» Psychology » Non vowel resources of some good mood, Alexander Borodin [e book reading free .TXT] 📗

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collection and analysis actions of specific people of different social strata, starting from those who are called migrant workers, ending with civil servants, etc., and maybe it will be said loudly, having suffered all their knowledge and life experience that they have now.

I tried to use only a reflection of the facts, and not belief in anything. According to the above, in some sections of the material it is proposed, as pundits say, not some incomprehensible concept, but a working technology to achieve their goals, technologies accumulated by various people who are not certified psychologists, therefore such skills and knowledge should not be wasted, but should serve the one who needs them.

“Inform, Instruct, Inspire” (“Inform, train, water-

move "), - the inscription in the Museum of the CIA.

The objective (unspoken) resources of psychological comfort are not disclosed and are not recommended for use by psychologists and psychiatrists, or do they not know them, or does anyone who thinks so, just wants to attract attention? Where are they options for proper behavior? Should there be not just psychology, but psychology corresponding to a situation in which not everyone can visit? Are the rules of behavior or inventions valid, not only because they are invented, but also because they are also advanced - can everyone come up with something and promote something, which then becomes a stereotype? If your behavior does not correspond to the stereotypes invented and advanced by someone, you need to be careful in communicating with others, since your line of behavior may not be accepted? Is temporary or permanent lack of competition something to use?

Returning to the foregoing, as a weapon to achieve their goals, such psychological skills and knowledge that it is not customary to speak out loud can be more effective than a thermonuclear charge (in any case, for the category of people for whom this material is recommended), and this not the words of the one who wrote this material, but of the one who has already read it, while the one who has already read the material and made conclusions is not a friend or relative of the author. After all, when you know something that others do not know, new opportunities open up - it is a micromonopoly on something new. 7 volumes, but one central thought? I would like to add that here, in this material, there is nothing superfluous, no one went around and around to create the volume of the written, therefore the number of pages looks more like a brochure (although it later grew to a book) than the book, and most importantly, everything was done out of sheer enthusiasm, without pursuing the goal of any commercial gain. The material was not created under the control of anyone, was published with the money of the author, therefore it is worth assuming that this material will be of interest, since in connection with independence from someone it is made as objective as possible when writing and publishing the material, it does not promote the interests of those persons who could finance the writing and publication of a work, because such persons, as already mentioned, are not.

Every effort was made to make the material as clear as possible, in connection with which the task was not to "strain" the one who would get to know him, so that he would not rely on his quick wits and think out what was meant by read. The work is presented in a form from top to bottom, from, so to speak, “global” to “non-global”.

Dreams of love, eternal vacation and pink clouds - do not be so sensitive and thin-skinned? Are we returning from dreams to earth, or at least descending below Earth orbit - the more developed is the country, the more are there those who are called non-self-sufficient? No matter how corny it sounds, but for the constant presence of endorphins in the body, you just need to find yourself in life in the form of a choice of a profession that will give you love, and eternal vacations, and pink clouds? Why do almost everyone dream of the sea, palm trees, romantic encounters with the opposite sex, and no one dreams of finding themselves in prison or unloading a car with cement in bags of several tens of kilograms, because it does not produce endorphins? Are suicides committed because the body no longer produces endorphins? Do what makes wings grow behind your back? Those who criticize everyone are those who simply grow “wings” from this action, and that's all - don’t listen to anyone, do what your “wings” grow from? You need to know what to do and what not to do, what to say and what not to talk, communicating with a person you need and are interested in, so as not to cause him such emotions as fear, aggression, irritation, disgust - think what to do, when to do or what to say and when to speak? When you bring into society something new and at the same time disadvantageous for some, you may encounter what is called prejudice?

“If you want to make God laugh, tell him about your plans,” this phrase was not expressed by the author, an unknown person, and therefore the author cannot make a reference to him.

There is a film about the search for a profession that contributes to the release into the body of natural opiates - endorphins. It is called “What a smile you have” (director Oleg Nikolaevsky, USSR, 1974). The phrase of one of the heroes of the film, uttered by the main character Seryozha Savinov (Alexei Mokrousov): “If you had talent, he would have overthrown you, tormented you, would not give rest”.

As Alvin Toffler wrote roughly (who worked as an installer, according to his biography, he chose a profession to learn about life, and therefore had the moral right to write about it), people learn to communicate and live together, you can only add that they learn this or even relearn how to live in a new, called civilized world, because in the old everything was clear - he killed, took the prey of the one he killed, or they killed you and took your prey, etc.

Not yet come, the times when robots or something else will do everything for everyone, not all problems have been solved by science, progress and other institutions, so a collision with a considered hostile (not pleasing) force is inevitable, almost everyone will pass to a greater or lesser extent and this will go through until civilization reaches the level of development when these forces are controlled or cease to exist at all, that's just the problems that arise when confronted with this force, each solves his own mu. Say what you like, there are fewer and fewer clashes with this hostile force, which is called life circumstances, but nevertheless it still exists, thanks to scientific achievements it becomes easier, but easier, probably only physically and not for everyone.

Does modern man have one problem - unfulfilled desires? The one who is not fascinated by anything, is not disappointed in anything? Do people prefer comfort?

Cognitive dissonance is a state of mental discomfort of an individual caused by a clash in his mind of conflicting ideas: ideas, beliefs, values, or emotional reactions. Cognitive dissonance - two types of thought processes, one of which interferes with the other.

The rivalry between the emotional, intellectual and physical causes chaos inside a person if there are no ways to realize emotions and physical needs, especially if a person is one of those who are called emotional and temperamental, and if emotions also collide, they collide in this way, for example, as a struggle between fear and the desire for something or someone, then the mind begins to hang on snot, and if there are still a bunch of needs that you don’t know how to satisfy, it’s hard at all, a complete mental imbalance begins - emotions say “Satisfy us”, physical needs say “Satisfy us”, intellect says “Stop”, you don’t know what to grab and what to do, how you don’t know what to do, tearing mother of a dying calf between instincts to be with him or to catch up with herd, abandoning its dying offspring, it turns out like in Ivan Krylov’s fable - a swan pulls a cart in one direction, a pike in the other, a cancer in the third.

Everyone lives in a modern world in which emotions and instincts should be blocked, and it is believed that this is a payment for civilization, because emotions and instincts prevent you from concentrating on work, and without work there is no progress, without progress there is no civilization, and who wants to be washed in dirty form in a hut in the absence of civilization to satisfy their instincts and emotions? Or some need to satisfy their instincts and emotions for quality work for the benefit of civilization, so what to do?

Psychologists and psychiatrists are those who know what kind of person the state (government) needs, but do not know what kind of person they need for themselves? A person whom everyone, as is now customary to say, is “bred” (deceived) and who has a problem because of this, doesn’t need a psychiatrist with a psychologist, but a specialist in countering “divorce”, for example, a lawyer? In some cases, if not in all, is it better to let loose those emotions and instincts for those who have them, so that they do not interfere with a quality life and so that they do not subsequently incite to actions called inappropriate? There are actions that can develop endorphins, but psychologists and psychiatrists don’t talk about them, can they be told only, for example, in the family, by parents - to children?

Psychologists and psychiatrists are trying to create the maximum psychological comfort for each person, but so that the methods of achieving this comfort for the person do not interfere with the lives of other individuals, therefore, as already mentioned, neither the psychologist nor the psychiatrist will give advice that will help one, but with This, according to the psychologist or psychiatrist, will harm another, but modern trends are going in a different direction, Overton says a lot about it , whose works can be found on the Internet.

A departure from the topic of conversation in order to relax: if someone has not passed psychological tests when applying for a job, this does not mean that he will not pass the tests anywhere, and no one needs him, different tests have been developed for different professions, and in case of failure to pass a test, for example, for the civil service, we can say that a failed test is not needed only in the civil service, and not everywhere it becomes unnecessary (again we emphasize that the tests are different everywhere), and that it is not in the civil service needed, then this is up to a certain point (this info a mission for those who really want civil service), it is not needed when there are many who want to take a seat, but with a shortage of personnel, the testers are ready to close their eyes to a lot, if the conversation is about the army, the medical board is ready to close their eyes to a lot, in the case when there is a recruitment of new recruits for the war, because for well-known reasons there are not so many who want to get there. By the way, as a rule, “army” tests are aimed at identifying anxious individuals, such a state is not interested in the quality of soldiers (again, in the event that there are an excess of necessary candidates), this will still be discussed, if you are anxious, then self-realization should not be realized in the army sphere.

If you believe the information received by the author, then it was Neil Miller who identified four types of motivational conflicts, each of which can play a role in the emergence of what is called stress.

Conflict of approximation - approximation. This conflict arises when a person seeks to achieve two desired goals that cannot be achieved simultaneously. For example, he is trying to choose which of the two films to watch. Or he chooses whether to enter a prestigious institute or get a profitable

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