» Psychology » Non vowel resources of some good mood, Alexander Borodin [e book reading free .TXT] 📗

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for example, a case in a disciplinary battalion, when beaten, testing for durability new arrivals to him, this is a story of someone who was in the category of “thieves” there, this is the line of behavior he chose to ensure a comfortable psychological state there: when he was beaten, he promised everyone who beat him to kill at night, after him nobody was sleeping, everyone was afraid, spinning in their beds. Conclusion: for the sake of his psychological comfort in the disbath, this man put his physical health on the “map”, he was beaten, but he did not break down and passed the test to fall into the category of “thieves,” that is, those who have the most psychologically comfortable state as much as possible in the "disbath". That is what a comfortable mental state is worth, it sometimes requires a cynical attitude towards oneself, and this will still be discussed.

Since the psychologist’s task is to create the most favorable psychological state for a person, the psychologist should have told the one who was beaten in the disciplinary battalion so that he threatened to kill those who beat him, but this could also be interpreted as a crime: “The threat of murder” , there is an article in the criminal code, it is unlikely that the psychologist would go for it, and he hardly knew how to react in this situation, this does not happen in his office. Here is another example where the psychologist will not help, but then what kind of psychological comfort is there in the role of the victim (if, as they say, he has not set himself up) there can be a speech, if he himself does not like it - to be in the lowest caste? Only relatives and acquaintances can advise this (to resist in a disbath or in prison), therefore one more conclusion: as was said earlier, everything that is in this material is aimed primarily at those who grew up or grows up in an incomplete family, and for all the others, whom we mentioned earlier, to those who receive official information and are deprived of unofficial information (obtained in the “kitchen” in the family circle, where they learn how to live, mom, dad, brother or sister).

By the way, psychology is not always the case, as a rule, some just want to write off all unresolved social problems to it: as already mentioned, if you have no money and work, and if you became an alcoholic from this problem, then psychiatrists and narcologists will cure you: some have to solve problems not created by them - are those who are called speakers responsible for the psychological state of people? Is anyone a practicing psychologist? Some people go to psychologists for advice, but in most cases the best advice can be obtained in a casual conversation from a friend or from a stranger, because often you hear something from someone and you think to yourself, but is that how it is?

As a rule, everyone who has mothers, fathers (so to speak, correctly understanding the life of mothers and fathers), those who live in complete families, are more or less oriented in a living environment and are probably in this sense much more profitable situation in front of those who grew up in a single-parent family. The situation in terms of a correct understanding of what is happening around is complicated for one who grew up alone in the family or without it at all, because he did not receive the necessary information from his parents. But there are complete families where parents themselves lived from generation to generation without understanding anything, this fact disorientates a person born in such a family, just like a person born in an incomplete family, and increases the possibility of taking a “cold shower” ”, In the role of which objective reality will act. The opposite is when he grew up in a more adequately informed family environment. Therefore, for starters, the most important thing is to begin to understand correctly what is happening around, both in the world and in everyday life, both inside and outside of everything. The most important thing is the perfect communication of everything you need to know?

We form overconfidence, and this is real - from the one who is called insecure, you can make super-self-confident? The main thing is to clearly know the motives of everyone, and especially those who are trying to hide them? In non-belligerent countries it is difficult to become a hero, do they need fighters and heroes? Why do some go where there is risk, where are objective, and where are the subjective goals of this act? The fact that someone was at risk makes it possible to become a leader? Why do you need to go somewhere or do something to get noticed? Some people think this way: until you have written a poem or bought an expensive car, you are not a full-fledged person - is this the human person of some? An expensive phone or another expensive thing, a trip to a hot spot - do some of them want to show their significance? The book called on the road - ambitious intentions always push for certain actions?

Sample words of the correspondent Paul Dick (Alexei Petrenko) from the film “TASS is authorized to declare” (USSR, 1984, director Vladimir Fokin): “... the war correspondent’s laurels did not give him rest, you need to go, but only where you would have shot ... ".

Everyone has some kind of label - they say that the teacher is diagnosed or there are no former police officers. Different nations are labeled. Therefore, it is recommended to remember, as a table with irregular English verbs or as a multiplication table, that certain individuals actually want you, for example, some leaders - whatever they say, they want to manage and control, accordingly, no matter what good intentions they covered up their actions, to perceive it all is recommended as a cover for their secret motives. As some high-level leaders call their some steps to fulfill their desires - the preparation of public opinion. The same thing you need to know about the objective desires of other people - drug addicts, whatever they say, want to use a drug, alcoholics do the same, those people who are called gamers do the same. It is not without reason that they say that the life of a drug addict or an alcoholic is a continuous “wiring” (deception) of someone, “wiring” can be a line of behavior not only of chemistry-dependent individuals, but also of those who are called addicted to something.

"A man needs to be trusted in the most extreme case,"

- the words of the heroine of the film "Diamond Hand", the USSR.

It is not recommended to believe everything that is told to you, especially after 30 years, when you should already know that 90% of everything that has been told and told to you is a lie, we only believe in the documents and facts attached to someone’s stories about something, while this is not, is it just stories and gossip? After 30 years, everyone thinks in the “need or not need anyone” mode? After 30 years, this is the age when you do not think, as in youth, that death will affect everyone except you? At a school in a literature lesson, they said that the poet A. S. Pushkin was able to see something in life that others did not see: and to have eyes does not mean to be able to see, to have ears does not mean to be able to hear, there is irrational and rational for mental health information?

The first thing that is recommended to be done is to be able to circumvent all psychological traps, put a kind of information filter that will separate false information from the real one, saving yourself with this "filter" from various manipulators (for example, bandits on the street when you are still very young), You can save a lot. In the role of a filter is meant objective information that you possess and with the help of which you can determine what is presented, a lie or truth, the ability to detect a double bottom - is this the most important thing?

Everything needs to be approached critically and an analysis and forecast of the actions of legal, psychological, domestic, etc., not forgetting that there are people who do not need these filters, they do not concentrate on emotional issues at all, they are neither good nor bad , these are people who are unemotional, they just do their work, they were talked about at the very beginning of this material, these are, for example, IT specialists - they are protected from information flows by themselves, because they don’t accept what they don’t need.

It is recommended to approach everything critically and learn to conduct the correct legal, psychological and other analysis to establish the objectivity of the information received? We demand evidence in everything: someone says that he has a house on the island, let him show documents that he is and that the house belongs to him, or someone says that this is his car - let him do the same, separate the desired from the real, the objective reality from the subjective and reveal the secret motivation?

There is secret motivation almost everywhere , almost everyone is telling a lie, and the motives for this are different: to get money, to amuse ambition (to impress), but the general motive for this, as always, is to receive a dose of internal drugs - endorphins. Therefore, the main thing is to know exactly what you want and what others want from you. If the first is not very difficult, then the second is more difficult. It is not always clear what they want from you, when you understand it, it is already too late. Something else often hides behind any offers, there are people who live by earning their living by this very secret motivation - scammers or professional deceivers.

Risk groups that can be influenced by fraudsters and manipulators are, as a rule, people who grew up in single-parent families, in children's boarding schools, those who are called alcoholics, drug addicts, previously convicted - who, as a rule, spent most of their lives in prisons. In some cases, wealthy people, former military personnel, former law enforcement officials, and other former civil servants are also at risk. Why rich? Because they tend to believe the promises of fraudsters that they will help them to get rich, fraudsters feel what kind of “vices” and weaknesses they need to put pressure in order to give them the money. Why former military, law enforcement and former civil servants? Because these people, as a rule, at the end of the service (of course, we are not talking about all former military and former law enforcement officers) are not always adapted to civilian life, all this is confirmed by real observations of the fate of the above categories of citizens.

Again, are psychologists afraid of losing their jobs because they need to give advice that is incorrect from a certain point of view, or do they not know such advice at all? What to do when someone has matured and does not know what to do with it? Religion - a means of stabilizing society, or some use it for other purposes? Jim Jones and his “Temple of the Nations” and Pavlenko N.M. with his UVSR-5 and UVS-1 are an example of the fact that some can create something similar to the state, however, in this case in the sense that is usually called negative : I heard on TV that some of those who have big money can create states with armies on some of the poor continents? After all that has been seen and heard in the media and docfilms, we can say that in some cases creating a semblance of a state or what is called a pseudo-state is like opening a company - recruit people with certain moral and business qualities for each position separately, create an idea or follow the existing one, and that’s all, and there are a lot of such examples both among the classics and among contemporaries of this genre?

According to the media and docfilms, Nikolay Pavlenko, being

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