» Psychology » Grammar of Life, Poetry of Living, Santosh Jha [best finance books of all time txt] 📗

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of novel experiences is not happening in relationships in modern times. The primary aspect is growing decimation of innocence and simplicity of individuality. Most people are not honest in relationships; in the sense that they do not present their true and natural self in relationships. In fact; in most cases, the ‘needs-desires/attitudes-orientations’ of participating individuals align and share but very rarely the unpretentious and natural consciousnesses meet and talk. There are very little heart-to-heart talks and sharing of true feelings. We have been insisting that consciousness is a Field or Landscape of Information. The field must never be corrupted with complications of self-denying elements and attributes. Relationships grow and blossom into a larger and collective Field of novel experiences only when participating individuals are simple, sincere and innocently amicable. If not, there cannot be assimilation, integration and evolution of different fields. And; if this does not happen; emergence cannot happen. It is probably the reason why most people feel suffocated in relationships and even when they are in loads of relationships, they feel lonely and segregated.

It needs to be mentioned here that in contemporary times, majority of people have lost the artistry of the communication and expressions. Globally, experts feel, the qualitative aspects of language is declining. Majority of men and women are unable to express their feelings and experiences with clarity and intent. Over use of slangs, hybrid language of digitized media like generic emoji et al and borrowed media like popular songs, pictures and online meems, etc have killed the fragrance of personalized and intimate communication. All these kill the innate processes of emergence in relationships and therefore; there is stink of blocked flow of ideas and cacophony of feelings. Relationships therefore, are more pain than bliss.


Example 6

The best examples of novel and alternative experiences probably come from the brain facility of conscious assignment of utility and worth, different from what instincts and innate nature of subconscious mind states propose. The consciousness is essentially a Field or Landscape of Information. The brain processes information from external milieus and decides the feelings and actionable motor activities as per the already stored memories of Information. If we consciously alter the Information, the feel and experience of the field of consciousness change. This, the poets, writers, artists do successfully and also express them in novel ways.

The best example of this process is how pain and fear is managed and their feel is altered successfully by many, who are evolved and empowered enough to have higher consciousness. Most humans react to pains and fears instinctively and seldom care to sit in poised and aware state to look deep into the dynamics of the mechanism of pains and fears. It is a reality that most people do not actually react to actual pains but the fear or past experiences of the pain’s sufferings. That is why Dalai Lama said, ‘Pain is inevitable but suffering is optional’. Similarly, fear is not as bad as the fear of fear. Most people react to the prospect of fear, much before actual onset of fear.

The Tibetan monks and many other people with higher awareness and poise of consciousness, manage not pain and fear but the experiences of pain and fear. Pain and fear are also Information and the same information is processed by different brains differently. It is because different brains have different past experiences with pains and fears. Therefore, all Information – be it pain or pleasure; they are what they are depending on how an individual’s memories of past handling of the same information is stored in brain states. That is why a person can consciously alter the memories of the past experiences by thoughtfully assigning new experiences. One has to be conscious and aware when a pain situation happens. One has to consciously talk to itself that it shall not react subconsciously and instead; watch the pain process as witness. The meditation process facilitates this. When you become witness and not the media of the information, you can be better judge of the outcomes of the information. Vipasana technique also makes people be witness and watch all causalities, as it happens to the body and brain. Human brain has this magical facility of witnessing its own self. The brain watches its own plexuses and can mediate in its processes. The top brain layers of cortex part, having more cognitive faculties do it. This creates the magical facility of higher consciousness, which can be trained to stand as ‘witness’ and watch the pain or fear information get processed in brain states. It is possible.

For example, you land in a situation, which triggers anger in you. If you are aware and have enough practice of being ‘witness’ to your own brain processes, you shall be able to talk to you. You shall say, ‘Oh! Anger is building up inside me and I am getting drawn to its inevitability. What should I do? Should I simply move away or ignore.’ If you keep practicing the art of shifting to ‘witness’ mode of higher consciousness in all situations of life-living, you shall even begin to enjoy the process of being a detached and objective witness, watching your own being. Later, when you shall land in anger situation; you shall feel that it won’t trigger anger in you; rather, it shall unleash humor in you. You shall begin to enjoy how the situation wants you to be angry but instead, you are feeling the entire experience to be funny. This happens as the brain has this facility to consciously assign alternative experiences to the same stimuli of information, to create a novel reality. This happens with pain and fears too. The arrived and evolved people are able to align all experiences of unpleasant feel with humor. It happens as their higher consciousness can remain an unattached witness to all processes happening with body-brain system. This makes them accept all information of pain, fear, anger etc as value-neutral and then, they assign novel and alternative value of humor and compassion to the same experiences. This is true poetry of living.


You have come this far and braved over hundred pages. I do not have words to thank you. However, if you ask me, what I would truly like to say to you; with all simplicity, innocence and humility; is this small thing – Do very bravely and compassionately, accept this world, you live in, as a colossal landscape of Grief. After this acceptance, internalize grief and then very innocently accept that there is only one way to journey the landscape and that is, the Artistry of Playfulness with Consciousness.

This highly aware and witness-mode playfulness, while journeying the landscape of Grief, is what evolved and empowered humans have prescribed since over 3000 years; in Oriental philosophy. Modern science and its breakthroughs of human consciousness as well as reality, also corroborate this singular utility and worth of this Artistry of Playfulness with Consciousness and life-living. In ancient Indian philosophical traditions, this artistry of playfulness of self was called Leela, which literally means enactment of a conscious behavior-action, at the theatre of life-living, with personal inputs of playfulness.

I have faith in you that you must have understood me and my innocence. I am sure; you must have also internalized what I mean about playfulness. We have talked about it earlier that our brain-milieu interactions create the ‘Will’ in us and we only ‘Own’ them and react. Conscious Playfulness negates this fixed destiny of average human. It calls for holistic acceptances of Reality. It seeks to internalize and ingrain in our consciousness that every reality is Information and our consciousness is also Field or Landscape of Information. The artistry of conscious playfulness is all about consciously changing the attributes and properties of the Information of our field of consciousness. This creates alternative and novel cognitions as the field is redesigned. This in turn enables us to have novel and alternative experiences, which truly makes us attain actual richness and wellness.

I am confident that you have understood this simple mechanism and process. Therefore, the rest of the eBook is not required. I simply conclude this eBook by mentioning some of the easy steps and ways to facilitate this artistry of playfulness in life-living. I look forward to your interaction with me as you may feel personalizing this talk we are having, by writing to me. We can talk on issues and inquisitions you feel to share with me, to lend better utility and effectiveness to our interactions on issues of grammar of live and poetry of living.

Before I begin to mention about the steps; do kindly allow me to share a personal experience with you. This I am sharing with you not to exhibit any undue conceit but to simply present a frame of reality, as I have experienced and used it to grow better in my journey so far.

Around 20 years back, I once visited my ancestral village. I enquired about the well-being of all and I was told that an old woman, who had served my grandfather well and was respected by our family for her contributions; was desperately looking for me. She was over 80 years old, ailing and poor. I visited her to show my respects. She was weak and could not walk well but she was exhilarated to see me. She told me that she was looking for me as she had committed to the village deity that she would make an offering at the temple in my name. For a moment, I was unsettled as I thought, she would seek a few thousand rupees and I had only few hundred in my pocket. I in no way wished to deny her demand. I asked her, how much money would be enough for her to perform what she wished. She was silent for few seconds, lowered her face and uttered softly in a voice that manifested her uneasiness with her demand. She said, things could not be done in less than fifty rupees (around a dollar then). I promptly gave her hundred rupees. I could see tears of happiness lining in her old eyes. She blessed me in many ways, till I took her leave.

I learnt from her and this experiences two simple realities – first learning was, realities are always multidimensional and we must learn to consciously feel and accept realities from others’ perspectives too. I could understand; the desire and fulfillment of the need of merely fifty rupees, fetched the old woman a joy, which I could not match, even when this hundred rupees I gave her would be lying there in my pocket for days. Secondly; I understood, it is more profitable to invest in smaller expectations as they fetched larger bliss and utility. I am not saying it with any malice or ill-will but the fact remains that I have invested big moneys as well as loads of affection and compassion in many of my relationships in my 54 years of life but they are still dissatisfied with me and have never shown any happiness and appreciation; less alone the gratitude and blessings.

Since this incident, I made it a point to repeat this Small Investment routine with those, whom I didn’t know or were only casual acquaintances. Again, I say it with humility and no malice to anyone that in my life, I have received blessings, happiness reciprocation, kind sentiments and spectacular compliments from uncountable persons like shopkeepers, housekeeping staff, hawkers on the streets, casual contacts, laborers, acquaintances in online world, those, I never knew they knew me and even unknown readers. I have invested nothing big; at times small amount of money and mostly good behavior, with childlike humor and innocence. It is a simple reality that most people expect only respectable demeanor and equitable interaction. It may seem magical but most people, who are not in possession of attitudes of moneys and power, have innate sensitivity to sense out simplicity, innocence and sincerity. May be because they are

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