances and imbalances. This is called allostatic process or setting back to normalcy. However, continued and singular stretches of stressed and disturbed homeostatic balance kills allostatic processes and the person settles for a ‘normal’, which is actually a ‘diseased’ version of the self or consciousness. Anyone, who is willing to understand and accept how our brain states, neural networks and hormonal-enzymes ecosystem, in response to external stimuli, act and engender conscious choices as well as cognitive acceptances of a reality; can very well unravel the contemporary situation of average humans. Science is also explaining how the core sanity-system of human body-mind, called Homeostasis, gets disturbed and unleashes variety of physical-mental troubles and diseases. Homeostasis and brain state symmetry-sanity are linked. Modern life-living, its troubles are largely manifestations of Homeostatic imbalances, caused by lifestyle choices. Contemporary human world is beset with growing incidence of mental issues of sanity, symmetry and poised system. People usually get treatment and medical help for diseases, when prolonged disharmony of Homeostasis manifests them. But; they never know and are told that primary issue is disturbed Homeostasis. This is what we have been talking. Average person never ever sees and accepts a Reality in Holism and is trigger happy being geniuses of parts only. It is as simple as – You care for your Homeostasis and it shall care for your health-vitality-wellness. Many people in contemporary world is accepting this novel idea of holism and they are confident that if they move away from mad milieus and lead an alternative life which gives them time and space to manage their Homeostatic balance in high order; they shall do well without hospitals, medicines and medical processes. You invest in your homeostasis; it assures you don’t need to invest in hospitals and medicines. However, they are only handfuls. Mass majority of people simply do not understand and accept the holism of reality and cannot trust the alternative experiences. They prefer aping populist successes, even when wasting their health and peace. This madness and obsession with ‘successes’ lead mass majority of 99.9% people to kill or deny the Reality – the Holism of it.

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It is a critical aspect of emergence that it seeks holism. Part successes cannot create harmony and assimilation. That is why poetry of living is so crucial. Only knowledge cannot create the magic of process of emergence of poetry of living. Knowledge is only one big element of body-mind processes. Many knowledgeable people fail miserably in attaining the wellness and harmony of living. Instead, very often, only success of knowledge attainment makes an individual acquire honed up inventiveness and shrewdness in its execution of shamelessness and deceitfulness. Knowledge must align with emotional elements and other balancing cognitive aspects. Then, there are very critical elements of thoughtfulness, introspection and skeptical self-analysis. Thankfully, neuroscience has now rewarded us with breakthrough knowledge of how our brain works out the elements of knowledge, thoughtfulness and emotions. This is the domain of emergent Higher Consciousness. If we understand it in detail, we sure can get a better and commanding hold on our thoughts and emotions. All elements of knowledge, experiences, emotions, thoughtfulness, introspection, skeptical self-analysis, et al are Information and our brain processes them all. We now know of brain mechanisms; how different informations are processed in different parts of the brain states and how they are distributed widely in neural networks of billions of synapses. For an individual to be truly intelligent and aware in his or her holism; his or her consciousness must align all Information and mind processes to present themselves in a symmetry and integration. Then only an individual can actualize holism. Different parts of information and brain processing must align to create the holism. All parts must be integrated and connected in a loop of cyclicality to create the process of emergence. Usually, most individuals are geniuses of parts. They are either good at either emotional aspect or thoughtfulness. Our brain is a marvelous media of infinite probabilities. For example, acquisition of knowledge is often associated with sense of power or possession. We have enough examples as how knowledgeable people acquire pride of power and we know; power corrupts. Therefore, knowledge must always align simultaneously with counter cognitive elements of compassion and humility. Anything in ‘part’, missing holism, is susceptible to depravity of action-behavior. Holism alone creates poetry of Living. How our brain processes different information and how it stands to integrate, align and synchronize all different shades, parts and aspects of information, create true intelligence. This intelligence of holism makes emergence happen. This emergence engenders the poetry of living as it opens up the doors of novel and alternative probabilities in living experiences. The only lasting and always evolving asset in life is the experiences we can have. A person is rich or poor only in his or her life-living experiences. It is tough to describe how a person with knowledge alone feels and experiences reality and how the other person with holism of knowledge-humility-compassion feels and experiences everything within and outside. Both mind consciousnesses are Fields. They are different Fields, emanating out of similar brain structures. The difference is in the properties and attributes of Information as well as the information of aligned pathways of neural plexuses. Different Fields lend different experiences as they create different emergence processes. It is a reality that the richness and wellness satisfaction of the later with holism is way above and beyond, the former, who is unlucky to have knowledge but no humility and compassion. This asset and wealth of experience-richness is both quantitatively and qualitatively massive only when we attain this intelligence of holism and have poetry of living. Poetry is lived out. Saying sweet, a hundred times does not create a sweet taste. You have to taste it to experience it. Experiences are lived out. It happens as one is ready for this eventuality. Readiness begins its journey, as acceptance happens.

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Contemporary knowledge of neuroscience tells us novel hypothesis about how and why our brain happened and what brain is wired to do. This leads us to alternative purposes, which we can assign to our brain, with high awareness and conscious resolve. It is hypothesized that brain happened as organisms moved out of their milieus. Trees don’t need brain; only moving creatures require a brain as it helps continuous processing of new information in changing milieus, as a creature moves to find food, mates and safer places. This movement of creatures created two brilliant aspects of brain functioning. First is the element of Prediction. Human brain is a very evolved mechanism to predict what may happen in linearity of future. This evolved the artistry of Imagination and assignment of value-meaning to a symbol or metaphor; helping in evolution of languages. Second aspect, which is more important, is Intentionality. Brain states process available information in the ever changing milieus and it creates the emotion of Intentionality to carry out a decision arrived at. These two elements of prediction and intentionality, in their different probabilities, create thoughtfulness, which essentially is the pre-motor action information processing. What we accept as thinking is neural networks processing different information received from external milieus and internal memories, to build a model of prediction and intentionality for action. Therefore, we can say, our brain processing is essentially action-oriented and even our thinking is pre-action information processing. This is our brain design. Modern neuroscience is even telling us that primarily; in its crude and unprocessed state; intentionality, prediction and other emotions are all cellular level realities. It means, they are all electro-chemical processing of sensory inputs, orchestrated at cell level of our body and mind. This in turn shows, how majority of what we think, we are thinking, feeling and doing are mechanism-driven and processed at cell levels, where our conscious choices have little roles. They are subconscious and auto-processes. Mass majority of people are therefore, innately and subconsciously action-oriented. That is why, scientists say, there is no free will and 98% humans are not even aware what they are doing. However, if we look at this picture from another perspective, we can clearly see that 98% of people are not obsessive action doers but actually Reactionary Geniuses. The brain processes are essentially ‘Reacting’ to information stimuli. The prediction and intentionality processes and its allied activity of thinking are essentially ‘Reacting’ to a situation and informational reality. A truly intellectual individual is never reactionary. He or she is never acting on anything as automatic ‘reaction’ to some stimuli. Since thousands of years, ancient philosophies have been warning us against this slavery of situation-reaction trap. Entire Yoga philosophy explains this slavery and suggests way out of this slavery to attain freedom or nirvana. The poetry of living begins as process of emergence happens and this happens as an individual very consciously weeds out intentionality of reactionary behavior-action. We can say, alternative experiences, which create poetry of living; is essentially about unlearning innate and entrenched Intentionality of cellular orchestrations and install consciously opted out intentionality of novel and alternative choices. One way to do is to keep out of or stay away from external milieus of society-culture-politics to weed out the stimuli itself. Better way is to understand the brain process; sit on the prediction-intentionality process and never react. Those who are truly intellectuals; they reorient their individuality and consciousness to use the energy of thoughtfulness, not for action-reaction but for probability building over how in different ways a situation can be experienced and internalized for attaining larger and varied cognitive shades of reality. They align their thoughtfulness with related cognitive elements of emotions, memories, introspection, self-analysis, skepticism, innovative probability building, et al to optimize experiential richness. They ‘unlearn’ this subconscious urge to use these processes for action-reaction regime, for optimization of survival successes. This itself suggests that first unlearning is to consciously weed out this innate and embedded instinct of innate Intentionality of survival insecurity from consciousness. In contemporary human cultures, meditation techniques are gaining grounds. The Vipasana meditation is getting popular. Meditation in its holism is this process of awareness and conscious discovery of causalities, which lead us to reactionary spectrum of actions-behaviors. Meditation also involves conscious building of novel and alternative cognitive pathways for alternative and novel Intentionality. As we said earlier, this facility and comfort is impossible for over 90 percent humans as they continue to live in such collective external milieus, where every second, they face survival insecurities in loads. That also needs to be unlearnt. A small number of people are already accepting this reality and are moving away from this contemporary madness of urban-metro living to a far off place of natural peace and poise. There is always enough space on Earth and multiple opportunities for those, who will it to do it. They understand, most insecurities and fears are cognitive and happen because we insist to see and accept our individuality only in societal-cultural context and seldom independent of it.

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There are still loads of things to be known about our brain and the trillions of neural activities and pathways, which cognitize realities for us. Human knowledge in the field of neuroscience, molecular biology, artificial intelligence is progressing very satisfactorily. The contemporary knowledge however leads us to this acceptance that our brain is a huge potential and this potential is in creating brilliantly mesmerizing and hugely satisfying experiences for us. It does not take someone to

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