» Psychology » Non vowel resources of some good mood, Alexander Borodin [e book reading free .TXT] 📗

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remained, and this “corrodes” some people from the inside and in the psychological sense, and deforms the personality for a while, as they say, something unpleasant entered the head and cannot come out ( fixation), here it is yes it can happen that something irreparable, when the "steam" accumulated in humans due to the fact that in one and in subsequent situations, "swallowed" a lot of trouble to tell him. But to answer with an insult to an insult is a violation of the law, which can lead to a more unpleasant situation, if it comes to law enforcement agencies, then such actions are not suitable.

In order to answer someone’s rudeness, everyone has seconds for quick wits so as not to spoil their mood by not being able to answer an insult. There is so little time for an answer that you do not have time to speak out, some respond in response to the same words that the offender said.

We will call everything described below as clashes, only in the psychological sense, when you have to fight, again, not in the physical, but in the psychological sense for your comfortable psychological state, below we will consider several such so-called clashes, the first of which is from social networks, with whom they are called hamovata and with a very naive idea of ​​reality, a woman who, according to the questionnaire, is 37 years old, a friend of the author of this work talked to her.

Attention, this is an affirmative sentence: the following is not a guide to action, it’s just a quote from the author of several models of behavior in various situations that were recorded when they were used by people unfamiliar or unfamiliar to the author, and which are not entirely acceptable, since choosing such a line of behavior can expose yourself to physical hazards from emotionally-minded individuals, therefore, from the point of view of health care, in this case physical, such a line of behavior in life as answers to s brutality, for some people with poor physical health is not entirely acceptable, although some believe infirm hedged by the presence of a can of tear gas in case if the opponent wants from him to "knock the nonsense" when he does not have verbal arguments or they run out.

On the Internet, contactless emotions, and consequently tion and secure as physical objects to communicate to each other are not available? They say that earlier, during the times of the USSR, “rummaging” in the archives of the investigating authorities, one could find many cases related to sexual violence between young guys: the guy stopped the guy and made him do it - the invention of the Internet removed the social tension that It used to be, including in a sexual sense, now those who are called sexual minorities can get to know each other on the Internet without bothering to get to know their people on the street at random. Also, the Internet has made it possible for men and women with high sexual temperament to find each other without spending time on the Internet? To find on the Internet who you need, you need to “sweat”: according to personal statistics, is it 5 out of 5000? The task is to find a temperamental girl (woman) on a dating site , at the same time: simple, easy to communicate, without prejudice, ready to communicate and meet a married man, fashionable, bright, well-groomed, sexy, disinterested. Such people were found in about 5 people, but to find them, they had to "talk" with about 5,000 female people - formula 5: 5000? The loneliness of the mind contributes to the development of imagination, what are the signs of a person’s high sexual temperament - life as the only child in the family, quick walk, acceptability of conversations on sexual topics, or something else? What are the signs of selflessness - birth and life in an incomplete family or in a rich country? In communication, the boundaries between the sexes are being erased or they have been erased long ago, and some draw conclusions like they didn’t live in another time, but only in your own - do not pay attention to instincts and communicate with the opposite sex on those topics that you want, even when do you experience what is called excitement when you are nearby? There are no boundaries and barriers between the sexes as it is necessary to achieve the maximum of civilization, or sometimes you want to “turn on” instincts and behave like a man with a woman, and vice versa, then, for example, when the program installed in us by higher forces says that Is this person interesting to you as the opposite sex? Correspondence with a girl from Europe (according to the data on her page). Correspondence reflects in practice the claims of the author of this material that an ambitious person, if he cannot satisfy ambition with the help of intellect, he will look for other ways, for example, creating or participating in any organizations, just to be and consider himself someone different from others. In this case, the one with whom correspondence is carried out, presumably, inspired himself that those who live in the metropolis have superiority over those who do not live in the metropolis. Below in the presented dialogue the words of the girl with whom this dialogue takes place are indicated in bold, punctuation is partially corrected, the spelling is left in the original:

- Hello

- Hello

- Do you communicate with married people?

- Why not? I communicate with interesting people independently

simo from their status

- Yes? After 37, someone else is interesting, you already know all the interests of everyone)

- You know there is life, and after 37 it’s not strange

- Not about life after 30, but about interests

- Interests do not depend on age

- Do you like demagogy? Do you live near the administration of any institution?

- I love the dialogue. And there are enough demagogues without us, I think

- Well, n-not be tossing bags and be and do not root out the roots, pi-lot Bolov

- These letters are not clear to me. Who are pi-balls?

- some executives

- Ah, you see, I’m apparently out of date. Which I don’t understand


- Slang is old, they say that the Mongol Tatar

- Something like simple Russian speech is closer to me

- Still rushing you from demagoguery. She has long been Russian

- And the Tatars have nothing to do with it .. not the fact that they were

in Russia .. everything is very incomprehensible and muddy .. I’m stepping back and just

- Come to visit

- Far to go

- You know, although I am light on the rise, but not so much

- Do you invite me to visit, your wife does not scold? Or you

Do you practice vicious relationships with your spouse? Ali are corrupting together?

- No, she left before Thursday

- Oh, yes, your celibate week has begun?

- Are you coming to visit?

- But why call the shlend from Minsk?

no free women found?

-And you're a blend - then bye

-This is me in general. Without clarification

- Then come

-On personalities

- I’m spending too much time behind the wheel at the wheel. In my free time I just want to relax without a coffin on wheels. Therefore, I won’t go for unexplored sensations. there is also closer entertainment. as they say with home delivery

- Goodbye then

- I'm not interested baby where you spend how much time

- Though at least behind the wheel at the wheel

- Hmm. With such approaches you and local heifers are unlikely

charm. good luck

- Bless you

- Look at yourself for 37 years already, and you’re still behind the wheel, bulls are not being driven by the capital’s

- But I thought that there are people on the periphery, it turns out to be cattle, first responded to sympathy from the periphery, for the sake of curiosity, and thoroughly made sure that there was neither culture nor humanity on the collective farm.

- It’s you who inspired yourself with all kinds of crap, so at 37 you’ll be alone and at 50,

- and it would be nice for you to ventilate your brains somewhere at a construction site or factory, the cattle who eats, crap, but the one who eats does not grow, the one whose hands are under x are sharpened, at least you wash the toilet bowl at home or wait while the cattle wash .

- You are more careful with phrases. And the IP address has not been canceled yet. I’m married already 17 years old. And my eldest son is 16 years old. My husband is a professional boxer. And my capital’s bulls are not only with uniform but also with contacts. And such a redneck like you around they’ll spread your city. so I can crush you creature with just a bell like a cockroach

- And you are more careful with the phrases ai pi nobody canceled the address correctly you say

- Do not forget to look around scum

- Well, I think your husband’s head will beat you off right after they figure out where you are.

- Well, who's the cattle, and the old maid

- Start calculating the pi-r (The word is hidden from ethical considerations).

- The militia will figure out and then we will see who the cattle and who the elite

- Ahaha, I’m talking with kamikaze for the first time;

- Kamikaze break right on the penalty

"Militia? Ahah. Do you really still trust our police? Yes, you’re a completely dumb guy and naive."

- Pity the children will stay without chocolate

- Well, she’ll get you a fine

- I won’t even spend time on chatter

- To make brains in place

- You're too pathetic

- Get ready for a fine

- geek

- And to the court for moral damage, rich Pinocchio, that's who found the cattle

Correspondence of the author (with the author’s comments) with a girl allegedly from Australia, who is supposedly 40 years old (spelling and punctuation left in the original):

Posted by : Hello , Married

Girl : Hey, are you looking for a wife here? Posted by : No

Posted by : You want to find a husband here?)

Girl : Lol I have a partner ... I'm not looking for something seriously here ...

Author : Me too Girl : Cool Author : Yes Author : Exactly Girl : Lol

Posted by : looking for a spare partner?)

Girl : I just killing my time here sometimes ... U?

Girl : Waiting for my trainer at the moment ... Hestuckintraffic ...

(Author’s comment: perhaps the girl throws the “bait” with this answer, so that I swallow it, and confirmation that the “bait” is swallowed (as some say, I “leaned” on her stories that she is in Australia or not) , I have to ask her a question like this: “What kind of coach are you waiting for or what is the training?” And there the “wiring” would have gone further from her.)

Posted by : Ok

Posted by : individually to each-can chat, can meet-from the situation Posted by and

Posted by : person

Author : I say what am I looking at here Girl : Good on you man

Author :)

Girl : You never know ... Author : Here I bad not met

Author : if I understood you correctly Author : a strange, proud that's who's here

Girl : If you like you can write in Russian ...

Author : or as said a woman from Finland here poor people) Author : I thought you're Russian

Posted by : immigrant)

Posted by : I'm not Russian ... I'm Greek was born in Tajikistan ...


Author: Do you know Russian well? Girl: Something else remains in memory. Author: Do you write the truth?

Author: you’re not sitting in Tajikistan) Girl: I live in Australia Author: Ok

Author: In addition to the contingent that I indicated. there are still many similar to schizophrenics)

Author: In principle, they can be attributed to strange) Author: About which I spoke)

Author: In addition to the fact that they in their fantasies do not live in the geographical location where they are located, they may still have a business (Comment of the author: in fact, there is no business), each one has a different kind of “roof”)

Girl: There are enough idiots everywhere ... And you are still on this site and chatting with these idiots

Posted by: No

Author: There is a Russian-language font in Australia Author: where did it come from?

Author: obi4novsetakpishut - latinicei Author: kto ne v ruskogovorays4ei strane

Girl: there is any font on all Apple media ... Author: high technology

Girl: Lol here is the norm ...

Author: lol write the phone number ... Author : bolder

Girl :

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