» Psychology » Non vowel resources of some good mood, Alexander Borodin [e book reading free .TXT] 📗

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place. Conflicts of proximity - approximations are usually resolved relatively easily. Conflict of avoidance - avoidance. This conflict takes place when a person faces two unpleasant situations, and avoiding one situation leads to a collision with another. For example, a woman with an unwanted pregnancy may, for moral reasons, resist abortion - in this case, both the birth of the child and the termination of the pregnancy are undesirable. Conflicts of avoidance - avoidance are very difficult to resolve, and they create a strong emotional tension. Conflict of approach - avoidance. This is a situation in which one event or activity carries both attractive and repulsive features. Achieving the desired at the same time leads to exposure to the unwanted, while avoiding the unwanted is associated with the rejection of the desired. For example, the dilemma of a student who is offered an illegally obtained copy of the final exam. Deception will cause guilt and humiliation of self-esteem, but at the same time provide a good assessment. Conflicts of proximity - avoidance are very difficult to resolve. Multiple conflict of proximity - avoidance. A person needs to choose between two jobs: one is prestigious, promises a high salary, but involves a longer working day and moving to an area with an unfavorable climate; the other offers great opportunities for advancement, better climatic conditions, but low wages and an indefinite duration of the working day. This is an example of a multiple conflict of approximation - avoidance, a situation in which it is necessary to make a choice between several alternatives, each of which has both positive and negative sides. This is the most difficult conflict to resolve, partly because it’s difficult to compare individual aspects of the alternatives, for example, how good the climate is better than the indefinite duration of the working day or to what extent the chances of quick progress compensate for the low starting salary.

Everyone has different views on the same thing? The task of someone who wants to change a person’s personality is to “stir up” something that theoretically should be given to him by higher powers, but for some reason doesn’t work, for example: people are suing someone, completely forgetting that they have a family and children, spend time and money on lawyers, getting pleasure from it, in this case, in these people you need to “wake up” the instinct of making money and spending it on your family and, accordingly, have fun, enjoy the fact that the child went to rest at sea or somewhere else? Cultivate what is sleeping in you or in someone else, if this makes it easier to live?

It is funny , but it is the attitude to the place where someone is located that determines the psychological state of this someone who is somewhere, for example: someone got into the army, and he believes that they are manipulating him. He will not be quite comfortable there with such convictions, but the other, on the contrary, will consider that he is manipulating his presence in the army, such people call the army a “feeding trough,” in which they feed, dress, etc., in general, a full social package, such a metamorphosis.

What is the strategy for meeting needs? Everyone decides what information is harmful to him, what is useful, what to listen to, emotions and instincts, to look for ways to implement them or to act differently (but some do not have emotions and a minimum of instincts, and that’s for sure, there are such people - these are astronauts , for example, if we are talking about a profession that people with such qualities occupy, it was mentioned at the beginning of this work), look for ways out of emotions and instincts, using the mind. Also, everyone decides what to choose: a self-regulating life or a life regulated from the outside, everyone thinks what he should decide: whether the trend of rejecting various generally accepted norms is negative for him or not . There are many ways, but you need to choose the one that will go as comfortably as possible, and so that your comfort is not uncomfortable for others?

In poor countries with a low standard of living, you cannot take purely emotional decisions and actions, it can ruin or you need to minimize them, because in addition to this you have to solve material problems, you can’t, for example, send your boss away and take unemployment benefits, as in in some rich countries, in a poor country, the results of each action need to be predicted, looking back and around, if you do not have a hundred or two thousand dollars in your “hitch” ?

T total goodwill or total thoughtfulness under the guise of goodwill? I do not like the fact that there is little love - what is the problem? Create a ministry of love and bring love to the masses? In the modern world, some things cannot be called literally, they need an official cover by other names - a substitution of terms - for a better understanding of what is happening, go to the Internet and watch what is the “Overton window”? Manipulation by substitution of concepts? Manipulation by throwing bridges - is it when you combine two facts that are not related to each other together?

Sample words of a clergyman from the film "State Border" (USSR, 1980, director Boris Stepanov): "... power should be clearly humane, but secretly terrible."

Why do some politicians of rich states pamper people with large social packages - for the sake of social peace, probably?

According to statistics available on the Internet (no one says that it is objective or not objective, it simply is on the Internet), the happiest people live in Denmark (according to the media, as of October 2013, there is one of the highest social benefits), as can be seen from this, the government of this country has undertaken the solution of the problems of its citizens, in any case, material. And from here the following social consequences follow, for example, such as if the state is rich, then theoretically the staff of employees at enterprises or institutions is large enough, in the sense in connection with which you work less, relax more - there is time to satisfy personal needs, respectively, no one not nervous (personal needs are not suppressed) and, accordingly, lives longer and better.

According to the life expectancy in any country, you can determine where the rich country is, and where not very: where they live longer, the country is richer there, respectively, where it is less, it is poorer. As a rule, people in a rich country work less, have more rest, a poor country cannot afford it, the staff in any organization is small, since there are no funds in the budget to expand the staff, and therefore people living in poor the state, more, respectively, the rhythm of life is faster, respectively, more time has to be devoted to work, less to solving one’s problems and satisfying personal needs, this affects life expectancy, therefore in less rich countries it is less neck.

Affirmative sentence: the most important thing is to understand that absolutely everything is suggested and suggested, that the material state of a state, rich or not, does not affect the psychological comfort of anyone, it affects what thoughts and program in the head. Some are potentially able to feel comfortable on the planet Mars, where there is no civilization, where the expedition from volunteers is going, and with all this it will be a one-way road, since it will be impossible to return back.

In poor countries it’s worth a little relaxation, and you are already at the bottom — do you need to rely on yourself in them? You can’t relax, otherwise there will be a hangover, as after alcohol?

Partly, maybe it’s true, because not everyone lives in a humane Canada, where, according to rumors, they give a vacation in the presence of depression in a person, in a poor country it is a luxury, a poor country simply can not afford it, because its economy will bear losses are such that the standard of living may become lower than the existing one, so you can’t get addicted to alcohol and other things that are considered weaknesses and addictions, since then no one will help you. But in a poor country, where living conditions are much harsher than in a rich one, you can also be the one who is called happy, having the same needs as the population of countries where wealth is very close, but it is only possible in poor regions in in most cases, only if certain points are observed, for this, of course, there is no point in going on the road for advice to a local or foreign psychiatrist or psychologist (they were created, probably, in order to solve issues that are unresolved by some heads of state, as a rule, economically of a nature: if there is no money - go to a psychologist or psychiatrist, he will help you, but, of course, not only with money, but only with suggestions and pills, but with money, a hitch, only the governments of rich countries give money in the amount necessary for a comfortable existence).

Is everyone a practicing psychologist? A new psychology is being created, the essence of which is the life experience of an individual person?

As a rule, to solve unresolved problems it’s just worth talking to those who know life not in theory, but in practice (who knows best how to trade - a theoretician with a trade education who himself never traded, conducting trainings on the sale of goods, or himself seller), and it’s not necessary to do this purposefully, as a rule, all this happens by chance and spontaneously, just like that.

As was said, many people feel happy in a not-so-rich state (if it were the other way around, then the poor countries would not exist), and vice versa, there are unfortunate people in rich countries, you need to find out how they get it, there are meaning those who live in poor countries - either they curtailed their “exorbitant” needs, if any were available, or they learned how to satisfy them, and, of course, they play an important role in achieving the desired time and place where you are trying to to achieve, and not only something material.

For example, about time, if someone remembers, then in the 90s in the USSR and after its collapse, when the VCR was a luxury and when there were no more than 4 TV channels on television, TV shows like “Slave Izaura”, “ It’s just Maria ”, there were practically no people on the streets, emergency services - police, ambulance, firefighter - were resting during the show of the series on television, all the events in the series were discussed by the people of the USSR that was ending their existence, but they would have shown these series now, probably if someone looked , then not in the same quantity as before, the series was shown in the right place (where no one had seen such series before and where there were only 4 television channels) and at the right time, professional artists of the USSR of that time were surprised and perplexed how such films could win the viewer.

It must be remembered that everyone has their own concept of happiness and comfort, everyone has everything in their heads, some people have such a concept of happiness and comfort that can shock others. Perhaps someone has heard about people with a syndrome of impaired perception of the integrity of the body, these people become happy when they deprive themselves of their own part of the body, and they dream about it until the moment of amputation, for example, legs, until they do it, they they feel extremely uncomfortable in a psychological sense, and no one knows what it is, a mental disorder or something neurological. But only a person with a syndrome of impaired perception of the integrity of the body deprives himself of his legs - he becomes a happy person.

Some states that, in their rhetoric, like to talk about the rights of ordinary people, in practice do not quite follow it - in order to enter from a country that is

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