» Psychology » Non vowel resources of some good mood, Alexander Borodin [e book reading free .TXT] 📗

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and perhaps a substance is introduced that, when interacting with alcohol, gives, to put it mildly, nasty a reaction for a person, but even if it is, then this substance is excreted by the liver (the liver exists for that) from the body completely, and alcohol can be consumed further, and, as far as is known, there are simple psychotherapeutic methods who is suggested, and the one who is called an alcoholic (they haven’t come up with a tolerant name as opposed to an unpleasant label as an alcoholic), he, as a rule, is inspired a priori more than an ordinary citizen (for example, these are the same scientists that are often mentioned in this article, scientists are not suggestible, nothing will distract them from their chosen path, everyone needs them, and they can look for work anywhere in the world).

And how many strange people you start to meet on the street, when you start to drink systematically alcohol, something interesting begins to happen, a great acid journey, nothing else can be said.

Nobody counts those who are called alcoholics, as a rule, those who suffer from alcoholism (I don’t want to offend fans of ethyl alcohol, but we will use common phrases, since there is no time to invent politically correct phrases) these are people with some psychological problems, conclusions from hard drinking, coding - this is not the main thing, the main thing is what happens after, and after that you need to solve the problems that cause drunkenness, yourself or with the help of psychologists, psychotherapists or somehow, for example, to find someone who knows how to come to zhel emomu if drinking from the fact that you can not do something because they do not know how to do it. Everyone solves the problem with alcohol, if you want to solve this problem at all. In general, the occurrence of neurosis, phobias can be blamed on some citizens who manipulate people or teach them incorrectly and convince them of something (they give false information, for example, about the relationship between people). The one who uses psychostimulants like alcohol or drugs is considered to be weak, this category of citizens, as a rule, requires everything from relatives, does the same part that is considered to be strong help the relatives themselves?

Attention, this is an affirmative sentence: drinking alcohol is unnecessarily emotional for people who find it difficult to restrain their emotions even when sober, it is these people who can commit an offense on an emotional basis after drinking alcohol. Is alcohol for those who cannot concentrate on something, thinking of something that distracts from what needs to be done? For example, with the help of alcohol you can concentrate on unloved work, if a person has not found himself and is forced to do what he doesn’t like, he is different in the team, and he needs to drink alcohol in order to equal his thought process to others if there is an opportunity, it is better to change a profession or work, if there is no opportunity, then look for it.

I do not want what was written in the paragraph below to be like a statement of thoughts at a congress of any party. Let's just say - for a comfortable psychological state, alcohol and especially the consequences of its use are contraindicated, and that’s the point - since drinking alcohol contradicts the rules of healthy lifestyle (healthy lifestyle). How to give up alcohol - forget about the cult of caution, live one day, like a soldier in a war, if you are afraid to endure without suppressing fear with alcohol, and then experience the pleasure of having endured rather than suppressed by alcohol? Again - they use alcohol as a deliverance from psychological discomfort, and psychological discomfort appeared due to the fact that he went against nature - for example, an average man dreams of having connections with several women, but this requires money, so all non-drinkers from the category of average men follow instincts and therefore do not drink alcohol, but the man still needs to find a woman who, so to speak, will inspire the man to give her gifts and give money, this is also mortgaged by higher powers the instinct that turns on when a man finds that woman to whom higher forces push him by developing endorphins in his body when he is with her? Civilization sometimes requires everyone not to divide people into men and women, since they have to work together? From some, not from all, men, nature or higher powers require him to have many women, so they need to earn a lot in order for women to be with these men, but some switch to alcohol?

It is necessary to use such psychostimulants , for example, as music, sports, meetings with the opposite sex, or something else that gives the release of endorphins in a non-hazardous way, this has already been mentioned. Naturally, the use of alcohol as a psychostimulant is not unacceptable (alcohol can be used in extreme cases in the form of “crutches” when, for example, you cannot sober fly on an airplane). Drugs are excluded, since their use is more unpleasant than pleasant, and, as the banal language has already said, one must not drink alcohol or stop drinking alcohol, do not “inject” or quit “injecting” and, if possible, do not smoke, and then with fate anyone will be fine.

There are other psychostimulants - for example, contrast weakness to alcohol with another weakness, again, for example, contrast weakness to dress nicely with weakness for alcohol or weakness for the opposite sex of weakness for alcohol. If, for example, the cause of alcoholism is something else, it is recommended to think as follows and choose the following line of behavior: take on the arsenal of the type of thinking and behavior of those people who feel comfortable walking through life, while having similar needs to yours, therefore you think and act like these people, and you will have a tip-top, just like them, they act like those who know what to do.

In order not to drink alcohol, you do not need to be the one who is called a strong spirit, you just need information, you need to follow the rules, non-observance of which forces you to drink alcohol, they are individual for everyone, for example, if people irritate, you need to surround yourself with the right people and fence yourself off from unnecessary , choose a job that is not related to communicating with people whom you think are bad, or even isolate yourself from such people as much as possible if you do not feel sympathy for them. If you are one of those who do not like people, and this is taller than you, then look for work that is not related to communicating with people, or at least this - in a word, you need to observe mental hygiene. You can also buy yourself things that will give pleasure, in a word, do everything that gives pleasure (without negative consequences), and do everything you want to do at all, you can do everything that is not prohibited by law, and the law is such a thing that in one country he is one, in another another, in one he does not work, in another he works.

The first reason for alcoholism in most cases is what is called cowardice - we feel less sorry for ourselves and cynical about ourselves in the good sense of the word, remove cowardice - will alcoholism disappear, if that is the reason for alcoholism? Another reason for alcoholism is ignorance, for what to live: do we know our purpose, and alcoholism disappears? Everyone can conduct sociological and psychological research and write a book about the results, because everyone is a psychologist himself? If you have not found yourself in life, then while you are in search, do you need to create yourself a life goal at least artificially for a while? You can engage in self-manipulation, why alcohol, drugs or other people or substances that will manipulate you? A program has already been laid in you by higher forces, do they manipulate you with the help of instincts and another? The easiest way to satisfy your ambition is to write a book, create a website on the Internet or become a blogger - will you maintain psychological stability and will not choose alcohol or other unhealthy psychostimulants as an alternative to unsatisfied ambition?

You can educate in yourself any addiction that does not harm you, relying on what you enjoy, on what is prescribed to you by a higher mind.

The need for alcohol consumption may be, as already mentioned, due to the presence of chronic fear - neurosis, and the cause of alcoholism is most often, and, of course, this fact about drunkenness due to fear, neurosis needs to be proved, since each statement carries weight only when there is evidence.

If you want to find the truth, then words have no weight, since a person who expresses some words may be subject to what are called weaknesses and vices, vanity, etc., therefore only facts are important.

Now there is evidence that fear is one of the causes of alcoholism: suppose that a suspension bridge hangs, the bridge is long, there is a deep canyon beneath it, and the bridge staggers when you walk along it. How to get to someone who is afraid to go along such a bridge? Correctly, within the framework of the topic under discussion, those who are afraid to go over this bridge need to drink alcohol in order to block fear, but there are those who are afraid to go not only over the bridge or fly on an airplane, but also go through life. What does he need to do in order not to be afraid to go through life and life in general? It’s right (or rather, not right, of course) to drink alcohol, that's how alcoholism is born - because of fear and insecurity. The total conclusion is that if the reason for drinking alcohol is fear, we reconsider stereotypes that everything is scary. Dismissed from work - scary, but not really scary, you’ll be healthier, work, as a rule, does not add health, in any case, if she was unloved, we feel less sorry for ourselves in the good sense of the word - we live one day, as it does soldier in the war.

If the cause of alcoholism, unrealized ambition (someone did not find a social product for themselves, with which you can stand out) or a lost social status, then, for example, to realize your ambitions or regain your social status, if without this you feel inferior, write book and save money for its publishing, not necessarily a book should be about your ideas about the world, there are a lot of them now, you can create a work about psychological or other nuances related specifically to your profession, for example, a book car repair. If you are a professional in your profession, then no one will tell you better than this. Create an organization not prohibited by law - for example, a radio amateur, wear a uniform - it disciplines in a certain percentage, in short, be, as they say now, a social engineer, if it's interesting, because they say that everyone has an addiction, the only question is that the first will turn up - addiction with a plus sign (science, business) or addiction with a minus sign (alcohol and drugs). And you don’t need to think whether the work will be in demand or not, you just need to write, because there are a lot of authors who were unpopular with their contemporaries, but later became popular, you just need to be at the right time in the right place, but it doesn’t always work out that way. As some US correspondent said, whose last name and name, unfortunately, I don’t remember: “You never know what will succeed.” These are not his literal words, but the meaning is the same. Yes, if you are not a millionaire or you live in a poor country, then after writing a work you encounter the problem of publishing it, because there is no money for it, and in the process of writing

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