» Psychology » Happiness Is A Scam, Santosh Jha [bill gates books recommendations txt] 📗

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them to the energy of personal skepticism and inquiry. Individuality means we strive to become a good judge of our own actions and behaviors, on the basis of personal and internal benchmarks of compassion, contentment, amiability and equanimity and not reward, success, happiness and attainments defined by collective generality.

Since thousands of years, even early humans more than 3000 years back could discover and understand that there is an internal landscape, from which the tree of consciousness and personality emerges. The tree shall have the same personality, as is the core nature of the landscape. We know now through our knowledge of science that the milieu of ‘conscious’ is the landscape of subconscious and unconscious. The three are parts but in continuum and work as holism. The soil, which roots the tree, must be good and right for the potentials of fruition of the tree. Therefore, very consciously, we need to align only with those elements within us and also in external milieus, which installs contentment, equanimity and amicability in our subconscious milieus. Consciously, we need to dissociate and distance away from conflicts, confusion and depravity. True and real Happiness is also a milieu; it is essentially a landscape; it is akin to soil. Goodness, richness and wellness grow out of the milieu-landscape-soil. Happiness is not object or tangible entity; it is like the intangible environment, which muffles us all around. You just need to be in good milieu; happiness follows and flows. People take a break from their tough jobs and busy life-living and move to salubrious and beautiful locales as tourist. They do nothing big; just relax and enjoy leisure to innately and subconsciously feel contentment and wellness. The internal milieu of a child is pure and that is why they are unusually happy. The internal milieu of mind consciousness must always be ‘salubrious’. Consciousness is your sole media to all perceptions. Consciousness is a landscape. This landscape must always be your priority and our enterprise must always be to ensure the sanity, system and symmetry of this landscape. If we look back at the idea of homeostasis, we have discussed earlier; we can say – You take care of your Homeostasis and your Homeostasis takes care of your Contentment and Wellness. Homeostasis is major part of your internal landscape and therefore, we can say that if we take care of our internal landscape, it in turn takes very good care of all our wellness and happiness needs.

Since ages, the greats of humanity have warned us to be prudent and upright in deciding what you create and save as true wealth. They have insisted that the true and real wealth of humanity is the deeply internalized and long-term experiences and memories. At the end of the life journey, most people recollect their experiences and not the moneys and tangible assets. This needs to be understood and accepted. This is very crucial for wellness and contentment. We have already talked about Intentionality. Our brain states process and devises this cellular intentionality into drives. The drives are expressions and communication of body’s innate needs and instinctive purposes. Metaphorically; we can accept Intentionality as core grammar of body-brain ecosystem and drive as syntactic landscape of the language of body needs for survival wellness. However, poetry of living means that our individuality and Consciousness must understand that Intentionality is just the ‘Media’. The grammar and syntax are themselves ‘metaphors’ of meanings and holistic logic of body requirements of survival wellness. It is a media, very much like money, which facilitates utilities but in itself, it has no self-worth. What value of money if can’t spend it or use it to transact happiness. Money is good only because it facilitates transaction of experiences. This media of Intentionality opens up the portals of myriads of shades of experiences of emotions and all of them feed into the larger and holistic expressions of Intentionality and drives in looped cyclicality. Therefore, every aware and intelligent person must understand that as money is important only as ‘Media’ of varied experiences; Intentionality as core, innate and instinctive ‘Media of Purposes’ is important only when we consciously and willfully lend different living experiences to enrich, evolve and embellish it. Simply speaking; even if we accept that ‘survival’ is core and singular Intentionality and all drives feed into this singular need; we must understand that the word ‘survival’ is also essentially a media and metaphor only. Survival intentionality can be experienced in infinite ways. I can say, I cannot survive without love, without a burger, without friends, without gaming, without this and that. In reality; I can survive well only with a big bowl of fruits and vegetables. Still; I align my intentionality of ‘survival’ with so many experiences. The trouble is, I am not very welcoming to hell lot of other experiences, which others are having and are possible. Therefore, an aware and intelligent person shall always work its way to optimize Experiences of infinite shades as purpose of life-living Successes. Money, wealth, fame and consumption are only ‘Means’ to galvanize the attainment of ‘Ends’ of richness of Life-Living Experiences. Contemporary cultures have blurred this critical difference between means and ends. There is obsessive predominance of attainment of means only and there is little attention to work towards the ultimate and true ends. A truly rich person is supposed to be really ‘Happy’ and this richness is the wealth of ‘Experiences’. More experientially wealthy you are; better stands your contentment, wellness and personality.

In contemporary human world; the most precious thing probably is fruitful leisure and solitude. Often, people are scared of their own individuality and therefore, they fear being lonely. Loneliness is a passive acceptance; we have already talked about it. However, when you consciously opt to have a sedate and thoughtful leisure with your individuality, you may call it solitude and this shade of active loneliness is very much equal to diamonds in your jewelry box. We need to consciously practice loneliness in active mode. The simple idea is to keep your brain functioning at gamma wave frequency. Science has proved that when you are very aware, conscious and proactively retrospective and thoughtful about your individuality in interaction with all realities in and around your milieus, your brain plexus works at gamma wave frequency. The gamma wave frequency makes you feel a deep sense of contentment. You may call it happiness, as scientists term it. Your cognition and thoughtfulness improves and your decision-making abilities are streamlined. The simple idea is to withdraw from the reactionary and auto-process behavior-actions in your busy daily life-living routines and practice the artistry of solitude and loneliness. You invest in your individuality by being amicable and true with your own deeper self. This helps you focus and journey aware and conscious willfulness and thoughtfulness. This is the gamma wave situation and this creates a milieu and landscape, which is right, true and fruitful for larger and deeper sense of wellness and contentment. You probably think of meditation and related spiritual practices. Do kindly unlearn this confusing metaphor of meditation. You do not need to meditate to arrive and stay at gamma wave zone. Few hours of meditation is not what you need. You need to reorient your thought-process and cognitions. Gamma wave situation is a continuous process. You say no to any situation or insinuation, which draws you away from your individuality, solitude and equanimity. You consciously opt for a milieu and lifestyle, which keeps you in continuity with aware and conscious life-living. Loneliness is not an hour long meditation need. It is a way of positioning your personality and individuality, vis-à-vis external-internal milieu realities. It is a process like journeying into a landscape you feel good about. This process of solitude and individuality is not for sitting calmly and holding your breath. It is for orienting your individuality to more awareness, more conscious thoughts, more knowledge, more experiences, more logicality, more symmetry and more compassion. It is for more and better. The importance of loneliness can be understood from another perspective of Emergence. We have already discussed how consciousness and even happiness is an emergent reality. Emergence process involves myriads of elements in assimilative, integrative and harmoniously cooperative ways. Emergence blends and rearranges the Field or Landscape of Consciousness in a harmonious loop, engendering something novel and beyond what elements can individually make possible. The big trouble is that the contemporary collective spaces are killers of processes of emergence. The attainments of money, fame, power shall always happen only in these milieus of collectivity and as the collective space is so depraved and conflicted, they shall kill harmony; in turn killing emergence processes. Individuality simply cannot breathe easy in massively polluted collective spaces. Naturally, alternative and novel living shall require redefining loneliness and success. True happiness shall happen only when there is true wealth inside and there is deep amicability with individuality. There is this precarious situation in modern human world. The poverty inside; the penury of sanity-poise-wellness of individualistic self, in his or her personal-private space coexists with money-fame-power of the same person in external milieus. Poverty and opulence remain side by side, associated with the identity and persona of the same person. That is why it has to be understood that no harmony, no emergence; no happiness. A person is truly wealthy, successful and happy when he or she masters the artistry of keeping his or her individuality in gamma wave zone – a continuum of self-awareness.

I extend my apologies for listing this point as it may not be pleasant. But, this probably is the most critical aspect of de-scamming happiness and reaching out to true and real contentment. This seems an oddity to say but the fact is that we need to learn and evolve ourselves into a poised intimacy with Grief. Do very bravely and compassionately, accept this world, you live in, as a colossal landscape of Grief. After this acceptance, internalize grief and then very innocently accept that there is only one way to journey the landscape and that is, the Artistry of Playfulness with Consciousness. This alone can help attain the sanity of senses, very much indispensable for perception and internalization of happiness, contentment and wellness. If you sincerely think of life-living realities, irrespective of what milieus you live in; it is not very difficult to see and accept that the very design of life, living beings and this nature we all are part of, is aligned more towards grief and painfulness. It is probably why nature and evolution endowed us a brain, which is innately wired to forget and forego. We have talked about how many scientists feel that it is natural for most people to consider happiness as residual substance after deducting grief and pain from normal life-living realities. We need to unlearn this mathematics. We need to accept grief also as a landscape as we consider happiness as one. There is this innate and even learnt attitude in us to deny and deceive grief realities. Denial and deception of unpleasant realities is not very helpful. If grief were peripheral reality of life-living, we could probably win by denial and deception. However, grief and painfulness is the life. It is like an unavoidable journey through long and treacherous mountains. You can think of even beginning a journey only when you accept the situation and get necessary knowledge about the terrain and landscape to create a safe and happy pathway, meandering along the rocks. That is why, it is very critical that we consciously realign our sense of both grief and happiness. We have to accept both of them as landscapes, which may require different navigation skills. As we mentioned earlier, there is this artistry of Playfulness with our consciousness, which facilitates this navigation. It is a huge domain how to train your consciousness to alter its cognition about grief. We avoid the detailing as it shall unnecessary add bulk to this eBook, which we don’t want. We just describe this artistry by accepting this hypothesis

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