» Psychology » Non vowel resources of some good mood, Alexander Borodin [e book reading free .TXT] 📗

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for drinking a tablet, so that the idea will slip into the masses better , it must be presented accordingly, in a language that is understandable to a person, taking into account his social status, level of intelligence, education, character, etc. Many people have heard the expression “popular science,” that is, a science adapted to be presented to a simple layman without tedious formula sludge and with their minimum in the form of a popular science film. It is noted that people who are inclined to express their thoughts with the help of certain slang expressions, better perceive information, including scientific, when it is presented using the same specific slang expressions that they use in everyday life (this also applies to students who as a rule, problems with discipline, or to those who are called hyperactive children, if you present them with information in their "language", then the digestibility of the material becomes much better), something like this happened in the USA, according to the media, is teaching tsa mathematics Joan Bolser, presumably in order to popularize the subject, created a kind of problem about prostitutes, but was for it, as far as is known, suspended from work.

Popularization may include the showing and shooting of films on a certain subject by the order of an organization or person, some organizations or people are behind the scenes, usually using special services (which are intermediaries between some members of governments and famous people) with all the famous people with influence on the masses: as already mentioned, with singers, writers, artists, scientists, directors, public figures, and even in some cases with representatives of the political opposition of any statehood.

The proof that such a “friendship” exists is that the children of some opposition leaders of some countries study at prestigious universities of the states that are geopolitical opponents of their country of residence, that is, intelligence agencies or the government itself, which the opposition works for, it must be assumed agrees with deans and rectors that these children should be taken to school, regardless of whether they have the necessary knowledge to study, as their relatives from opposition structures help them promote to intrude their influence and interests into a country, which, again, is their geopolitical adversary.

In a word, as it was said , if someone planned to become popular at the household level, in his area, for example, to begin with, then he probably needs to take into account the social situation, intellectual development, education, the character of the person who then you’re going to present, this is popularization, popularization is a word, in a sense, related in its semantic meaning to the word “advertising”.

Lyrics: no matter how paradoxical it sounds, probably in educational institutions the digestibility of the material will be much higher for the so-called “difficult” children, if you dilute, for example, mathematics with words and phrases related to their youth slang. Spanking in schools was canceled for bad behavior, you have to "get out", to use other methods to maintain discipline and comprehensibility of the material.

At the household level, popularization is doing something in such a way that it looks cool or cooler, for example, the popularization of a lifestyle that is unhealthy happens like this: drug addicts call the syringe a machine, here is the popularization of their drug addiction, a bottle of vodka in people who drink alcohol, it is called a flux. You can popularize anything, yourself, for example, only this will be called PR in our time. In the 1990s, in order to raise authority among their comrades in order to look better , the bandits themselves shot pistols and machine guns at their empty cars and claimed to have been assassinated.

Sensitive to someone’s manipulation, some young people whose emotional (fear, aggression) dominates logical thinking (that’s why young people are considered the most motivated part of society, it’s much harder to assemble an adult audience, but some manage to).

“A magical house stands on Shpalernaya street: you will enter there

a child, and you come out — an old man. ” Georgy Zhzhenov, "The Past."

The richer the country, the longer it takes what is called childhood for its citizens? How to raise a big “child” on an accelerated program, where is the house in which you psychologically enter a child and leave an old man? After 30 years, the presence of romance decreases, and pragmatism increases, but not always and not at all? After 30, the majority becomes cunning, you need to come to terms with it, but you don’t need to become super-cunning, this is not a trick, since this only pushes the right people away from you?


Look at her braid. Only on the braid and rich.

Translating into ordinary language - the son talks about the beauty of the bride, dad about the poverty of the bride. Dialogue between son and father in the film "Wedding in the Robin" (USSR).


Some young people can be easily manipulated, appealing to their emotions, and, as a rule, only after 30 years everyone becomes “thought out” (according to the statements of doctors working in Africa, people who were under 30 die in modern wars, maybe this it happens because people do not live there for a long time, and not because everyone became careful after 30 years), or rather, when a person has a family, he becomes different, it becomes more difficult to manipulate, he is usually most interested money. Some people think that it’s easier to manipulate those who are over 30 years old, and at the same time they are lonely people who have no family and children, easier than those who have already created a family, the family changes a person and his values. It was not without reason that thieves in law could not start a family, according to documentary, it was believed that a family man would not think at least in full about thieves' affairs, but would cease to think at all. In general, it has been noticed that there is a so-called point of no return, when it is difficult or impossible to trick or manipulate someone - this is when everything becomes, as already mentioned, in 30 years, people grow up and become literate, life experience appears, but during this period the manipulators begin to experience depression, they simply stop listening to them, since, as a rule, the only thing that can be manipulated by those over 30 is only money.

Why simulate mental health - to get to where it is needed? Anyway, sooner or later you have to become what you need to become in order to survive? You need to become what school students were — independent, at least, no matter how trite it sounds, from street companies, or from someone else, you don’t become like that — don’t you survive? Ideally, you should not get in touch with anyone other than with work, and at the same time feel psychologically comfortable, is this an example of the ideal in the modern sense of the human psyche? If your roof starts to go without something, then your psyche is not ideal in its modern sense? Any activity expressed in communication with people has negative or positive consequences, should we carefully choose who we communicate with? Those who have many weaknesses cannot be friends for long? The physical labor of the mind does not add, but does nonsense take away? They say that those who know what physical labor is faster grow up - physical labor disciplines?

The words of the director of the radio plant Igor Petrovich (Alexander Movchan), uttered by him during a telephone conversation, in the movie “What a smile you have” (director Oleg Nikolaevsky, USSR, 1974): “What control? To the construction site, under the open sky, so that I could feel what physical labor is. ”

There is a category of people who are usually called adults or mature psychologically, who thinks up to 30 years the same way as the category of people who are already 30 years old, that is, a category of people who, for example, do not need such weakness as having friends (no dependencies or emotional attachment to those who are called friends), they are also called independent, as a rule, excellent students in schools (meaning real students, not excellent students for gifts and services to teachers by parents of those who, as the people say in the mouth a golden box a warm place in life is registered, and this is not the author’s emotions, but quotes from his friends), and there is a category of people who at that time were still, as they say, psychologically immature, these citizens should choose the same behavior after 30 years as independent stand-up students had before the age of 30, they needed this, as already mentioned, in order to survive.

Friends in the fullest possible sense of the word, as already mentioned, probably cannot be married or married people, their values ​​and other values ​​change, and vice versa, friends can be minor citizens or not married and not married, not having children, not without reason As was said, the easiest way to manipulate is either unmarried or unmarried, remember, a friend is in trouble. Not being a friend (a friend, again, in the fullest sense of the word) in a radical situation in your life, is not ready to sacrifice something to solve your problem (the friend may be someone who has no weaknesses and fears or has at least them) , remember, there are friends who are ready to go to jail for your sake, and it can only be a matter of their life and death to stop them from further actions to solve your problems - these are people with the psyche of the astronaut, without fears and weaknesses, which scares people with weaknesses in prison the fact that there can not be Udo to put them to their weaknesses, prison, as well as the army, is a deprivation, people with a strong psyche need to be protected if they become your friends, it is they who can be such a banal kind of society as friends, this allows them, in simple words , their strong nerves.

We consider manipulations in a domestic format, there are manipulations at the state and state levels, it is also called propaganda, have some states broadcasted political and radio broadcasts to countries that are geopolitical opponents of the broadcasting state, if I may call it that?

We recall the banal statements - the teaching of light, and not the teaching of darkness? Some, whose work is to convince, say that a person needs to be “loaded”? You look, for example, what is called pornography - are you subject to propaganda without psychological testing for suggestibility? If you “carried” some unprofitable load (information), do you inspire and spend your time on this “load”? There are no concepts of “good” and “bad” - do they stem from “programming” in the head? They say that during the Soviet era, firms from some countries took information free of charge from the Soviet journal “Science and Life”, put it into practice and made money from it, and now there are “fishy” and “hot-tempered” places where you can get what you need for nothing information - do you want to learn how to twist, mutate, interpret, extrapolate words, phrases and facts in the right direction for you, as well as manipulate, listen to those radio stations that are called political, are there the best lessons of rhetoric? Some well-intentioned media are raising one who can be called psychological militants? Let us recall again some psychologists who teach that one should not restrain emotions, among which aggression, but do not teach how to do this without negative consequences for oneself and others - the guarantee of mental stability is “an eye for an eye”, “a tooth for a tooth” in psychological sense or in some other way? There are no genes for violence, is there an indoctrination pushing for violence, to which some and some do not? Some young people, since they are the most motivated part of the population, and some adults will do everything for free? As soon as some realized that anything could be fashioned from human material, they began to allocate money to educate him in the right direction for the one who decided to educate? Is psychological

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