» Psychology » Non vowel resources of some good mood, Alexander Borodin [e book reading free .TXT] 📗

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less wealthy, to a country that is more wealthy, it is necessary for the one who enters to the bank account was solid by the standards of the country from which he leaves, the amount of money or his salary should be quite large, is money the thing, if not the main thing, then one of the main ones? Is money anyway in the first places in importance, is the penal economy the receipt of money from fines in the budget? It is fashionable to be a materialist at some time and in some place - no one forbids you to be a materialist if you follow the fashion: for the soul, write a book, invent something, do business for money? Some in official rhetoric argue that they are against something, for example, material wealth and money, it turns out that in reality in life it is not even against - much of what is called guile and licorice? Some people have a healthy interest in money, but they convince others that money is evil, and some listen to them and believe them? If adults speak of high ideals, is it suspicious, since at this age most people are only interested in material goods and preparing a “sweet” life for their children? Is money a magic wand and a magic wand? For some, the greatest benefit in life is independence, and independence is given only by money, or is independence a profession in demand? In any confrontation with anyone, can money play for him (if he has one) and against him (if the opponent has one)? Is independence a profession in demand when no one will do a job better than you? Is money the first necessity before something else or the second after something else? For some, no one will change their lives for the better, only money is this a delusion or not? If a person has many weaknesses, then his friends are not people, but only money, and such a person cannot be the one who is called a devotee, since his weaknesses will force everyone to betray? If you are ugly and do not know how to sing, and if at the same time you have money, you turn out to be very beautiful and sing great? At the institute or at the university, if you wrote a work and let the teacher get acquainted with it, you will most likely be told when they read it, that you are a demagogue, they will refuse to print for free, and when you have money, you he is his own master, and everything is decided: you can print your work for your money in an unlimited number of copies, does this mean that money still gives independence? If you have something called weaknesses for alcohol or such as gambling addiction and so on, and at the same time you do not want to solve the problem of removing these weaknesses, then in any case you should care about the money, otherwise you will be lost, or the presence of money will only bring harm, since you will "get drunk" to death with alcohol if you are prone to what is called drunkenness? If there is a lot of what is called weaknesses, then you need to go where you can earn a lot in order to satisfy big needs, for example, for businessmen? If there is not what is considered weakness, then you need to go where there are hardships, for example, in the army? As the musicians say, if I do not play one day, I notice it myself, if two - my friends notice it, if you do not play three days the audience will notice - you need to prepare yourself for the realization of your dream (program) in order to be in harmony with by yourself? It is said that in some cases, as a rule, some vulnerable and ambitious personalities tear to power, they perceive power as protection against unnecessary criticism and as the impossibility of any aggression against them, but in our world power is not ideal, and when do they understand this, does it disappoint them, to put it mildly? In some places, power is not ideal and not absolute for the rulers, it needs to be shared with those over whom you control - does competition exist for it so imperfect, and these competitors are other rulers? Does a certain profession need a certain mindset and a certain algorithm of actions?

If you want someone to become your enemy, lend him money. (When he does not give them back to you, he will become your enemy).

No one needs to exaggerate the value of money, although there are those who live by this , there are many facts of the end of life by suicide by some businessmen and cases when they start to “greatly fan” when instability occurs in their business and commit murders, and, as already mentioned, suicides when they believe that they cannot maintain their standard of living, in which, for example, as some businessmen, they usually have a woman in each city where they go for business.

Someone strives for independence, believing that money gives it, that’s true, but the profession that is in demand in society also gives independence, but when it is not there, then there really can’t be any independence when, as the people say, “hands under x ... are imprisoned, ”that is, when you don’t know how to do anything, it’s not really good, when you’re at home, you need to“ hook ”on someone in order to survive, like the heroine of the film“ Cruel Romance ”( USSR), but the one for whom someone is hooked will then begin to manipulate him if he wants.

Many, for example, who need relationships with the opposite sex, but there is no way to come to them because of ignorance of how to do this, replace the missing “drivers” of behavior (more on that below) with money, buy relationships is also a good option.

In some regions and cases (but only in some, there are rich states where there are many taboos), the less wealthy the state, the more moral and legislative imperatives it has, and these restrictions on the rights of citizens of poor countries are a necessity for the survival of the state, since the government has nothing to plug "holes" in the economy, if the population wants to lead the same lifestyle that the population of the states considered rich can afford, there is nothing to compensate for these "holes", because, unlike the rich states For those who are not wealthy, there is no way to plug this very “hole”, namely, for example, a sufficient amount of oil or other minerals; therefore, people living in countries with not very high living standards do not have to relax, as it can to allow the population of some rich countries, sitting all their lives on social benefits, and work (and there are people who have never worked anywhere all their lives, and many do not work for generations: my grandfather, father, son, grandmother, mother, daughter).

Courage, strength, conviction: if it’s hard for you, then you climb the mountain, if it’s easy for you, then you fall into the abyss - do not forget that science has not yet reached the point where everything is good for everyone? The more you succeed in visiting large social strata and social institutions (army, prison, civil service, construction site, elsewhere), the more realistic approaches to life, the more you will understand how to behave in a particular situation, the better analysis and forecasting of situations? Some were neither in the army, nor in the prison, nor in the civil service, nor at the construction site, did they have realistic approaches to life even without these institutions, and in order to reach their level of psychological development, some needed to go to both the prison and the army? What is a pragmatic approach, and each comes to him at a different time? In the modern world, what is considered adulthood comes only at 30 or even at 40, and sometimes does not come at all - what is what is called infantilism? Earlier, in earlier periods of history, people grew up quickly - is that the whole problem? What is growing up - is it the understanding that everything around is empty, except for money?

What does it mean if it’s hard for you, then you climb the mountain, and if it’s easy for you, then you fly into the abyss - it’s something objective or simply complacency when things are worse than ever, because sometimes it’s not true that is felt in some expressions, and some kind of calming self-psychotherapy, although there is some truth, probably in some sayings, for example, such as “there would be no happiness, but unhappiness helped”, so you need to analyze each situation and not look for only one minuses, but pluses, and vice versa .

In fact, judging by the actions of some professional politicians, if we take their behavior model as an example, we should strive to create the possibility of realizing emotional decisions, but so far there is no such possibility, emotions have to be restrained to varying degrees depending on the situation. In modern conditions of life, one has to use intelligence to satisfy emotional needs and get a little closer to one’s emotional goal, many do so, they would be ready to come to what they want by any means, but are forced to restrain themselves within certain limits due to prevailing circumstances caused by the realities of modernity, and realize your emotion a little bit, use the intellect, which is aimed at finding a way to realize emotion in full, and not a little bit, for example, how any businessman wants to multiply the number of people of the opposite sex that he has, for this he must think about where to get resources for this - money.

It turns out that in most cases, intelligence is needed for most people just to find ways to realize their emotions (to throw out, for example, their hidden aggression on the offender not by physical impact, but by writing a denunciation (anonym)) and physical needs, with the exception of probably, there can only be the same scientists and astronauts and similar people - pick up a laptop or satellite tuner and say to yourself: “This (computer) was invented by someone who has no emotions, otherwise he would not be able to concentrate on anything ".

Let’s digress again: as you know, politics implies a balance of power between states and continents, and this is correct, since the world should be multipolar (higher forces probably want to see competition in everything), and there is nothing wrong with someone striving for power , most importantly, to like it, and if you like it, then the person is in his place. Indeed, if only one state rules the whole world, then there will not be what they call and consider freedom, and freedom is the realization of what the higher forces put into a person, starting from instincts, ending with the implementation of intellectual activity, higher forces, judging by the fact that there is such a profession as a politician, and the presence of different languages ​​that people speak, see the existence of multipolarity, that is, the presence of competition, as appropriate? The role of a politician in society to save the state from chaos, to build civilization, only for some it is better, but for others worse?

A person, at least one who is engaged in science, should not and cannot, according to his psychological constitution, think about everyday things - is this an axiom? Who is Yusu Yundur, and did he speak the truth?

Scientists and astronauts were mentioned for a reason - it’s a layer of people that, if not completely, then more than the average person, has left the instincts and emotions that are common to all biological organisms, so if someone is not a scientist, then he lives in a world where he is either in a sense in certain situations a hunter or a victim, and he must reckon with this in order to survive, although in connection with the achievement of civilization this

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