» Psychology » Non vowel resources of some good mood, Alexander Borodin [e book reading free .TXT] 📗

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government of his country in some country that is a geopolitical opponent (competitor) of his country in order to establish a coup ( such actions, of course, do not in their ideal representation, reflected in the Eric Osaka science fiction story “The Wasp” ), to a country where, for example, some people oppress others, and an agent of influence upon arrival begins to explain to the oppressed that they, it turns out, have rights about which they sales and we did not know, and they do not have to be slaves (formerly of explaining the truth called troublemakers), and here begins what is called "fermentation", and perhaps war. Slaves rise to war in order to get rid of their masters or make them slaves themselves. As already mentioned in this material or will be said, one of the goals of the agent of influence, depending on what tasks it is set, is to make the country’s system of the geopolitical adversary against which the agent of influence works uncomfortable for the people in which they live, or find already existing people who are, as they say, outside the comfort zone, like Alain Dulles, a former director of special services, wrote a book about working with such people and their use in psychological warfare.

Fear and desire are the eternal enemies of mankind, many are afraid of what they want, for example, a person of the opposite sex? Psychological warfare and psychological weapons sometimes as a tool to achieve a goal? There is more to be afraid of psychological weapons than physical ones, since physical weapons are sold in the arms stores of some countries, but there is no psychological one? If you could afford to move from one country to another, and at the same time these countries would be those who are called geopolitical opponents, then you would be surprised that those who are called bandits in one country in the media (mass media), called heroes in another country: another discord - in one place the label of a bandit, is it worth moving to another place, and already a label of a hero? Dissonance: a bad characteristic for one job for another is more than good - if any state is looking for a civil servant, what characteristics should it have, and if the special services of a state are looking for a person to organize riots, with what characteristics do they need a candidate? Where are the tools for achieving ambition? One of the manager’s tasks is to change people's beliefs as needed, but it’s not always possible to do this quickly - in civilian life you are taught that killing anyone is a crime when you put on a military uniform, you need to shoot the one who was called the enemy - how to quickly rebuild human consciousness? The trouble is that what is called a mentality is changing very slowly?

The dissonance can be traced in the film “Yiddish-speaking Parrot” (1990, director Efraim Sevela, Germany, USSR), when after the war two people meet in the Foreign French Legion, who previously fought, as they say, “on different sides of the barricades”.

In general, everything is relatively everything, for example, there are two people in prison, one of them is civilian, he sits for what he killed, the other military man sits in prison for not killing, serving in the army, refusing to carry out the order - to act with arms.

It’s unpleasant when you are afraid to do what you want to do, this is the most common problem that psychologists and psychiatrists turn to. It is believed that anyone can be fashioned out of a person, courageous, cowardly, despite his genetic predispositions in psychological terms, anyone will agree that if a person is beaten and humiliated, he will be intimidated and frightened, especially if this happens from childhood, and vice versa, if a person doesn’t grow up in such an environment or if he is already an adult and repels all manifestations of violence against him (there is a familiar former soldier of a foreign French legion, if a fight starts, he will fight until his last breath), then with his psyche everything will be type-top.

It is important to be able to transform according to the realities of what is happening, based on the current situation, so that, so to speak, not to catch, like a runny nose, an intrapersonal conflict, which is something like a conflict of software downloaded to one computer, if we draw an analogy with this. According to the media, this conflict is especially pronounced in some military personnel, especially those who are prone to fixation on something, who served in armies fighting with someone: at home, in his civilized country, they taught not to kill anyone, but on the contrary, they need to be killed, here the intrapersonal conflict was drawn, and, as a rule, it has far-reaching negative consequences, some people literally bleed in a moral sense.

In some places on the planet rich states appeared, and with them the people living in them, not obsessed with obtaining livelihoods. There are countries that are said to be dominated by women (this has already been said), they say that there the guy is waiting for a girl to approach him and offer to have sex, male people do not take the initiative for this, this is regarded as sexual harassment, in the family the main women, women can have sex with guys from other countries, but they marry only locals.

So, it’s not necessary that people can be brought up through special services from another state, and one who has a lot of money can do this, according to media reports, the millionaire who founded the feminist movement (which, however, does not mean that anyone himself a millionaire cannot work for the special services of any state or for his government), the main thing is that the authorities of that country where he (they) decided something or decided to “muddle” do not interfere with him and his ilk. A person is a very plastic material, plasticine, molds from it, that you want, probably, only sexual attraction cannot be adjusted, this and, perhaps, something else higher forces left only under their influence, and people were left the opportunity to partially manipulate each other in good sense with the word, that is, to educate, if someone is embarrassed in this case to manipulate the word. Oddly enough, the presence of any movements and organizations in a large number of them is observed, as a rule, in countries with a high standard of living, where there is bread, and you already want to see shows, and the dependence of various social movements on the standard of living can be checked, begin to reduce him and see if such a movement, such as feminism, persists in such conditions.

Education and upbringing is a matter of national security of any country, and about this we can say in the affirmative that it is right. Otherwise, this vacuum will be taken by those who want to harm, for example, those who advocate suicide, drug addiction and other behavior that does not contribute to the development of civilization. Also, if you dig deeper, non- control of upbringing can lead to the collapse of some countries and provoke a lack of competition in what is called geopolitics, that is, there will remain one state, whose managers there will be no one to screw on, and therefore it will "tighten" the nuts all the way .

Endocrinological discrimination, is there discrimination against those who produce less endorphins than others? The most crazy idea can be introduced into the minds of people, for example, as already mentioned, this: all who are wearing glasses are bad people? With a certain ability to manipulate consciousness, does truth turn into probability? There are dominant and non-dominant attitudes in society, and through the “Overton window” non-dominant attitudes begin to compete with the dominant ones, for example, some previously alien behavior begins to become legal and becomes the norm - is everything very simple?

Is there diversity in the approach to truth? Everything can be questioned - we read Joseph Overton, who described a technology that allows you to legalize absolutely any idea (what is happening in some countries, for example, the legalization of what was previously unacceptable). Previously, something would have been out of the ordinary, which is now legalized in some places, as indicated in the films about the “Overton window,” you just need to do everything, so to speak, correctly to someone who wants to legalize something, create an algorithm of steps for achieving the desired, and how to do, Overton has already written in his writings. His works are an example of how people achieve their informal goals - people who were previously rejected in society due to their inclinations, now they build their states in the state, and without machine guns and machine guns, only through “loading” and persuasion, creating laws that are acceptable to them, and making their strange behavior for most e object and by direct and legitimate. Any fact can be “turned over”, as you wish - the law that draws where you turn is what happened (one political scientist in his work clearly demonstrates this in his methods of non-violent struggle, one of which is the prosecution of those accusing the court, that is, the method the accusations of those who indict the accused, the only negative (which we are trying to correct in this article) is that Overton and others worked on a global scale). Overton, probably, if he worked in everyday areas, then in part, other political scientists and political strategists created their materials to satisfy the interests of the elites.

I heard one person say that anyone who understood or knew (from their parents, for example) that everything can be questioned and interpreted in the right direction for themselves, will always be afloat. This is the first main commandment - everything can be questioned and interpreted in the right direction for yourself. The main thing is to be able to convince others that this is not true (if there is any dispute), and people will already begin to doubt even those things that are true - your words will become truth, and facts will cease to be truth (as they say when they write on someone a denunciation (anonym), maybe nothing will happen to the one on whom it is written, in terms of his responsibility for something, but let him then wash off the dirt that was poured on him in the denunciation (anonym), obliquely on they will look at him for a long time, and he will have to live “in position” while he will be probed, also the time allotted, regardless of whether it is true that they wrote about him in a denunciation (anonym) or not). Consider how everything can be "turned" in the right direction, using the example of a joke. A detachment of Vasily Ivanovich captured the armored train of the White Guards, Vasily Ivanovich built his detachment and said: "Today we captured the White Guard armored train, on the armored train a machine gun and a walkie-talkie." Petka asks Vasily Ivanovich: “Vasily Ivanovich, but does the walkie-talkie use lamps or semiconductors?” Vasily Ivanovich, having thought a little, says: “For fools, I repeat, the walkie-talkie is on an armored train.” Here, it seems, Vasily Ivanovich needs to “break off”, as an average citizen would do, but he does not belong to such ones.

The second commandment comfortable mental existence: no drugs, no alco st A - no problem. Do not use drugs and alcohol (you don’t need to fool your brain in vain with alcohol or drugs, forcing it to artificially produce endorphins, and at the same time spoil your health) and, if possible, do not smoke (do not experiment on yourself and on your health in harmful workshops of factories for unhealthy working conditions they pay money), and then everyone’s fate will be in order, and there are still many different “utilities” used in life to make everything perfect. These “utilities” are considered in this material, for example, such as advice that no one needs to talk about their affairs, especially problems, since information in everyday life is known in almost 100% of cases for gossip, so that they then distribute (if

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