» Psychology » Non vowel resources of some good mood, Alexander Borodin [e book reading free .TXT] 📗

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a political sense. It is one thing that one tries to solve problems and forget, and the other does not - who remembers the story of two frogs that fell into milk? One drowned immediately, the other waved its paws until the milk was whipped into butter, and it got out, it also happens that a person wants and tries to solve problems, but again does not know how to do this, it’s kind of like they will let me or you make a detail on the machine, we will try, but we won’t succeed, therefore we need information and experience, how we need a “knowledgeable” in the squadron of aircraft or a person with experience in military operations, if there is a military situation somewhere , which will make experienced fighters out of recruits. It is hoped that everyone will become an experienced fighter in terms and meaning of psychological warfare and psychological operations, as some veteran of the military unit for psychological operations said.



The fact that we are created by higher forces, and the higher mind that created us controls us through pleasant sensations, is examined and proved, now, starting from this, do we go further in our reasoning? An unfortunate person is one who does not know what to do - a partial or complete lack of information makes a person unhappy? Is it wrong to see one thing in a person - only bad or only good, you need to decompose his personality into pros (positive) and minuses (negative)? It can’t be that a person is bad for everyone, for someone he will definitely be good - is this the effect of ants and a grasshopper?

Every person has something good, the main thing is to search him well. (Statement by a former police officer)

Everyone thinks that everything is confused in the relations between people, although in reality everything is clear and logical, unfortunately, as already mentioned, civilization is not yet developed so that all people can afford to relax 100% (maybe, somewhere they can so relax in rich countries, but in any case, not in all countries of the world), and so that cars can do everything for them, competition for a place in the sun continues to exist, and most importantly there is information in it, such as statistics, statistics can be operated as a means of persuasion, as well as using the statistics, you can know the real state of affairs (for example, you come to a new job, I tell you, "Do big plans," you learn to qualified sources of the enterprise after worked, for example, a month and saw their performance, that is, nobody made a plan for you for a year and a half, and you made it, then you can operate on it when your bosses will push you, telling you that you work poorly), you also need to remember that you will not please everyone, which, as a rule, in some cases, pleasing someone wb problems differently. As my friend’s grandfather said in his childhood, when he saw that he put a grasshopper in an anthill to be eaten by ants and heard an answer from his grandson that he was doing well for ants: “Ants are good, but the grasshopper is not good.” This expression was mentioned at the beginning of this material.

The end of classical psychology - the beginning of another, unspoken, which can be found out only in the family if there is one? Secret psychology - a weapon of the XXII century? Does behind-the-scenes psychology lose relevance only in an ideal world?

Lyrics: a friend knew how to croak like a crow, when several ravens flew across from his window, he opened the window and began to croak, saying that this was a psychic attack, when he walked along the street and began to croak on a raven sitting on the ground, they were either alert or flew away - such a specialist in psychological warfare and psychological operations.

Probably, about 99% of firms in the countries of the former USSR refused “cold” (by telephone) sales of their products, sales representatives were hired, and sales began in the “field” in direct contact of the supplier through the sales representative with the client (director or merchandiser of the sales department trading facility or with the seller himself).

This refers to the fact that, as already mentioned, psychology must change, adapting to the realities of time, transform in connection with the realities of time, well, if not change, then at least be supplemented with something new. Classical psychology, nevertheless, probably cannot fulfill its tasks, the main of which is the creation of maximum psychological comfort. In classical psychology laboratories, qualitative methods are not being created to achieve maximum mental comfort, since many can hear statements that went to psychologists or psychotherapists, but nothing helped.

Need to transform according to the realities of time?

Illiteracy in the 21st century will not be those who do not know how to read and write, but those who do not know how to learn, unlearn and relearn.

Words attributed to futurologist Alvin Toffler.

Everything is transformed in connection with the realities of the time, and for psychology, as already mentioned, probably the time has come to do it, because absolutely everything has changed, the analog technique has changed to digital, but I have not heard that psychology has changed, it is clear that in some cases it stops work and fulfill their main function - ensuring the psychological comfort of people.

As an example of the need for modernization, let’s take an example from history, from which it can be seen that during the Great Patriotic War, the armament of Soviet tanks and their armor were such that they did not allow themselves to stand up for battle, in order for the tanks to be less vulnerable, they had to increase their armament and armor is an example of transformation with the realities of the time in the field of tank building. The tanks were redone so that they could carry out the assigned tasks with high quality. If modern classical psychology does not provide such armor and weapons (and does it provide any weapons or armor at all?), With which you can carry out your tasks efficiently, then something is wrong with it (there is talk of weapons in it, by the way , doesn’t go at all, the conversation is usually about the armor that the psychologist is trying to give to the client, and that one’s leaky, judging by the results, it looks like a tank from the time of the WWII before its alteration - this is the situation in psychology).

The author talked with people who visited a psychologist, and not one, therefore the opinion of these people about psychology was voiced, he did not have time to talk with some - they died. Classical psychology does not give instructions for the behavior of each individual individual and instructions for behavior in any emergency situation, she simply does not know it. How to behave a guest worker in a country when a security officer asks for money on the street for solving a problem and notify his own security service, this is impossible if he himself is forced to break the law without registering with the migration service, as to ask for money on the street, so as not to die of hunger when in a foreign country they cheated with wages, and you were left alone with your problems, without housing and a ticket for the return trip, does classical psychology give such advice?

By the way, when you ask for money, you need to be careful: when many get to the nearest law enforcement officer, they immediately “give up” (they say a rough synonym for the word) to those who ask for money, many citizens escape from boredom, calling people in uniform to those who drinking alcohol under their windows, taking pleasure in observing the removal process of those who drank alcohol, such a peculiar struggle for endorphins.

And we find the necessary “drivers”, install, and everything is ready for the fulfillment of desires - since unfulfilled desires are the lack of information on how to fulfill them? Psychology for those over 30: Can psychology be divided not only into psychology for certain social groups, but also into psychology for a certain age? Are people unhappy not because of the economy, not because of the political regime, but because of the lack of objective information and because of the beliefs that make them unhappy? Mental illness from deterring not only sexual, but also other instincts? Sigmund Freud wrote that some get sick because they restrain sexual instincts, and some do not - just some sexual instincts are more pronounced than others? How can one explain the need to create problems of one person for another person for his negative behavior towards him - by the fact that someone's negative behavior can jeopardize the mental state of the person against whom he was shown, or even the threat to life, and so on?

Know how. (English. “Know how”, a fashionable expression in the 80s and 90s in the USSR).

We remember at the beginning of the material the statement that the availability of money exempts in some cases from the search for “drivers” necessary to achieve the goal, for money, for example, you can establish relationships with the opposite sex. “You’re lying more to uniformed employees on the street,” the migrant workers of other migrant workers teach at a construction site, “otherwise you won’t survive.” Would a psychologist give such advice? It is doubtful, only colleagues at a construction site, relatives (after all, they will not advise you badly), or very good friends can give such advice. But how can a person survive in a different way if he is put, for example, in a framework where the question arises not just about his comfortable psychological existence, but about physical, if not survival, then physical comfort? Or how to survive a person in such institutions as the army of the times of the USSR or prison, where sometimes you have to commit crimes (meaning bodily harm to someone who is trying to break you, causing you these very bodily injuries), and crimes are committed so that if you do not survive , then to exist normally there (army of the times of the USSR, prison of times of the USSR). Some may say that these are necessary measures of self-defense, nothing will happen if someone gives a rebuff - this can be answered by the fact that it will already be decided by the court, and the court can decide that there was no self-defense or it was exceeded. What is the advice of a psychologist when they try to “lower you” in the Soviet army or in a Soviet prison? What does Sigmund Freud or Karl Jung have to say about this ? They strongly “wrapped up” on the sexual and attached a lot of importance to this - yes, mental disorders in a certain category of citizens are inevitable when suppressing such a powerful instinct as the reproductive instinct, but there are still a lot of other problems, instincts, which can also be slightly painful to suppress, if very vulnerable, in a word, it seems that Freud and Jung considered the problems of a certain sentimental and impressionable social stratum of that time, whose name is “bourgeois”, and the problems of some ICU is an old saying, do not care about the sheriff. They beat you in the army or in prison - well, okay, there are more important questions, these are the problems of the sex life of the bourgeoisie of the times of Freud and Jung (by the way, neither in the army nor in the prison sex life with the opposite sex, as a rule, is not there at all happened with the sensitive bourgeois of that time, one can only guess), but the bourgeois is not to blame, they turned out as a result of certain social events.

Is life a struggle for the right to fulfill one's dreams and desires? Is success a consequence of the effectiveness of certain actions? To each according to his needs, from each according to his abilities, and if there are many needs, but there are no abilities?

There are goals or

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