» Psychology » Happiness Is A Scam, Santosh Jha [bill gates books recommendations txt] 📗

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body constantly and unflinchingly work towards. Nature’s and evolution’s innate intelligence, expressed in complex and galvanized chemical systems, is encoded in the singular survival wisdom of Homeostasis. If science has to define ‘Happiness’, in terms of innate, true, real and upright cognitive intelligence of nature-evolution; it has to be the attainment, maintenance and excellence of Homeostasis. The singular trouble of humanity; from the perspective of innate intelligence is that in contemporary human milieus and life-living, the synthetic man-made cultural intelligence has done almost all possible so-called smart enterprises to destruct and even disable the Homeostasis. Mass majority of men and women chase Happiness, all throughout their lives and at every step of this pursuit, they strike a body blow to their homeostatic wellness. This is the worst scam of humanity. The most brutal and shameless part of this scam is that the dominant and ever-insinuating society-culture-polity-economy benchmarks keep up the high-engulfing flame of scam by prompting every human child to remain slaves to ‘successes’ and ‘pleasures’ of synthetic intelligence; all the while killing the innate intelligence of Homeostasis. The body-brain systems and their innate intelligence of ‘Happiness’ wants us to seek success and pleasure in attaining and maintaining Homeostasis. In reversal of this all, the man-made synthetic intelligence of contemporary cultures ‘drives’ us to seek successes and pleasures in such pursuits, which kill Homeostasis. Massive structures of man-made intelligence invests huge amounts of moneys and propaganda enterprises to keep this colossal scam alive and kicking; reigning the human consciousness; installed as crown on the slaved head.

This hypothesis about the probability of scammed perceptions about happiness and many other realities of human life-living may be approached from different perspectives. As we have earlier accepted a hypothesis that long eBooks are not in the ‘Happy’ domain of average readers; therefore we are not going into these approaches. The idea is to have a perspective of the contemporary realities of modern human world and the life-living we have accepted as ‘normal’ and ‘right’. As I have always insisted; you should not accept a single word I have written here as true and right. You must yourself enquire about the aspects we have talked here. You must internalize only those realities, which you have tested and personally experienced. I very humbly insist that what we have talked is only a hypothesis about a probability. We have attempted different aspects of this probability. You must not accept any of them till you yourself internalize them through the golden process of skepticism and personal inquisition. As I have always believed in making all my eBooks a personalized effort; I shall only be too happy to input you with whatever more you wish to talk about this idea about happiness. Do kindly write to me.

We shall now move onto a small talk about how to have a novel and alternative perception and cognition about Happiness. We shall deliberate on possible ways to De-Scam the idea of Happiness and try to find out how a novel and alternative idea of Happiness can work better for us and optimize our true, real and innate wellness.


De-Scamming Happiness

I always feel very crippled, when I write and communicate through words. The intent and its grandeur; its amicability and truthfulness are too colossal and complex to be successfully carried out by suffocatingly restrictive meaningfulness of words. If I could have the facility and faculties, I would say nothing; still, wish to install in your consciousness this very intense and compassionate feeling that you are such a powerful potential, if you could unravel and decipher the true and real resources, your individuality in itself; unaligned with society-culture-polity-economy, has and can evolve into. A million words are all futile.

Languages have become the worst media of depravity and criminality of intents. Sadly enough; what most people say, is more like an ‘advert’ of intent and there is loads of ‘fake-fudged’ content in the adverts, divorced of the intent, which itself is precarious and conflated. People would ‘love’ to say, ‘I Love You’, as often as needed, even when they have very little thoughtfulness about the true reality of love. I have been writing, first as journalist and now as an author, since last 27 years and all along, I have very humbly tried to evolve such novel and alternative ‘trajectory’ of language; even while using the same words everyone uses; to counter and nullify the distrust and insecurity of subconscious minds of my beautiful readers. I remain invested in compassionately innocent and amiable composition of the melody, I seek to create, through the way I consciously weave my humble words. I always fail but often; the success comes from the side of readers, who are compassionate enough to feel my sincerity.

However, meaningfulness has its own precarious and meandering trail in deep woods. Only this intent is meaningful that you could be and must be truly and many times more aligned with true, real and optimal wellness and contentment. I would always prefer to hold your hands; sit with you with tears in my eyes and express my intents through the collective and emergent vibes of 30 trillion cells of my body-brain about my singular wish that you should attain your true individualistic potentials; instead of saying any word. This cannot happen. Still, I very humbly and affectionately urge you not to pay much heed to my words and only assimilate my vibes about my wish. What my words say to you is there, just to prompt you to enterprise a journey to attain your best potentials.

As I have admitted earlier; I have no eligibility. I am not even literate, given what colossal knowledge stands there to be learnt. However, I say this with all humility at my behest that probably; I have consciously evolved to assign all my personal enterprise to ensure that I never align my individuality with hypocrisy. I tell you only what I have personally experienced and internalized into my own consciousness. You must not trust my experience and always view them with skepticism. However, my honesty and innocence; through the media of words; are for you to have perspective over what probabilities are there for internalization. I am saying below what I have experienced and internalized about Happiness –

In Short; The Gist; Of A Stretched Idea – Why we have hypothesized that Happiness Is A Scam; is because of the simple and straight cognition that Happiness, as it is popularly accepted and actualized in contemporary human world, is seeded in criminality and depravity. It seems very probable that this criminality and depravity has become synonymous with happiness as it is the innate intelligence of nature and evolution to optimize survival successes. This innate design of nature, which evolved the idea and cognition of ‘Happiness’ in organisms; seeded the lateral and concomitant emotion of Competitiveness. This however happened, much before humans happened on Earth. Competitiveness to optimize happiness, and in turn optimize survival-successes, through the chemical expressions of reward and punishment worked reasonably well in animal world and therefore it continued into human system. Competitiveness is not a criminal intent or idea. The human intelligence however turned this mechanism of happiness; reward and success as scams, as their enhanced and cooperative intelligence could successfully upload the man-made Intentionality of Criminality and depravity over nature’s intelligence. The innocuous cognition of competitiveness could be turned into a theme of criminality and depravity only by extraordinary human intelligence of faking and fudging. Animals do not have the mental wherewithal to even feign an intentionality of criminality. The innate emotions as a carrier of intentionality got hijacked as humans evolved this novel intelligence to fake, fudge, fabricate, fictionalize, and defraud intentionality. To say, ‘I Love You’, even when intending to kill you, is exclusive intelligence of humans; animals cannot compete with this brilliance of human mind. Deception is also present in animal world but in very minimal ways. It is exclusively human ‘wealth’ to architecture such marvels of deceptions and also add artistry of abstractions and advertized sincerity, which takes the scam of all realities to different levels in human world. We need to accept in modern times that Happiness has to be our internal landscape and milieu; it is in essence, an internal body-brain process of optimizing knowledge and awareness of self, vis-à-vis the external milieus. This in truest sense has always been hailed as the centrality of intentionality of all religions and spiritualism. Scams however hit them the worst. Externalizing Happiness; aligning happiness with attainments and possessions of entities in external milieus, criminalizes and depraves happiness. It has somehow become the nature’s trap; humanity has not only become slaves to but also used it to scam others and self. Nature wants us to be happy organisms and for that its mechanism is chemically mediated and subconsciously orchestrated intentionality of reward and pleasurable successes. It instituted the habit-forming chemical plexus to remain aligned to rewarding and happy ways. As this reward and pleasure comes from organism’s interaction with external milieus, where other lives are also present; it automatically breeds competitiveness. This innate intelligence has now been usurped and hijacked by human intelligence and as this competitiveness has become unmanageable in extremely over-populated and monstrously unequal society-culture-polity-economy; success and reward feelings have to be in connivance of depravity, cruelty, criminality and deception to attain probability. Society, cultures, polity, faith systems, economy, commerce, relationships, et al, have all become hugely corrupted, criminalized and unashamedly fake and deceptive. Everyone seems to have fallen into this trap and we all are living out a scam of reality. Human world cannot have benchmarks of animals. Human society and culture cannot be a jungle and battleground. If humans consider themselves not as animals and not as worse than worst of animals; they have to dump these benchmarks of reward and pleasure plexuses. Humans definitively need an alternative and novel reward-regime to qualify as humans. They need compassion, fraternity, equitability, knowledge, amicability as benchmarks of reward, pleasure and successes. This scam needs to be weeded out of human world. Ten thousand years of human civilization could not do it. Modern humans have the knowledge to do it. But, it shall never happen. Sanity Is Impossibility. The threshold of this possibility humanity has gone past long ago. It cannot be redeemed and relapsed into. However, an individual sure can understand this all and can successfully de-scam his or her Consciousness to embark on the journey of true and real happiness, which is best expressed in the idea and cognition of compassion and fraternity. This can happen when a person is truly aware and knowledgeable of not only realities but also the mechanism and processes of realities. The usual subconscious and perceptional life-living cannot help one come out of the scam of happiness and other perceptions. Science now has bestowed on us a powerful knowledge of all realities; including our own body-brain realities. We all need to be aware and receptive of the new knowledge. This is what this eBook humbly seeks. It is for an individual – it is for you. This is not something new. Since thousands of years, humans have known it, advocated it but never practiced it. Some individuals have; always. You have the potential; the probability awaits you.

As we have summed up the core idea of the scam of happiness, we shall now venture into some details to bring home some more aspects of the same idea. We talked very early about the need to unlearn the dominant and populist perceptions and this we can do by dumping the old, archaic and now obsolete analogies, symbols and metaphors, with which we identify and align with a reality. Happiness as an idea, perception and term needs to be ‘unlearnt’, very much like the populist and dominant idea and perception of Love and Reality. We need to change the analogies and metaphors for identification of love and happiness. We need to unlearn and dump the perceptional reality of Love and instead, replace it with the term, idea and perception of

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