» Psychology » Non vowel resources of some good mood, Alexander Borodin [e book reading free .TXT] 📗

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a difficult psychological situation (there is a category of people who feel uncomfortable away from home, in the foreign French legion even it seems like there is a term about it: it’s not suitable for external operations , I want to go home, the so-called instinct of the home is triggered, or fear and excitement are oversaturated ), these people turn to psychologists, again, without thinking about how the psychologist himself would behave if he were in that place the person who came to him for advice.

It’s good to give advice while sitting in the office, not working at a construction site as, for example, a helper or doing other “black” work that a local resident of a wealthy state will never go to, who knows that everything is stable for him, what they’re doing for him “ the black work of emigrants that he will come after work to his house, to the apartment that he has, unlike, as a rule, from the one who came to the psychologist for advice, being far from his homeland.

How much he, a psychologist, will be strong spirit or, speaking the language of the psychologists themselves, morally stable, being in the situation of his client, for example, someone who came to work as someone called a guest worker, again, no one thinks about it, some say “I have a problem, I’ll go and go to a psychologist”, but, oddly enough, as mentioned earlier, you can get a lot of useful information for your acquaintance, who has achieved everything or is doing it in life himself, because ordinary people can give valuable advice.

In the end, many of those whose work is to give advice, as already mentioned, are afraid to give direct advice, advise something cautiously, so to speak, “from afar” (like a person comes in and complains about a job that he believes great psychological or physical tension , and psychologists give him advice, as mentioned earlier, “from afar”, like “I also worked at your work earlier, but left”, that is, it turns out such a veiled advice to leave this work), that's all this is most likely done to avoid the alleged negative re shares of someone to whom the psychologist gives advice. What if the client will be dissatisfied after taking the advice, quitting, will not find work, will write a complaint, and can they pick up the license? Here is such an approximate train of thought for the one who gives advice, which, of course, again affects the objectivity of these tips. Some who are preaching on the true path are afraid to give open advice (if some even know them) that can radically change a person’s life, thinking that then those who were given the wrong advice can “drag out” the courts , in any case Some of those whose work is to give advice say so. These are the undercurrents of those whose work is to give advice, of course, as already mentioned, it is not necessary to generalize, not everywhere and not all of the ones mentioned above, but everyone can think and make a conclusion based on his own beliefs and life experience, how convincing is what is now proposed for consideration in this material.

The main thing is not to break down and not to overcome the point of no return, but work if it is not there, and if you are young, you will find it, as they say in the employment service?

Some are forced to spend the night at train stations in search of work; they go from simple helpers to people of ambitious professions. What achievements, for example, can one who boasts advice to search for a prestigious job for himself personally, if, again, returning to the above, he always had a job and this job gave advice? How can he prove his competence? This is about those who chose to teach others how to live.

How can someone show how competent he is? If, for example, he is a lawyer, then he must boast of his achievements in this field, so that he is considered to be such in fact, should he show what he has achieved? For example, an indicator of competence of a lawyer is terminated criminal cases before the trial, which were at the stage of preliminary investigation by the investigator or, in the worst case, terminated in court - if there are none, the court found him guilty and sentenced (no matter what punishment, the main thing is that the court passed decision on conviction and sentencing), that means a lawyer is like many, and he had to give up protection, because there was no sense in her, and if you can come to such a lawyer, only for the right condition reporting documents, but not for advice or invitation to defend a suspect or accused, because except for a psychotherapeutic session from a lawyer such as “Don't worry, everything will be fine” no one else will get anything, and the result will be the same as with a lawyer what without him? The result of the lawyer's quality work is not a sentence by the court, no matter what it is, but his absence and recognition of the defendant as innocent, that is, the lawyer must give what is expected of him, as happens in any other service - the consumer gives money to someone and gets what he paid for.

Are such actions morally justified as giving advice to someone who took everything from the theory, if he himself did not encounter the life problems described above in the work. How would soldiers with military experience, even if small, relate to the military man who received a diploma in a military institution, came to the military unit and learns to fight, never having participated in the fighting himself?

Those who come to whose job it is to give advice, for advice, this is a kind of soldier who already has, perhaps, a small and maybe not very successful experience in military operations on the front of a psychological war, and, say so, injured in a psychological sense.

And in general, not everyone decides to ask their innermost questions to a person, most of them want to find them in inanimate sources of information - on the Internet or in books.

We repeat, as at the beginning of this material, that no one wants to say that the one whose job is to give advice does not know anything, they educate people, so to speak, but in some cases they use a theory that is not always applicable in other situations and not in all social groups. In the literature they say that some states are simply trying to solve social and economic problems, as has already been said, with the help of psychologists, psychiatrists and narcologists, they just throw off all social problems to psychologists, psychiatrists and narcologists, in fact, for some people, for example , problems associated with a small salary, there is simply not enough money to satisfy their needs, and they don’t know how to earn them and where they need them, and therefore these some people start resorting to psychostimulants such as alcohol, etc. Why there are situations that are considered unpleasant - this is the way the higher forces try to show that you are doing what they, and therefore, you do not need to do, and vice versa, when you are rewarded with a portion of endorphins, you you do what you and the higher powers need from you. Here is the solution to the problem of management - do what you need and get, with the help of chemistry inside the body, the release of hormones of pleasure, if you do what you don’t need, is it the other way around? Here is what is written in a small book, “Psychiatry for Beginners,” with illustrations, by David Bryzer, illustrations by Ricardo Castañeda, Poppuri Publishing House, Minsk, 1998. “From time immemorial ... men and women are in unpleasant situations. The ancients in many of their misfortunes accused the gods, who either avenged or rewarded, depending on their whims. And later eras, the cause of suffering was still found outside of the person, but now demons, the devil, evil spirits that infused men and women and forced them to do terrible things brought suffering.

However, over time, the interpretations of good and evil, cause and effect, have become increasingly anthropocentric . Men and women began to be regarded not only as objects, but also as the root causes of their suffering. Together with an understanding of the internal, i.e. human origin of pain and suffering, the need for shamans, healers, and spellcasters has disappeared. They have become unnecessary. A new type of healer, a healer of the inner world of man, that is, his psyche (in Greek: soul), a worldly confessor called a psychiatrist, arose.

With few exceptions, the psychiatric approach to treatment is heavily based on the individual. The individual is considered both as a cause and as a potential healer of his ailments. Patients come to psychiatrists not only with problems such as anxiety, guilt, depression, but also about lack of housing, poverty, unemployment and other social evils. A psychiatrist who has been trained to fit his observations into a particular medical model tries to diagnose and treat such ailments, regardless of the nature of their origin (political, social or economic). This relieves the authorities of responsibility in relation to those people who, for one reason or another, remain on the sidelines of life, do not correspond to the basic stereotype of a producing member of society; they can be treated like patients - victims of the disease who need to be treated or even hospitalized. ”

It remains to add that if you understand David Bryzer correctly, then the authorities are to blame for all or if not all, partly in terms of the occurrence of mental illnesses, only those who are at your place of residence or others, and what would he say about those who is in prison, who is to blame?

Some live in one way or another just because they did not see another way of life? Some of those who are called scientists can deceive and manipulate some politicians, and this is expressed, for example, in demanding giants for some kind of scientific research that will not lead to anything substantial? Again - anxious conditions due to the fact that now the cult of caution, vaccinated by some since childhood? Psychological warfare or the painting "The arrest of the propagandist." According to the documentary, Uri Geller claimed that his supernatural abilities were secretly checked by the special services of his state after they invited him to his place for this - is this true? Propelling yourself is extremely simple, for example, you can say that you created your work on the instructions of the special services - naturally, the special services will refuse this, you will say that it’s normal, that they didn’t recognize what you are saying, because these are special services, everything is secret with them, and try to prove that what you say is not true, maybe the representatives of the special services asked you for the service, or maybe not, but are you already publicized? Even if someone puts you in court or the police, and he does not have evidence that everything that he stated is true, he will lose? Agents of influence, leaders of opinions - are the true nature of their actions always hidden behind the good goals of some? Everyone is an agent of influence, since everyone changes the world?

There will always be someone who does not like what you do. This is normal. Everyone likes kittens in a row. Words attributed to EM Si Hamer.

You can add: there will always be someone who likes what you do. Man lives a little and cannot know much.

The yellow press, word of mouth, an ideologically alien element, an ideologically close element, an ideologically harmful element, moral decay, an ideological vacuum, a socially close element, recruitment on an emotional basis, not suitable for moral and business qualities, if you have not visited somewhere - you are not man, the psychological age of 15 years or life-long childhood (usually say that (about age 15), who in the conventional sense of the physiological age is different from the psychological: infantilism - the so-called this phenomena s, the term is often used by the military in relation to some new

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