» Psychology » Non vowel resources of some good mood, Alexander Borodin [e book reading free .TXT] 📗

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personality that are characteristic of animals (attention, this is an affirmative sentence: the term animal is not an insult, but a comparative constant): sexual attraction and the actions arising from this related to the struggle for access to the body of the opposite sex, fear and the inability to solve certain problems due to it in a short way (for example, go from point “a” to point “b” by bus or train, and not fly on an airplane, because you’re afraid I fly), aggression and imprisonment, if properly "released" this emotion? Are human relationships electrochemical processes in the brain?

Criticism of your actions and thoughts will always be (not by all, those who like to criticize, but to say - not toss the bags ), no matter what you do. But just the fact that you will not listen to anyone will make you different from the others, that is how scientists and, as a rule, professional managers most likely behave if they are criticized by their opponents. If, for example, leaders listened 100% to everything that their critics say, and large scientists acted in accordance with some generally accepted social behavior (generally accepted, since everyone was born and lives within this framework and did not see anything else, or it could be that everyone could be born where generally accepted behavior would be completely different, for example, that offered by those who are criticized - this is about behavior, and not about scientific discoveries, for example, some scientists conducted on themselves deadly experiments), their would not be as scientists and as leaders, they would not be held as scientists and leaders, would be ordinary citizens without the individuality that they have. Therefore, your ideas are your ideas, and criticism is their ideas, and if you succumb to criticism, then you have accepted their ideas.

In general, if you have a job and you earn money yourself, then you can send all critics correctly or incorrectly away. For any phrases or words that are, as a rule, memories of unfortunate (from the point of view of ordinary morality) moments in your life (historical “blisters” ) aimed at “breaking off” you, it is suggested to say with a confident tone: “Well, yes “It is, and I am proud of it.” And do not take an excusable position if it is painful for you psychologically. For example, a friend of your acquaintance meets someone and speaks with signs of irony:

"I remember you, you had such a nickname offensive." The answer to a friend: "Yes, there was such a nickname, and I am proud of her." And further on. There are such discussions, no matter how loud or intriguing it sounds, psychological clashes, the struggle for endorphins, who will leave with a bad mood - you or your opponent.

If the groom had raped his wife before the wedding, and it would have happened somewhere on the street before they had a relationship, and before he knew his wife, what she would do and how she would react after of this, would I write a statement to the police or this would not happen, as some women with high sexual temperament dream about it - are conventions and relativity everywhere? Are the players representatives of some social organizations and movements? There are only geniuses around, and who will work physically?

Lyrics: who is a narcissistic peacock and how to catch a peacock by the tail?

“They didn’t go to the plant, the construction site or the village of beetroots for metal workers, anarchists and others, but be healthy, they cut the potatoes and meat,” said one unfamiliar grandmother at the bus stop. Or such a phrase: "Everyone wants to become heroes, and who will sow potatoes with beetroot?" Or here are the words of an unfamiliar grandfather at a bus stop: "Spawn heroes - feed them now."

About conventions and relativity: you missed the bus and get angry, got on the next bus, got there where you need to, got out of it and found the money - did you have to be mad at being late for the bus? You were late for the plane - it crashed, which means that it’s good, and not bad in your case, that you were late for the plane. For example, you are a journalist, you were imprisoned for your journalistic investigations, you were released from prison ahead of schedule, having not served the full term of imprisonment, you left, and robbers killed you on the street - which is good in this case if you continued to be in prison or something that you were released from it ahead of schedule? Again, an example: you want a drunken man to cross the road, you are stopped by law enforcement agencies, you are resisting, law enforcement officers are physically acting, they are using physical force - they are beaten with a rubber stick. There is another scenario: nobody stops you and doesn’t hit you, and you, drunk, because no one stopped you, passing the intersection, get under the car. You are sitting drunk on a bench, stops passing by people of about 20 years old begin to beat you with their hands in the face to amuse their ambition, and their further actions are stopped by a passing car with the police - it is unclear whether or not to be offended if they they didn’t do this, then the police car would probably stop, and you would be taken to the police station, and if the above-mentioned car didn’t drive, then, perhaps, blows with the palms on the cheeks would not end. Someone was killed, and he quickly died, but if this did not happen, he could die a painful death from cancer - is everything relative?

In one of the largest countries in the world, I don’t remember which, according to information on the Internet, about 10 million people are engaged in the production of something. We will add - and the rest, it turns out, those who are called players, and those who work in the service sector? As already mentioned, higher forces or nature have programmed us for certain actions, which, in principle, is not important in this case, it is important that there is a program of not only instincts, but also what we need to do, and what we need to do, we indicate higher forces with the help of internal opiates - endorins, did something necessary and have fun?

Remember folk wisdom - each Abram has his own program? As the commissar said , all people "pro-American ." From his point of view, most people became interested only in material wealth, for an ambitious person, as a rule, this is not an end in itself (although some only dream of expensive things, well, to each his own), as already mentioned, who will remember the rich after a hundred years? But people like Spartak, Newton are still remembered - stadiums are called by the name of Spartak, Newton's name - objects associated with scientific activity, but, again, to each his own - higher forces created everyone different.

Most people want material wealth more and work less (laziness seems to be scientifically explained as the body’s desire to save its resources), especially in countries with a high standard of living, where the authorities, so to speak, spoiled people with high social packages, politicians became much more it’s more difficult to work (they are probably envious of those politicians whose population is more independent and able to provide for itself without social packages). It is becoming less and less, in the terms of “psychiatry”, hypnotic people, it has become difficult to “manage”, among the population there are many literate, that is, “players”, “players” themselves want to manipulate everyone, including their politicians.

Some people in some countries have learned to manipulate government officials by playing on contradictions, citing laws and terms of labor contracts. The situation reaches the point of absurdity: for example, if you believe the radio broadcasts, the soldiers of some states do not want to fight after 17:00 pm, it’s like the end of the working day.



Some people were mistaken that a group of people is superior to everyone in everything, in fact, each is superior in some ways to another - the driver of the one who does not know how to drive, the programmer of the one who does not know programming languages, and so on? Is intellectual ability limited to any one area or is there someone who is professional in all areas? Strength of mind is valued no less than intelligence, and even in some cases more than intelligence — will the one with the stronger spirit win? Only Arnold Schwarzenegger became the professional in all areas of the contemporaries of the author of this material - he has reached heights in the family, in sports, in film and in politics - this is stereo success, and there is also monosuccess - when they are successful only in one thing, such as some people of art - they have success in work, but in the soul and in the family is it the other way around? If there is a strong spirit, then you can become instantly famous, as Jean Robert - came, saw and did?

The IQ test probably measures the speed of decisions made, but not their quality, especially since there are “narrow” IQ tests where you can, for example, measure the mathematical IQ separately from other types of thinking, that is, think abilities are evaluated different areas for which a separate assessment is made, and only then a common denominator is displayed.

In the film “How to become happy,” the old inventor (Lev Durov) invented a machine that indicates who has what talent, and the hero of the film Gaucher (Nikolai Karachentsov), who considered himself a writer, said that the machine showed him Gosha’s talent clown (USSR, 1985, director Yuri Chulyukin). Is addiction now determined by psychological testing?

It has been noted that guys raised without a father are not aggressive in communicating with people of their gender - this probably proves once again that genocentrism is more of a secondary than basic importance in personality formation, probably the personality type is more dependent on the environment than from a genetic predisposition.

Women are psychologically stronger than men, more adapted to various hardships, the forensic scientist Chrisaro Lambroso pointed out this , and one can agree with him, based on his life experience, that this is exactly so. And he is right, men are more impressionable and sensitive, and if you believe that the character of a person can be determined by handwriting, then women are mostly the same in character, almost all of them, if you pay attention, have the same handwriting. Women can be attributed to “non-stuck” personalities, men for the most part are more inclined to think for a long time about something that happened in the past, here, probably, there is a difference between the male psyche and the female, this fact makes the female psyche more resilient - but how how else? They need such character traits in order to suffer the hardships associated with pregnancy and childbirth. As approximately stated in some verse, the author of which I do not remember: "... a strong man is one that looks like a woman ...". Something like that.

As a rule, those who are dominated by the emotional (for example, sexual needs, etc.) need information on how to realize this emotional, and at the same time, when realizing emotions, do not harm themselves and others, because most offenses or crimes are committed precisely on emotional basis.



Sam s not criticized, you want to subordinated e rknut that is not criticized, and not the objective films, television and radio programs, stories and other works came out in the 90s, during the collapse of the USSR. But no one says that if all this was not criticized, then it was objective and truthful, just then removed, showed, wrote, everyone what he wanted, and by order of whom he wanted, it happens in a certain post-revolutionary period, during vacuum time or, more simply, lack of power. And nothing changes - this happened during the 1917 revolution in Russia, though there was no television then, but everyone wrote , showed in the theater (there is in the film “Twelve Chairs” (USSR, 1971, director Leonid Gaidai) the moment when Bender (Mironov) and

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