» Psychology » Non vowel resources of some good mood, Alexander Borodin [e book reading free .TXT] 📗

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of connections, in a word, an easy life, if all this is not there, and where to get it, if you are, as they say, from the category of mere mortals, then you have to turn around, like in a frying pan .

Downshifting (eng. Switching the car to a lower speed or weakening some process) or simpleliving (“simple life”) - life for yourself, in each country this movement has its own semitones, in the countries of the former USSR it is usually relocation to a country with a lower standard of living (the most popular place is India, or rather, the Indian Islands, Goa, for example), while the resettled person lives at the expense of paying for the apartment he leased in the country of which he is a citizen and in which he owns this an apartment.

What should I do if I’m not lucky in the sense that I didn’t get the proper education, I didn’t become some kind of competent and “learned” scientist in any scientific field (after all, scientists, as philosophers say, are some of the purest individuals in the moral aspect, who, as they say, have not a single thought in their head besides work, and there is nothing that is considered weakness, meaning, of course, real scientists who, like Mendeleev, even forgot to shave)? Scientists are, as mentioned, people who look at everything except science, like some kind of fuss, people like scientists can only be envied, no needs inherent in ordinary people, no emotional attachments to someone and emotional experiences, nothing but the realization of oneself in one's favorite business, except, of course, the realization of the most necessary physiological needs, such as food, water, air and sleep.

What to do if you couldn’t get into the category of people of science, respectively, you couldn’t find a job where nothing more is required of your scientific fanaticism and where you can remain yourself in this connection, and how to become that very scientist when from the very began to prevent science from studying unnecessary information from which they could not isolate themselves or failed to isolate you, because, as already mentioned, modern science denies genocentrism, does psychological genocentrism mean? According to modern scientific statements, genes are given a small share in the formation of personality, everything is absorbed from the environment. I couldn’t get into the scientific world (if, of course, I wanted it), where the weight indicator in society is the presence of knowledge, and not the presence of some expensive thing, or maybe there are no indicators at all. Also, unnecessary addictions, which did not allow to concentrate completely on study, can interfere with the rank of a scientific minority, for example, such distracting factors as a street with its propaganda of its own lifestyle and much more, each has its own.

As a rule, the average person consists of several personalities in one person, in the sense that he has absorbed, in his youth slang, many “downloads”, which, as mentioned, can conflict with each other. What to do? We determine the “unnecessary” personality inside the person’s personality and this unnecessary personality is either eliminated - we drop the ballast, or we need to look for ways to satisfy the needs of this person.

What is the ideal psyche in the modern sense - when a person has a minimum of weaknesses and needs that would prevent him from concentrating on his work? Probably, such a psyche is inherent in all the same astronauts, they have a minimum of needs, and they are not emotional. In general, of course, it’s not so scary when the psyche is not what the astronaut should be, you do not want to become one, which means that it will not be depressing for you. Probably, there is no standard in the sense that the psyche should be like this and not otherwise, there are many professions that require people called emotional. If, as they say, I have absorbed a lot of different information, as a rule, this happens in the process of personality formation, several people have got several needs, and now the more needs or even, to put it another way, addictions in the positive sense of the word, the harder, because they need to be satisfied and, most importantly, be able to implement, you constantly need to look for ways to meet these needs and dependencies, and the more of them, the more difficult, some are forced to choose not the most profitable ways to satisfy them eniya, although in fact it can be made easier, and not to make the whole problem.

If one is not devoid of ambition and, as they say, too nervous to be an outsider, then it will be difficult, but then again, difficult if one does not know how to satisfy the need, in this case, the need for recognition by others, if there is ambition. To be ambitious is not very bad; ambitious people are probably created by higher forces or circumstances in order to strive to achieve something. How to satisfy ambition - you need to “hack” with your ideas, talk about them, PR, as they say, since the one who carries ideas and does not talk about them remains invisible. You also don’t need to be afraid of accusations of arrogance and excessive assertiveness, if anything, they stop you, say that you slow down, you don’t need to be afraid to “break off”, otherwise there will be a stupor when you are afraid of your steps in front.

Oblivion without drugs and alcohol and the way out of distorted reality? Are politics and psychedelics sometimes almost the same thing? In politics, as in trade, the main thing is to be able to convince people? Not only circumstances, but also some structures and organizations creating these circumstances are to blame for the formation of neurosis and phobias and the resulting alcoholism and drug addiction? Why do people become fearful - from the presence of restrictions in the form of laws or from other circumstances? Do not make a cult out of anything, and everything will be tip-top? Is there nothing wrong with someone convincing someone in something, and someone listening to him, most importantly, that the person experiences psychological comfort, being in the role of the one who convinces, or the one who listens? Each person is a neurochemist, do neurochemical processes in the body of other people depend on his words and actions? Neurochemical processes depend not only on words and actions, but also on what they see? Modern science says that human consciousness is a neural process in the brain, while there is an accumulation of neurons, is there consciousness? You need to know what kind of emotional reaction will follow on your actions or inaction and on your words - is it necessary to predict the situation?

Some people whose profession is related to working with people take informal rewards only after the result of their work, when a person is satisfied that the person does not come and say that he does not like something, or, worse, did not turn to law enforcement organs.

Who is working to create oblivion for all? As Ostap Bender said in the movie "12 Chairs": "How much opium is for the people?"

It has already been mentioned that the title of this material “Secret resources of a good mood of some” implies that they are the most effective in satisfying all needs and requests and in creating psychological comfort, they, as already mentioned, are not voiced officially, only in the family circle, if there is one, or maybe they don’t even know about them even in some families.

They say that a psychologist sometimes does not dare to give effective advice because he thinks, as already mentioned, that he can be deprived of a license for some advice, although these fears may be subjective for people of this profession, or maybe not, and in general the psychologist may not know what advice to give, as is the case with lawyers.

Whether some people need to be afraid of something or not - as a rule, the following happens: everyone gets what they demand, goes hype, everything that they wanted and achieved, everyone forgets, and the forbidden topic in the past becomes no longer relevant, everyone switches back and resolves simple everyday problems that remain all the time, or something else, newer and more interesting, replaces the old, you need to wait for the hype to pass, if it interferes with the work, unless, of course, the hype is fueled by someone all the time from the outside.

The approximate words regarding age attributed to Khrushchev are as follows: there are those who go to the fair (young), and there are those who go from the fair (old), it is necessary that the trip to the fair last as long as possible, and then there will be no old age problems called psychological? If you want to become a politician, then take care of your health - is 70 or 80 years old the age of a politician when his career is just beginning?

There are countries where pragmatic people live (for the most part), everything that is not rational is perceived by society as stupidity - if someone goes on strike to the street, then it is considered strange if it does it for free or without any other pragmatic goals. A revolution in some states is impossible because there are no people who would need power, nobody wants it, there is no demand for it, almost everyone wants to give responsible work to someone, but not to themselves, it happens. Lyrics: at least cut me, at least strip me, but there are countries where no one in the population wants anyone to call, “bed,” as they say, now the buzz does not understand this.

In places where power is not interesting in its classical sense, there is a desire for power at the household level, for example, the power of a person over a person of the opposite sex, for this, for example, girls lose weight while dieting, dress in seductive clothes in order to experience power over the opposite sex, because some people are so programmed that they need recognition of their significance, they live by it. Conclusion: those who love power over a person lose weight and are on diets so that they fall in love and want them.



World-wide wars would still be if there weren’t a deterrent - nuclear weapons? War, including in everyday life, will always be, if not physical, then psychological, for some it is the same biological need as sex and other instincts?

Remember the Maslow pyramid about the needs of the average person, or maybe not the average person? If we don’t remember, we can remind you, if we don’t know, then we read: Physiological needs: hunger, thirst, sex drive, etc.

Need for security: a feeling of confidence, getting rid of fear and failure.

The need for belonging and love.

The need for respect: achievement of success, approval, recognition.

Cognitive needs: know, be able, explore. Aesthetic needs: harmony, order, beauty. The need for self-actualization: the realization of their goals, abilities, the development of their own personality.

Psychologists give advice on how to deal with stress, but stress is the result, the consequence - when you are beaten in the psychological sense, when you lose in the psychological fight, when you bleed in the same psychological sense, stress can be compared to bruises, fractures, obtained in a physical fight? The easiest way to cheer yourself up is to insult the one who insulted you, but do it within the law? Stress is the result of psychological beating - when he did not give up, then, as doctors say, you need to prevent stress so that you do not treat it later? Preventive Psychology? A real recovery from stress is to give a change (upbringing) of a psychological nature and without negative consequences after it for the one who carried it out, that is, to give a change within the legal framework? Psychological stress is when you lost, and only retribution in the psychological sense, again, within the framework of the law to the one who made the trouble, can cure the soul? The desire for revenge is inherent in man with higher powers so that he survives, clearing the territory from enemies through revenge? A new type of war - what is it, a psychological medicine that really

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