» Psychology » Non vowel resources of some good mood, Alexander Borodin [e book reading free .TXT] 📗

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civilized, brought up in him the cult of the instinct of self-preservation - do not go anywhere, do nothing? It is said that when the instinct of self-preservation is excessive, it must be suppressed by self-education, how the drugs suppress the immune system, when it has autoimmune changes, and it perceives the native organs as a hostile substance, or how the same drugs suppress the sebaceous glands of the human skin so that there are no fungal diseases caused by their excessive work. The instinct of self-preservation should not be suppressed by alcohol or other substances, adrenaline blockers, otherwise it turns out that there is no fear, but other more serious problems from the category of “treating one, crippling the other” have appeared.

Some take the one they call bold, that is, a person without fear, study his way of thinking, and everything becomes fine with them, they just find out how he would react in a given situation: we do everything as usual - we pluck off each person a little of what you lack.

There is no need to be afraid to lose a job (but just do not be afraid to lose it, and not really lose). How to do it? It’s simple: you need to get two jobs, three jobs or get some business as a second job, applying it to relatives (some civil servants do this, giving extra money to staff workers, bosses who don’t want to live on the same salary, and due to this, they advance through the service, becoming themselves superiors). If it turns out to work in two jobs, it already becomes psychologically easier, you even pass the interview easier when you know that the job that you already have is insuring you.

To summarize, which again shows that some have problems due to a lack of information, in this case information about how to live with confidence in the future and to be independent in whole or in part from anyone. What some psychologist or psychiatrist cannot advise and when there is a fear of losing his job - to drink sedatives or something else, but not what is written below in this paragraph, for sure. What some civil servants from some countries advise us with their behavior: to have additional sources of income like a business that brings additional income and which “insures” in case of dismissal from the civil service and gives a sense of independence from its bosses, which means inspires confidence in the future, and Confidence in tomorrow is an extension of life. With the advice of some people who are not psychol about Gami, psychiatrists, civil servants, people who are called simple layman - is to have two jobs, if the first job allows it.

In countries that are considered wealthy, confidence in the future gives a high monetary allowance by the standards of other countries; in countries that are considered not rich, people living in them can also experience the same pleasant feelings of confidence in tomorrow that those living in countries considered to be the rich - a way to get these good feelings is to have several jobs.

So, two works give rest without any sedative drugs and allow you to produce confidence hormones not artificially with medication, but in a natural way (we fight for a healthy lifestyle).

1. Additional income.

2. Psychological ease in work - confidence in the future, because you have two, or even three, and four work, and not one.

3. Ease of passing an interview, since again you already have one job. And ease of s in the sense that if you do not cor p ektno talking to the employer, it can also respond and leave the interview, start looking for a new job with more adequate according to your system, the adequacy of the employer coordinates.

Some may say that it all depends on the person, that this is just a disturbing person, and no additional work is needed. Then this is advice for those called anxious.

In general, the main thing in life is what task you set for yourself, if you set the task to survive, then having lost your job, you will not die of hunger and can even live longer than those who work, since some work takes health, of course, afraid of death, we all will someday die, but we don’t need to rush to it, we need to live with health.

The fact that one of the main causes of alcoholism is cowardice, or, in scientific terms, phobias, is it either that you drink alcohol when there is a lack of what is called the spirit in order to realize (which, in principle, is the same as cowardice and phobia) that you want to realize, that is, what the higher forces put into you, but because of the reasons connected with fear, it is impossible to realize. When that which the person needs to realize is not realized, then alcoholism and other problems appear, the person cannot eat, sleep, etc. (this is what distinguishes him from the animal), he needs to realize what else it is required, in addition to the realization of instincts, that you cannot be realized - as a rule, it is alcoholism and other discomfort, therefore the spirit should be at its best even when things are bad from the point of view of someone and strive to realize what gives you to stay in the psychological zone comfort. The higher forces have programmed everyone so that if someone does not follow the programs laid down by these higher forces (sexual attraction, etc.), then he will be outside the zone of psychological comfort.

If you are ambitious, and you have a super-idea that you want to realize, will you never become an alcoholic, even drinking alcohol? Science in the field of elimination of "binge" reached far - you go to the drug treatment VARA n sir, you are immersed in a pharmacological coma for three days, so you do not feel what is called the "comedown", and three days later you wake up with the perfect samochu in Corollary ? ATTENTION, this is an affirmative sentence, which must be perceived as it is written, and not otherwise: the following Zapeklon drug should be used only as directed by a doctor! They say that one of the reasons for binge is the inability to fall asleep without alcohol, and they say that at the time of 2018 this problem has been solved - do you need to drink the medicine Zapeklon prescribed by your doctor before going to bed?

Lyrics: an effective way to treat alcoholism and coding from it is the method of the construction team foremen - to beat the face?

Since the topic of alcohol has been touched upon - advice on how to remove what is called binge, if it is not possible to visit one or more clinics that deal with it. A bottle of vodka is bought and not immediately drunk, but during the day in the following way: as soon as it becomes bad, 100 g is drunk. Then: it becomes bad again - again 100 g, and so what is called withdrawal symptoms is repaid during the day, the same at night, if necessary.

Monologue of a stranger to a stranger:

You are forced to steal alcohol in the store, because you buy forty-degree vodka with a volume of 0.5 liters, which costs 7 rubles, and then you do not have money after such expenses, now everyone is buying alcohol diluted to forty degrees, a bottle of which with a volume of 0.5 liters costs 2 rubles!

Conclusion - the main cause of alcoholism is fear and depression, if a teenager drinks alcohol, then it is youthful whim, if an adult drinks alcohol, the reason for this, as a rule, is to suppress fear and depression in this way, and here what is called commonplace in words - to work on yourself, what is meant by this, let everyone decide for himself, it is possible to treat alcoholism medically, but there is only one treatment - the search for what gives endorphins without the use of alcohol or drugs, and the search for ways to come to what gives the production of those well endorphins.

Life goes unnoticed if there is no fire in life.

Words from the song that sounded at the end of the cartoon Smeshariki.

Are there people who don’t drink alcohol at all, mostly athletes, but the effect is that those who are used to drinking think that there are none who don’t drink alcohol at all, because they haven’t seen such people? Will overvalued (ambitious) ideas, a person’s lack of what is called an ideological vacuum, and lack of fear save from alcoholism? Is alcoholism and drug addiction partly due to the fact that someone did not find himself in life? There is no genetic predisposition to what is called alcoholism, the main habitat - after all, are there entire countries where no one drinks alcohol?

Indeed, the way it is, put a person in a cave or isolate another person from the world, inspire him from childhood and show him what you think is necessary, and he will think that this is the norm - after all, being forms consciousness.

Some leaders are a little perplexed, because alcohol makes such a profit to the budget, and on the other hand, how many problems are related to alcohol - these are the costs of restoring health after the consequences of drinking alcohol, death, crime, suicide, with tobacco, everyone has long understood that the costs of treating people from the effects of smoking are greater than the profits from the sale of cigarettes, and mortality is high, in addition to treating the effects of smoking.

In general, the results of alcohol consumption resemble a moment in the story, if I am not mistaken, science fiction writer Harry Harrison from the Steel Rat series, where one person gave his body to another and when he returned to his body, it all hurt, and he thought what was it the one who used it did with his body.

As a rule, alcoholism comes at the age of 30 (and usually at the age of 30 and after some people resort to suicide, the age when pleasures in life become less and when those who seek them grab and appreciate any attention and others factors that cause pleasant emotions) and above 30 years, when the "otodniki", that is, withdrawal symptoms, become harder due to the ever smaller presence in the body, according to doctors, substances or the genome that breaks down alcohol - dehydrogenases. Severe withdrawal symptoms also appear, probably due to the aging of the body, or maybe just because of this, and not because of the lack of dehydrogenase - the liver is no longer the same, respectively, toxins are not so well processed by it, etc. , because after 25 years the body begins to age, and the metabolism is not the same as that of a teenager (teenager). Some sensitive people, due to the heavy "otodnyak" appear "binges." Probably the age of 30 years and above is the most dangerous period in terms of alcohol consumption, for most of those who are prone to "hard drinking", "hard drinking" lasts a long time, which makes it possible to lose a job if the profession is not free. It is better to refuse psychostimulants such as alcohol at all, go in for sports or healthy lifestyles, and most importantly, no matter how trivial it sounds, engage in the search for an activity that gives you the release of hormones of happiness - endorphins, dopomins - with which everyone leads higher forces in life , but for some reason some are not treated with these hormones.

Unfortunately, such sciences as psychiatry and narcology have not made much progress towards their ideal state in terms of knowledge and effectiveness, in principle, like all other sciences (and indeed there is no alcoholism, there is some psychological discomfort, each has his own as a rule, it is excitement or fear that they try to neutralize with alcohol). There are several well-known official ways of counteracting alcohol dependence, for example, coding, but, as far as we know, this thing is short-lived, they say that this is just a placebo effect (suggestion),

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