» Psychology » Non vowel resources of some good mood, Alexander Borodin [e book reading free .TXT] 📗

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torture was in the power structures, and therefore they were called “not short ", Or not scared, generation?

Thieves in law were created or took part in their creation by special services, since government control is also needed in a criminal environment, one of the series of the “Investigation conducted” project tells about it, the series “Crowned Thieves” (Russia), December 15, 2006, No. 30 (The reliability of the release date and the serial number may not be accurate.) The same can be said about army bullying - they came up with it when it was profitable, when it ceased to be profitable, it was deleted, or everything arose spontaneously - after all, they were in the war camps between “bitches” and “thieves”, or maybe the presence of wars is not talk um that the creation of someone or something is not involved in the security services, as the series says.

Any state, to one degree or another, controls its citizens, earlier it was more clearly expressed, now not so much, and not because there was less control, but because it became easier to control, and more clearly, for example, using high technologies such as a mobile phone, the Internet.

They say historical films that during the Great Patriotic War, if a citizen of the USSR was captured by the German army, he was already considered a traitor, the state did not believe him, since he fell out of his control for some time.

We continue to look for undercurrents: they don’t beat in the power structures in civilized states due to the fact that the world has become like a village thanks to the Internet and other media: everyone has learned everything, in particular, what international law is. If we talk about torture, one of the reasons why torture in law enforcement agencies has stopped or decreased is the reason that people like human rights defenders started making money on their identification. According to the media, they are given so-called money grants, usually by foreign organizations or individuals, for revealing the facts of torture in law enforcement agencies. Some people realized that not only domestic legislation, but also international law was protecting the citizen, the time had ended when the “operas” of the power structures of any state were walking through the village and everyone was closing windows and shutters. The second reason that the torture has stopped (again, based on information received from the media and docfilms) is that the system of evidence has changed, already, as before, there is no evidence for the court, only one confession of the suspect or accused, in addition to this, specific facts from which the evidence base is formed.

The fact that they do not physically touch anyone in the sense of beating and torture in the power structures of developed countries, their citizens are obliged to people of many professions, including politicians, politicians do nothing for nothing, because if everyone leaves for refugee status from any country, who then will remain in it (in addition, the image of the state also deteriorates)? According to the media, politicians in any country want to create the most comfortable living conditions for citizens, it is not for nothing that the doctor and other people whose profession is to save the lives of others are scolded for any lost life. Politicians of all countries of the world need people who will live and work in the state, and not their absence, another reason why they began to fight torture in law enforcement agencies and in the army in most countries of the world, bullying in all countries was eliminated or almost eliminated , she, as already mentioned, probably was beneficial only up to a certain point.

Human rights defenders, based on what they say about them, are those people who receive international money grants, for example, for identifying torture in law enforcement agencies, they are something like lawyers or lawyers, only, as a rule, financially independent from the country in which they work and whose citizens they are.

There is an opinion in the media that the phenomenon of human rights activism is financed either by enthusiastic millionaires or by special services of countries - geopolitical opponents of those countries in which human rights activists funded by them are located.

By the way, do not forget that the feminist movement, as far as is known, and according to the media, is also financed or financed by a millionaire, who is, moreover, a man, and the feminist movement is also supported, according to the media, not by one single enthusiasm , The media say there are grants paid to members of feminist organizations (and, probably, other organizations) for performing certain actions, but perhaps this is not so.

In a court of law in today's world with law enforcement agencies, there are much more chances to win a case than if you are suing an individual or legal entity, and even if you are wrong, can you be right?

Yes, this is true, since the power structures of all countries, called civilized, have their hands tied by domestic law, and most importantly, they are forced to comply with it, as well as international law. Therefore, now the bodies that control the power structures (for example, the prosecutor's office) in many countries are “battering” organizations (for example, the Ministry of Internal Affairs) that are called upon to monitor the rule of law if they break the law.

There is no corporate fraternity in the power structures of most countries of the civilized world, the authorities no longer turn a blind eye to their offenses and crimes, and if there is evidence of violation of the law by law enforcement officers (medical reports on injuries, testimonies of witnesses, audio and video recordings, etc.) .), and not just accusations, they will undoubtedly answer.

If you break the law, you always need to predict the development of events, as the main character did in the fantastic work “The Wasp” by Eric Frank Russell (which, incidentally, partially embodies the ideas of some political scientists who are called instructors for creating revolutions).

Of course, to each his own, but you need to remember when you are going to commit, for example, a property crime or an offense, that while and when there is breakfast, lunch and dinner, money is not so important, especially if you have to answer for their illegal appearance. First you need to think about how profitable all criminal actions and the criminal business will be (this will be discussed in the material), because a prison, as a rule, makes much more money than you can earn in a criminal way, unless, of course, the crime is working holding, but also for a criminal holding will give a greater punishment. It’s better never to commit a crime, unless there is a question between starvation and death, well, to each his own, if someone believes that it is worth something, because there are weaknesses that can be satisfied only in a criminal way, and he a strong person, and the prison is not stress for him, then this changes things, although it is worth repeating, the prison is a huge deprivation (if there is a need) and material costs (by the way, according to the media and other sources of information, during the Soviet Union when there was a caste of thieves, among them were homosexuals who were not only in prison, but also at large, had same-sex relationships, and indeed, why didn’t gay men go to prison in those days, because for him prison is not so much stress as for others, for it how a man gets into a female colony or a woman into a male one).

It’s worth repeating once again that you should never use physical force against anyone if you live in a state that is considered civilized, as if the saying doesn’t seem demagogic, pacific or banal, but it’s really so, the days of the primacy of physical force have ended, now its application is a loss, and proof of this is unsuccessful cases of revenge in a physical way, for example, to their superiors, after which they find the avenger and go to jail, there are many such examples in the media. It’s another matter if someone who was unjustly punished, for example, because of sadistic motives, his superiors gathered the necessary information on him (and as a rule, as already mentioned, many leaders “snooped to the nines” ) and shared it in the form of a written, roughly speaking, denunciation and, to put it mildly, anonymous letters or, loyally speaking, messages with the relevant authorities (the Prosecutor General's Office, the tax inspectorate, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and other departments). Then the head could have ended up on the other side (in prison), and not vice versa, or at least the unjust leader would have been sent away from his post or work , or those who fell into the hands of complaints (bosses or supervising authorities) whose job something of the former boss is unbearable, since they (the bosses of someone's former boss) would be deprived of a bonus or other material wealth because of complaints.

One acquaintance, not using physical force to those whom he disliked, simply punished them. He wrote denunciations (messages) on them, and they became unemployed, here is an example of the realization of the emotional way of intelligence, and if he went purely about emotions and instincts, he would beat, for example, someone, he would, on the contrary, lose out if business would gain momentum. Those who are guided only by emotions and instincts, in a civilized state, as a rule, expect only troubles, such is the modern society of civilized countries, emotionality and instincts are not welcomed in it, but no one says that you need to kill the emotional with the instinctive in yourself, you just need to use intelligence to satisfy emotional and instinctive desires, in fact, the intellect of most people is needed only to satisfy emotions and instincts, if you go ahead to to the satisfaction of the above without reason, nothing will work out (unless everything will work out, maybe somewhere in the war zone, where no one has any responsibility for their actions or it is minimal, although in war there is responsibility for war crimes and non-military when the war ends, everyone remembers, not just military exploits).

Most crimes are committed on an emotional basis, someone didn’t share something, someone beat him in a fit of rage or, even worse, killed, but if the one who killed his opponent would use intelligence, he would know , which is full of other ways to punish (to educate - we observe political correctness, choosing the right words) of the one to whom there is dislike. And most importantly: if you are in trouble, beware of “lenient” lawyers (they have already been mentioned) who are “friends” with law enforcement agencies, but for obvious reasons do not advertise this, there are many such people in legal consultations around the world, and you’ll pay this money, oddly enough it sounds, for giving you wrong advice for your money, harming you for your money, a paradox, but this very often happens in at least 50% of cases when lawyers, according to some media. And yet - in most cases, it is beneficial for a lawyer to “get stuck” in a case, that is, it is not beneficial for a lawyer, in any case when he has few clients, to give one advice so that the case is dismissed at the first court session or in general, it would be ideal, at the pre-trial stage, it would be beneficial for the lawyer to give the wrong advice in order to “pull” more and more money from the client for drawing up cassation, supervisory complaints, etc. - this is probably how the work of the lawyer in any country of the world is built.

And most importantly, the one who wants to commit a crime on an emotional basis must remember that he can step aside and, without doing anything, just wait for the opponent to get into trouble himself, as they say, you sometimes need to step aside and give the opportunity " fly "independently to someone who caused you

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