» Psychology » Grammar of Life, Poetry of Living, Santosh Jha [best finance books of all time txt] 📗

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know every detail about brain and neural networking, equal to what the scientists know, to have these magical experiences. The science is one thing and use of the core principle of science for artistry of experiences is another domain. Anyone can inculcate this artistry. The modern science is very young. It is only around 400-500 years old. Still, at least 3000 years back, when there was no knowledge of modern science about body-brain and reality, some worthy humans could decipher brilliant patterns all around them and within their minds. They understood in raw details, what modern science is now explaining with measurable and objective calculations. The ancient humans 3000 years back have documented such experiences of life-living, which are scientifically viable and still worthy of emulation. Consciousness, cognition and causalities that create realities are very much observable and amenable to experiencing by anyone, who is aware and accepts the discipline of process, which make these experiences emerge. Original Buddhism and Yoga philosophies of Oriental world list out such experiences and wisdom. Sadly, very few people know about them and associate only with ritualistic and vitiated demonstrativeness and adverts of confused lot of contemporary practitioners. We in 21st century are very fortunate and endowed that we can also know and understand the structural mechanisms of these processes, emanating and getting shaped in the brain states and emergence processes. We all can have this mesmerizing treasure of cognitive experiences. We just need to understand and accept that our brain is a huge potential. We are squandering its potentials by restricting its use and application in creating ways to attain moneys, fame, power and consumptions only. If we are stupidly happy undermining and underutilizing our own brains, it is surely not the problem of our brains. It is the trouble of our restrictive and animalistic intelligence. The brain is the king; we make it beg and be a slave.

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Somehow, it may help to appreciate how understanding grammar of life paves way for better and evolved poetry of living. A small example is about how our core drives are created and how they in turn construct primary desires in us. As we understand the mechanism of our body-brain (grammar of life), we have great facility in constructing and designing our own poetry of life. We have already talked about how modern scientists believe that Intentionality happens at cellular level. Intentionality at cellular level may be accepted as the core insinuation for our innate and instinctive drives. Our brain states process and devises this cellular intentionality into drives. The drives are expressions and communication of body’s innate needs and instinctive purposes. Metaphorically; we can accept Intentionality as core grammar of body-brain ecosystem and drive as syntactic landscape of the language of body needs for survival wellness. However, poetry of living means that our individuality and Consciousness must understand that Intentionality is just the ‘Media’. The grammar and syntax are themselves ‘metaphors’ of meanings and holistic logic of body requirements of survival wellness. It is a media, very much like money we talked earlier. This media of Intentionality opens up the portals of myriads of shades of experiences of emotions and all of them feed into the larger and holistic expressions of Intentionality and drives in looped cyclicality. Therefore, every aware and intelligent person must understand that as money is important only as ‘Media’ of varied experiences; Intentionality as core, innate and instinctive ‘Media of Purposes’ is important only when we consciously and willfully lend different living experiences to enrich, evolve and embellish it. Simply speaking; even if we accept that ‘survival’ is core and singular Intentionality and all drives feed into this singular need; we must understand that the word ‘survival’ is also essentially a media and metaphor only. Survival intentionality can be experienced in infinite ways. You can say, I cannot survive without love, without a burger, without friends, without gaming, without this and that. In reality; you can survive well with a big bowl of fruits and vegetables. Still; you align your intentionality of ‘survival’ with so many experiences. The trouble is, you are not very welcoming to hell lot of other experiences, which others are having and are possible. Therefore, an aware and intelligent person shall always work its way to optimize Experiences of infinite shades as purpose of life-living Successes. Money, wealth, fame and consumption are only ‘Means’ to galvanize the attainment of ‘Ends’ of richness of Life-Living Experiences. Contemporary cultures have blurred this critical difference between means and ends. There is obsessive predominance of attainment of means only and there is little attention to work towards the ultimate and true ends. The Grammar of Life is a learning of Mechanisms, as it makes us understand the ultimate importance of Processes, which create and paves ways for Poetry of Living.

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There is a famous saying, which represents the philosophy of Epicureanism. It goes like – ‘A pig eating shit has equal pleasure compared to a man creating poetry.’ The idea is to equate all pleasures as quantitatively equal and ignore qualitative aspect of experiences, as they are not supposed to be calculable. There is however another aspect, which is there between a pig and human. The trouble with pig is not that it eats shit and derives an amount of pleasure, ‘equal’ to that emanating out of a human writing poetry. The trouble with pig is that it cannot add any alternative and novel value and utility to what it gets. Humans can. A pig cannot ever acquire culinary skills to make different food dishes out of the shit it gets for food. A human however makes different varieties of delectable food dishes out of a simple ingredient like wheat or rice. Humans can create different experiences out of singular source by creating different combinations and amalgamation of a singular reality – physically as well as mentally. Humans can assign value and utility to a reality and therefore create varieties of experiences. Poetry is the same process. Humans can have their different ways with the core instinct of Intentionality and its expressions as drives. This, a pig cannot. Very naturally, this artistry of creating variety of experiences by assigning and aligning novel and alternative values and utilities in a singular reality is what makes humans special and above animals. The tragedy with humanity is that majority of humans do not have the knowledge, skills and resources to install and enjoy varieties in their life-living experiences. Also, most humans are slaves to ‘Pig-Like’ blissfulness of single-dimensional reality. They are not open to probabilities of shades of different realities and their novel experiences. We all need to first ‘unlearn’ this dogmatism of fixated acceptance of singular reality, which we are used to or learn culturally. Most people find love in their lives but they do not have the skills and intelligence to accept love and core Intentionality of love in myriads of shades of novel and alternative intimacies and mutuality. Most people accept love in singular dimension of reality, which suits their particular drive-energized need or what the pop culture has trained them to. We need to understand the magic and marvel of the artistry of individualistic assignment of novel and alternative value and utility to a reality. Those who can do it; ask them what love means to them. They experience the singular intentionality of love in uncountable different shades of mesmerizing experiences. This has been expressed by so many blessed humans in poetry, songs, dances, paintings, writings, sculpting and so on. A man is fortunate enough to find a woman in his life but he is stupidly unfortunate to accept his woman in a singular and particular ‘Utility’ or value. Most men do the same mistake and have the same misfortune. Those handfuls, who can see, accept and encourage their women in many novel and alternative roles, utilities, values, worthiness and characteristics, have the good fortune of being blessed with the true treasure of richness of experiences, which the reality of a woman in their lives unleash for them. This happens in all walks of life and all situations of living. It is not that the artistry should be reserved only for bigger and richer realities of life-living. It should be applied on every small thing we do and we come to face in life-living. Melodiousness, rhythm and symmetry should be assigned to and aligned with how we eat, how we meet and talk, how we work, how we express our thoughts, how we gel with relatives and even unknown people, how we present ourselves in awkward and uncomfortable situations, etc. The poetry needs to become a subconscious expression of the consciousness. As we have repeatedly said, consciousness is a Field and therefore, if it has been consciously populated with properties and attributes, which engender melodiousness, rhythm and symmetry; then poetry of living becomes a subconscious inevitability.

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The poetry and its core constructs need to be unraveled. What essentially poetry process involves? What poetry signifies, especially in terms of brain perspective of information processing? If we look at its innate and inherent evolution; we can clearly see that poetry is also a language, a communication and an expression of reality. However, poetry goes beyond normal and prescribed meaning of language and expressions. Poetry adds novelty of meaningfulness and installs alternative expressions. It needs to be understood. Human brain, as it evolved later, especially its cortex parts, has this genius to ascribe a meaning to something else. This we know as symbols and metaphors. Human mind is master of symbol and metaphor building. This facility is at the core of evolution of languages. Languages are also symbols and metaphors of some reality and meaning. Different words have no meaning but only those we assign them to symbolize something. Therefore, the word apple does not mean an apple; it only symbolizes a fruit of a specific typology. Poetry is higher and diversified expressions of more personalized and evolved symbolizations. That is why we are using the word to symbolize what we wish to say is core process of real wellness and true successes. As poetry happens as we add and amalgamate more, better and higher symbols of meaningfulness to our normal languages. As poetry enriches and adds novel and alternative experiences to language expressions; we create Poetry of Living by consciously adding and mixing up more, better and higher cognitive bounties to all realities; big and small, to fill up our lives with richness and diversity of novel and alternative experiences. This enhances the real wellness and true success attainments of life-living. As poetry accepts no restriction of ideas and expressions; we too need never restrict our consciousness and cognition and allow it the liberal flights of meaningfulness to add up novel experiences. This alone can optimize our life-living potentials. This alone is the magic, we as individuals can create, without the existence of any external support; like money, power and people. This poetry is purely individualistic and not only stays forever; it grows and keeps growing.


We shall now talk about some practical examples, which may help us conceptualize what essentially we mean by richness of experiences as true treasures of life. Essentially, we are talking about intangibilities of life-living experiences. We can very easily understand and accept that even material and tangible possessions and consumptions stand as ‘utility’ for us when we experience it. The billion dollars in your bank account is only a medium. It does not have anything specific in itself but at the same time, it has many shades of probable experiences, it can extend to different individuals. The ‘Media’ is objective; the ‘Message’ it has is however subjective to different individualities. That is why many people say, money has different colors; depending on which color your Consciousness aligns with. For many, these billion dollars may mean joyfulness of the maneuverability to

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