» Psychology » Non vowel resources of some good mood, Alexander Borodin [e book reading free .TXT] 📗

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again, the law of that can be “twisted” in the right direction: call what is considered crazy or eccentric, installation or performance, and whoever does this is no longer a psychopath, but a genius in the field of art? The philological transformations in the 2000s in connection with the advent of political correctness are as follows - there is no longer someone who was previously called not gay, but in a different (roughly different) way, there are no more psychopaths, are there people with a mobile psyche? Is a psychopath (a person with a mobile psyche) a person for whose comfortable existence more factors are needed than for an ordinary person, and which he cannot achieve at the same time, and, as some say in everyday life, is a schizophrenic an ambitious person? Is a hysterical personality a person who likes to attract attention, or do those who want to concentrate all their attention on themselves with their labels and criticism? Some professions are chosen according to their interests, and if we talk about deviations from the norm, then those who are called pedophiles can work where children, necrophiles, where are corpses? If there is no need, no hardship? Are we all the reflection of those who influenced us and with whom fate drove?

In addition to the generally accepted methods of obtaining pleasure, such as sexual, pleasure from eating food, everyone also has their own personal way of receiving pleasure, it is commonly called hobby, the main thing is that hobby does not go beyond the law, because the desire to kill can also be called a hobby.

Not so long ago they talked a lot about Freud and his teachings, but he strongly, as already emphasized, “turned up” on his sexuality in psychoanalysis, and it seems that all his works are created for a separate layer of society. Yes, there are problems from the suppression of instincts, but there are problems from the suppression of emotions.

Who watched the cartoon “The Return of the Prodigal Parrot” (USSR production, 1984, directed by Valentin Karavaev), he remembers how a parrot who escaped from one owner to another owner calls and tells the first owner that he lives super, but in fact it turns out that he wears slippers to a guy of a major kind, from whom he settled.

The state of the psyche depends on the presence or absence of information, if a person is jealous of someone because he has something that he doesn’t have, then he also wants this, he wants to have something that is the one to whom he envies, for example: someone has an expensive car, and the one who envies also wants to have it. But the one who needs the same car is jealous, but he doesn’t have one, he immediately begins to envy the other person’s material well-being, but if he doesn’t need the car, he won’t be envious. And it may turn out that there is nothing to envy, since the question is how this car was purchased, and it turns out, it was purchased on credit, which, moreover, was not paid to the end, as already mentioned, took the car on credit, but there is nothing at home. It seems that if this information was available, it became easier for the soul, and in most cases it is so, everything expensive is taken on credit, but those who do not know this are envious, but, again, those who need it, envy no need, that’s cold.

Does social formation influence personality formation? Being determines consciousness - that is how Karl Marx said, in his work “To a criticism of political economy,” that is, where you lived, how you think and how you behave? Not being, but beating determines consciousness, and not only people can beat, but also circumstances? Not only quantum physics assumes that you can go along several paths of life at the same time, but the modern position in psychology suggests that you could be anyone, it all depends on your environment, and genetic heredity does not play a role in choosing a path in life dominant role? You are a blank sheet when you were born, and you can get completely different, can there be thousands of options for your psychological constitution? Are you a person or just one of the possible copies? Your thoughts are only yours or imposed from the outside, how independent are you in your judgments? If you do not like a social group, then under certain circumstances you could be one of this social group? There is work where what is called vice is claimed? If there are defects and mental disorders, you need to look for work, where are they in demand? When choosing a profession, do you choose the lifestyle associated with it? High sexual temperament - a biological fact absolutely logical from the point of view of physiology, like all other facts of a biological nature - again, is this so that humanity does not die out as a species? There are logical explanations for any physiological and psychological behavior of a person, all this was done by higher powers or other circumstances for something: the desire for sex to multiply, and the lack of sexual desire for doing science, and nothing distracted from this - human society on ants and bees: where there are soldiers, workers, uterus and so on, is there a clear distribution of roles everywhere? We conduct physiological experiments - we turn on sexual desire, and the one who has it turned on is here on planet Earth, to reproduce, turn off the sexual desire, and the one who has it turned off, is on planet Earth for scientific activity, instincts do not allow focus on anything in full?

As already mentioned, oddly enough, you can find a job somewhere that is commonly called a vice, may be in demand, I don’t want to voice this kind of activity, because perhaps some who work in it will not like it.

There is something that does not fit into the framework of mental health, understood in the sense of modern coordinate systems, or does not fit into the requirements of any profession to the person, for example, a tendency to vagrancy, by the way, doctors in vain attributed this phenomenon to mental disorders (mental disorder, apparently considered that hinder integration into society), this inclination to vagrancy is very popular, there are many professions that require a propensity for relocation and travel (by the way, are people to to rule on the psychological testing of the proposed trees that need to choose the pictures, choose the kind of palm tree). Times have changed, we include political correctness and call the tendency to vagrancy, for example, mobility.

What about the modern coordinate system of behavior is considered normal or different in each country? Mentally ill people are considered one whose behavior does not comply with generally accepted norms of behavior and who therefore does not benefit what society is called, or cannot integrate into it, as they say, and that’s all for us, but there are whole countries in whom no one benefits anyone in the classical sense of the word, and this does not bother the inhabitants of these countries, moreover, they are proud of it (because they do not work anywhere)? Eternal vacation - the richer the country or the poorer the country, the more opportunities to be carefree? In poor countries or in rich countries, sometimes people's behavior is more like the behavior of spiders in a bank?

Lyrics: there is one interesting science-fiction film about how insects fight for survival and eat each other, you can’t call it softer, it is called “Monsters bug wars” / “Wars of giant beetles” (Australia, Beyond Productionst, 2011-2012, director John Ford). Who will decide to make a similar popular science film, not only about insects, but about some people - how do they “eat” other people, only in a psychological sense?

“I never thought that there were so many abnormal people in the city, and those who I would never have thought would be abnormal in the city,” are the words of a man who identified himself as a psychiatrist who had just come to work in this profession.

The ideal psyche - the generally accepted norms of the most ideal psyche, such when the mental state does not change or almost does not change in any circumstances or in any emergency situations, that is, calm and self-control does not leave you when you are in space, in an airplane, at a high altitude, stuck in an elevator, participating in or survived a military conflict, in a word, in the presence of any situations, the mental state should almost not change or panic, that’s the standard of the ideal psyche of our time, or rather, part of the standard, ideal th measured psyche, I think, and other factors. By the way, everyone also has their own pain threshold, someone feels pain strongly, while someone does not, you can even joke - when they say that you are afraid to fight, you can say that you have a high pain threshold. The pain threshold also affects the mental state, lifestyle and fate.

The litmus paper of what is called freedom in any country, is it when people who are called psychopaths feel comfortable? Are there those who complicate someone else's life in order to make theirs easier?

If for some reason someone does not have the opportunity to create his own reality based on the realization of his needs, this usually leads to at least irritability and dissatisfaction, or as a maximum to suicide caused by neurosis in the event that someone generally inclined to solve this problem in radical ways - each has its own threshold of tolerance? The story of one person about the unsatisfied personal ambitions of another person: “I served in one of the units of the power structures, where there was no free time, I transferred from there to another duty station, met my friend, who stayed to work where I transferred, and he looks at me like “on the other side of the barbed wire”, ” - the person, apparently, was very sad, judging by this phrase, or this work was not for him.


"The sins of others to judge. You are so eager to tear, start with your own, and you will not get to strangers."


The fate of the pioneers - everyone follows after them and criticize for mistakes (for what, in their personal opinion, are considered mistakes)?

He who does nothing does not make mistakes.

"Piz .. there are no bags to roll," - a vulgar saying.

You don’t need to think that someone saw you in defeat or in anything else negative for you, the hype goes away and everything becomes uninteresting for others, and those who have nothing to do criticize someone (usually , those who criticize others do not have time to criticize themselves, and life now, thanks to the achievements of medicine, as a rule, has a long life - therefore, it is not known who else will turn out, the critic may also get into big or small troubles). Criticize are for all: if pristaosh to a person of the opposite sex - you will be called troubled, if not pristaosh - you impotent, looking for someone to show attention to the temperament n th man or not to temperamental.

We repeat - those who are inclined to criticize do not have time to criticize themselves, and they, as it may sound trite, loafers, those who work, for example, at a construction site, he comes home and immediately goes to bed, again in the morning on work. Engaged in criticism and, as a rule, not always objective, is only a certain part of society, which has a lot of free time. Anyone who likes to criticize or, more simply, to collect gossip, he will find something to complain about, always, this kind of para-eldoly - in everything you can see what needs to be criticized. The penchant for criticism is probably due to the nature of the person, this is expressed in the transfer of personality data to another person, so apparently it was conceived by higher forces, a kind of exchange of information or a database of what a person

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