» Psychology » Happiness Is A Scam, Santosh Jha [bill gates books recommendations txt] 📗

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of the money, which could otherwise have happened if the person would visit your home and personally handed you a bag full of dollars. May be, at the brain level, there are processes, which ‘transacts’ happiness to you but as you are probably inclined to ‘accept’ only those happiness, which are ‘handed over’ to you in a particular way, you may not feel happiness. The same happens with love. Love is infinite domain and multidimensional emotion. We all receive so many small and un-invested love (also happiness) in different shades and dimensions almost every day in our lives but we do not consciously feel and accept them as a bliss reality. Our body-brain milieu probably cannot survive if we do not receive such subconscious doses of affection and amicability. We however do not consciously register them. Most men and women confine their ‘love enterprises’ to only that singular, dominant and popular aspect of love, for which their brain has been trained since childhood. I am culturally mind-trained to register the ‘love’ and its happiness, only when I get it from my beloved, family, friends and relatives. I feel unhappy as I perceive a ‘deficit’ in their love for me. However, I do not register the love and amicability of thousand flowers blossoming around me; the pink comforting wind muffling me with warmth; the child who waived at me with smile; the birds who come every morning in my balcony, dancing with joy; etc. May be; I register them but do not consciously ‘assign’ the same emotional value to these as I do to love of my ‘loved ones’. It is like an experienced person is driving a car and he or she cannot even register and remember he or she actually did so many complex functions while driving. It is subconscious and not registered by conscious. The left or right turn or stopping at the signals also were auto-processes done by the person but not registering it while doing. A novice, who has learnt driving recently, remembers all his or her moves and at the end of driving experience, he or she is so ‘happy’ to have ‘successfully’ completed the driving enterprise. The experienced driver remembers or consciously experiences nothing and that is why he or she does not feel the need to be happy as his or her subconscious mind does not accept it as some ‘success’. Same with 98 percent of happiness. This looks like a scam situation. Happiness seems a scammed idealism.

There is an innate intelligence of nature, wired in limbic system of brain states, which works its ways on the basis of survival and mating optimization, expressed in six core emotions of happiness, sadness, fear, anger, disgust and surprise. However, as humanity changed the nature drastically and instead installed its own cultural intelligence, which has sidetracked core ‘context’ of survival-mating successes and instead evolved and benchmarked its own ‘linguistically-maneuvered’ meaningfulness, it is now difficult to fathom, what may be truly considered Happiness. As a very old proverb says, ‘man proposes, god disposes’; it may also be true about how the dualism of two layers of ‘self’ handle a reality. The conscious choices of man-made intelligence may ‘propose’ meanings into a ‘supposed’ Happiness, but what ultimately the subconscious accepts as ‘true utility’ of the proposition, may just be opposite. A person eats all sorts of junk food and feels not only pleasure; happiness but also becomes addicted to it. Very clearly; this happiness is scammed as devouring junk food is detrimental to long-term survival as well as mating successes, even if it brings about a ‘perception’ of ‘happiness’ in the short run. There is factual and objective aspect that junk food cannot be perceived as success, in terms of body’s true and real survival. However, globally, mass majority of people are ‘relishing’ it. Then, there is this aspect of hardcore and tangible factuality of junk food being antithetical to brain’s own chemical mechanisms and processes. The junk food is known to have detrimental impact on brain’s hormonal system. Also, in usual mechanism, a hormone system works as switch on and off system. Junk food obsession messes up this chemical switch. The hormonal system is very complex as scientists now know that it works its ways in four different processes to effect its response and execution mechanism. A perpetual high of hormonal surge in brain-body wreaks havoc on the homeostatic wellness. Science says that many lifestyle choices and food preferences are so drastic and intense that brain-body system has no tools to correct the damage they cause to homeostasis. The correction process; called Allostasis processes, cannot reverse the damages. For example, smoking thrills and extends ‘pleasure’ but allostatic process cannot correct or reverse damages done by smoking. Very naturally; the ‘innate sanity’ of body-brain; which we may call as ‘God’s Disposition’; cannot accept it as happiness. Still, man ‘proposes’ and feels happiness. Therefore, the happiness and pleasure perception and feel of junk food is a clearly a cultural choice, deeply against the true and real happiness of the person. The reverse of it is also true. Most people do not feel ‘happiness’ and pleasure in healthy food and habits but the body’s own sanity and successes need them and seeks them as true happiness. As discussed above; a person’s conscious layers do not accept it as happiness and that is why it is not registered as one. Such happiness may very well be listed as scammed happiness. The brain has no mechanism to reject this choice. Instead, as is the mechanism of brain; if a person deliberately or subconsciously ignores the ‘reality’ of happiness and insists to align with scammed happiness; because of culturally-induced habits, the brain has no choice to work its way with it. Every time one eats the junk food, feels pleasured and rewarded, the dopamine shall surge up and engender a greater urge for more and frequent repetition of the happiness eventuality. The scam of happiness shall finally be synaptically pathwayed in deeper experiences, forming long term memory. Later, even when this person shall be in bad health, diseased or in critical condition; the brain would not accept any other food as ‘happiness’ reality. The person cannot change the ‘habit’ as it has been ‘dopamined’ in deep memories and experiences. This is how scams are installed. The politics and commercial corporations; the profit-sharks and power-empire always flood up your mind consciousness with fake and fudged propaganda information to condition your acceptances of the scammed realities of happiness and other successes. They scam the ‘happiness’ reality of body-brain by fake, fudged and propaganda fabrication. They ‘hijack the dopamine’ and make people the slaves of their profit-empire.

There is this huge consciousness domain and dimensionality of criminality and depravity. No doubt, many cases of criminality and depravity of human behavior and action emanate out of short-term anger or optionlessness. But, human history is full of brutalities, criminalities and depravity, which people do, not only in individuality but collectivity, with strong and sustained sense of pleasure and Happiness. A Russian veteran of Second World War narrated how a Russian troop took turns to rape two 13-14 year old German sisters, who innocently ventured into the station of the troops to ask about their missing brothers. The rest of troops laughed and danced in celebrative joyfulness as each soldier took turn to rape the girls. The veteran specifically mentioned that a woman telephone operator with the troops also laughed and showed happy expressions, when the young girls were being brutally raped. Later, the half-dead girls were thrown into the hog pen, where hungry pigs ate the girls alive. The troops laughed and danced! This is not unique and occasional. History is replete with such gory details of ‘Human Happiness’. This is a possibility only in human sense of Happiness. No animal can do it as their brains simply cannot create a scammed perception of the reality of happiness. Only human brain has this ‘superiority’ and ‘brilliance’ to create a ‘culturally valid’ and ‘appropriate’ context, to alter the perception of happiness, from real and true ones to scammed ones; rather the criminal ways. It is the imaginative brilliance of evolved brain of humans, which can scam and fake its own emotional sanity system and engender a feel that defies normality and propriety. Huge lot of criminality and depravity by humans are done now as a tool of happiness as they are subconsciously and consciously assigned ‘rewarding’ feel to it. Criminality and depravity are no more a ‘punishment’ or unrewarding emotion; rather they are accepted as ‘reward emotion’. They bring populist successes to criminals, corrupt and unashamed. It is also because criminality and depravity get easy and prompt support and thumps up from the societal-cultural-political-judicial-commercial domains. They have become necessary ingredients for ‘successes’ and in contemporary human world; there is no more a moral crisis about means; if the end is definitive success. This new ‘context’ of humanly-created intelligence of ‘normality-appropriate-righteousness’ has growingly become the dominant benchmark of Happiness as they alone ensure ‘success’. Only human brain and its ‘divinely-created’ perception of marvelous consciousness can alter the reality of ‘Disgust’ and shamefulness into ‘Happiness’. Only the human brain has the intelligence to engineer and manage such heinous levels of criminality, depravity and brutality and translate them into Happiness. It is a huge domain to deliberate about how and why this happens and how brain states can accept this scammed perception to validate such criminal and brutal action. However, what we can accept is the hypothesis that as human mind consciousness is the cumulative, cooperative and emergent entity of two different and competing intelligences; together they create such ‘metaphoric’ contexts for a reality, which is rare and exclusive in human world. Human mind consciousness and its brilliantly ingenious imaginative faculties can engineer such perceptions of realities, which is matchless in living world. Humans can create a brilliant spectrum of scammed perceptions and then orchestrate a rainbowish range of behavior and actions to add flamboyance to its instinctive desire for successes.

Scientists have done good amount of researches and simulations to arrive at a hypothesis that someone is as lonely and sad, as he or she feels, he or she is. They point to the probability that loneliness is a passive reality. This passiveness is probably true with all emotions and feelings. This means, a happy person may accept a situation more positively than normal but a lonely and sad person shall feel more negatively and un-pleasurably about the same situation. Not only mental states; body conditions also affects perceptions about reality of a situation. Scientists say that lonely, sad and depressed people always complain of ‘deficit’ of reciprocation from their relatives, friends and loved ones. The deficit however is more cognitive and perceptional, emanating out of the pathology of perceptional memories of experiences. This situation may be exemplified by the fact that most healthy and nurtured kids are unusually happy and buoyantly exuberant, even when they are simply sitting and doing mundane things. They do not usually have the baggage of long-term memories of experiences of unpleasantness and ‘perceived’ deficits or negativities. From the perspective of brain, a normal healthy and satisfied person has much better poise and neural propensities to experience pleasure and happiness out of small things and normal life-living situations. The same is not true with unhealthy and dissatisfied person. The idea is simple yet very powerful. Most people have their lives so deeply, intricately and multi-dimensionally linked and synced with societal-cultural-political contexts that their personal and individualistic sense, feel and cognition of ‘happiness’ becomes slave to collective benchmarks and situations. The collective sense of scammed happiness has hijacked the personal and individualistic cognition and perception of happiness. Why should a person be happy when share market index hits high and why they need be sad when it rock-bottoms? The highs and lows of individual have become so synthetically merged with high-lows of society-culture-politics-economy that not only happiness; all other emotions become scammed perceptions. One presumes that a rabbit may

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